Well, we got our keys. And our class lists. Except they’re not final because as our secretary continues to remind us, we are still enrolling new students daily. I’m holding steady at 30. Let’s all bow our heads and pray that it stays that way, shall we?
Anywho, I’ve been going to school all this week setting up and falling down and doing all sorts of teacher-y things. Falling down, you ask? Why, yes, falling down. Off of a desk. I forgot I was standing on it in order to reach the top of a bulletin board and as I scooted to the left to keep stapling, I just stepped right off.
I’m totally fine. And it wasn’t embarrassing at all. Not at all. I mean, I had two former students watching the whole thing so it was all good.
Well, as per usual, when I set up my room, I need several items.
1. Stapler
2. Staples
3. Level — This makes sure my boards and borders are straight and right as rain. If they are not and, in fact, look like they are crooked, I am unable to teach and must go lie down. Sometimes, I even need an inhaler.
4. Measuring Tape — This makes sure boards are the same size. If not, see above.
5. Scotch Tape — I don’t know why, but sometimes I really need it.
6. Scissors — For cutting stuff. Duh.
7. Staple Remover — For mistakes. Not that I like to admit it, but occasionally, I make mistakes. I know. You learned something new about me and you’re still in disbelief. I get it.
8. X-acto knife — You just never know. Maybe my perfectly cut butcher paper has a stray hair or something. Or maybe a very bad stranger man might break in and try to steal my level! So then I could use my X-acto knife as a weapon. I’m telling you, you never know what could happen.
That’s pretty much it as far as necessities, I think.
But it’s a lot. And as I move around the room and become distracted by how cute I’ve made something, or how I have to fix that, or I’ll do this first, and then come back to that, I end up forgetting where I put some of my items. This is called “Where Did I Put That Syndrome” and it can be quite bothersome.
Mostly because I can never find where I put it. Which means I spend a good portion of my day talking to my partner about how I lost a certain item and can I borrow hers, and then about 45 minutes later and after a good discussion about The Housewives and The Bachelorette, I get back to work. It’s only later that I find my stapler or my tape measure inside a book basket or under a stuffed animal near the bulletin board I was working on.
Well, there’s a solution for this.
And her name is Hadar of Miss Kindergarten. Actually, it’s Miss Kindergarten’s Mom.
Where Did I Put That Syndrome Solution:
Bridget S says
I love it! When I taught kindergarten, I had an apron (it was denim), but it was more like a smock! I kept a timer, skittles, sticky notes and a pen in my apron ๐
Literacy Without Worksheets
Kristen Schemmel says
This made me laugh out loud because it is SO me! My Mom always offers to come help put my room together but the #3 (Level) issue just makes that utterly impossible!
Liz says
Thank you for making me feel normal!! I just found out that I will have over the max number of students (nowhere near your 30, so I'm not going to complain). I had already made a set of Rise and Shine folders….there are no more plastic blue folders with prongs at the stores. Plenty of red and orange, but no blue. I will probably have a panic attack if I have to get one of a different color. I'm going to drive to a different county tomorrow just for one 50 cent blue folder. AND the pencil pouch inside my "new" one is cloth. All the others are plastic. That right there is enough to send me over the edge.
Christina says
I can totally relate. I am constantly setting things down and then spending more time looking for what I have misplaced then actually doing what I have to accomplish. I have been worse than usual lately because I changed classrooms after 13 years. I have a lot of "stuff" that had to find a new home in my classroom. I could really use an apron to keep track of all my teacher tools.
Courtney Bartlett says
Haha! I totally have that syndrome. I spend most of my working time looking for where I laid something down. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Let me just say, I can't believe that you have 30 kids. That is absolutely crazy! Where do you put them all? I hardly have room for 20 kids. I really hope you don't get any more.
Swimming into Second
Lauren Fulmer says
I love the aprons, but I want to use it for lunch duty and carry napkins, forks, straws, etc!
Mary says
I do that all the time! I am constantly setting things down and forgetting where I put them. ๐ The kids usually have to help 'remind' me where it ended up.
Teacher and Life Long Learner says
Love it! Don't forget to sneak a few chocolates in the pockets. Smiles and stop by anytime!
The Polished Teacher says
The thought of 30 first graders in one classroom makes me nauseous! My district is raising class size to 25 but in years past first grade has had roughly 18 kids. I bet that would be a walk in the park for you!
The Polished Teacher
Patty Rutenbar says
30! I am amazed at that number! I hope to goodness sake that you lose about 5 kids. That is just way too many for a first grade class. If you get more than 30 will they add another teacher and classroom? What is your average number in your class? I'm teaching 2nd and I usually average 25. I die with 27. I have a puny room. . . I always say that prisoners get more space per square footage than my students do!
