I stayed up until 1:00am in the morning to watch last night’s episode of The Bachelorette. It’s a good thing I’m on summer vacation and can lounge around today in between shopping, packing, taking Murphie to my Aunt-in-laws for a long sleepover while we’re in Vegas, etc.
Oh, did you hear “we”?
Yep. Hubby is coming again. He hears Vegas and gets there before me, practically. He has a lot of work to do so I will be able to balance the whole “teacher/girl/blogging/talking” thing. At least I think so.
Alright. Last night was Hometown Dates. But before we get to that, it was also all about Andi and the four remaining guys finding out that Eric had died.
It was not good. I hated it. I wanted to fast forward, but kept thinking you all wanted me to talk about it, so I watched it. I saw a little bit of news coverage this morning saying that the whole franchise mishandled the entire thing and it wasn’t good. So at least I’m not alone in my feelings.
Okay, now that that’s off my chest . . .
Nick was first. I have two thoughts about this.
Gross. Nick Was First.
And then Good. Let’s Get This Over With As Quickly As Possible.
Nick is from Milwaukee So they went to a brewery and had beer and then danced the polka. I think. I’m not sure. Either I’m even older than I think I am or the music was so loud that I couldn’t hear what Andi was saying.
Really. I couldn’t hear what she was saying and I even did a rewind.
It sounded like merihijelkhfdiojeljid. And she tilted her head and did a little smirk. So you got me.
Then they went off to meet Nick’s huge family of ten siblings. And, just for the record, Nick is still creepy. There is just something about his head. And how he looks down. Like he is haughty or something. Or he can’t hold his head up that good.
Nick said he wouldn’t be able to marry Andi unless he had the shupport of his family. That is not a typo. He needs the shupport of his family. He spoke to his sister about it and then this same sister talked to Andi.
I’m sure their discussion was extremely deep, but I couldn’t get over how short his sister’s dress was.
Then the youngest sister (she was probably ten) asked Andi a bunch of questions. His youngest sister looked a bit like a young Jennifer Garner. Anyone agree? Well, she just loved Andi.
Last, Nick talked to his mom. He got emotional and then his mom got emotional and then I just cried and cried.
NOT. I was not moved. I’m as cold as ice.
And then he ducked his head down again and told his mom not to worry about him being sent home because he thinks he’s a favorite.
Next up was Chris. Farmer Boy. A lot of you like Chris. I do, too. I have liked him from the beginning. I just have a bigger crush on Josh.
Chris lives in Iowa on a farm. Hence, Farmer Boy.
He also has his own house. Andi was impressed by that. And his millions of acres of a backyard, as well as the fact that he could drive a tractor. At least I think it was a tractor. I don’t know. It was green.
Andi said, “He is a MAN.” Again, with THE MAN phrase.
They talked a lot about what Andi would do for work in Iowa . . . and he said there was opportunity for her to be a homemaker.
Which made me really really really like him. Because I’m old fashioned and I love The Pioneer Woman and as long as I had wi/fi, I could totally be his wife.
Then he said Andi could work in the city. So then I really liked him. Because he knows she’s a career woman.
The next thing you know, a plane flew by with a sign that said, “Chris Loves Andi”.
Farmer Boy made a big ole gesture. Eat your heart out, Nick.
Chris has three sisters and they’re all married and they were all very nice. They loved Andi. They were all friendly and sweet. His mom was adorable.
Chris is just normal.
Normal is good. I don’t know much about it, seeing as how I live on the edge of Crazy Town, but I think normal is a really good thing.
Chris’s mom loved loved loved Andi. She was ready to walk them down the aisle, throw a party, and then make everyone get out so they could start making babies.
His family played some sort of hide and seek game at the end of the night that I didn’t get, but either way, Andi liked it and I probably could have won the whole thing.
Andi was on Cloud Nine. Her words, not mine.
But as far as Home Town dates go, it was a home run.
Next was Josh. Oh, Josh. Swoon.
He took Andi to a ball field and they played baseball. Andi thought he looked hot. I would have to agree.
It was all about how Josh has a love/hate relationship with baseball. I was confused by it. I don’t feel like I got the whole story about that.
But it was also about how Josh’s little brother, Aaron, is up for the draft in the NFL and how the whole family is kind of all about Aaron.
It was like the Aaron Show. Or the Sports show. I don’t even really like sports. Just saying.
Josh introduced Andi to his family and then he cried a little. But it was different than how Nick cried. Josh didn’t want to cry, he stabbed his eyes with his own fingers to keep the tears from coming out, and he did whatever he could to choke them back. In other words, he cried like a MAN (to borrow Andi’s words).
