I have a backpack problem.
Do you?
They’re everywhere. Some of them are the kind on wheels that you would take on a vacation.
Which, if we’re being honest, is not really a backpack and more of a suitcase. And, considering we don’t take textbooks home in the first grade, is kind of unnecessary. And we don’t take binders home either. The most we take home is a homework folder and a bunch of junk mail from our cubbies advertising soccer clinics, and cheer camps, and festivals, and LifeTouch pictures that you didn’t pay for, nor ask for, but please look at them and then decide if you want them, and then make the teacher write down whether or not you returned the pictures or the money or a portion of both because we have nothing better to do except agonize over backpack problems.
Anywho . . . the backpacks are out of control in my room.
It is killing me like no other. I don’t know if it’s because I have 32 kids (hence, 32 backpacks) or if it’s because I’m older now and just can.not.take.it.for.one.more.minute.
When I first started teaching, we had hooks outside our door so our backpacks were never inside the classroom.
But when I started teaching at my current school (a long long long long long time ago), we didn’t have hooks outside the door and so I just let my kids keep their backpacks inside.
You never know. Maybe they needed something from inside their backpack. Even though almost every first grade backpack I know is about as flat as a pancake because THERE IS NOTHING EVER IN IT except for maybe a permission slip or picture money and then that never gets taken out because THEY DON’T HEAR YOU ASKING FOR THAT STUFF EVEN THOUGH YOU SAY IT FOURTEEN MILLION TIMES.
I’m not yelling. I’m just talking loudly.
Here is what my room looked like today.
Please play horror movie music as you view the carnage.
Do you think you could get a swanky hotel to donate a luggage cart? The logo could be the advertisement. ๐
I'm in Kinder and this is the FIRST year I've LET them bring backpacks because on the FIRST day of school they ALL walked in wearing them because my newish principal mentioned them in the opening letter. I felt bad telling all of them to give their backpacks back to their parents, like I've done in the past, so I just smiled and led them in. I usually "lend" them a tote bag for the year and they're stored in a small tub and not take up floor or large bin space. It's true, they have NOTHING to cart back and forth! Ugh, I've learned my lesson. No backpacks next year for our class! But I really do like that rolling cart! Maybe a Donors Choose plea is in my future (along with some wobble seats!)? ๐
HAHAHAHA, I am right there with you sister! I'd buy it, but knowing your handy hubby he can make you something way better! We had a row of hooks bolted to the outside of our classroom at child's height…talk nice to your pricipal, be a trend setter, you will be in love again!
We have lockers for all the students in the building. They keep their coats and backpacks in there. Then I keep a bin in my classroom for lunch boxes to make things easier.
The lockers and I have a love hate relationship. But it does help cut down on the whole hair bug issue.
I stopped by just because your Lifetouch commentary is so ridiculously on point! I thought I was finally done with that garbage but they just sent ANOTHER "final reminder" home with the kids the other day. What is their deal?
We've got backpack hooks in the hallway. I like them, but some of my students still don't seem to understand the concept that the backpack belongs on the hook, not the floor (or the ledge, or the shelf above the hooks).
Paiges of Learning
No. No no no no! There is no way you should have to spend $200 of your own money for BACKPACK STORAGE! This is crazy!!!!! I am spoiled. I have hooks and shelves and benches in the hall outside my classroom (I have halls, Canada, eh?!). But even classroom that don't have hallway storage have closets with hooks and shelves. Your kiddos should have storage. I hate backpacks on the floor. And I REALLY do not like the suitcase backpacks on wheels. I can't imagine 32 backpacks on chairs. So crazy. It's stressing me out just thinking about it! Good luck! I can't wait to read your post telling us about your solution that does not involve spending $200 of your own money!!!
Big Rubbermaid (think HUGE!!!) bins serve the same purpose. Maybe a bit…shall we say…non attractive but much cheaper! :). My husband made a cart for me years ago and it has traveled with me to 3 different schools. :). I can not live with backpacks in my room!!! It's bad enough that their jackets come in and are all over my room within 5 minutes!!!
