Happy Friday!
I am ready to start this weekend with a bang and have a little giveaway.
I’m giving away $10 to TpT.
And a bunch of my friends, the Freebielicious girls to be exact, are also giving away $10 to TpT. Each.
We are each giving away $10 to TpT.
That’s a lot of ten dollar gift certificates but, seeing as how it’s Friday and my brain is fried, I didn’t add it up. It wouldn’t even really matter if it was all added up, anyway, because there is more to add. More, I said.
We’re also giving away TpT gift certificates over on the Freebielicious blog in and of itself. Insomuch as we are able to. Nevertheless and Inadvertently and Whatever Other Big Words You Can Think Of To Say That’s A Lot Of Gift Certificates!
What’s gotten into us, I wonder.
Well, I’ll tell you.
TpT has gotten into us, that’s what.
TpT has literally changed my life. That might sound dramatic (and you know how I can be dramatic), but I am actually being quite honest. Honestly.
Here are just three examples of why I love TpT (and I’m lettering them, rather than numbering them because, as I said, it’s Friday, and my brain is fried):
a) I am a better teacher. Do I even need to explain this? Aren’t we all better teachers because of TpT? I mean, hello?
b) I have made amazing friends in the virtual world because of TpT. And I love friends. One can never have too many friends, especially the virtual kind because they don’t ever come over unannounced or borrow something without returning it for months on end.
c) TpT went above and beyond to help me in the fundraiser for my student, Jon. I am so unbelievably thankful and grateful for all of their help, support, and dedication in making it a successful fundraiser. Wow. I mean, I am STILL blown away.
I could go on and on and on, but I will stop. Plus, you have a lot of hopping to do if you want to increase your chances of winning all of the gift certificates. I don’t know if there is a mathematical equation to figure out your odds, but if there is, I’m not your girl. You should ask someone else. I’m no help.
Now hop on over to Tammy’s!
TpT has definitely made me a better teacher! It has also made me more fun…can anyone say Candy Corn Bandit and Sweetheart Snatcher????
Thanks for the opportunity to win a gift certificate! (And for all of your funny posts; you are a go-to blog for me at the end of long, trying days…not that I have any of those days in public education. Nope; no sir; not one!)
I love TPT!! It has made me a better teacher and saved me so much time on lesson planning. Thank you!
I agree with the better teacher comment. I've always been passionate about finding or creating the best resources but I can't believe how much TPT (and Pinterest) have done to EXPAND that passion and help turn it into a reality. I love how much it makes me reflect on what's going well and what I could be doing better.
I've been thrilled with the great materials I've found on TpT, and all of the awesome bloggers I've found to follow as well! Thanks for everything you share!
Your blog has made me a better teacher, Kristin! My class loves your activities and I love your sense of humour. Thanks for doing what you do!
No joke, your blog always is my favorite to read. I am always laughing out loud while reading your stories. I love love love seeing updates from you on bloglovin'! ๐ Thanks for all you do! I appreciate you!
I love TPT and your blog!!!!
Happy Friday
I have many of your TPT items and have your blog bookmarked on my blog for all of my friends to see.
love TPT!
TPT has truly been a blessing in your life. I hope it continues to be for years to come!
I love your blog. Thank you for blessing my students and me through your TpT products.
I am definitely a better teacher because of TpT. I am so thrilled for you that your fundraiser for Jon went so well.
My kids love your partner plays, too!
I love TpT! All of the hard work that you do for TpT and Freebielicious is GREATLY appreciated.
I love TPT!!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!!
I love TpT and I love that I found your blog as part of the experience! My teamies love your blog too!
I love your plays and my students do too. Thank you for all you create.
I love your plays and my students do too. Thank you for all you create.
Thanks for the chance to win! ๐
Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners
love ya!
My students love your Valentine's Day Readers Theater! One student said "Can we read another one?"
ust stumbled across your TpT store today and downloaded your Valentine's Day Readers Theater! I cannot wait to use it this week. And now I've stumbled across your blog! So excited to read your posts!
My student's love your plays and are excited about the Valentine's day play! I would love to win!
Since I can be a bit of a procrastinator I love the fact that with TPT I can find resources in a jiffy and download them for immediate use!
I agree with you on all of your points! Even as an old teacher…..this dog has learned some new tricks!
I <3 TPT, too!
I love TPT!
TPT is an amazing resource and every teacher's dream!
Love using all of the TPT products I have purchased! It is great to be able to enhance my students learning! But I must say every day I see A Teeny Tiny post I get so excited to read it and see what you have to say! Thank you!
