Hey friends! I have been MIA. Some people say that stands for Missing in Action. I think it means Man, I’m Awful. I left you all hanging for THREE DAYS.
Let’s see what I’ve been up to.
Thursday — Hmmm. I can’t recall.
Friday — Wine Trolley (more on that tomorrow)
Saturday — Recover from Wine Trolley
In the meantime, I’ve been doing some stuff on my to-do list. In that effort, my “office” has been taken over with school stuff. I say my “office” loosely because it houses the treadmill and my husband’s desk and a futon. A fancy futon, but a futon nonetheless. (Okay, it’s not that fancy. I bought it at Target for $99 and it’s black plush velvet suede or some such material. And when my five year old nephew slept on it–because I got it for him–for the first time, he said, “This is hard.” He only sleeps there twice a year and I think he’s lucky to have it. When I was five, I slept in a sleeping bag on the floor of wherever I was visiting. No one bought me a rock to sleep on.)
Anyways, the “office” is a mess now. But I’m crossing stuff off my list and that’s all that matters.
One thing I finally finished were my Math Fluency Assessments. Doesn’t that sound fancy? That’s thanks to Hadar. I think my original title was Math Stuff or Math Is Hard So Let’s Put It On The Parents, but Hadar polished it a bit for me.
Anywho, here’s how this started.
For 15 years or so, I gave math timed tests. Consider them Mad Minute tests or Compucat or Tests that are Timed. In the beginning, I had parent volunteers grade them for me and keep track of them.
And then we had some drama. This parent told another parent that this student was ONLY ON LEVEL SUCH AND SUCH and this other parent spread that around (because let’s get real, it’s first grade and these tests determine whether or not kids get accepted into college. Or the popular group.) . . . and then the mother of the struggling student found out and she cried. To me. While my kids were in the class. For real.
There, there, I said. There, there.
But later, I was called into the principal’s office and I was told that all operations must cease. I could no longer have the parents grade the tests for me.
I tried to have upper grade students do it for me, but they made some mistakes. Which made me look like I don’t know how to add and subtract. I do! Especially single digit numbers. It’s only when they get to doubles that I begin to struggle . . .
So I was left to grade them.
It was okay. I did it. I’m a good teacher. This clearly shows how great I am.
But then I got 32 kids. (Truthfully, I got 31 and then last year I started with 31 and ended with 29. I scared a couple of them.) People, I couldn’t keep up on those tests to save my life. I had my upper grade helpers do it sometimes and it was . . . sort of helpful. But not really. Because then I had to check what they did . . .
SO! I came up with a different solution. I’m a thinker, you know.
We have a Sight Word Program at my school in which the kids take home a list to practice . . . they return it when they’re ready to be tested. My upper graders do this for me. It basically runs itself.
Yes. Exactly.
I created a Math Program in the same way! There are 26 levels (sequential, incremental, choose a buzz word of your choice), answer keys, flashcards, certificates, a note to parents, and student grids. Bottom line: students practice their math fluency at home, return the level when they are ready to be tested, meet with an upper grade student one-on-one (or in your lucky case, a parent volunteer) and are quizzed on the equations. Rather than writing the answer down, the students orally state them. As in, the kids actually have it memorized.
I don’t know about you, but during Timed Tests in my class, all I would hear for the entire minute were pencils being dropped on desks, scrambled to be picked up, and dropped again. Click clack. Click clack. They were dropping their pencil to use their fingers to count. They didn’t have any fluency at all. It became more of “How fast can you count?” than actual memorization. I’m hoping this program will combat that!
Do I sound holier than thou?
Clear throat. I shouldn’t. Because, in all honesty, I’m just super excited to never grade another timed test as long as we both shall live.
I also think I’m going to get the same results. Whether timed in class, or practicing at home, I think the kids who do well will continue to do well and the kids who don’t, won’t. Shoot. That may have come out wrong. Um, the kids who struggle will probably continue to . . . hmmm. Never mind. In either format, the kids are supposed to be practicing at home. It’s part of their homework. So we’ll see. I’m in a school where the parents are pretty competitive so I think I’m going to get a lot of tests back. (That’s how it is with my Sight Word Program)
I made the flashcards for my kids who need a visual. My helpers will flash the cards at the student being tested and he/she will orally state the answer. (Before laminating, I wrote the answer on the back of the flashcard lightly in pencil.)