At my school we each have sets of lockers that are in the wall. Though they can be noisy at times, it is so nice that each child has their own locker (they are short and skinny) to keep backpacks, lunches, coats, etc. It also helps when they bring things to school they shouldn't (like toys) you can have them put it in their locker and its out of sight out of mind. No the lockers don't lock and because they are skinny they can't bring rolling backpacks ๐ That cart is awesome and solve your problem nicely. It stinks your rooms don't have cubbies or something to put their things.
Could you maybe do 3M hooks instead of $200? This would save you tons until you could sweet talk your principal or post a Donors Choose project.
I've done the hooks when I didn't have cubbies and it worked really well. I also second Donor's Choose!
At our staff meeting this afternoon, we got the results of an "OSHA safety inspection". The woman found that many classrooms had backpacks on chairs and on the floor. To illustrate her point, she added a picture to her report, of my classroom. What a proud moment in this new teacher's career!
I would use the heavy duty command hooks that are for hanging wreaths on doors and make two rows of them down wall outside your door!
We have cubbies in our classroom to hold all of the backpacks and jackets.
We have cubbies in our classroom to hold all of the backpacks and jackets.
Our kinder and first grade teams asked parents not to send backpacks this year. We just couldn't deal with the rolling suitcases and tiny fashion backpacks that didn't hold anything anyway.
We have cubbies in or classroom with a mailbox on top and another section below where I have them store their spare clothing and blankets. (I teach pre-k.)
We put on our school supply list that kids cannot bring a backpack with wheels. But we also have hooks and cubbies…sad you don't!
And this post…..is why I adore reading your blog (and you of course!!!!!) <3 LOL laughing hysterically! This post is so REAL! ๐
I have that backpack cart in my teeny tiny room. It is ah-maze-ing. Never have an issue with the 'packs. Now, the paper in the desk. What? What?! The struggle is real.
Well, clearly you don't live in MAINE where you can add boots, snowpants, jackets, scarves, hats, and glove to the atrocity. Nightmare. I have hooks, but it doesn't matter. I also have a bench where the kids are supposed to line up their bags zipped shut neatly. I laugh at myself for even thinking it might happen. God bless Spring I say!
I understand the struggle completely. Oh my gosh, the backpacks go everywhere. Don't even get me started on that Lifetouch thing! We had parents complain about keeping lunches outside too. Must be a Southern Californian thing. Our principal told us we had to keep them inside from now on.
My teammate has 3 large Rubbermaid tubs: one for girl backpacks, one for boy backpacks, one for lunches. Lids off. I have "cubbies" in my K room with hooks underneath for hanging coats and backpacks. Because of the cubbie storage, I have tables, not desks.. so no desk mess.
The Lakeshore thing looks nice, but the reviews say some of the hooks break off. You could maybe get someone handy to make you something for cheaper. I also second someone's suggestion of Donors Choose. So many blog followers like to support fellow teachers, and I know I would love to donate.
Our classrooms have cubbies. I can't imagine allowing backpacks to touch, like the carts allow. Apparently you all don't have lice problems like we do at our school. Haha
When class sizes went through the roof a few years ago, I kicked all the backpacks outside. I bought/scrounged some tough plastic shelves, and I just line them up outside and label them with the kids' names. Keeps them from rummaging through their stuff during class, too. (My room has cubbies, but mine are full of books!)
In the past, I have used laundry baskets and pushed them under anything I can think of (computer table, sink, etc.). The baskets typically lasted two school years and you can even find fun colors now. I organized them in different ways like one year I had a girl basket (lovely and clean) and a boy basket (a horror show). Another year I had them organized by transportation (buses, cars, walkers, aftercare). Good luck!!
I feel ya! I have a rod when kids use HANGERS to hang their jackets up. These hangers are the death of me because I pick hem up about 17 million times a day. A shelf above the rod for lunch kits and mittens, toques, scarves (we live in Canada) and then there are 2 laundry baskets behind the door that hold empty backpacks. I've taught them to empty their backpacks in the morning and where correct spots are for everything.
Can't believe your school doesn't provide hooks for you! Definitely a necessity to have a place to put the backpacks!
Fishing for Education Blog
Sorry, no ideas. I just wanted to thank you for posting the pictures. Sometimes it's so comforting to know our kids aren't the only ones…. ๐
This post made me giggle and I.WOULD.DIE!!! I don't like mess, thankfully I have closets with doors or I would obsess all day long over the backpack mess.
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