I literally just got the news that my mom is FINALLY HOME. Hooray! I am so relieved and happy for her. She has a lot of physical therapy to look forward to. Much like the way I look forward to report cards at the end of the year.
I get to spend the weekend with her and I couldn’t be happier!
I feel like nothing is really going on at school. Which is not true at all.
We’ve been doing a lot. Obviously. It’s school. I’m a teacher. I have kids in my classroom. Surely we’re doing something between going to the bathroom, laughing at someone’s underwear peeking out from their waistband, falling out of our chairs, and leaving jackets and lunchboxes under our desks every.single.day.
So let me think.
Let’s see here.
School stuff.
Scratch head.
Oh! Here’s something.
We’ve been counting money in math. Kill me now. We use “Coin Critters” which I’m pretty sure is what you all call Touch Money out there. Not sure. But, Coin Critters are only helping some of us. I have three groups.
The Bill Gates Group — they are experts. They know their stuff. They love money. They will count yours, mine, and everyone else’s. They find any plastic coin that is not picked up. And then they keep it. So they have 7 quarters and the kid sitting next to them has zero.
Coin Critters Group — it’s helping. We’re getting there. But we don’t have a lot of confidence. Is this right? Is this right? (I really don’t know. I just had lunch and it was Snack Day and I am super full from the Seven Layer Dip and Cake Pops that I ate so go sit down and phone a friend.)
I Don’t Know But I’ll Shout It Out Anyway Group — one little friend in this group told the class (even though he didn’t raise his hand, and I didn’t call on him, and I hadn’t asked a question) that 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 1 penny is 3 cents.
Like I said, kill me now.
As Farley would say, SQUIRREL. It’s from Up. I love that movie and if you want to know what my dad looks like, he looks like that man in the movie. But he’s not grumpy. My dad is very easy going. He’s more like that man at the end of the movie.
I can’t remember the squirrel. I think I need to see the movie again. Plus, then, I would know the man’s name. But let’s call him Rick. Or, as my mom would say, Ricky-poo.
********************Big Time Squirrel*******************
We worked on this page for our scrapbook:
This standard covers what people wore long ago. My partner made this up. Just made it up. Like that.
My kids have never done this much art in all their lives.
I am almost out of glue sticks and I had 2,467 when we started our scrapbooks.
********************Another Squirrel********************
I have been watching reality TV.
I am almost finished with the 3rd part of the RH of Atlanta Reunion. I have had a difficult time following a lot of the arguments. Bleep Bleep and Bleep Bleep make no sense to me.
I am truly enjoying the RH of Orange County. Vicki cracked me up killing Gretchen and Slade with kindness. And Alexis’ makeup in Vegas? Oh no. NO.
I cried when I watched Guilana and Bill last night. Then I had to rewind the part that made me cry and watch it again.
Tomorrow we are going on our field trip. It’s threatening to rain. That has never happened to me before. We tour a house that is from the “olden” days. It’s very hands on and I don’t have to do anything. I may just stay on the bus and take a nap. We’ll see.
I’m a dot com. That’s right. Hadar thought it would be a good idea. This way, no one can steal my name. I suppose someone could name their blog “A Tiny Teeny Teacher” or a “Very Small Teacher” or the “Littlest Teacher Ever” or whatever . . . but A Teeny Tiny Teacher is now a dot com. Are you singing that one commercial that I’m singing right now? DOOOOOOTTTT COMMMMM!
So . . . while it changes to a dot com officially, I don’t have any blogs that I’m following and no one is following me. Or so it appears.
But looks can be deceiving so just ignore that and eat another chip.
Hopefully things will be back to normal in 3 days or less.
Do you need to see my Coin Critters or do you get it?
I love the "I have no idea but I am going to shout out something group"
I think we should be teaching them how to use that debit card thing at the register, they won't have money (tangible money) by the time they are older…
We will also teach them to fill out their check BEFORE check out:)
Going Nutty!
BWHAHAHAHAH!!!! The bill gates group!!! GENIUS!!!
