Okay, you guys are as crazy as me.
I mean that in the nicest, non-judgy way possible. Cross my heart.
First, I got a lot of comments both on my blog post and on my FB page about my Binder Organization. And even though I was totally bored with writing the whole process down, you all thought it was informative and kind of funny.
So that was a bit of a red flag. Just saying.
Not to mention, several of you already attempted Binder Organization, are in the middle of it, or you’re going to do it now.
SHAKING HEAD IN THE NICEST, MOST NON-JUDGY WAY POSSIBLE. I kind of want to caution you against it because I’m afraid you will want to kill me in the way that I wanted to kill my friends, Heather and Traci. Even though I was kidding about that.
What? I was!
Er. Anywho.
Today I posted this picture on my Facebook page.
See what all the arrows are pointing to?
My Newest Font Obsession: Miss Kindergarten!!!! That’s the name of the font!!!! HELLO? How cute is it?? And practical?? For use in the primary classroom??
My blogging buddy bestie collaborated with Kimberly Geswein to make this adorable font. You can download it for free {HERE}.
So I might just be a tad bit jealous. Who thinks we need a Teeny Tiny font? Raise your hand. π Although the font could be as big as you wanted depending on the size you chose . . . Hmmm. I wonder if that would be confusing . . .
Here’s the second part of why I think you guys might be as crazy as me.
Because while I was showing off my New Font Obsession, several of you were all about my lesson plan template. Instead of the font.
And, people, I wasn’t planning. I just pulled up my template to play around with the font. It’s July. It’s not time to plan. First, I have to go to Vegas. Then, I have to lounge around the house for a full two weeks or so due to the fact that I have been on the go ever since summer vacation started, and then I have to work on my classroom decor. I have priorities, don’t you know!
By the way, wouldn’t you know there is a story behind this template. Of course there is.
This template did not exist before last night. REALLY!
Last year, I had Traci at Dragonflies in First design a lesson planner for me. I even blogged about it! You can check out all of the possibilities that Traci has {HERE}. It’s insane! She will literally MAKE YOUR PLANNER FOR YOU. And customize it.
I used mine all year. But not really in the way it was intended because I didn’t read the directions and/or try very hard and/or contact her and/or stop watching reality TV to learn.
I won’t tell you how I saved each week as its own week and put them in a folder so that I had 36 different documents when, in fact, Traci’s planner is designed so that you can actually just add a page and flip back and forth from week to week while you are on the template.
Hers is genius.
Mine? Notsomuch. I was sitting on the couch last night while the hubby watched some HGTV House Hunters or I Hate My Backyard or Let’s Cook Something Delicious and I just started playing around in Powerpoint with some shapes and text boxes.
Seriously. It was not a big deal. At all.
I sent it to my teammates this morning to see if they wanted to use it.
I think I’m going to use it next year.
I don’t know. I’ve probably used 3,461 different types of planners in my 17 year career including four hand-written ones when I first began teaching. And I won’t tell you how long I saved those because I was sure that I’d want to look back and see what to do in the second week of the month of November on a Thursday in 1997. (It took me ten years to throw those away, but you didn’t hear it from me.)
And don’t you dare tell me you weren’t born in 1997 and/or that you were still in high school. We will no longer be friends. But we can be acquaintances and then you can visit me in the old folks home and read to me. And bring a small puppy to put in my lap.
Here is my mock up.
It took me many years to throw out old lesson plan books! Now, I just save the one from the year before, not that I look at it a lot, but it has come in handy if I forget my TE's at school and need to look something up (assuming I did lesson plans that week…I still hand write mine. Shocking, I know!).
Yes, you should have a teeny tiny font. I think commenters discussed on one of your posts a while ago when you posted a pic of something you wrote on your board. Definitely font worthy.
This will be my 20th yearβ¦..and I still have my lesson plan books, should I be ashamed?
That's TWICE this afternoon your blogs have made me laugh out loud! For some reason I didn't get the organization one till this afternoon & I just saw this on fb. And yes, you need a teeny tiny font! I bought Traci's lesson plan template a few months back and have yet to break into it yet. We aren't supposed to be thinking about all this yet. π Carol
You know, My Much Loved Pal, you could post about dirt and I would rush over here to read about it.
Love the new KG (HM) font! Love the Binders. Love the Planning Template. And I LOVE the idea of a TTT font!
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
Yes, I think your fans and readers are that crazy. Yes, I'm one of them. No, I won't tell you what I was doing in 1997.
Short and Sassy Teacher
Thanks so much for the template, I just changed the colors to rainbow, to match my room and I am so happy. Now I have something to start my plans with at the beginning of the school year. I will have to admit, I start off strong with my lesson plans but once we get into a rountine and I know what I am teaching, my plans start to slack, and we don't have our principal breathing down our neck to see them. So that is my biggest downfall, but shh…don't tell anyone! I'll be eagerly waiting for the TTT font!
I just started following your blog today after reading about your binders. Which I am going to try. But I just wanted to tell you, your writing style is awesome. You are quickly becoming a favorite to read!
