Happy Sunday!
As many of you know, I do not use a clip chart in my classroom. In fact, I waited a year after I started blogging to even mention it. I would just kind of glide over my whole management system and be vague about it. And by that, I mean I never talked about it.
Because I was afraid.
I was afraid that people would throw rotten tomatoes. I even titled the post “I Don’t Use A Clip Chart. Please Don’t Throw Rotten Tomatoes.“
Luckily for me, no one threw anything.
Phew. It takes a long time to do my hair. Even though I only have two hairstyles: Down or In a Ponytail. Either way, I don’t need anyone throwing tomatoes or other food at it.
Simply put, students earn “gold tags” (or tickets) for making good choices all throughout the day. At the end of the week, they turn them in for Fun Friday (which are centers such as writing, art, play-doh, math or whatever is exciting and engaging for your learners) and the person with the most gold tags gets to choose their center first.
For more of an in depth look at this program, you can check out a post {HERE} or {HERE}.
Some people were ready to try something new. Some people said they were going to stick with their clip chart. Some people said they were going to keep using Class Dojo. I say do whatever works for you. Whatever helps you have a good day. Whatever works in your classroom. Gold tags work for me so that’s what I use.
Recently, Miss Giraffe shared my behavior management post on her Facebook page and it was shared a lot and I’ve been receiving emails from a lot of people. Which I love, by the way! And now I’m getting lots of questions and lots of requests for this or that or how or why or when regarding gold tags.
So I spent some time this week and put everything in one place and it’s all editable (over 100 pages!) so if you want to use this program in your classroom, you can totally customize it to meet your needs.
annie ramos says
This looks really great! ๐ anniepopramos@gmail.com
myrandaroyann says
I'd love to win this! myrandaroyann@gmail.com
Amy Stevens says
I am switching from K to 4th this year and would LOVE this for my new older kiddos!! Thanks! amy@stevens1.org
ann marie hice says
Love it! annmariehice@gmail.com
Stephanie and Casey says
I love this! Stephanie_olsen@fullertonsd.org
Kim says
This looks amazing!!! I use your gold tags and both my students and I LOVE them! This is just what I need to make my system run smoother!
Cheryl Irick says
I'm switching from kinder to TK this year and I think this would be perfect! Thanks for sharing it with us. irickcheryl@gmail.com
Lori Martin-Lukomski says
I would love love love this! I did gold tags and took a break from counting gold tags this year and did class dojo. All year I kept saying God I miss gold tags! I'm definitely switching back! No more over zealous parents checking their kids points every second and emailing me about why they got a point taken away even though it clearly said why. I will never abandon gold tags ever ever ever again!!!
Nicole says
I am in love with this!!! I've tried the ticket thing before and it didn't work, but your way seems so simple. I will definitely be using in August whether I win or not!!
Diana Mahar says
I plan on using this in my very first classroom ๐ digamahar@gmail.com
Mary Love Strange says
I'd really like this to use in lieu of a behavior chart. I like to emphasize the positive to great a safe and fun classroom environment, and this would help me with that. Thanks for the opportunity!
Kristina Beltram says
Would love to win this!
Toni Hall says
Nice to see a positive spin on behavior! th018epj@gmail.com
Breanne Simons says
Love this!!! ๐ breannesimons@gmail.com
e11b3e66-1daf-11e5-abb8-ff7a6e52967b says
I have been looking into this for my classroom!! It would be a great help! Thanks for the opportunity!! Herstihn@aol.com
Lisa says
I am ready to ditch the clip chart! ๐ pair_of_shorts_plus1@yahoo.com
ๅคงๅฎ says
I love this brilliant idea! baobaolovekids@gmail.com
Carla says
Would love to try this next year! Bcc_carla@yahoo.com
Rebecca Huss says
I would love to use this next year! I'm moving to 1st grade from 3rd grade and this looks fabulous!
Karyn says
Love this Kristin! This would be perfect for my Kinders. I love how versatile you made it! Kideducator@comcast.net
Melissa says
I love this idea! Missalissa77@yahoo.com
Christine Mazz says
This is great! Xtine133@gmail.com
Allison Dungan says
Amanda says
These look awesome!
Erine Ames says
This is great! So excited to try this system this year!. Mitduc@aol.com
Lisa Io says
This would bring back some developmentally appropriate skills back to school. Awesomeness!! (this could be a word ๐ ) matschke1io@gmail.com
Diane Daniel says
Would love to use this in my class! ddaniel@camden.k12.ga.us
Amber O. says
Since reading your original post, I've used this system in my classroom & loved it! My kids have loved it, too…but my principal questions it. Hoping this packet will answer her questions better and convince her to get on board:) geteacher@hotmail.com
Mrs. Craighead says
This looks GREAT! I would love a new idea to start off my year. ๐
swarstler says
This looks awesome!!
susan says
Wonderful way to keep communication with families! schewkinder@gmail.com
Debbie says
I'm really wanting to get away from the out in the open clip chart. Thanks for sharing!