I made the answer keys for those kids who don’t need a visual. That way, my helper can just pull out the answer key and read the equations that way.
To sum it up, I’m now sick of this. It took me FOREVER. My brain was hurting after awhile. And then I had trouble with how big the file was. Thanks to Kelley at Teacher Idea Factory – she totally saved my life and taught me a new trick! Thank you!
Click on the pics to go check it out at TpT.
Leave a comment and I’ll have a random drawing to give this away to 3 people. I’ll let you know all about it tomorrow . . . along with the Wine Trolley. And yes, it’s exactly how it sounds. A trolley. With wine.
Meredith Gilbert says
These are great….but I really can't wait to hear about the WINE TROLLEY! ๐
Sunshine, Sand and Scissors
Jill says
This looks great, I can't keep up with the timed tests either. This is wonderful.
Brittney says
This sounds like a fantastic resource! I would love to win this for use in my classroom. ๐
kcal88 says
How cool?! I admit to being a little jealous you're crossing things off your to-do list…I might need to get a move on ๐
Judith says
What a great idea (wine trolley). Timed test package is pretty good too.
Miss Emily says
Have you heard of xtramath.org…it's a math fact practice online. I used it with 2nd and up and it does go into multiplication/division but I'm sure it could be taken off.
These look great though
KOL says
Yep, parent helpers who gossip make it tricky at my school, too, Bummer. I'd better get moving on my planning soon!
Beth says
How cool! I would love to use something like this with my students!
Rachel says
I was so behind in the correcting the timed tests I gave my students! We had to do them everyday!
Doodle Bugs says
pretty cool!!!!
and what about big brother thoughts?!?!?!
Sue says
Oh, this might just be the ticket. Thanks.
Traci says
Oh, I seriously need this. My timed math is called "speed math" and I like everything about it – but there just isn't time to grade it. I went from doing it 4 days a week to MAYBE 1. I like this idea MUCH better.
Pattie Russell says
This looks great. I love this idea. This reminds me of when I had to recite my times tables to the class to prove my knowledge and move on to the next level. My district doesn't want us to do timed math fact assessments.
Janine says
Girl, you were working hard! I still don't know how to make a pic like that, so you MUST share that knowledge with little ole me, or a whole bunch of us, but share away, please.
I love this idea and hope 3 is my lucky number!
I am off to wait for Big Brother, my summertime love.
Faithful in First
Amber O. says
That does look like a pretty sweet little packet! Fluency with math facts is one area seriously lacking in our packaged math curriculum. I would love to have this resource in addition to what I already use.
Jennifer B says
This looks like a great way to ensure that kids are mastering theirmbasic facts, without the time stress….we are not to be timing students anymore, so this would be perfect!
Cassandra says
I too hate grading timed tests. Hate it a lot. this would be pretty amazing.
Adventures in Room 5
loularkin says
I love that they have to practice at home and take the test when they are ready. I am terrible at grading timed tests.
Jennifer Larkin
Patty Rutenbar says
Those look great. . . but seriously you could have had more time for your wine trolley, if you would have just purchased Otter Creek's math. It's so similar to yours. . . and so developemental for your kids. And as far as the checking part. . . I only check the papers of the kids who reach their goal each day. For example if a child's goal was to complete 28 problems in the one minute, and they did 28 or more problems, he would raise his paper when the time was up and I would check his later. If he didn't reach that 28 he would just take his paper home to practice with that night. It makes it much easier to know you have to maybe check a third or less than half of your class each night as compared to checking EVERYONE'S! Now go sip some more wine.
Second In Line
Angela says
I have avoided regular timed tests because I didn't want to grade them. You might just be on to something!
