I’m linking up with my girls at Freebielicious again today . . . and talking about one of my favorite subjects . . .
But what in the world do you not already know about me?
I’m just going to act like some of you are new here and know nothing about me . . . and for those of you who already know everything about me, we’ll just pretend that you’ve forgotten and you’ll think Oh, that sounds familiar, yeah – maybe, well it doesn’t matter, I’m just so glad she told us again because that is a fun fact or very important to know.
So here we go!
1. I like to number things.
2. I have taught first grade for eighteen years which makes me sound old . . . because I am. But I still feel like I am sixteen years old inside my head and I often wonder how I got here in this place where I have a career and a car and a mortgage and I don’t live with my parents.
That was a little tangent. I often take tangents, too.
I have never taught anything besides first grade. I know. That makes me lucky or crazy. I have only taught in two schools and I’ve been in my current school for fourteen years. I love it! I work with some of my best friends and really feel like my school is my second family.
3. I am a Believer. I love the Lord and He loves me. He loves you, too!
4. I’ve been married to Steve for almost 18 years, but we’ve been together for almost 24 years. He is very very very good to me. You can read about him {HERE}.
Yes, this picture is grainy.
That’s because it’s from the olden days.
We had to sit for it while our portrait was painted.
I joke.
I kid.
But it was taken with a camera in which you had
to go to the photo place and drop off the film
and then hope and pray that when you got your
pictures back your eyes were open.
We haven’t changed a bit.
5. We have one fur baby, Murphie. She’s a girl, but most people think she’s a boy because of her name. I had the name before I had the dog so there you go. Murphy became Murphie. She’s a rescue and now a popular character in my Reader’s Theater for Advanced Readers packs.
Being a celebrity is hard work, don’t ya know.
My girl.
Truth be told, I didn’t want a girl because our other two dogs (Foster and Sydney) had two very distinct personalities. Foster, the boy, was just a gentle giant and loved everyone. And Sydney, the girl, only had eyes for Steve. Which made me feel left out. If Steve wasn’t around, Sydney had time for me, but even that was kind of pushing it.
I was afraid if we got another girl dog, she would just be Steve’s. And I knew I didn’t want two dogs this time because it’s a lot of work and I’m old, as I said before.
But then we got Murphie. And she became my dog, somehow. And now Steve is the jealous one.
Life is funny.
6. My parents just celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary!!!!! I love them both so much.
7. I have an older sister, a twin sister, and a younger brother. I love having siblings! Here’s almost all of us (nieces, nephews, etc) a couple of years ago. My twin is standing next to me (we’re fraternal) and my older sister is directly behind her and my younger brother is standing next to my dad.
It was Christmas and, apparently, I’m the only one who got
in the spirit. Either that, or I was the only one in my pajamas.
8. I love to read and I love to write. I’m putting those two together because I found out I loved to write through my love of reading. When I was in the fifth or sixth grade, my mom and I would go to the library together and I would check out seven books, read one book per day, and then start all over the next week.
I wrote a whole book in the seventh grade. In pencil.
9. I am a reality TV junkie. It is horrible and I should be ashamed. I kind of am, but not enough to stop watching. It’s a personal problem.
10. I was born in California, but did most of my growing up in Texas and Oklahoma. I love Texas and Oklahoma. A lot. I say I’m a Sooners fan but, let’s be real, I don’t understand football and never watch it.
11. I am not athletic. In any way, shape, or form. I am not athletic.
12. I am not a fan of country music. Don’t kill me!! I’ll listen to some of it, but it’s not my favorite.
13. I like my printing, but not my cursive.
14. I hate grocery shopping.
15. I am 4 feet 11 inches. Or 4 feet 10 3/4 inches. Give or take. Here or there. My driver’s license says 5 feet. It’s not like I’m ever driving around barefoot. Hardly ever. So. Anywho.
Like I said, I’m five foot even.
16. I pee a lot. A lot a lot. I can’t make it through the night without getting up to go. I have never been able to make it through the night. I love hearing when other people also suffer from this. It’s a syndrome. It’s called Teeny Tiny Bladder Syndrome.
17. I do not like my food to touch. I especially can’t stand it at Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner when my roll gets into green bean juice or gravy.