They sat down to eat and it was all about Aaron and football.
Later, Andi talked to his mom. Josh’s mom said that she could tell Josh was in love with Andi without even having to ask. But then Josh’s mom and dad talked about if you marry Josh, you’re marrying the family, you’re going to be expected to go to all of Aaron’s games, etc etc etc.
Oh boy. Man. Dang. Better love your in-laws.
It almost felt a little Fever Pitch-ness to me.
Then when Josh sat down with his mom, he cried a little bit more. Manly tears again. And he wiped them away. That’s what people do when they cry. They wipe their tears away. It’s what Kleenex was invented for.
AND THEN FINALLY, everyone started saying this is Josh’s time, it’s time for Josh to do what he wants, it’s time for Josh to start his own family, he doesn’t have to take care of everyone anymore, etc.
So maybe Josh can start a life with Andi and they’ll just travel the country on the weekends watching Aaron’s football games in a High Roller Suite with free food and drinks. You never know.
Last was Marcus.
Some of you like Marcus’s eyes.
I agree that they are a pretty color. But I just feel like he is so desperate so it doesn’t affect me. I can’t help it.
He took her to a club and re-enacted his strip tease for her as a navy guy.
She actually said she liked his chest hair. Which is fine. Chest hair exists. I get it.
But what kind of a statement is that on national TV? I like his chest hair? What about he has nice abs? Or nice shapely buttocks? Chest hair? What?! What?
Eeeww. And then she said it was every girl’s dream.
NO. Nope. Not this girl’s. Sorry.
Take me to a restaurant with food and where everyone keeps their clothes on, thank you. That’s more my dream, Andi.
Marcus took Andi to meet his dysfunctional family next. I’m not saying they’re dysfunctional. Marcus is.
They seemed nice enough. And they were sweet to Andi.
Marcus’s sister admitted that Marcus falls hard and doesn’t hide it and wanted to know if it bugged Andi. Ha! Andi said she hoped she could catch up to his feelings.
RED FLAG, Marcus. Uh oh.
Then Marcus cried when he talked to his brother. The men this seasons are emotional, that’s for sure.
Buck up, dudes!
I kind of tuned out after that . . . I don’t know. Marcus loves her. He said it over and over.
I felt worried for him . . .
Then we had the hard part of watching Chris Harrison telling Andi and the four remaining guys that Eric died.
It was terrible. I really don’t think we needed to see this. Or that it needed to be filmed.
I hated it.
Marcus walked out. Andi followed him. They came back. There were a lot of tears. And then the camera crew put their cameras down and everyone hugged everyone else.
I am telling you, I hated it.
Andi was really upset because of her last conversation with him.
And I am telling you (I said it in this blog post) if that’s not a little mini life lesson, then I don’t know what is. We should be nice all of the time because you never know when it will be the last time. I’m going to work on that.
The next day, Andi and Chris Harrison had a heart to heart. I don’t even want to go into it. It was more about how Andi was feeling. I don’t know. I felt like it should have been about Eric.
Then they tried to have a rose ceremony, but Andi lost it, and had to leave the room.
When she came back, she gave roses to 1) Josh 2) Chris and 3) Nick.
Poor Marcus. I knew it.
Their little moment on the bench was all tears.
I think Andi just needed to go home and get under the covers and let it all out. Sometimes, that’s just what a girl needs to do. And, apparently, some of these boys, too.
In the limo, Marcus said he shouldn’t have told her he loved her.
EXACTLY, Marcus. Yes. It was WAY TOO SOON.
Next week, they go to the Dominican Republic for the Fantasy Suite dates.
And that’s all I’ve got.
What did you think? Do you think Eric’s death was handled well?
I agree with you, the whole Eric situation was mishandled. I, however, am a Chris fan. Somehow, I'm not sure if he'll make the cut, though, because I don't see Andi as an Iowa girl!
Enjoyed your play-by-play analysis,
🙂 Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches
I literally spit coffee when I read shupport! I had to record Bachelorette and I would watch a little and then read your post and then watch read until I finished the whole thing! I am SSOOOOO with you on Nick…creepy! Fake tears! Although I am starting to think he may really like her, but bleck! And Chris…oh my goodness… Where did he come from! He about won me over tonight! Precious!!!! But then there's josh…my favorite from day one! I was worried about the whole "Aaron" thing…although I'm a dawg alum so I totally LOVE him too! But thank goodness they saved the day and josh is back on top!!! Wondering about this whole head/heart thing! She should definitely pick Josh or Chris…but I'm worried it's gonna be fake tear boy!
