Happy Saturday! Happy Saturday! Happy Saturday!
I am a rock star! I made it! And I still have all of my hair and my fingernails.
I got some new running walking shoes. My other ones were at least ten years old. I’m not kidding. They were so ugly and so old that I just decided to stop walking. I just woke up one day and said I shall not walk any more in these ugly shoes and I bet they are actually harming me, too, and I went back to sleep. Walking on the treadmill can be hazardous, ya know, especially if you do not have the correct gear.
I love my new walking shoes. And I got up four out of five mornings this week to walk on the treadmill. I also did sit ups. In fact, I use the oldest abs workout in the world called ABSolutely Fit by Kathy Ireland and each day is a set of five different exercises, so I’m not just doing regular sit ups. Sometimes, I’m sitting in a chair and pulling my legs up over and over and I want to kill Kathy Ireland for this kind of reverse sit up thing, but at the same time, I pretend I’m on the video and the camera is focused on me so I have to look like I am not in pain and I can’t give up, either. It’s a little self-talk thing I do.
AND, you’re not going to believe this, but while I walked on the treadmill, I also lifted weights.
Which means I basically cannot walk, laugh, or lift a glass of wine because my entire body is sore.
I introduced pattern blocks this week for centers. This pattern block set is from Crayons and Whimsy and I highly recommend it! My kids went crazy over these cards! There are four levels of difficulty so it was awesome to differentiate for my kids and to actually see the kids pick and choose the cards that worked for them. It wasn’t a lot of work on my part is what I’m saying. ๐
We did this activity whole class so I could model the expectations for this center. This was a QUIET activity, people. They were all engaged, focused, and totally happy to be working on these mats. You know it’s a hit when they all ask if they can have another card. I have my eye on the Zoo Cards next!
This is a former first grader of mine.
He came by our school with a friend of his who had to drop off something for a sibling. He asked the secretaries if I still worked there and then asked to come on back to my classroom. They didn’t let him because of safety issues (and I think that’s a school wide policy and not just because of his sheer gigantic size), but the ladies said they would ask if I would come up to the office instead.
Well, I was in class.
I know. Imagine that.
They let him know when my recess was and he left.
LOOK AT THIS GUY! I totally remembered him. He was such a sweet, respectful, smart little boy. He just graduated, is college bound, and is going to play football. He is six foot six and wears a size 17 shoe. He tried to tell me that he was taller than me when he was in first grade, but I am here to tell you right now that not one first grader has ever been taller than me. Some have come close, including this kid, but it has never happened.
I imagine it will when I start shrinking, but for now, NO.
He said he remembers gold tags, Fun Friday, and loving first grade.
It made my whole entire WEEK. ๐
Anywho. This picture CRACKS ME UP.
Oh, and I feel old.
So very old.
We finally got to see the Pageant of the Masters last night. It was absolutely amazing and freaky and crazy! We went with three other couples from our small group and had dinner first at the Lumber Yard. It was a restaurant and not an actual lumber yard, which was a big relief, let me tell you, because I was starving.
It was an awesome night out and I am happy to report that I stayed awake for the whole thing and only fell asleep in the car on the way home.
I mean, hello? It was the tenth day of school and a Friday.
You Know It’s Back To School Time When . . . is going on around Instagram.
This is mine.
Surely I’m not the only person who does this? It’s not like my husband questions everything I buy . . . it’s just that sometimes I go overboard and he doesn’t need to know.
I also do this with clothes sometimes . . .
What? This ole thing?
Shannon Pitman says
I love your blog and still read it regularly even though I'm back in upper grade after a terrifying one year stint as a kinder teacher. I just had to comment because I was literally talking to my (male) grade level teammate yesterday about the practice of sneakily purchasing school supplies while doing my regular household shopping to hide them from my husband. ๐
Angela says
Love love love the picture. I cracked up the moment I saw it ๐ As a height challenged teacher myself (5foot and a 1/2 inch) students measuring themselves next to me and going "I'm nearly your height" is a daily occurrence even for 5 year olds (I mean, come on 5 you are joking – right) so when I saw that photo…short, I'd feel short haha
The Almost Their Height Teacher
Erin Blecki says
I LOVE that he came back during your recess time! How sweet. Sounds like he hasn't changed from that sweet little first grader you had. And I'm totally guilty of "hiding bags" too. In fact, I just got back from going to "Starbucks" (…and Marshalls, but shh!) and just left my classroom purchases in the car! ๐
Creating & Teaching
Dani Lynch says
Hahaha I TOTALLY hide school supplies in with my regular shopping so my boyfriend doesn't realise! Last week I popped to the shops for onions and carrots.. I came home with 4 packs of crayola twistables and I had to sneakily hide them and pretend they'd just been lying around forever.. so glad it's not just me who does this!
Dani x
Carol Polston says
Wow! He is TALL. I always tell my class that I teach first grade because after first grade they always get taller than me (I'm 5'4"). I went to look at the pattern block activities that you recommended above. I had to smile because at the bottom it says pattern block peices not included and it made me think of you and the playdoh sight words- when you said Miss Kindergarten should have put a disclaimer saying that playdoh wasn't included. haha. I feel like I deserve a medal for surviving 5 days this week! Carol
Carol Polston says
oops- pieces
Sandy Welch says
I hide my purchases too, but the other day I got caught!! He put his bike in the car and uncovered my stash beneath a blanket. Drat. Your student visit sounded like fun. I'm so old that I am now teaching my old students children!
Heather's Heart says
I forgot how much I love reading your blog…I have NEVER forgotten though how much I love YOU. You are just precious and always help bring a smile to my face. ๐
I have had Firsties taller than me and let me just tell you that it is NOT cool!
Hugs to you sweet Kristin. ๐
Heather's Heart
Kimberley says
I completely love this boy (?) who came back to visit you. This story made me so happy. I was mini-golfing with my kids and I kept saying "look at this picture!" He was her first grader. At first they said, "wow!" By the fifth time, they were like, "We got it mom. Enough." That's how much I loved it.
Audrey James says
Hey, I like your new walking shoes. They look really comfortable. How much they cost you?
Brian Bradshaw says
I totally love your Nike running shoes! Have you ever tried Rebook Zigtechs? They are almost like walking on a cloud!
Lonnie Whitcher says
his is a really great initiative. What do these kids shoes cost you on average? I normally like comfortable sandals for walking.