18. I love wine. Any kind. Sip sip.
19. Beetles, specifically June Bugs, freak me out! They’re out in full force right now and I cannot relax when we take Murphie to the park. Once, while eating lunch outside at a Subway, I hit one with my purse when it got too close. I nailed it. POP! And then I had to go finish eating inside.
20. I like to talk and laugh a lot. A lot a lot.
Okay, I think twenty things is good enough and you probably stopped reading by now anyway.
So goodbye.
Let’s also pretend that I couldn’t find any more pictures to go with any more of my facts rather than I just got tired and didn’t want to look anymore.
I'm glad I am not the only one who loves my dog so much! My DL says I am an inch taller than I actually am–5 feet 2 inches!– I feel your pain on the short part!
I don't like for my food to touch either! Sectioned plates are my friends! Love your blog, thanks for sharing your crazy adventures!
Love this post! You have a fantastic voice. I too am having a hard time realizing that I am almost 40 and a grown up. I remember thinking my parents were old at 40 and I feel way younger. And the food not touching thing…I totally get it! I've joked about using the cafeteria trays as my at home dinnerware.
Notes From the Portable
We have a ton of common! First and most importantly, we have the same name, which is spelled the BEST way! I am also a teeny tiny Kristin and suffer from Teeny Tiny Bladder Syndrome, which probably isn't helped by all of the wine that I drink. Sip sip?
School and the City
I think our babies can be buddies because mine is a fur baby and you and are are the same size.
This is awesome and you are adorable!
I have teeny tiny bladder syndrome too! When I was pregnant it was even worse! Loved reading your things about you!
I LOVE your blog so much! Your posts are always funny and have me laughing out loud literally. I also enjoyed reading your bachelorette/bachelor posts after watching the show. I might add that you correctly summed up my thoughts exactly….:-)
Teaching in Bows Pearls and Glitter
First time commenting, but I love your blog! I'm only five feet tall also. I have to admit it does irk me a bit when kids come up to me on the playground and want to show that they're almost as tall as me. I have to look up at some of the older kids. I'll stick with teaching the firsties for a while!
I love your blog. I'm so glad you are posting more now that it's summer. I go back to school in 12 days…:( I'm planning on staying in my pjs tomorrow! ha
Yay! I have always wondered if anyone else felt like they were still in high school. Some kids I mentored are now in college and that freaks me out because I feel like I am still 20. Also, I was born in OK and went to college there. And I just got a puppy. And lots of other things we have in common! ๐ That's fun!
Loved reading this (and I think I may have even learned something new ?). I love things to be numbered too and I also have a teeny tiny bladder!
I am cracking up over here! I just love you! Let's be friends?! haha! Where in Texas did you live? I am in Dallas!
Teach Create Motivate
Im still cracking up and smiling…but maybe because we have so much in common: 24 years in first in the same school, dog, peeing, freaking out over gross bugs, hate shopping (although I have 1 million things in baskets and carts all over the internet!!), big family – IRISH twin, girl dog that loves me and the list goes on. I dont think Im as funny as you but I'd be your friend to go and have a good laugh with sharing a lot of wine!! Good luck to you this year!!
Can I just say I love you? I think we could be friends. But, I'm tall (6'1", I used to say 5' 12" when I was in middle school so no one would freak about my 6 foot stature… then I grew some more.) I like to talk and laugh a lot a lot too. And I am a total dog person, and love some reality tv, too.
Mrs. Reed's Resource Room
Just love reading your blog. You are so funny and always just say it like it is! We have a ton in common, I am short, 5.1" if I stand up super straight, I never make it through the night without having to "GO", I finally got a dog that isn't the hubby's but mine, only took three tries, lol and I HATE if any of my food touches. It is rare to find another person like this. Like buffets are not my friend, I don't like them. Because to eat, which I do like to do, I would need to go back like 3-4 times, since I can only put 3 things on my plate at a time so they are not touching. Then I end up not going back after the second time, even though I would really like to, because I don't want people talking about how many times I have been back to the buffet. I also do enjoy some trashy reality TV when I'm working on my computer, since it doesn't require too many brain cells to keep up with what is happening. Thanks for sharing and I loved getting to know a few new things about you!
Luv My Kinders