Love your site!
TPT has made my instruction better and more creative. Your blog is a gift of laughter. Thank you!
I love TPT! Thank you for the opportunity to shop there! ๐
$10 on TpT could help me knock a few things of my wishlist! Fingers crossed for me. ๐
Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!
I love TPT, this would help me tremendously, I LOVVVVVVVVVE the materials.
As a first year kinder teacher, I am always looking at TpT for new center ideas. Oh the things I could do with $10!
If I win, I will most likely be purchasing the next Teeny Tiny product to hit the market.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love teachers pay teachers!! I don't know what I would do without it!
I agree TpT has helped me to be a better teacher. I love your blog it makes me smile. Thanks so much for reaching out to fellow teachers.
I love that I can get something on TpT instantly at home or school. It's like a teacher store on steroids.
I had the pleasure of finding TPT in November of 2012. I couldn't believe how many resources were available. As teachers we spend so much money, why not spend it on something that specifically meets the needs of our students. Thanks TPT and to all those teachers that share their hard work with the rest of us.
I totally agree with you about TpT making me a better teacher! It is the best place to find resources. I am so appreciative of all the amazing teachers that make my life so much easier and make my teaching so much better!
I love your resources!
TPT and following teacher blogs has changed my way of teaching very much. I have gotten so many wonderful ideas from other teachers and I often feel like I've received a new training after reading what others have written. I too feel like I've made a lot of new friends also! Carol
PS- We did your Valentine's Day Reader's Theater yesterday- the kids LOVED it! Thanks.
TPT has put the "fun" back in teaching and helping my students learn–despite the emphasis on Common Core! It has also provided me with a creative outlet and a collaborative forum! I wish I had not waited so long to join the adventure!
Your Reader's Theater sets are the highlight of our fluency lessons! Thanks so much!
I love all of your great resources and the ideas that you share!
Love TPT and all the great activities you create and share ๐
Love TpT and all the great things I have found on there for my students!
Love your blog and TpT!! Thank you for brightening my day in my very cold state!
TpT is the best! It has helped me become a better teacher and makes teaching life easier.
Agreed! TPT is a life changer : )
thanks! I just joined TpT and already I feel its change in my classroom!
Ah, I wanna win!
Fingers crossed!
THanks for the opportunity to win!
I love your Partner Plays on TpT!
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! TPT is the best!
Teeny! Where do I even begin!? I can not imagine how I would survive without you in my life! I am SO lucky you were brought into it! You are truly one of my BEST friends!!! Love you!!!
TPT is the best! There are so many wonderful ideas and products out there. Where would we (and the kids be) without it! ๐
TPT has made me a more creative and less stressed teacher! Plus it introduced me to lots of amazing teaching blogs (like yours)!
TPT is such a fabulous and I'd much rather pay teachers for good products than spend my money elsewhere. Plus, the products are much more aligned with our current teaching practices.
BTW…I'm going to the Blogger dinner in Pasedena and I'm so excited!
I love your blog and love the products you share on tpt!
I adore you. Truly.
Thank you for all of your great products and ideas! renetowens@sbcglobal.net
Thanks so much for this fun giveaway, Kristin!!
ABCs and Polkadots
TPT could not have come at a better time! I had just finished my first year of teaching (what a tough one!) and found TPT. It completely revolutionized the way I taught and gave me the guidance I wasn't getting from my team members. My bloggers on TPT became my support group and have made me a better teacher. Thanks TPT and teachers!
Sam C.
I love your blog!!!
I adore TPT and your blog!
I love TpT! This giveaway rocks! Thank you!
thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Thank you for the chance to win! I love your blot and I love TPT!
Thanks for the chance to win. I love reading your blog everyday!
what can i say? your bachelor recaps, the fundraiser for your student, all of your posts make my day! thankful for you and your friends at this time who love giving to fellow teachers!
Your blog is prize enough, actually. Seriously. I love every single post! Thanks for the laughs!
Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
I love TPT because I can find exactly what I need and get high quality resources for a good price. I really appreciate all the creative ladies that produce and share their products on TPT. Thank you!
Thank you for the opportunity to win and for always making me laugh!
I love to read your blog. You always make me smile. Your readers theater materials are top notch as are your other materials.
I love reading your posts…Can't wait for the next Bachelor one!! ๐
I obsessed with TPT! I think I need an intervention! I love your blog. You crack me up!
Thank you for such an amazing giveaway! I love your blog and Bachelor recaps. Congrats on finally realizing your "kiosk" is a "store"! =)
Jessica . berger @ Hotmail . com
I love reading your blog. TPT is awesome!