I love UP!! I do not know the man's name, do they actually say it?? Because none of my students know it either, although some of my ninth graders do yell Squirrel sometimes when we get off task! I took a couple days off awhile back and when I returned I didn't recognize my subs name, I asked me students if they had seen him before and they all agreed that yes they had, he was the guy from UP!! (and I use coin critters too, but we call them touch points)!! I am also glad your mom's home, I love spending weekends with my mom!! Hope shes feeling much better soon.
The Resource(ful) Room
My daughter is going to an olden days place tomorrow too! Are you going to Key Ranch?? If so, look for Katie! She is from Killybrooke school and she will most likely be wearing a fedora!! I hope you're going there!!
Glad to hear your mom is home! And your pioneer kids are DA BOMB!
Kerri B
Great news about your mom! Hope she recovers quickly. I loved your comment on Alexis from Real housewives. She looked like she had charcoal rubbed on her face. Eeeeewww! And I sympathize with your money troubles. We're doing that too and most of my class gets it but there are 3…. Oh, my. I laughed at the " kill me now." Love your olden days kids too. Very cute!
Just ate my chip! Still waitingβ¦
lollollollollollol-this is me laughing all the way through this post!!!
I taught kindergarten for 6 years so I CAN RELATE!!! π
We went to Jensen-Alvarado Ranch (olden days place) in November {we go every year} for our field trip. This year it had rained the day before. It was a lil' bit muddy – but totally fun and a completely easy field trip for the teachers. Plus, only one school is allowed to go a day… so no worries about mixing up/losing kids.
Like the {dot}{com} idea. Looks like all over1400 followers followed you to your new home now π
Glad your mom is feeling better, home, and that you get to spend the weekend with her.
Hope your field trip is great.
Dragonflies in First
Over here, on my side of the world, in Australia…I also struggle teaching money. I have started using 'bank books' as a behaviour/rewards system. IT IS WORKING! I use rubber stamps to give them 'money'. For example, if they complete an activity in time they get 20c (Australian) or if they bring in all of their homework completed they get some coin stamps. We then have a class shop that is 'open' each Friday afternoon. Kids can save their money for something exciting or spend small amounts on a small prize. They think it's the bee's knees. I actually have a free copy of the booklet at my TPT store. Or you can just use cut up writing books.
I am so glad that your mom is home!! That will make anyone begin to feel better.
Money. Money is the one thing each year that could make me lose what little sanity I have left.
First Grade Magic
Love your post! I am a fan of Tamera, Heather and Gretchen………..vicky and Alexis-not so much! LOL, I love the people for the scrapbook-where did you get the people outline? I'd love to have a copy of that! They turned out so cute!
Have a great day! Kelly
I loved the bill gates group!!!
Today I am getting out my money trees.
They are just trees out of construction paper. Then plastic coins on top (green part). I say things like 25 cents fall out of the tree. They have to pull it down out of their construction paper tree.
So when their parents say do you think money grows on trees?! They can say…yes it falls right out of them. How ever much Mrs. Tunstall says.
I am not sure how the money tree got started…I think we counted red dots (for apples) when learning to add in the fall..but the trees just keep resurfacing. Maybe I should make paper wallets or purses…
Sounds like a lot of work.
LOVED the raccoon and rabbit!!
Say hi to mom and have fun denting the couch together.
You need a "Funniest Blog" Award!!!! π
We've been researching careers in my classroom, but we never discussed comedian….that MUST be your 'back-up' plan or future retirement job!
Thanks for the laughs! We all need them at this time of the year…and glad your mom is home!
Money,money,money,money…..think Celebrity Apprentice theme….or as one of K's years wrote years ago…."I love moola boola". Enjoy time with your Mom π
Haha love it! We did money awhile back and we were glad when it was done! We have one girl that is always ypthe "I don't know the answer but I'm gonna shout it out" and she's always. So proud too! Oh and Squirrel…. Glad your mom is doing better!
I cannot get enough of those crazy housewives! Jersey just started, and I'm glued. Theresa is bat…. crazy!
I did the same thing with Guilana and Bill :0)
Kindergarten Hoppenings
Oh my word. So many laughs for this early in the morning! I should be leaving for school, but here I sit. laughing. reading again. laughing again!
First of all, so glad your mom is home and you get to spend the weekend with her. Hooray for that!
