I can’t believe I have over 200 followers. I just started this blog a week ago . . . WOW! That’s absolutely incredible to me. Especially the fact that the majority of the followers are not my family members!!! ๐
I really wanted to go through all of my files and find something amazing for a freebie. But we had to put our dog, Foster, to sleep yesterday. I know this is not the place to talk about personal stuff, but his loss is weighing heavily on my heart and I just can’t concentrate properly. If you want to see what a cute boy he was, click on my “about” page. I can’t bring myself to take the picture down. ๐
Anyways, I did find one of my simple, fun, beginning of the year math centers for you. It’s a “roll the dice” game which helps familiarize students with number patterns. A picture code also ensures that all kids are successful. You can download it HERE. Or at least I think you can . . . take that, Google Docs!
Please leave me a comment if you download it! And if you’re not following me, please do! The more, the merrier! ๐
I am going to watch other’s people drama now and catch up on Teen Mom. And here’s something else for me to look forward to: Big Brother and The Challenge are on tonight!
Congrats for the followers and thanks for sharing this fun and engaging activity!
I'm sorry for your loss.
Congratulations on 200 and thanks for the cute freebie.
I'm so sorry for you family's loss. Our pets are so important to us too.
Thank you for sharing such a fabulous freebie ๐
I am so, so sorry for your loss.
Thanks for the freebie…you have such a cute blog. I'm sorry for your loss…pets are a part of our families!
Thank you for the dice game. It is really cute.
I'm so sorry about your dog.
This will be an awesome game to play with my kindergarten students at the end of the year! Thanks!
So sorry for your loss. I too have a puppy and he is my other love of my life. Prayers to you and your family.
Mrs. Egley
Popping by to say Hi. You were spotlighted in my Blog Mix Linky Party.
Yearn to Learn Blog
We're so sorry for your loss. We had to put our dog down last November, so we know exactly how you feel. =(.Prayers to you and your family.
On a happy note, you have so many followers in just a week!! Very impressive! We're looking forward to stalking your blog. =)
-Jackie and Danielle-
Sister Teachers
I love following your blog! I especially like how you "edit" so I can see your thoughts. I rather liked Ames… maybe too nice and slow? Jp is my second choice.
Thank you for all your freebies..My students are going to be so excited aout the tooth badges.
Hey Chica…… I am SOOO proud of you. Your blog is amazing!! Makes me want to go back into the classroom, but you know I would need to make all the new stuff the 1st year….again… which I found out the first time is next to impossible!!
Lots of hugs,
Niki ๐