Angie Henry says
Awesome fun! ahenry4443ah@gmail.com
Taylor Wilson says
Love it! Hope I win. Tlang33@yahoo.com
rachel says
I would love to win this! Rachel.e.jones1@gmail.com
Lauramw172 says
I would love this! lauramw172@gmail.com
Nicole says
nhuggenberger@gmail.com ๐
Lisa says
Love it! You did a great job! lisa_sardinha@hotmail.com
Amanda Fisher says
This is great! Amandabrindley14@gmail.com
amalisa says
I'd love the chance to try a new system. Thank you! whyabsolutely @ yahoo . com
Courtney Hall says
I'd love to use these in my room this year. courtneypaigehall@gmail.com
Laurie says
Shhh…I don't use a clip chart either!! I give Lyons' money to students who work hard and are kind. At the end of the month they can shop. It has worked well for me!!
Mollie Shutt says
LOVE this!!!! I would LOVE to WIN!:) I will be teaching 4th grade at a new school that hates clip charts and fosters positive discipline! I would love (again!) to win!!!!!
peggy27 says
I have been using gold tags for 2 years, such a big difference in their behavior! meunier27@yahoo.com
leina williams says
I would love to try this system!
Brandi Collins says
Ever since I saw your post about this on pinterest last week I have been trying to find a way to adopt this into my classroom in August because I think it is genius! I am so happy you made a kit to make it easier to start.
rosaleen says
Started using these when I read about it on your blog in first grade-love them! Would love to win your updated forms. rsturlini@csdo.org
Lori Raines says
This looks great! lraines78@gmail.com
Rosemary says
This would be great to use with my second graders.
1stgradefireworks says
Love the ruffle ones! Wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com
sarah says
Love this! No clip chart for me either!
ckessel says
Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement! christiekessel@yahoo.com
Jayne Highsmith says
My kiddos LOVE Fun Friday! It's so much more fun to catch kids being good:) I do not miss all the parent notes questioning the clip chart. I'd love to win and update my Fun Friday clothespin chart;) Happy Summer!
Lisa Marshall says
Would love this! Lmarshall1389@gmail.com
Samantha Miglich says
I would love to win this!!! I've spoken with other colleagues in my school about this and we all love it! samanthamiglich@gmail.com
The Filapek Family says
I think I might be ready for a change and this sounds so great! Everyone gets to participate in Fun Friday, but those who work harder get rewarded first! Question-how long is Fun Friday and is your school OK with you taking a break from teaching on Fridays? That's what I'm worried about, LOL!
rebecca says
I'm switching grade levels, k to first, and schools. This is a great ways to hold the kids responsible for doing the reporting to parents about behavior and not me.
Allison DeBusk says
This is such a great idea! I am ready for a positive change and would love to win it ๐ My email address is andebusk@hotmail.com.
Allison DeBusk
Carol Polston says
Looks great! I bet my class would love it. You are so entertaining to read- love your stuff Kristin!
Ashley Reed says
Love this!! ashleybowlesreed@hotmail.com
Emily Hilt says
Love this!! ekhilt@comcast.net
Kim S says
I like my behavior chart, but I'd like to try something more positive that doesn't involve me buying prizes. This sounds great! kcsalyer@yahoo.com
CarleyB says
great ideas! cbeale@spotsylvania.k12.va.us
Kim says
We've been looking into your system. Thanks for sharing all the ins and outs! Would love to try it out! barnhartk@pcsstn.com
goldring132 says
I would love to win for my Mentee.
ldemello says
Would love to win this!!! lorinademello@hotmail.com
Miss Davis Room 606 says
I love that you put this all together for us (finally!) It looks very organized and detailed. I'm looking forward to giving it a try!
Thanks so much!
Cula says
This would be great for our homeschool co op class that meets three days a week! Culaparker@yahoo.com
Kimberly Callahan says
Love, love, love the gold tags and I am excited about the editable version so I can customize it for my classroom. Thanks for sharing your amazing ideas! Kimcal@charter.net
Tara Peach says
I can't wait to read more about your system!
Samantha Pegg says
My school is incorporating PBIS so these would be great! Samantha.pegg1@gmail.com
Sue Keirn says
Thank you for all the time you put into sharing with us!!!
Katie says
Thanks for making it so customizable! Katiegordon2@gmail.com
Karyn Wright says
"Gold tags??" That sounds like Kristin… Oh my gosh, it is you!!! You are an amazing teacher, and I feel so blessed to have learned so much from you! Let's get together soon my friend! ? Karyn Wright
lorena says
How great is this?!? Fingers crossed! lorepuckett at gmail dot com
scrambledhenfruit says
Love this! ๐
Susan Allen says
Love your stuff! All awesome!!
Kristin Smith says
Hi Kristin, just wanted to say I love your blog and I love love love gold tags! I have been using them for two years now and it has changed my life (in the classroom that is. ๐ )I don't really need to win the packet because I already use most of the stuff, I just wanted to comment how awesome they are. Thanks for sharing this idea!