Second, money. Ugh. money. I teach second grade and if I didn't know better, I would think they've never seen a coin in their lives. What's this? (it's a dime) "A circle!" "A diamond!" "a nickel!" SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY? I tell them their Kindergarten and First Grade teachers would be so sad! (tho thad!). Unfortunately as Common Core Standards kick in it's only going to get worse. Kindergarten has no money standard in Common Core. First Grade has no money standard in common core. So the first time they get money (officially) is Second Grade. And our standard is "Solve word problems involving combinations of dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and Β’ symbols appropriately." SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY? Just shoot me now.
Okay – I'm off for school. And our last day of testing. Just shoot me now?
Glad your mom is home! =)
First Grade Blue Skies
I'm so glad to hear your mom is doing well!! I hope therapy goes quickly and nicely for her!
You convinced me to switch to dot com too—I've been putting it off forever but it just makes sense. Congrats, fellow dot commer!!
So happy your mom is home and on the road to recovery! Money gives me hives. And I always wondered how a person came to (dot)(com) status. Congrats!!
Let's Teach Something
You always make me smile when I read your post. I hope you know what a gifted writer you are and how much joy you bring to so many of your followers! Thanks you!
Connie π
I love the names you gave your groups! You couldn't have said it better! I also hope it didn't rain on your field trip today!!!! π Yay for a weekend with your mom!!! Have fun!
Love the group names! Glad your mom is back home π
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
We had staff development today (no kids!) and the speaker said, "I get it that kids need to learn money but if we have been teaching them money for four years and they still can't name the coins, it is time to give up and tell them to use a debit card.." hahahaha!
Also, the old man's name in Up! was Carl Fredrickson. I googled it!
So glad your mom is doing better.
I love your blog.
Teaching money stinks. Like someone said, it's no longer a first grade standard so I think I'll stop teaching it. There. Frustration over.
And what about Jim's chin? Did he really get an implant? Did I hear someone say that or were they joking?
Come visit at my blog sometime!
(I haven't figured out how to just leave a tag to just click. I'm just learning. Any advice is appreciated!) email: jennyberry@cox.net π
Love your money groups and the rabbit and raccoon!
You always make me laugh…thank you! =)
Heather's Heart
I cringe when I see the money chapter coming! I always say I'm going to schedule some major surgery so I can be out the month or so money is taught- it is torture. Thanks for your fun blog- love reading it!!
I totally cried too when I watched Guilana and Bill! It is so sad but totally inspiring. They are an amazing couple!!
Can I just say that even though I get great teaching ideas on a lot of blogs my FAVORITE blog is yours! You absolutely make me cry with laughter as I relate SO MUCH to your stories. I told my husband that kids are the same wherever you go! Thanks for making me laugh!
What's coin critters? We do hairs. Each hair is worth 5 cents, so a penny is bald and they love that. Is that what you're talking about? I have to go back and re-teach showing two different ways to make the same amount. My kids totally bombed that section. π
Did it rain on your field trip? Half my team's field trip got rained out this week. π It was to the goat farm. They had to cancel it the day off. Bummer. Hope that didn't happeen to you!
Lol my standards only say I have to teach coin names and amounts – the 2nd grade teachers get to worry about adding and subtracting it! That's horrible of me isn't it?! But, I don't have Touch Math or Coin Critters or anything else for that matter (like, no math curriculum at all), and there are seventy bazillion other things to teach so I'm not going to lose any sleep over that one!
So glad your mom is at home, hope you enjoy your weekend with her!
I have quite a few kiddos who belong to your last group – love your group names!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
Dot COMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha! I think I will join you and get mine. π
<>< Crystal
yay for mom!!!! and ya for DOT COM!!!
I hope you know that I'm STILL following you even if it doesn't show it – although when I sat down tonight to read posts, I had 421 posts that weren't read, so maybe I'm not doing a very good job at following anymore – ha!
LOL, my coworkers "Squirrel" me all the time. I guess my attention span is not very…Squirrel…
I'm happy your mom is home and you can take care of her. Praying that all goes well.
Simply the Classroom
So glad to hear your mom is doing better & coming home!!!
Congrats on the .com!!! I love it π
Reality TV?!?!?!? How do you find the time?!?!
I just can't watch Juliana & Bill… they make me cry too!
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