Happy weekend! I just made it through five whole school days! It’s been awhile since I’ve done that, what with a three week winter break, and returning on a Tuesday, so I feel quite accomplished, if I do say so myself.
I’m *still* watching The Bachelor and I can’t stop.
It’s a personal problem.
Anywho, this SNL skit about Arie and his bachelorettes cracked me right up.
If you’re not watching, just skip to number two because I need to vent for a minute.
It is SO FAKE!! She does the breathy, come here to me, baby voice ONLY FOR ARIE! She uses a perfectly normal, perfectly acceptable voice when she is talking with the other girls. I MEAN, COME ON.
And then Arie kept Becca, the 22 year old?! After saying he likes to rise with the sun, and his life has slowed down and he wants a wife, not a girlfriend, HE KEPT HER.
Oh, and then the dumb parasailing date? With the girl who said “dating and getting to know Arie” is like parasailing?
Because I sure can’t.
I really can’t.
I cannot get my DVR to stop recording it, I can’t stop hitting play on my remote, I can’t look away.
This year, our school switched from the Watch Dogs program to Dads All In. It’s been a bit of a transition, but the first event happened this week. A bunch of dads got together and welcomed our students as they came to school on Monday morning. There was a “red carpet”, music blaring, and a bunch of enthusiastic dads cheering and high-fiving our kids.
My kids could not stop talking about it.
It was so special! I’ve seen lots of videos of teachers and administrators doing this for their kids and I’ve always wanted to do it, too. When I heard about this event, I felt like dressing up in a “dad disguise” just so I could participate!
On the flip side, I wanted to wear a “kid disguise” just so I could walk down the red carpet.
I have become a nailologist.
It happened accidentally, but it’s true.
I did two Instagram Stories about it this week BECAUSE I’M SORT OF OBSESSED.
Last Friday, I had to go to a leadership training. And as I was paying super close attention to the speaker (of course), I happened to notice that out of the 11 of us there (nine teachers, one principal, and one trainer) ONLY TWO OF US HAD OUR NAILS PAINTED.
Me and one other.
I always paint my nails. I’ve been painting my nails for as long as I can remember. It’s mainly because I pick and peel the skin around my fingers (it’s a disgusting habit, and I make myself hurt and bleed all the time, but don’t worry, I’m not “cutting myself”) and so I try to dress my hands up. I tend to stay in the same color palette (GRAY, BEIGE) and I love Essie nail polish even though it’s so darn expensive. I pick and peel the polish after about three days so I am always painting my nails. I’m famous for painting my nails and then immediately getting in the car with Steve. He’s buckled my seat belt for me more times than you know. 🙂
But really? Only two out of eleven teachers had polished nails? Isn’t that weird? I thought it was weird! So I took an IG poll and here are the results! 41% of teachers said they paint their nails (or have them professionally done) and 59% said ‘AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!”
On Wednesday of this week, I had to go to a PTA Board Meeting because I am the liaison for my school. Oh, by the way, I’m on a lot of committees because besides not being able to say no to The Bachelor, I can’t say no to anything else either.
There were NINE Board members (all women), my assistant principal, and my principal.
And while I took notes and listened super intently to everything going on, I took another informal survey.
My assistant principal and principal: NO NAIL POLISH.
Me: Do-It-Yourself Nail Polish which was on day four and starting to chip (and/or I was picking and peeling the polish off myself)
All 9 Board Members: Professionally Done Nail Polish. I’m talking gels, acrylics, fancy designs, MAJOR NAIL POLISH GOING ON.
Isn’t that fascinating?
I drew some conclusions. I’m thinking that these 9 Board Members (several I know because I’ve had their kids) have school age children now (not babies or toddlers). And they don’t work full time outside the home. That’s not to say that they don’t work hard as stay at home moms (and hello? PTA Board Members!) and I bow down to all moms, anyways. Throw in Teacher Moms, and now you have my heroes.
Several of them have SCHOOL AGE children. So when their kids are in school, they can carve out some time every two weeks to go and get their nails done. Because their kids are with me. ALL THE LIVELONG DAY.
Anyway you look at it, it’s just interesting to me.
Teachers: the majority don’t do their nails
PTA Board Members: every single one gets their nails done
I’m telling you. Just fascinating!
I’m dead.
This Crayola Sharpener is CHANGING MY LIFE.
I’ve seen a few posts about it on Instagram and . . .
I mean, it does makes noise, but it’s WAY WAY WAY quieter than the pencil sharpener.
