Happy Saturday!
How was your week? Mine was kinda crazy and I just see it getting crazier as the year winds down. We have four and a half weeks left with about twelve weeks worth of stuff to do. Just about normal, I’d say.
So here’s the low down:
My oldest niece turned 18. I can’t even believe how old that makes me feel. I love this girl. She is super special to our family because a) she was the first grandchild on our side and b) she is super special to me because while I was in college and still lived at home, she lived with us, too, and she basically got me through my credential program while I student taught during the day, worked nights, took two classes, and did lesson planning and homework when I got home. Her little face in the morning just gave me all I needed to get through the day. (And the fact that my dad waited up for me each night.) Ashley is the one going to Sonoma. We are all so proud of her!
Anyways, the hubby and I got her some sunglasses for her birthday and that picture on the left shows her reading the instructions that came with them.
Instructions for sunglasses. Who knew? Maybe if I had read my instructions, I wouldn’t always be in a panic about where my sunglasses are when, in fact, they are almost always on top of my head and/or on my nose. Protecting my eyes from the sun. Like they’re supposed to.
I am writing a grant to get four iPads in my classroom. This is WORK, people. Ugh. I can’t write on the grant the way I write on this-here blog with commas all willy nilly or not at all and made up words and a sense of familiarity with my audience so that we are really having more of a conversation rather than an I-type-and-you-read sort of situation.
In other words, it is stressful. It is like I am writing a research paper. I do not like it, Sam I am. It is due Monday so guess what I’ll be doing for most of the weekend?
Furthermores, in additions, heretofores, notwithstanding, differentiation, engagement, blah, blah, blah, blah, I’m bored.
It’s so relaxing to go outside in my undies.
Just kidding.
These shorts are called pajamas.
They are.
Our big ferocious killer dog, Murphie.
I survived. But barely. I have a couple of stories to tell you, but I’m going to tell you all about it tomorrow.
Let’s just say that a glass of wine was clearly necessary and beneficial to my health last night.
Field Trips sort of require an adult beverage, don’t you think?
My niece will be sweet 16 this summer. It's going to make it really hard to fib about my age, lol.
Good luck with the grant writing. I've been interested in doing this but it also reminds me of a term paper or something and I feel overwhelmed.
You Might Be a First Grader….
Laughed aloud at this post!! You are adorable!!! Good luck with grant writing 🙂 grant writing deserves adult beverages, too!!!
Without a doubt! I went on TWO field trips this week and it was crazy I tell you. A drink well deserved!
The Brown-Bag Teacher
Murphie is so stinkin cute!!!! I have had a week like you have and then some…lol. The full moon didn't help!! Love your fence! We are getting one sometime….a really mean lady moved in behind us and she's not nice and threatening to cut down all the trees, which makes me sick because of all the wildlife we get….so I need a grouch blocker fence;) Just not sure when it will happen…have a relaxing weekend:)
4th Grade Frolics
I had todo the feature any thing, too. Love your puppy!
Grr….autocorrect!!! Translation: I had to do the Fraturday thing too. Lol
I think field trips require an adult beverage DURING the field trip. It would improve the quality of the trip if you could have a little sip-sip or gulp-gulp every now and then. AND good luck on your ipad grant. I wrote one two years ago… and got nothing. boo-hoo. Maybe I wasn't fancy enough. They like fancy.
Buzzing with Ms. B
Your backyard looks so pretty! Love the new fence. Good luck on writing your grant. That is one thing I would rather not do….write=yuck!
For the Love of First Grade
I am with Chrissy…adult beverages during field trips. Or field trips without the children.
We took a field trip this week. To a big building where they make assorted chocolate and candy products. Which you think children would like…except one of mine spilled his cocoa within three seconds of sitting down and then started throwing up after tasting one of their products. Repeatedly.
Makes me want to stay at school!
All I can see Kristin is YES field trips require AT LEAST one adult beverage afterwards of course. LOL We are going to the Wild Animal Park in a few weeks and with 30 first graders it will drive me wild on the bus alone. I will need a mai tai of some sort waiting for me that evening. :o)
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
I also have a big ferocious Great Dane dog killer………..she might lick you to death or knock you out with her tail. Very deadly!
Extra Special Teaching
Or maybe I mean killer dog. :/
we are putting in a fence too! I am so excited to just let the girls out back without worrying about them running out of the backyard!! woo! (yes, the dog listens better than the kids! ha!)
Good luck with your grant writing, hopefully you have finished, that doesn't sound like a fun Sunday afternoon/evening project! And when we go on a Friday field trip, we usually plan drinks a local restaurant after school that day…so needed! :o)
Murphie looks so adorable! Love your yard, wish i could stop by for an"adult beverage" around the fire pit! Miss you!
Murphie is too cute all snuggled up like that! 🙂
Fashion Craze Learning Days
I get a headache just thinking about field trips! Last year, with nearly 100 bodies (students, teachers, parent volunteers) there was only one injury/accident. A concussion, no less. And it was me . . . I walked into the bus mirror and hit it so hard it shook the bus driver's seat. Can't wait to read about your trip!
Your writing cracks me up and makes me happy at the same time. I finally found someone who writes like I do; I write exactly how I talk while in conversation with others. Which I know is not helpful for grant writing, thus the lack of iPads in my classroom. My team got sick of all the massive amounts of things we are required to do and started taking our field trip in the fall. It has made a huge difference in our well-being and not feeling like we are trying to squeeze one more thing into our spring.
They definitely require an adult beverage and are the reason we only allow field trips on Fridays on our team:)