Diana says
Well, in my district, we are NOT allowed to give timed tests!!! Our math program uses 'fact triangles.' So I assign each student a day of the week, and on that day I call them up to my desk and flash the triangles at them. I count the number they got correct and write it in my grade book. I 'test' 5 kids each day, but there is no written proof.
Anyway, your math fluency packet looks awesome! Great job!
Rachael Sterling says
Uhg! I HATE grading those timed tests too!!!! What a perfect resource – I love how you thought of the visual and auditory learner! Already in my wish list!!!! Thank You!
Barb says
I am simply amazed and would love to win this pack! Glad you're back…can't wait to hear about the Wine Trolley!
Steph says
The packet looks great!! I'm definitely not a fan of grading timed tests…
Stephanie says
I hated timed fact tests back when I was in school — let alone as a teacher having to grade one. Also, I wish the phrase, "It's not going to keep them out of college" was an acceptable written comment sometime ๐
โค -Stephanie
Falling Into First
Mrs. Nunley says
I REALLY love this idea! It looks fabulous!
First Grade Magic
Pam says
I love this idea! I have such a hard time keeping up with grading timed tests. I also like that the kids take the test when they are ready- I am sure it alleviates a lot of stress from the kiddos as well.
Roo says
What a great idea. I like that the kids can progress at their own levels.
stephf54 says
Looks great! I'm lucky to have my hubby grade my timed tests. He does it fairly willingly as long as he doesn't have to grade anything reading/writing/language related. He's very mathy and can grade all 28-30 in a few minutes.
Amy says
I LOVE this idea! I do not like timed tests either and this is a fantastic alternative.
Wendy says
I love this idea, looking forward to checking it out. Would also like to know more about the sight word program. Is it a program your district came up with or purchased?
Again, thanks for the great product!
Kayla says
This looks great. I'm always in need of a different method for math. I hate grading timed tests!
Megan says
Sounds great!
Leslie says
This is an amazing idea! ๐
Mrs. Clark says
Great idea! I Hate with a capital H grading timed tests! This seems like the oh so perfect solution. I would Love, with a capital L to have these wonderful little take home packs! Oh please randomly draw my name out of the hat or bowl or cup or whatever it is you choose to use!
Mrs. Hall says
Great idea! Jackie KY. scottyandjackie@windstream.net
julie zrenner says
I like your project,,,home school connection but I second the use of xtra math. I use at home with my 4 year old(she wants to do it) and at school..I believe the program starts at K and goes to 5th
Kari says
It sounds like a great idea . . . now I wonder if I will have some helpers this year to help me out with this . . . =)
Scheduling upper grade students is kind of tricky in my building and we don't always have homeroom parents available since a lot of our parents work.
Tamara says
What an amazing idea! I hate grading those. ๐
Holly says
Why yes, yes I would LOVE this. Every year I struggle with how I want to manage timed tests. I had a high school helper for two years in a row, and she helped me with them…so I was able to wash my hands of that mess for a while. Now she's gone…and you are here, with this wonderful blessing. I hope I win!!!!!! xoxo
{Was your computer smokin'?!?!}
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Jen says
We've done Rocket Math, Mad Math Minute and Math Drills–and I know what you mean with keeping up with it all. I like the sound of this home practice. Thanks for your hard work!
Miss DeCarbo says
This looks fantastic! ๐ It's clear you put tons of work into it. I would LOVE this! I'm headed back to first grade this year and need a math fact program….(hint, hint) ๐
Sugar and Spice
2nd Grade Teacher and Life Long Learner says
FANTASTIC IDEA! I call them Speedy Facts and likewise there is competition amongst the students and parents sometimes like to know where their child is in relationship to the entire classroom! I allow many students the option to orally do their Speedy Facts; I do not believe in penalizing a student if he/she knows his/her facts but can't write them down fast enough. One parent was very grateful for allowing her son to do them this way! THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THIS IDEA!!! I anxiously await your drawing of the 3 winners!!! SMILES- please check out my Blog if you have not done so already!
Mrs. D says
Wow! This sounds amazing! ๐
K. Freeman says
What a great idea – and never having to mark them again? Brilliant!
