So . . .
Hello there.
I just got home from Vegas.
From the TpT Conference in Vegas.
And I was on a panel.
Yes. Which means now you can say you know someone who was on a panel for TpT in Vegas. You’re welcome.
It also means I’m famous.
In my own mind.
So I had thought all week that I would be too busy to write posts from Vegas, but that getting back on a Saturday would mean I could link up with Doodlebugs for a little Five for Fraturday action.
And then I got home.
And guess what?
I stayed up late, I got up early, and I didn’t sleep through the night on any of the nights I was there due to the fact that my brain kept thinking I’m in Vegas, I’m going to be on a panel, I just met a million people, my face hurts from smiling, I was on a panel and now it’s over, I met a million more people, I learned so much I think my brain is broken, I talked so much I lost my voice and I literally couldn’t stop all of the thinking and just sleep already!!!
Oh, and there was one other thing called young people woke me up at 4am hooting and hollering in the hallway of the hotel as if they didn’t have a care in the world. They were just la-di-dah and di di di di and let’s party and I lost money and I won money, and Woohoo! and Hey!
And some other words that I can’t write on here.
Or say out loud.
Because they’re bad.
So anywho . . . we gave some advice on blogging during the panel (and I wore a microphone, people! Like a clipped on microphone — like I was a professional speaker type of person!) and one of those pieces of advice was that if you’re going to blog, you need to keep your posts consistent.
Such as . . . if you blog once a week, keep it up.
If you blog once a month, keep it up.
If you blog every day, continue.
Well . . . I said (out loud, on my microphone) that I try never to let my blog be quiet for more than four days.
Any longer than four days and I start to twitch.
I tend to twitch for all kinds of reasons. For example, I might twitch if you borrow the stapler off of my desk and then return it all helter-skelter when it’s supposed to be perfectly perpendicular to my file-folder-hang-thingy or I might twitch if there isn’t a reality TV show to watch each night of the week.
And I will start to twitch if I go more than four days without writing a blog post.
So . . . to alleviate the twitching (which is extremely important when one is holding a glass of red wine), I wrote this post. This current post that you’re reading right now.
And this post isn’t saying anything.
So if you’re new to my blog because you came to the panel and you thought in your head I should check that teeny blonde’s blog out—-I mean, it doesn’t really sound like she knows what she’s talking about and yet, TpT let her sit on the panel with a microphone . . .
This is how it goes.
Just ask the other people who read my posts.
I basically said nothing in this post, but there are still a lot of words.
What I mean to say with all of the words above is this:
And I will come back tomorrow and start really blogging about Vegas. I’m sure it will be more than one post.
See you then!
PS. If you think I crashed the panel, I didn’t. It was legit. Promise.
So funny that you said they were waking you up at 4 am- I wanted to get out of bed, and open the door and yell out to them, then I remembered where I was. haha I felt like such an old person. good grief. Oh well! It was so great hearing you, and getting to finally meet you in person! 🙂
Get some rest. I didn't go to Vegas, but I'm tired from watching how much fun all of you had. Can't wait to start reading the posts. Congrats on being on a panel! Big stuff!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
You did an awesome job! And, yes, just being in Vegas is tiring! No wonder TpT does this during the summer! Now we can all go home and sleep!
You did a great job! You sounded like an authority – which you are! I just got home and I'm exhausted. I think you can give yourself a break and blog all about it tomorrow. I totally get how you feel because my brain is definitely on overload. My to-do list is also now a mile long. I can't wait to read all about Vegas from your perspective. By the way, your advise to "be consistent" was my AHA moment from the panel. Now to put it into practice… 🙂
I occasionally do the children's story at church and I have to wear one of those microphones. I always feel so official and a little terrified. I would have loved to see your panel!
I LOVE your blog! You make me laugh and you often teach me things…maybe not so much today, but..well, hey…I know I don't want to twitch while holding wine. ha! Keep it up, sister! We first grade teachers need you.
I LOVE your blog! You make me laugh and you often teach me things…maybe not so much today, but..well, hey…I know I don't want to twitch while holding wine. ha! Keep it up, sister! We first grade teachers need you.
I absolutely LOVE your blog and I hope I can go to Vegas next year 🙂
It was nice seeing you in Vegas and I thought you and the others were a great panel. I got good ideas on blogging and came away with some reassurances that I don't have to be perfect but BE REAL; I don't have to blog often, just consistently with what works for my schedule; and to remember just because it may seem mundane to me after XX years of teaching, it might be interesting and helpful to others.. so blog. Thanks for helping me take this leap…er baby step!
– Pauline
Ha! This made me laugh – and is the exact reason I chose to come to the blogging panel. I wanted to see YOU in person because you have such a fun personality! Thanks for keeping it real at the panel!
Tiffany @ The Learning Effect
You were great and totally legit on the panel. I'm a newbie blogger and I am ready (as soon as my layout is ready!) I can't wait to read all about Murphie, I have a boxer named Tyson and I bet they would be BFFs!
I am so glad I finally got to meet you in real life! Ha! You were awesome on the panel and so funny! I am exhausted too, I didn't speak or anything) but the whole thing was very exhilarating and draining at the same time
I am sure you were awesome on the panel, and I can only imagine how tired you are…. And, maybe today's blog was about nothing, but remember that Seinfeld got rich doing a tv show that even HE said was about nothing!
You make me snicker 🙂
You. Are. Hilarious! 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing. I think my brain is just now quieting from all I learned in Vegas. I've dreamed about blogging and editing and creating. So much that I woke up feeling like I worked all night.
Notes From the Portable