TpT Orlando 2016 is here!
Or is it Orlando TpT 2016 is here?
Or maybe it’s 2016 TpT Orlando is here?
Well, whatever.
Here’s the deal. I’m going to Orlando. Today.
Orlando, Florida!
For the TpT Conference!
Every time I tell someone it’s in Orlando this year, they ask me if I’m doing the whole Disney World thing and I promptly say no.
- I have Disneyland.
- I have Disneyland is So Cal.
- It’s not humid here in So Cal.
The only time I plan on being outside in Orlando is upon leaving the airport to go to the hotel and then leaving the hotel to go back to the airport.
The conference is in the hotel that I am staying in so my plan shouldn’t be a problem unless my girlfriends decide we need to go somewhere, and then I’m going with them because I am employing the buddy system whilst in Orlando whether they like it or not. 😉
Okay, so last year, TpT let me be on a blogging panel. You might remember this because the whole mic situation made me the most excited.
But this year, they decided not to have me sit on a blogging panel.
The only thing I can think about this is . . .
Well, even now, I have no idea what to make of this, and I just keep replaying every single thing I said on that panel and the one thing that keeps coming back to me is . . . I talked about sitting in urine.
So there’s that.
They asked me to lead a networking session on blogging.
This basically means that I’m going to sit at a table during the lunch hour and talk to people about blogging. You can find me doing this on any ole regular day much to the chagrin of my teammates, but that’s neither here nor there.
On Thursday, July 14, you can come find me during lunch! 🙂 Stop by and say hi or let’s talk blogging!
I even typed up some handouts. And I printed them on COLORED PAPER!
I MEAN . . . WHO AM I?
Apparently, I’m a leader.
Of networking.
Who knew?
I hope to see you there!
I’ll be back this Saturday for a TpT Orlando 2016 version of Five for Fraturday!
Stay tuned! 🙂
Have fun! Wish it was in Vegas again so I could meet you in real life!!!
Thank you for this session! You were wonderful and I took lots of great notes! You were amazing!
Hi Kristin! It ứwas so nice meeting you at the conference even though I had half a pizza in my mouth while trying to introduce myself! Lol! I was so embarrassed, but I couldn’t believe that you remembered me so that made me feel better…although still embarrassed. Lol!
Thank you for a good session! I got a lot of helpful tips written down that I hope to use! Hope you had a good time at the conference!
I don’t even remember you eating pizza!! Seriously!! I’m so glad you liked the session! YAY!! Thank you for coming — I truly appreciate it. Can’t wait to read your blog posts!