A trolley – with wine – amazing! ๐
Ashley says
This sounds a lot like the Otter Creek program. The district I worked in previously uses that program and it is a great way for students to learn those facts. This one though is so much cheaper! Thanks for the chance to win! An answer key?! Genius!
Constance says
I would love these! Can't wait to hear about that trip on the Wine Trolley…LOL!!!
Teresa says
This is something that I would love to implement in my classroom! Thank you for your efforts!
Miss School Potato says
Hi, Kristen!
I LOVE reading your blog…you are so funny and always make me laugh!
As I was reading about your challenges with mad minute (I love your solution!), I thought of Math Magician. Have your students used Math Magician before? Here is the link:http://resources.oswego.org/games/mathmagician/cathymath.html
It's free to use. It has addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. When you click on the operation, it gives you levels to choose from as well as a mixed level. When a student masters a level, there is an option to print out a certificate (this would be your documentation for each student, which means no teacher grading!). If your class has a weekly computer lab time or you have access to COWs or computers in your room, they could do Math Magician during those times. They could even access Math Magician at home. For those who don't have access to parent volunteers or older kid helpers, this could be an option! Or if you have students who have trouble with keyboarding, the parent or older kid helper could type the answer as the student dictates. What do you think?
Becki says
Aren't you just so clever?!?! Love this idea and I think if I don't win in your drawing, then I'll be purchasing this for my firsties!
Thanks for sharing.
Christi says
I too HATE grading timed tests. Clever idea!
mrsrodriguezb3 says
Not only was this post fun to read, but the math pack sounds awesome! ๐
Laura R.
JulMat says
This looks awesome! I hate correcting those timed tests too!
Started using xtramath last year and it is great because you can see who does it at home and who doesn't!
Buggy In Kindergarten says
The wine trolly sounds amazing! Kinda like a ice cream truck… but all grown up for adults!! These math tests sound awesome, no grading=wonderful Saturday to be spent without a stack of papers at hand!
First Grade Fun says
Yea!! Looks great!
Melissa says
Yea! Love that you took the TIME to do this! Ha!
Karyn says
Kristin I LOVE this! What a great idea to send this home to have parents help. I feel so dumb for never thinking of something like this! Of course, my kiddos are those ones that are generally struggling…but I hope the extra practice and award incentives will help motivate them! ๐
Kelly says
Wow! We give Mad Minutes at my school, but I really like this idea!
– Kelly Campbell ๐
Tammy says
I have a better idea…don't do timed tests at all! lol looks really cool.
First Grade @ Storybook Cafe
Kelley Dolling says
This resource is fantastic! Take it from someone who has seen the full pack in all its glory . . . you want this!!!
Kristin, so glad I could help. Thanks oh-so much for the sweeter than sweet shout out ๐
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
Mary says
Love it! I've never done time tests because my mom talks about how I stood on the porch and cried in first grade because I didn't want to go to school and take a time test!! It ruined me! We do math challenges against each other and other classes. Talk about competitive!!
amalisa says
Love the look of this!
Marcy says
I love the looks of this! It is on my wishlist!
TCarney says
We must be in the same district because last year I had 32 first graders too. I hate grading all those test and the parents at my school would do the same thing!!
Melissa Janson says
Wow! This is great! I would love to use this in my classroom.
Valerie Nikolaus says
Love it! You made my weekend! rnikolaus@cox.net
VAL Nikolaus
Sandra says
Sounds awesome!! ๐
โค Sandra
Sweet Times in First
Kshee23 says
This looks great…I would love to use it with my class!
Terri says
Kristen…you crack me up! You seem to be able to put into words the exact experiences I have had. Are you sure you aren't down the hall from me?
The best thing I ever did with timed tests was to have the students correct their own (with a crayon) while we all recited the answers out loud. I would wander around checking that students were doing the speaking and staying with us. I had them circle the wrong answer (and the ones they didn't finish), and I told them that they were the ones they needed to practice. The only test I corrected was the "final". when the time was up they switched from pencil to crayon and I made them finish all the problems. It worked really slick in second grade.