Susan F.
You are amazing!
I love TPT! It is so great to be able to purchase quality materials for my students made by teachers!
I love TpT too!
Love TPT!!!!
I love your blog and I love TpT! ๐
TPT has amazing resources. I never visit our Teacher store anymore because I can find great things at TPT. It amazes me the things I find there. I love it. Every month I always find lots of things I want to buy but don't have the time to use everything.
TpT has saved me told year with a new baby, I just don't have the time I used to do everything I need to do.
TpT always has what I am looking for!
Christina ๐
Apples, Books, and Crayons
LOVE me some TpT!!! And some TT, too!!!
๐ Lisa
Growing Firsties
I love teachers pay teachers and your blog! You always share such great ideas!
A Basket Full of Apples
I love TPT, too…so many useful freebies that I can justify buying as much as I do, too! (And I like math!)
tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com
I am addicted to TPT! I am forever on the site. I would love to win!
TPT has been an amazing resource! I love it too! ๐ Thanks for your fun giveaway!
The Craft of Teaching
It is always a joy to read your blog!
I love TPT! My husband, not so much! LOL!
You're so funny! Thanks for the chance to win – I support TpT!
I use TPT all the time. I love adding exciting resourses to my lessons!
I love the great resources that inspire my student's learning.
I'm obsessed with tpt! My accountant just stares at me every year when I turn in my classroom spending. Haha!
thanks for being a part TPT!!! What an amazing place to go for teachers
I love your blog…so glad you are a part of the TpT world!!
Love all your things on TpT!!! Hope I win to get a few more things on my wishlist!!!
I always love reading your blog. Glad to hear the fundraiser went well!!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I Want to be a Super Teacher
Thanks for being a part of this giveaway!! And what is there NOT to love about TPT!! It is creative, fun, and most importantly FOR teachers BY teachers!
TPT is addictive!
Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas!! ๐
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I was just saying to another teacher that I have no idea what I did before TpT! Seriously!! Thanks for a fun giveaway!
A Tall Drink of Water
Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful ideas. Teamwork makes all our jobs more efficient!
TpT has energized my teaching. I wish they had something like that when I started out back in 1985. My how things have changed!
I love TPT for all of the amazing things I find about each topic I teach!
I love TPT because you get to see all the wonderful lessons that your children can use that will be amazing for them.
It is great to hear happy success stories, thank you! I am a better teacher for tpt too! Kathy
TPT is the best!
I just love reading your blog! TPT is the best!
Thanks for this great giveaway! I LOVE TPT!!
Great give-away! TPT is my first stop when looking for resources.
Great give-away! TPT is my first stop when looking for resources.
How in the world did we teach before TPT?!? ๐ I love it a little too much.
awesome giveaway! I love your product and your blog!
TpT is definitely a life changer. So many incredible things have happened, not only in my classroom but for every teacher in the kindergarten team, that I can't even begin to describe it. Beautiful, rich, meaningful lessons and environments (I guess I CAN start!)
Tpt has changed my teaching! I can't express enough my thankfulness to all the creative teachers who take the time to create all those wonderful products.
I love TPT! It's helped me out in so many ways I can't even begin to count them! I'm grateful for all the smarty pants creative teachers out there! They make me look good!
Thank you for the giveaway!
what a great giveaway!!!! love your blog and have been a follower for a while!
TPT….pure awesomeness!!!!
Y'all rock for putting together this giveaway!!! ๐
TPT is such a great help! Love your blog
I can't wait to win!
Thank you! I love all the resources!
I love TPT because it offers so many wonderful resources to help strengthen my lesson plans. I can always find one or two resources that take my lesson to the next level.
You crack me up on a daily basis! Truth be told I actually hopped over here because I somehow missed the start of The Bachelor and have missed a ton of episodes. I'm just starting to watch and I am having icky feelings about some of these cats. So I figured I better come to my trusty tell it like it is Bachelor bud and get the DL!
You crack me up on a daily basis! Truth be told I actually hopped over here because I somehow missed the start of The Bachelor and have missed a ton of episodes. I'm just starting to watch and I am having icky feelings about some of these cats. So I figured I better come to my trusty tell it like it is Bachelor bud and get the DL!
Ummm…I also just saw that Kelly from the ATL's job title thingy said "dog lover". Um….what? That's a job now??
LOVE TpT! And I love your blog too! You are hilarious and I look forward to reading!!!
What advice would you give a new TpT seller?