Ok – you are seriously the most entertaining blogger ever!! I have just recently started following blogs and am entering into this blogging world and I just LOVE when you have new posts – they always crack me up! And you have great ideas – I downloaded the template and just may try editing it for myself. I am moving down to kinder this year! A bit overwhelmed and some organization couldn't hurt! Thanks for your posts and for sharing!
I am cracking up! These parts especially got me:
No one is looking at them with a fine tooth comb. Or a magnifying glass. Or their eyeballs. Not really. It's just more or less a cursory glance.
Because number one) It's JULY. And number two) You are not my principal. And number three) It's JULY. And number four) I don't get Specials so DON'T START or I will be sad.
I'm also never ever going to do the Visual Plans that some bloggers do.
NOT EVER. Those girls are out of my league.
I am just way too lazy for that. So no. Nope. Thanks anyway.
Stop looking at me like that.
I feel like if I met you in real life, we'd be best friends. You're all about what works best for you and if nobody likes it, well, tough for them because that's how it's being done. Love the lesson plan template. I could never use a typed one though because if I had to cross anything out, I'd just feel awful! I LOVE reading your blog and look forward to seeing you post!
Oh. My. Gosh! You make me laugh SO hard! Thanks for the free calorie burning, can't stop, no my cheeks burn laugh. Needed that. And yes, it's only JULY! Amen sister!
You are fabulous! Love reading your blog, I feel like you read my mind. Haha! Thanks for the templates!
Hi Kristin, I love your blog! I was hoping you might hop over to my blog and enter my giveaway! Thanks!!
Teacherβs Lounge
Oh. My. Word. I always laugh out loud when I'm reading your blogs. Seriously. You are too hilarious. Sometimes I think about having a blog. And then I think that people will expect me to post to it. And then I feel like maybe that will cut into my couch/kindle/tv/eating time. Perhaps, if I blogged while I did those other things it would be ok. At any rate, I will continue to read your blog. For the laughs. And the ideas. And Murphie.
I read your post about binders out loud to my daughter yesterday, and I am going to read this post to her out loud this morning when she wakes up so we can can laugh uproariously together again. Your riff on never posting a "Peek At My Week" plans had me on the floor. I love your humility and genuineness. Thanks for "keeping it real!" And yes, the world needs A TEENY TINY FONT, and I am raising my hand for it!
Have a great time in Vegas and PLEASE blog about it!
I really love all of your posts! This idea is so creative and original! I might have to use it for my daily planner!
Brittany | soulalien.blogspot.com
I'm laughing so hard–your posts are the best–LOVE your sense of humor. I have to agree with you on personally NEVER being one to post pictures in my plans. WAY "out of my league" as well, but kuddos to them! π lol
Thanks so much for the template. I love the fact that we both love the colors blue and green and polka dots too! Keep up the good work!
YES to a TeenyTiny font!
I'm guessing that, in your district, you don't have to write every discipline in a Madeleine Hunter format each week, submitting by email to the principal over the weekend. And, yes, it is time-consuming and not excellent for tracking daily plans. Which is why I also write daily plans. But because I was new to my district, I also sent my daily/weekly plans to the principal. And because of the mandates, I had to include the Aims, the Agendas, the Assessmentsβ¦. wait, it's still summer and I need to back out of that topic!
By the way, I saw you across the room at the Blogger Meet Up in Vegas last year but was too starstruck to approach you. π I hope you and your husband have a wonderful time!
Chrissy at ReadWriteSing
I love following you! Your posts always make me laugh. Thank you for the lesson planning pages! Enjoy your summer!! π
Thanks for sharing the new font! Also thank you for your binder post. I've had the binders and started it, but need to finish. I know it's a crazy project – but us teachers are crazy and OCD lol. Thanks for sharing!
Team V's Second Grade Fun
Love the new font, and yes I agree you need one of your own as well. I also am feeling pretty stupid right now. I got Traci's planner last year too and made it all my colors and times, etc. I was so proud of myself and all. Well, I saved every week as its own file too…lol. I did not even realize I could just move on to the next page…hello, I guess I need to read better. I can't even blame reality TV, since I don't really watch it, I just read your Talk About It Tuesday to find out all the scoop. You're better than the real show anyway. Thanks for letting me know how my planner works…lol. It was fantastic meeting you in Vegas!
Luv My Kinders
I love this template!!! I just downloaded it and entered in my schedule and I love, love, love it! I blogged about it in my Five for Friday, I hope you don't mind! :o)
Primary Buzz
Like this template! Thanks for sharing, I like the font as well. π
Thanks, I snagged it all!
I have to say I love looking back at my old lesson plans. Now, I don't do it very often, but they are in the back of a filing cabinet drawer. When I went back and looked at my lessons plans from the first time I taught Kindergarten (30 years ago) I found out that we didn't even start our first letter until after Thanksgiving! It is mind boggling to see how things have changed.
Terri Izatt