Hey peeps!
Homework . . . ugh. I mean, I know, I know, I get it, homework is important. Home school connection and all that. I hear you. I do. But . . . ugh! I tend to use packets that I have used in the past but inevitably, something changes, something moves from this week to that week or this skill was skipped over saved for the following week or what have you. So! I don’t know if this is necessary to say, but I am RIGID. INFLEXIBLE. I stand up there at Parent information Night and I tell it like it is. Straight up. No sugar coating. THIS IS THE ONLY PACKET I WILL GIVE YOU.
Well . . . okay, you caught me. Not exactly. I tell them that I just do NOT care if their child does homework or not.
All right, all right. I’m somewhere in the middle!!! And truthfully, we are BUDGETED on our clicks. Clicks, you ask? Yes. That was new to me, too, when I was hired at my school. Clicks = copies. It’s a BALANCED EQUATION. Huh! Who would have thought? So we are BUDGETED. And I have a secret passcode to get the machines to work. And sometimes, that secret passcode betrays me and the machine says that I have reached my maximum. You do NOT want to be in the copy room with me when of the machines says that.
So I have to be careful about my copies. Obviously. So I tell parents to use the packet as a guide. Differentiate within the packet. More or less, extra or half, or whatever. This is THE packet. I can’t make 31 different packets. I just can’t. I mean, I could, but when would I have time for The Bachelor Pad or all of you lovely ladies? Seriously. I mean that.
And then, today happened. Yes, today. A TERRIFIC day with my kiddos! I often find myself thanking God for them all throughout the day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this class. But one of the parents stalked grabbed chased ran after caught me after school and wanted to know if I could give her child more of a challenging homework packet.
Well, can’t you guess what I did??
Nooooo, I did NOT run the other way. Honestly! ๐
I smiled really big. I tilted my head to the side. I RE-explained (yes, said parent was at Parent Information Night but must have been laughing hilariously at something I had said previously and didn’t catch my “budgeted on clicks” news) that I would LOVE to make her daughter a special, challenging, super duper hard, looks like college prep work packet, but I have a click issue. CLICK CLICK.
And THEN, I whipped out my homework extension ideas for her. WAAA LAAA! Or however you spell that. How about TA – DA!? Click the pic to grab it if you want it.
I heart Butterfinger. ๐
You're a riot. I love reading your blogs! AND watching some of the same shows you watch…Big Bro…
4th Grade Frolics
Thank you! I needed this for sure! I know at least one of my parents will be wanting to challenge their kid.
Rambling About Reading
I feel your pain with budgeting paper. We have passwords that are watched and we ALWAYS run out of paper in November and can't get more until our new budget in January! We always end up buying our own. Ahhhh!
Thanks for making me laugh this mornin ๐
Thank you so much Kristin. I feel like you know my needs ๐ Just when I need something, BOOM, there it is on your website. Merci, merci.
PS It's Voila!
1st in Maine
You are fabulous! Love the homework packet, love Butterfingers, and love YOU!
Are you my long lost relative?! Because, I heart Rachel Zoe, even shed a happy tear when she shared her baby news. And, I also do the big smile-head tilt pose!
I didn't do a top ten post, but, I check your blog frequently (Like now! It's not my recess duty!) and your words put it all in perspective.
Have an awesome day!
Absolutely LOVE it! It will definitely come in handy with our upcoming First Quarter Conferences!
Frolicking Through First
Thanks so much for the wonderful idea. I just posted the Homework Extension on my class Eboard. You can check it out at
I'm totally with you on the homework issue. Luckily it's not too much of a hassle to put together each week, but I hate, hate, hate checking it each week. I say "check" b/c I refuse to grade it. Thanks for the hw extension ideas. You are my new favorite blog- you are too funny ๐
Even though my computer is going nuts and about to die (and then I might too), I just had to comment on one of your posts and tell you again how much I love your blog. Seriously, you crack me up.
And, since I don't have a blog and I don't have another place to ask this, if you ever get stuck and need a blog topic, I would love to know what sort of cute yet comfortable shoes people wear to school. Random, I know. But seriously, I am at a loss. I am on my feet ALL day, something I'm sure you can relate to. I just do not sit down! So, my feet can't take high heels and other terribly cute shoes but I also don't want to walk around with old lady shoes either. So, I'm sure someone out there in the blogosphere will know the answer to this conundrum. Help!
LOVE these extension questions…and yes I am reading your whole blog from start to finish…backwards so everything makes perfect sense and I am loving it all!
Could use some followers!
I HAVE to say that your blogs are in spiring me, helping me cut so much time I was wasting, I mean using on so much in the classroom. As a teacher who is still in her first few years, I must say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
I HAVE to say that your blogs are in spiring me, helping me cut so much time I was wasting, I mean using on so much in the classroom. As a teacher who is still in her first few years, I must say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!