Hello there!
Did I forget to tell you that I have a four day weekend and it is pretty much starting right this very second? I am already in my pjs, my feet are up, and I am not worrying about a darn thing.
We get tomorrow AND Monday off for Veteran’s Day. That’s all I’ll say.
I’m not going to tell you about our Furlough Days That Are No Longer, and getting money back which is a good thing, but resulted in having to pay back the Furlough Days, and how the school calendar is all a big fat mess, and how I paid one day back in August even though I was super stressed with school starting, and how some people didn’t so now they have to go to work tomorrow to pay it back . . .
I’ll just say, “Neener, neener, neener!” and leave it at that.
Like I said, that’s all I’ll say.
I will also say that we are studying Native Americans in Social Studies right now and it is fabulous. I love Social Studies. I’ve said this before.
Social Studies and me — well, we’re like french fries and ranch.
We are studying Native Americans “in general” and learning that there are all kinds of tribes in all kinds of regions. But we’re not focusing on one particular tribe – our third graders do that.
With that being said, we learned that some tribes used teepees long ago because they were easy to move from place to place.
So we made teepees.
Which were way easier to make than a pueblo dwelling or a wigwam, let me tell you.
THOSE LAST TWO PICTURES ARE AMAZING!!! I am VERY impressed!! Enjoy your long weekend! ๐
Your fancy camera pictures are muy impressive. I actually love THOR too, but I kinds think Loki is WAAAYYY hot, in a British, skinny, greasy hair kind of way. Lucky you for having tomorrow off. Oh, and I had a dream that absolutely NO ONE showed up to our presentation at the conference so we got to come and see yours. Hopefully it'll come true!!
Kerri B
Teacher Bits and Bobs
You are like a professional photographer or something!!! WOWSERS! Jealous of your extra day!
Love fancy camera work! I will often go to the movies by myself if only to get a couple of hours with no children, husband, house, school…not weird at all. Oh and Thor is a fellow Aussie so I claimed him first ๐
Mrs Poultney's Ponderings
You mean you're not a professional photographer?! ๐ I totally thought you were with those last two pictures! But seriously.. awesome work, girl! I will totally be making these with my kiddos before we do our Native American Homes project! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your days off! (And totally go see Thor by yourself… what a HUNK! I am definitely seeing Hunger Games at midnight.. I'll just be tired for school!)
totally not related to your blog, which i always LOVE by the way, but I just finished reading _Necessary Lies_ which is by the same author as _the secret life of ceecee wilkes_. I devoured it – staying up way to late every night until I finished it. Run, don't walk, to the library and get that book. Diane Chamberlain is my new favorite author now! not including doreen cronin. Enjoy your weekend!
Look, the Keurig is the bees knees and it just got a hell of a lot better. In other words, your Keurig game just got elevated.
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