Alright so . . . this week I don’t have a Five for Fraturday.
I know!
Here’s why.
I had a normal week.
I taught. My kids learned. I taught again. Some of my kids learned and some of my kids tuned me out. I taught again. Repeat for five days total.
At home, I walked on the treadmill, I worked, I slept, I saw Steve briefly, I walked on the treadmill, I worked, I slept, I met my mom and older sister for dinner, I saw Steve briefly, I slept. Repeat for five days total. (And in between almost every little thing, I played with Murphie!) PS Steve and I are totally fine – he is just working A LOT and exercising A LOT as he trains for a triathlon. I KNOW! He gets to see me all “dolled up” in the morning for about five minutes, and then he has the joy of coming home to me in pajamas, hair on top of my head, glasses, and pretty much ready for bed. 😉
You’re caught up on my week.
I started to blog about five random things/TV shows/books/lessons/resources, etc . . . and I was REACHING. Like, I couldn’t even think of three solid things to write about, much less five.
It was just such a normal week. I’m happy and blessed to have a normal week. That is not a complaint at all.
I thought . . . well, hey, this is my blog, and I can write whatever I want to write. I don’t have to write about five things.
That’s a good feeling, if you didn’t know. 😉
Here’s the number one MAIN THING that happened to me this week.
Sort of like this one:
I have nothing against Oriental Trading Company or Lakeshore Learning or Really Good Stuff. Nothing. I actually like their stuff and I have bought their stuff and I use their stuff.
This Happy Go Teacher Lady with her Class of Seven Kids KILLS ME.
I did an Instagram Story (look at me! I think I’ve recorded six stories now!! It’s like I have my own show!) all about it because I had to take a class picture for the yearbook this week. And by class picture, I mean I had to take a picture of my entire class all together posing and smiling and keeping their eyes open.
At the moment, I only have 26 kids which is crazy to me because I’m so used to 29, 30, 31, and 32. But this year, I have the revolving door and over the course of the year, I’ve had eleven kids come and go. It’s SAD! I’ve loved them ALL. On the flip side, all my new kids are total sweethearts so it’s all working out.
All of that being said, I felt like I needed a CURRENT class picture so there you go. Class Picture Time.
By the way, just as a side note, I am practically an expert at taking candid photos, groups photos, photos with just a couple of kids smiling, etc. I mean, I take pics ALL THE TIME because I make an end of the year slideshow every year. I am ALL SET with that.
I HATE CLASS PICTURE TIME. It is MASS CHAOS no matter what. I feel like I have really good classroom management and that I run a pretty tight ship (that has a lot of flexibility because I like to have fun, and I’m loud and crazy, and try to keep them on their toes) BUT WHEN IT COMES TO TAKING A CLASS PICTURE, I LOSE ALL CONTROL.
They get LOUD.
They measure one another with this sort of upward hand motion thing. We usually don’t teach measurement until the end of the year, but I feel like I need to start right away because each student, no matter how tall, or little, or what-have-you, measures the other student from forehead to forehead with almost a “salute” type of hand movement. Do your kids do this? I mean, if I measured the way that they do, I would be as tall or taller than everyone I ever meet. You just have to swing your hand up and you’re good to go. Then you just argue until someone gives up and/or comes to ask me who’s taller, and by this time, I can’t hear anything BECAUSE MY CLASS IS TALKING SO LOUD THAT THE ROOF IS ABOUT TO COME OFF and it’s all BECAUSE WE ARE TAKING A CLASS PICTURE.
They do bunny ears.
They do bunny ears without even trying to sneak it. They do bunny ears in front of each other’s faces and giggle and laugh hysterically like they invented bunny ears and they are a comedian at the Improv. I mean.
It’s not that funny.
I have to somehow get all of them into some kind of tiered row situation so that I can see all of their faces because heaven forbid anyone gets covered up by another person’s head.
Once I have everyone organized, and this comes with all the but I want to be in the back with so-and so, why can’t I be in the back? Or but I want to be in the front, why can’t I be in the front? Or I’m always in the front! Why am I always in the front?
And you know I want to reply things like because you’re a giant, you’re going to be tall, have you seen your parents? Be happy, you’re lucky! Or because you’re a teeny tiny peanut, you’re adorable, if I put you in the back, no one is going to see you and then I’m probably going to get an email.
Everyone is where they are supposed to be. It’s time to say cheese.
That’s it.
That’s all we’ve got to do and then we can go to recess. And, if it’s not time for recess, we’re going anyway BECAUSE I NEED A BREAK and who cares if it’s only 9:15 and we’ve only been in school for half an hour? WHO CARES? This is the stuff that they do NOT tell you about in your credential program. No ma’am.
So and So, put your arm down.
Little Miss Thing, we’re not doing duck lips.
Mister, no hashtag signs. Stop that. How do you even know about that?
So and So, I said put your arm down.
Mr. Joe Cool, stand up straight please. What’s with the slouch?
Miss Rainbow, look this way. Stop looking over there.
And on and on and on it goes.
And I won’t mention the student that is super mad at me because I took away his scissors right before we started this big fat mess of picture taking. If you’re going to cut snowflakes in your spare time (and really, who has spare time) THEN YOU HAVE TO PICK UP THE LITTLE BITS OF TRASH. And if you’re not going to AFTER I REMIND YOU THREE TIMES, then GOODBYE SCISSORS. I won’t mention him BECAUSE HE WON’T SMILE AT ALL.
Click, click, click, I’m going to lose my mind, CLICK CLICK CLICK.
Okay, now you can make funny faces. Click.
The hardest hardest HARDEST part is choosing the picture to submit for the yearbook.
Because not one is perfect. NOT ONE DARN PICTURE.
Someone’s eyes are closed.
Someone isn’t looking at the camera.
Someone is blocked (how did that even happen?!).
Someone snuck in bunny ears without me looking.
Someone looks angry (scissor-less boy).
I chose the one where someone’s eyes were half way closed because it was the best of the lot. But now those parents are going to think I don’t like their child and why in the world would I pick that picture?!
If they only knew . . .
So, Oriental Trading Company, Lakeshore, and Really Good Stuff, if you’re reading this, GET A BUNCH MORE KIDS TO PUT ON YOUR MAGAZINE COVER. And maybe a haggard looking teacher. It would make me feel better.
Or better yet, get 30 puppies and try to take a picture of them.
Curious, who made the cute pattern block puzzles? I’d love find them on TPT.
Thanks for you as always wonderful peek into you crazy world. I stand in awe of how you manage all the kiddos you have. I break out into a sweat thinking about it. I do have a class in the double digits, but no where near yours. You rock!
Enjoy what’s left of your weekend!
Those are from Katie Mense! 🙂 And thank you!!
LOL– I have that to look forward to this Tuesday. Luckily I only have 21 darlings this year. Smile, smile, stand up straight!!
I hope it goes well for you!!