Kaylen Orr says
This is genius! kaylenorr@hotmail.com
KrazyforKindergarten says
I love your Gold Tags! Thank you so much for the explanation and packet! Also thank you for being honest about "taking them away" if warranted. I would much rather give them also but sometimes in life we do loose out because of a wrong choice.
Ashley Hohman says
This is great! Would have never thought of this! Love it! ๐ ametzger_912@yahoo.com
Cynthia Burrell says
I have been looking for a new system and this one sounds like the one! I would love to win this packet! Thanks for the opportunity! CRBURRELL@aol.com
Margaret Campbell says
Me please! Margaretcampbell89@gmail.com
Not Just a Mom says
I LOVE this!!! tania_lawrence@miyo.ca
Elsa Rivera says
I would love it. E.n.villagran@gmail.com
anakasato says
I would love this! Anakasato75@gmail.com
Nathan and Rachel says
This is a great idea! Would love a free copy!
Gina K says
I was just looking for different ideas when I came across your FB post. Perfect timing! gkalata@sbcglobal.net
Jenelle Malone says
WOW!!! I would LOVE to change up my behavior system at school1 This looks easy to implement and fun! jmalone@fusd1.org
Sa Beesley says
What a great idea! beesleyc@westbrookschools.org
Mary Guthrie says
Neat idea. sokrchk0101@yahoo.com
Miss May says
Love this! It looks so simple and so effective. I would love to win this! SFAMsMay15@gmail.com
Laura Park says
Would love it! Mrspark16@hotmail.com
Laura Peden says
I do or use a clip chart system In my class either. Never have and don't plan to ever. I even went to my principal to explain why when she wanted clip chart behavior charts to go school wide. I love the positive reinforcement spin to this system. It would fit in perfectly with the way I work in my classroom! Thanks. Lpeden@pblpanthers.org
Laura Peden says
Sorry! That's supposed to say I do NOT use a clip chart system! ๐
Jillian says
I would love this. jfletcher4109@gmail.com
Kirsten says
This looks awesome, and I'd LOVE to win! My school wants me to go to Dojo, and I don't want to! Your system is so positive, and I love it!!
tpace1970 says
This is great! I got rid of clip chart last year and really need something to replace it. Thanks!
teacherkeila says
This is fantastic! I got rid of my clip chart during the last quarter last year, but did not nothing in it's place. It went ok, but always felt I needed something else. This would be awesome to have! teacherkeila1@sbcglobal.net
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Terri says
I bought this last year, and used it with my Kinders. I loved it! Most importantly, it worked. My students loved it and worked hard to earn the gold tickets. Fun Friday was a great success.
Cindy S. says
I have used your Gold Tags behavior system for the past two years. It works wonders in the classroom, and the parents love seeing their kids so excited about getting them!! Thank you so much for sharing!! It has changed my classroom forever!!
Sheri says
I love this. I have been teaching preschool for about 20 years. Last year, while I was “off”” for the summer, I spent a lot of time thinking about behavior management. I knew that if I was going to continue, something would have to change because the systems I had tried had not worked for me. And, that is the key! What works for one person doesn’t always work for another. I knew that was going to be a problem where I teach because every teacher has their own way of handling behavior, and most think their way of doing it is the way to go. So on Parent Night I was very careful to explain that there are many ways to manage classroom behavior and all are acceptable. I explained that they just didn’t happen to work for me. This was the best year I have had in a long time – no tickets to pull, no “frowny faces”, no children sitting in isolation wondering what they did wrong with no idea how to fix it. I have more time to work with the children on conflict resolution and how to handle different situations that arise in the room not to mention more time to teach other things. Love your ideas. Your hair do is safe with me. I believe in constant evaluation of what we are doing, and I believe in changing what doesn’t work. Sure makes teaching more fun.
Kathleen Anuci says
Hey Kristin, I love your blog, ran across it a couple years ago when you posted first about your yellow tag system. I used it for a little bit, but I’m super terrible with paperwork. Our district has a tech truck that goes around to the schools and shows off a bunch of stuff we can’t afford, but they did hook us up with a behavior management tech tool called ClassDojo. It’s sort of like a Facebook page but just for your class and parents. You give the kids points based on rules, you can give them individually, as a group or to the whole class. It’s super easy to manage, even have the app on my phone. The parents love it because they can follow their kids behavior in real time. I set some goals for my class and they loved working towards the goal. Anytime a point is awarded to one student, the whole class get a point, and also if a student gets a point taken away, it decreases the whole class point total. You should look into it. We have done away with traditional paper and pen communications with our parents and the three K classes are only using this system next year.
Class Dojo
Josie says
We earn 7habit tickets. Love the approach of seeking the positive & fun Friday!!
Tammy says
What happens to the students with the least tags (or none)?
kristinoldham@yahoo.com says
Hi! I am ALWAYS passing out gold tags. I’ve never had a student with zero gold tags at the end of the week. The whole idea behind this system is to look for the positives — even in those challenging students. The student with the least amount of gold tags choose their Fun Friday center last. There are still choices and he/she still plays.