All of those crayons above were duller than dull. FLAT TOPS, people.
Basically, you could give your kids ONE BOX OF CRAYONS and they could last all year with this puppy as long as they don’t lose their crayons and, let’s get real, that happens all the time with red, black, yellow, white, blue . . . but you could try to have your kids make it through the year with only one box. It could be a professional goal! 😉
I am struggling with how to manage it, though! Because I can’t have 30 kids sharpening however many crayons whenever they want all throughout the day OR I MIGHT LOSE MY MIND. And you know I need my mind to resist watching The Bachelor and then I need my mind to watch it, and I also need it for Fingernail polish surveys on the fly!
Any suggestions? I need suggestions! How can I manage this wonderful amazing piece of machinery?!
PS It’s only $28!!!!!
Okay, don’t get excited because this is NOT ready yet (and it’s not posted). I’m working on it and I’m doing my best, I promise! I just couldn’t believe how many messages, comments, and emails I got about this when I shared last week about my sharing (show and tell) program. It was kind of crazy! But in a good way! I’m trying to make a COMPLETE resource with editable everything– letters, topics, schedules, rubrics, etc and it is A LOT OF WORK. When I got the idea from Christina at Mrs. Winter’s Bliss, I fell in love (I mean, HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER IN LOVE) and copied her immediately (we were teaching at the same school) and I’ve never ever ever looked back.
SO! After talking to Christina and going back and forth, and telling her to create this resource, only to have her tell me to do it, and then a few more back and forths, here we are. 🙂
I seriously believe in this program for so many reasons! I had a couple of people wonder how I fit this into my day and I have to tell you — MAKE THE TIME. If you only have between 5 and 8 kids share each day (with Friday open as a make-up day), and each kid only takes about one minute (or less! Ha!) to share, then it ONLY TAKES ABOUT TEN MINUTES MAXIMUM. You can find ten minutes. You can! AND IT IS SO VALUABLE.
By the way, Common Core has speaking and listening standards and this program supports those standards!
You do not need to wait for me to finish this resource. You don’t! You can do this without me.
Here are some topic ideas to get you through the end of the year and to get your brain stirring if you want to start now (or even third trimester or fourth quarter or however your school year runs).
*something you made or created, *something red, *something purple, *a baby photo, *something with polka dots, *a square or rectangle shaped object, *favorite sport, *favorite book, *something green, *signs of spring, *something soft, *free choice
As far as the rubric goes, it goes with my school’s grading system, and I’m not sure it would work for everyone which is why I want to make it editable. I thought I would have time by now, but I haven’t! Crazy busy FIVE WHOLE DAY WORK WEEK got in my way.
But basically . . . in order to earn an “O” (Outstanding), students need to have a topic sentence, at least three key ideas telling about their item, and a conclusion sentence. We’re also looking for a clear, loud voice and eye contact! 🙂 From there, it just goes down. For example, in order to earn an “S” (Satisfactory), students need to have “some” details that support the topic.
Well, hello there, I’m Mrs. Oldham, and I am required to grade my kids in oral language, and then I’m required to average those grades, and put them on a LINE ITEM ON THE REPORT CARD.
So please don’t yell at me because I’m already crying that our report card window opens again this Tuesday, and I swear I was just sipping coffee on winter break, watching Kelly and Ryan, with Kerry at my mom’s house.
There you have it.
I hope you’ll think about bringing Show and Tell back into your classroom! Once I have this resource finished, I’ll let you know! I’ll also try to do an entire post about why I think it’s so important in my classroom and why I will NEVER give it up. 🙂
I’m signing off so I can go work on this resource! 🙂
Happy Happy Happy Saturday to you!
Yay 😁 I’m so excited about #5!!! Thank you so much ☺️
I would love to see #5 when it’s finished. We do a star of the week which usually the parents end up doing the poster and after years of doing this, I’m ready for a change.
I’ve been thinking of starting this when I read about what you do. Very excited to see the product!
I am soooooo with you about the Bachelor! Ugh. I am not a fan of Arie or these girls but I can’t. stop. watching. Krystal and her whisper-y voice may be the death of me. Have a great week!
Can’t wait to purchase your program!! I do something similar with my “Child of the Day” program . Each rotation the children have a different “job” to do-present their me poster, adjective bag, meteorology report, a collection, a favorite book,etc. With 31 children they get 6 turns a year. I like the idea of the rubric.