I love that with you packet they are asked to practice at home (my principal doesn't like us to give homework…can you imagine? I of course recommend it anyway). and I like that they are tested orally by buddies. Some do learn to count fast…and memorizing/fluency is so much better. Keep up the great work!
Terri Izatt
Becky F. says
Sounds like a great way to assess math facts! I've been trying to figure out how to do this better in my class and this might just be the solution!
Meg says
I love math fluency….and I LOVE your new spin on it. I am glad to see you have a 'store' now…but just keep posting even when you are so rich you get to retire and move to Hawaii.
Mrs. Lanni says
You are awesome. To practice I'm going to try this out on my granddaughter who just finished 1st. Thank you. Deanne.lanni@gmail.com
Mrs. Lanni says
You are awesome. To practice I'm going to try this out on my granddaughter who just finished 1st. Thank you. Deanne.lanni@gmail.com
Heather says
Another item to add to my wish list! Thanks!
The Ball Babies says
You are hilarious! Totally loving this idea and your blog! I'm definitely going to check this program out.
Laura says
I think this is a great solution to all the timed math tests. I will have to share it with my first grade team and maybe we can all try it. That way parents don't compare one classroom to the other.
There is a wine trolley in Brea, CA close to where I live. I've never been to it though although it looks like a lot of fun. Maybe after reading about your experience, I will look more into it.
mrslauravuong@gmail.com (in case I win!)
Christa Swaney says
What a great idea!! Definitely have to consider trying this!! I love your blog! You make me laugh every time I read a post!!
Juana says
Love this! And can't wait to hear about the Wine Trolley? Lol
Kiley says
I'm intrigued! Are you going to make a similar packet for sight words?
Marti Messner Family says
What a great idea and a lot of work. Wish I knew for sure what grade I would be teaching next year so I could get some things crossed off.
Jennifer says
Sounds like a fantastic idea!!
The First Grade Dream
Win an iPad for your classroom
Christy says
These sound AWESOME! I hate grading them too. It just takes so much time!
Mel says
I can't wait to hear about the wine trolley! I added the math fluency to my wish list, just in case I don't win. ๐
Elizabeth M. says
You had me at, "…won't have to grade ever again". Hope I win.
Shanyn says
These look fabulous! I'm amazed at your efforts! It must have taken forever!
Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists
Andrea says
Clearly I am a genius for following your blog. And you are more of a genius for creating a way to reduce daily headaches in my class. I also teach in CA where there are 32 students to a class and correcting papers, especially speed counting papers is a never ending, PITA!!!! I love pita bread by the way!
Can't wait to implement this. andreaw from andrea(dot)wright(at)comcast(dot)net.
zputty says
This would be fantastic for my resource room! I have struggled with having meaningful homework that doesn't take me hours to put together for individuals. This would make parents happy – everyone knows how to handle working on math facts.
Down Under Teacher says
This looks fantastic, exactly what I've been looking for!
Down Under Teacher
Mrs. Sullivan says
I was so excited to see you posted!! This looks great! We used Saxon for several years. We now do a 5 minute/100 problem test once a week and I try to supplement with my own modified version of Saxon. :o) P.S. How is your dog?
Sherri says
I want the packet, and I want to hear about the wine trolley! Thanks for doing all the hard work! Does anyone know of a similar packet for multiplication? I mean we can't expect her just to jump back on the bandwagon after this trolley adventure that apparently requires recovery time!
Jessica Walker says
This packent would be a great addition to my resources. I hope you pick me! How is your dog? I can't wait to hear about the wine trolley.. ๐
Mrs. DiCicco says
What a great idea! I think we all share the same struggles with Math Fluency and how to test it…
411 says
A much better idea then the pencil paper test.
MissCoffey says
Wow! That program sounds amazing! Totally checking this out!
rmdirk says
I would love to try these!!! Not grading sounds wonderful too!!!
yvonnee says
This looks great. Thanks so much for this opportunity.
shan19 says
I also dread grading timed tests! This sounds like a great pack!!
