I wanted to name the title of this post:
But I didn’t know if the one or two people who still read blogs would be offended.
So then I thought it could be:
You know how much I love long titles.
But then I thought that title might be misleading because maybe you want a play with five characters or eleven characters or nineteen characters and, well, I didn’t write any plays for that high number of kids because I am normal and not actually a playwright as much as I pretend to be.
So I had to go with the title up above: Reader’s Theater with Three Characters which just doesn’t seem to have the same ring to it but, oh well, there you go.
All of that is to say that I wrote a pack of plays that are not my normal Partner Plays for those times when you find you have an odd kid an odd number of kids due to your enrollment or an absence or a pull-out program. Or is it just me that has kids going to and fro all day long so that I never know where anyone is and I’m just happy when it appears I have a small class size again?
I actually have a center group this year with only three kids, which means whenever this particular group goes to Plays, they each argue over who gets to pick a friend to join them.
NO MORE, I said.
And now, without further ado, meet BIRD.
This exciting play – I mean, try to control yourself over the exciting-ness happening – can be found in the Kinder Kids pack.
And here’s Bird, in all his/her glory, starring in the the Beginning Reader’s pack:
When you take creative writing classes in high school and college, and then when you take creative writing classes for fun as an adult, and think you might get your master’s in writing, you’re told to write about what you know. And this is what I know: Most of the time, everyone can agree on spaghetti.
And, finally, here’s Birdie again in a play for Advanced Readers:
I can’t wait to add these to the Partner Plays for winter — no longer will I have an odd group of kids in which I have to participate and be someone’s partner when I would rather be napping helping a struggling student with a concept that he or she didn’t get the first go-around.
Have you had the chance to grab your Partner Plays with Two Characters? If not, get a free set here!
If you need to differentiate like I always do, you can purchase the bundle at a discount:
I’m going to be having my niece put these together for me so that they’re ready to go when we get back from winter break.
But let’s not think about that now.
Tracy Rawles says
I would love these for my "odd" kids. 🙂 tfrteach@aol.com
susan says
I can't wait to get these ready to use. My students love your Reader's Theaters! swinters@alpinedistrict.org
Kathy Cohen says
Looks like something I NEED! tuckercohen@gmail.com
Aimee Meyenberg says
This is so smart since most of the years I have been teaching, I have had an odd number of students. lesterbelly210@gmail.com
Melinda says
Pick me! melindacasas@gmail.com
lara says
My kids love these! mrswest12@att.net
Betsy Brown says
I have six who are reading at the beginning level. They will love choosing their plays and practicing with different combinations each week. Thanks for the chance. parenthed1@aol.com
Tami says
I would love to win this! crafting2@hotmail.com
Erin Vaughn says
I love these! They look wonderful! 🙂 erinvaughn@k12tn.net
Lishelle says
My class loves these! And with only 6 kids this year I can definitely do these! Llburmeister@msn.com
hsease says
This would be great!!!
Mandi Moore says
I seriously LOVE these plays. Please pick me ? Mandilynnmoore@gmail.com
Mrs. W says
These sound fantastic! My kiddos are loving reading plays right now! winchenbachj@eastonsd.org
Meghan Coughlin says
These are awesome!!
Jen says
I'd love to win this for my RtI groups. jjn2home@yahoo.com
amalisa says
These would be great for so many classes!
Tabitha Johnson says
I would love these for my students.
Tabitha Johnson says
I would love these for my students.
Susan Haas says
Would love to win! Love your partner plays:)
Susan Haas says
Pat Whiteland says
Odd man in….get it! Oh well….but I really do need these patwhiteland@yahoo.com
Keely Keane says
The odd kid thing happens pretty much ALWAYS!!! Thanks so much for these!! kghk@aol.com
Lisa Io says
My Kindies so need this. Love your easy to read fonts and all your products. lisaio@outlook.com
Thanks for sharing
Alexis Burns says
These are so amazing especially because they are differentiated and as we know readers are at different levels:) Thanks for the chance to win!