I like Chris, but I agree with Sarah! The whole situation was weird and I had to fast forward through the part where they told them.
Down the learning road
I love reading about your thoughts on the show. It is just a BAD obsession. I can't seem to stop watching it. I know it is so wrong on so many levels. And as far as Eric's death…They handled the entire thing wrong. They could have left out the final argument with him. They could have explained it all without doing it publicly. He was essentially a stranger to her and she was a drama queen about it. I really hate that they used his death in a publicity way. He was actually my favorite until she flipped out. As far as the ending, I think she will pick Josh (and he is adorable, but something is a little off). I like Chris and his family the best. Maybe he will be the next bachelor if she doesn't pick him! Nick is just plain odd. And we know what happens when they pick the person that everyone hates in the house! Ugh!
The game that Chris and his family played was called Ghost in the Graveyard. My family plays it, but we call it Sardines. One person hides and the others have to find that person. If you have a large group you can have teams that go searching or if you have a small group you can search independently. Then everyone searches in different directions for the hiding person. If you find that person, then you sit down and hide with them in the same spot. As others find you, they also join your spot. Thus the name Sardines. You will be packed in like sardines in a can. When the last person finds the group, the game is over. You can then play again and the last person is now the hiding person. We adults love this game and in fact we get so into it, that we all wear dark clothing so we can't be seen as easy. We play it outside during the summer nights. The great part is that the kids can all join in too. We even played it inside the house once during the winter! I hope you and your friends try it sometime. It's a very cool game.
Now, On to NICK. He is a sap and I want him gone as much as you do. I screamed at the TV when she called his name the other night. I suspect that I am not the only one who screamed at the TV! Let's just hope that Chris or Josh can win her over this next week!
Second In Line
Patty, I remember playing this game as a kid at summer camp! It's so fun!
They handled the Eric situation completely wrong! It seemed like it was all for show. I don't like how they had to put the cameras down to record everyone hugging like they had to prove they were sad. I thinking highlighting his work and promoting the foundation that his family started in his memory would have been a touch more genuine that recording themselves "crying". And Nick…it's the eyes and the way he looks at the camera. Head down, eyes gazed up; like he did something wrong and he's sorry about it and can't register emotion to be sorry about it even if he wanted to. I hope Chris wins, but he probably won't because she doesn't seem like she can handle life on the farm!
Being an Iowa girl myself, I'm cheering for Chris. I honestly don't see Andi as a "farm girl/wife" though. You absolutely have to play Ghost in the Graveyard! Dressed in black with a group of friends after dark is the best! (You might not want to drink too much wine and check out where the holes in the yard are before you start though. Not that I speak from experience–lol!) Chris actually lives in a neighboring town from me. We've been hooked to the show this season, watching to see if he is picked. I don't watch the show otherwise, but LOVE your narrations of what happened on Talk About it Tuesdays! Also, it's so nice to hear someone describe Iowans as "normal". 🙂
I guess I'm going to be the only, lonely, one, but what the heck?! To me, Nick's hometown was nice, normal, and he seemed much more like the regular guy he probably is (not the version the show has created) – I didn't mind him a bit on this week's show, and his little sister was adorable!
Chris and his family were also awesome, but Arlington is just not Andi-country.
My crush is on Josh, too! He looked amazing on that date – those arms! Yum! I have a feeling all the "doubts" Andi had about it being all about Aaron were highlighted/manufactured because of his status as her REAL favorite. They want to keep us wondering, but, I'm convinced she luhhh-ves him!
Marcus had something off about him, for sure. Cute guy, but I didn't care so much for him.
And, finally, I must say that even though I was so uncomfortable watching the breaking of Eric's death to the group, I think it was okay to film and show it. If they would've gone right from the happy hometowns, to a rose ceremony where Andi can't keep it together, I would have wondered why they DIDN'T show us. I also must say I was glad (not the right word) to see Andi's breakdown about her last time with Eric; it's the way I would've felt, and seeing her have that remorse felt more genuine than their previous "honoring Eric" piece they did the night he left the show – that was NOT about Eric, and she seemed very cold. At least showing the audience a very real piece of a very un-real show helped me see her true feelings, and I appreciated that. I agree it was a very private moment that was very uncomfortable to watch, and very heart-wrenching, but, I didn't find myself mad at the show about this one.
Anyway, I love reading your blog – when it's about teaching and when it's not! Hope you're feeling better so you can enjoy your trip to Vegas! 🙂
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