Sandy says
These look great Kristin! I love the idea of the kids doing them orally and having an older student test the kids! You did a great job on them!!!! ๐
Soaring Through Second
Sharon says
These look wonderful! I can't even get my student's parents to sign agendas on a daily basis.
Amy says
I like this! Right now we use the Mastering Math Facts program (aka "Rocket Math"). I do like how it builds upon itself, but it can be time consuming to grade.
michee says
Wow ounds exactly like what I need!!! It was hard keeping up with 20 students…couldn't imagine grading 30 different timed tests!
Charlotte says
Looks great! I would love to have this!
Ms. Kennedy says
Love these! I definitely need to step up my math fluency game ๐
Mrs.T says
I love this idea! It made me ponder how to alter it for multiplication!
P.S. I followed you to make 1700 so you wouldn't be at 1699, I hate odd numbers too! Haha, so weird. I love your blog, you are hilarious! You made me laugh so hard my hubby looked at me funny. He didn't understand the joke when I told him, I guess cause he's not a teacher!
Ashlee says
This looks like a life saver!!
I could never imagine letting parents grade things. That's a big NO NO at my school. Everything is super top secret can't be told confidential. Lol
Cindy says
So love reading your posts – can't wait to hear about the trolley….. :o) Would LOVE to have your math fluency set – I'm stuck on the mad minutes and would love to try this! :o)
Mrs.O says
I'm glad somebody is getting some work done! Sounds like a great program. I'd like to hear how it goes as you implement it next year. I currently use a program called Rocket Math. It combines oral and written math fluency along with the at home practice. We do it every day…. Which means it has to be corrected every day. I recruit parent volunteers to do it for me. I let the parents know at back to school night that this program only works when I have volunteers (I.e.no volunteer= we don't do it that day). I also tell the parents that the students scores are confidential and make them sign a confidentiality agreement.
Enough shop talk… Let's hear about this trolley!
Aimshort says
I wish my parents would get competitive…ho hum! This looks great! I hope it sells well, though I'd like to win it for free! I enjoy your blog so much! You always make me laugh right out loud!
sarah says
This looks great!
CarolP says
Love it! I have been needing something like this & haven't had the ability to push myself to make something (I love TPT- I can let others do the effort & then just buy it!). Thanks! Carol
Mrs. Phillips says
I bought it on TPT yesterday. I love this idea! love, love, love. Thank you for not forcing me to reinvent the wheel…again!
Anna Coe says
Thanks so much, this is exactly the type of help I have been looking for.
cdeutschman says
Wine trolley sounds fun!!!! ;O)
this is great – how do you work your sight words – what does the homework look like? Would appreciate feedback – we send the cards home and a list of games to play but there is not any accountability with the homework – other than at benchmark time when they are tested. I test my cards before that but most don't. Thanks again.
Chrystal says
I love this idea!
jpank says
Looks great! I tried implementing timed tests last year but had problems keeping up with the grading and whatnot.
alwayslearning says
This would be perfect for me as I am just now moving to first grade from K. Also, my own kiddos are working on learning their math facts as well! Thank you for creating this!
Maureen Hoffman-Wehmeier says
I am hoping to win. I teach 5th and we are supposed to do time tests every day. Sometimes I remember, some times I do not. I have the students grade their own. Believe it or not, they are honest. However, I would like to do something where the onus of responsibility is on the parents. We already have our timed tests ready to go. I just need to send home flash cards, etc. I also hope to get some parents in to help. No parent help, no high school student help, by the end of the school year, I needed professional help! LOL! Thanks! (Can't wait to hear about the wine trolley!) -Mo
hlr2482 says
This is exactly what we need at our school! We are trying to cut down on meaningless homework and this way each kid would be practicing what they need! Love it!! I would love to win ๐
Mrs. McKeown says
I really like this idea. I am thinking about how I can adapt or create a similar plan for my 5th graders that need to practice mult and division. (some need practice with addition and subtraction for that matter!)
Thanks for the resource!
Iteachmath09 says
Great great great ideas!!!!!! I need to do this with multiplying and dividing
Kristin says
Looks great!