Second In Line
Mrs. Wheeler says
LOL! I can picture you falling off the desk and trying to 'play it cool' as you regain composure! Glad you are ok though, friend! Love the shorts. I must borrow them next time I'm in Cali. Except I just realized that only my forearm would fit in the leg hole…
mrsjamesjungle.blogspot.com says
Wow, I definitely need one of those. Not only for setting up my classroom but for wrapping Christmas presents! I am forever misplacing scissors, tape and pens!
Traci - Dragonflies in First says
I swear our schools were built by the same people! Even that tiny bit of room looks exactly like mine!
Super in love with your apron. Even more incentive to lose this #$*m weight! Adorable. You ALWAYS look adorable… even when blurry!
PS I thought I was the only one who fell off things without a thought!
Suzanne says
I lose things daily. My partner teacher once told me I made her feel less senile (she was one year from retirement, and I am 20 years her junior) because I was constantly putting things down, distracted by children needing/wanting something, and I would forget where I started.
What's actually worse for me, which you sort of described, is what my friend and I like to call T.A.D.D. "Teacher Attention Deficit Disorder." It's not T.A.D.H.D. because we are only hyper during classroom ice cream parties and free donuts mornings. My friend and I always check up on each other when we are working alone in our rooms just in case we get slightly distracted. Here's what I caught her doing the other day: She started fixing 4 bulletin boards at the same time, but ran out of staples. She went to the cupboard to get some, saw it was a mess, went to clean up the cupboard, when she found a bunch of sticky notes. She went to her desk to put them away, and she realized she hadn't plugged in her computer yet, and it will need to update for a while. When I walked it, her bulletin boarder was on the floor, her cupboard looked like it had fallen over, and she was trying to find inspiration on Pandora on her teacher computer that was now up and running (Post-its were still in a bag on her desk NOT put away). That's when I called lunch!
PS I love your blog. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Mrs. B. says
Your shorts are cute. Apron is even cuter.
Mrs. B. says
Your shorts are cute. Apron is even cuter.
Jenni Taylor says
When I read your blog, I find myself laughing because I think you are standing outside my classroom and watching me! Walking off the desk and losing everything I need is so me. Thanks for making me feel like I'm normal. Your blog is great – thanks for always sharing!
Kerri Buckner says
As I was reading this post, I was thinking you need one of the aprons from Hadar's mom. I just bought one and I can't wait to use it. Love yours!
Lynette Davila says
I feel too. From a counter not a desk. But the same deal. There was no more counter and I thought there was. I have a huge bruise and several small bruises. Glad you're ok.
diditeach says
Ok, I would need that apron all day, every day ๐ When I am setting up it is terrible but when the kids arrive at least they can help me…..we spend several moments each day looking for my stapler……pen…..tape…..tea…….I try to make it sound educational…..
Katie Knight says
Casey Miller says
I do suffer from "Where did I put that Syndrome" I am always losing things and my students are always helping me find the lost item. I've always thought a cute apron would help solve my problem but never found one I liked. I love this apron and can't wait to get it. Thanks for sharing!
csweb says
I, too, suffer from that syndrome. I'm still looking for a support group that I'm sure must exist. It's a great idea, but sadly, I would probably lose the apron.
Norma Bush says
Great idea! We all suffer from that but that's where the kids come in handy…"Mrs. Bush I know where it is!" or "I'll find it!" Got to love the children ๐
Dusty Drosche says
HA! Don't worry, I totally suffer from that too and I am sure that when we report back on Monday I will begin exhibiting symptoms! ๐
Lyndsey (A Year of Many "Firsts") says
Bahahahahaha! I would have done something like this. Hadar's mom is so talented. You make EVERYTHING so darn cute!!!!
Rachel Lamb says
I need it to have a drink pocket. I actually have a classroom job that is finding where I laid my drink!
Megan Perkins says
Hi Kristin! I just love reading your blogs! I feel like you are right inside my brain sometimes! I absolutely have 'Where did I put that syndrome?' and tend to seek the same solutions, you know seek out neighbor, get distracted, talk for long lengths of time about the same reality tv, only to wonder where the day went. Anyways, thanks for entertaining us, with your very humorous but relatable accounts of the life of primary teacher! ๐
Ziggyfriends says
I have the same affliction. But luckily each year I've been gifted with a student who makes it there mission to watch where I put everything down and either follow me around with it or point it out to me!