Carla says
I have 19 this year and always have someone pulled away from the group. These would be great! Bcc_carla@yahoo.com
amy anderton says
Awesome! Thanks for sharing your work!
Amy says
I'd love these for my firsties!
Angela Shaw says
Debbie Prellwitz says
We LOVE your plays! Everyone feels successful, regardless of their reading ability. Thank you so much! debbie.prellwitz@gmail.com
Leslie Jones says
Okay now this comment is going to really show the teacher in me. I asked for a GoPro for Christmas (yes I will use it outside of the classroom some) but I asked for it mainly to video my kids in the classroom doing readers theater, reading a book or just goofing off. When I read your post I was like perfect now I can begin with these types of stories. Long story short would love to use these with me new Christmas present. ldjones35@yahoo.com
Meg Peitzmeier says
This would be great for my Kindergarten classroom now that second semester is coming up! I feel like that's is when my readers really take off! 🙂 meg.peitzmeier@spsl.net
Veronica Porche says
Love all of your readers theaters! This one would be a great addition! Vmp1269@msn.com
Julie Pettersen says
I think you could write about toilet paper and it would be entertaining. I have never tried Reader's Theater before but I'm really intrigued by it. Are the kids reading in pairs or there's themselves in reading groups or are they "performing" for the class? Kinderj5270@hotmail.com
Angie Henry says
Love Bird! ahenry4443ah@gmail.com
Jenna Pepper says
I recently purchased the Christmas pack of partner plays and my kids LOVED them! My lowest readers had so much fun learning their lines and I'm planning to keep our Christmas plays going for January too 😉 It would be great to win these! Jenna.pepper24@gmail.com
The Brown-Bag Teacher says
BIRD!!!! I'm so excited that you have introduced bird. My 1st grade friends love doing reader's theatre. brownbagteacher@gmail.com
Patty Rutenbar says
I like Sick, because kids can surely relate! prutenbar@sturgisps.org
Glindathgd says
My firsties will love bird! Schmidlj@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
Suzanne Wawra says
These are great! No more pairing up with the "odd kid out."
Nancy C. says
Well this sounds like fun! Would love to give it a try! nmchamplin@gmail.com
Kimberly Gajewski says
I start out even and then…BAM!!! I have kiddos leaving, teachers coming to take some kiddos away, teachers just coming in the room, and then I have no idea how many kiddos I have! It changes by the minute…that in of itself is odd…lol! Needless to say, I would love a chance to win this pack, and I'm sure that I could muster up three cuties to have a rip roaring time with these delightful plays! Thanks for the chance! :D. Kimberlyscardcreations@yahoo.com
Kathleen Grismore says
These are going to save so many problems, thank you!! Scbsherburne@gmail.com
Ms. Hoag says
Yay I love this! Mariehoag@gmail.com
Lori Huhne says
My class would love this!
Kinderkids says
This would be perfect for intervention groups! They look like so much fun! clairhr@comcast.net
Diane Daniel says
I would love to have this for our class! You are great!
Amy says
My class loves using your plays. Making ones with three characters – great idea! amymarie98@hotmail.com
Amanda says
We love your partner plays. 3 characters would be great for my odd-numbered class. hennonac@yahoo.com
Megan says
So perfect! mgnreynolds@yahoo.com
Megan says
So perfect! mgnreynolds@yahoo.com
Steph says
These are great! smnitta@gmail.com
1stgradefireworks says
Love the "ODD" part! HAHAHA Happy New YEAR! Wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com 1stgradefireworks
S. Meyer says
These look SO cute & a fabulous resource!! I have kids leaving & coming all the time too. I'm convinced I need a swinging door like the Huxtables had in their kitchen. Less noise & way more fun!!
S. Meyer says
Oops…forgot my email… smeyer06@yahoo.com
Angela Otto says
Love these!
Sue P. says
I would love these for my classroom! Suevr@hotmail.com
ahunt says
The Kinderpack would be perfect for my 19 Kinders! Thanks for the opportunity! Happy New Year!
mcoop1125 says
Thanks for solving the odd number of students problem;)
kathy says
Great idea! skk.worth@gmail.com
Cassie says
Would love this! cassieann3@yahoo.com
Amy Harp says
acharp5312@verizon.net SOOOOO needed this when we did these this month!
Sarah Simmons says
I have all your other ones and would love to add these!
Marcy says
These would be a great addition to the ones I already have of yours! Thank you for the chance to win.
Maegan Parker says
I would LOVE to win these! maegan.parker.12@gmail.com
sarah says
Teacher Lisa says
Love reading your blog! You're so fun!!
Mrs. D says
So fun! davis.ashleyb@gmail.com
adele robbetze says
so cute 🙂 nogardscrapbooking@gmail.com
k.burdick12 says
Perfection! krissye@hotmail.com
Terri Brown says
OMG Kristin! I really did LOL at the beginning of this post, not to mention chuckling all the way thru. Good thing I live by myself and my visiting grandkids are sleeping; cats and dogs don't think you're strange when you're laughing all by yourself. Anyway, I would love to win for my odd kids (I have 19 when all are present & accounted for). Happy Winter Break! tmlbrown2009@att.net
Rebecca Diffley says
These look great! I always love your reader's theater. rebeccadiffley at outlook dot com
Carol Polston says
I have always had a problem with "odd" kids in groups (I mean not an even number 🙂 ).This looks great! cpolston3@yahoo.com
Amy says
I love your readers theater packs and would love to get this one. You are so talented! Glad that you are enjoying your long break. Amy
Kari Brady says
I love these. Kabrady1226@gmail.com
Kari Brady says
I love these. Kabrady1226@gmail.com
Deborah Lambrechts says
Looking forward to using your Reader's Theater sets in my classroom in the new year. Love reading your blogs. Great ideas!
Elementary AMC says
I would love to introduce these to my kiddos. Love your blog amgooding@rogers.com
Laurie Cerefice says
I love this. It is perfect for my first grade friends!
Retta Miller says
VERY nice !!!! Michelle Miller
sk8tergirl says
I would love to try these with my "odd" group of kindergarteners!
I've tried so many of your ideas and love reading your blog! I'm hoping they can help get my students excited about reading independently. Thanks for your wonderful blog! mcanultyrobyn@comcast.net
Amy Andi says
I do have the odd (#) kids! Love your plays. Would love this. Thanks for chance. amyandiswaine@yahoo.com
Pam says
Super smart of you. No more odd kid joining another group. Or worse…me having to be a kid with one! LOL
Coley says
These look great. cfcoley@gmail.com
Kelly Cooper says
More often than not I have an odd number of kids, why is that? These look wonderful!
Carrie G. says
Love these and want to try them with my Colorado first graders!
Chris Saunders says
I love your Readers Theaters and can think many of those times when it was an odd number–would love this set! 🙂 Thanks for making these–they are wonderful! sjnboys3@gmail.com
Porter, Lesli - CONCRETE ELEMEN Teacher says
I want these! I NEED these!!
M says
I love these! My kindies can read them thanks to all the picture clues!
Jill says
You always make me laugh and know just we need! I would LOVE to get to use your Reader's Theater for my students in groups with an odd number! They love to read and develop their fluency with your stories! Thank you so very, very much for creating them! Happy Holidays and I hope you are getting to spend some time relaxing!
Jill says
You always make me laugh and know just we need! I would LOVE to get to use your Reader's Theater for my students in groups with an odd number! They love to read and develop their fluency with your stories! Thank you so very, very much for creating them! Happy Holidays and I hope you are getting to spend some time relaxing!
Brenda Crane says
Love your readers theatres! Bcrane1@nycap.rr.com