Happy Saturday! I made it. That was a close one.
I didn’t sleep in as much as I wanted to, but I definitely slept two hours more than on a school day so I’m pretty pleased with my accomplishment. The coffee was good and Teen Mom was, too.
Before I can announce the winners of the Kindergarten Morning Work {continued} pack, I have to say that when installing “reply to comments”, I think I took away my numbered comments. Because they aren’t there anymore and I have looked EVERYWHERE. And they are not there. So I did some searching online, and from what I can tell, you can’t have both. Which means I might have to start using Rafflecopter. And that scares me because I enjoy clicking on the “generate” button of the Random Number Dot Org box. It is just very exciting to me, like that one time when I was in Vegas and put a quarter in and won $100 or something outrageous like that. Or that other time, when I got married there, and didn’t win anything except my husband. Not bad, I say.
So anywho, I had to count my comments by hand. Or eyesight. So if you notice that I’m off, shoot me an email and I’ll apologize. And I’ll make it up to you by giving you a pack, as well.
So the winners are:
Every family needs a dog! Maybe a rescue/humane society one? That is helping and makes you fee good too. Chin up! Thinking of you.
Valerie Nikolaus
Chandler, Arizona
Every family needs a dog! Maybe a rescue/humane society one? That is helping and makes you fee good too. Chin up! Thinking of you.
Valerie Nikolaus
Chandler, Arizona
I think about what I will do when my two pups….you know…I can't say it…but… you know. Anyways…I think I would immediately have to get two more pups to fill that empty space. There is NOTHING wrong with you!
PS…got that beautiful packet in my shopping cart for tomorrow! Might have to stay up till Midnight to make my purchases I'm so excited!
Beg, Borrow, Steal
we were so sad after Meggie passed away and the boys were devastated. We had to get a puppy…not to replace Meg but to fill the void somewhat and provide a distraction for the boys–and boy is Phoebe a distraction for her poor brothers!! I think it just depends on how you heal…we've just always needed that distraction and the sound of dog paws, you know? I know you will do what's best and Sydney and Foster will always have special places in your hearts.
I think you're so right about the numbering comments thing…I can't figure out to have both! I miss my numbers! ๐
Happy junk food Sunday Kristin!!!!
Did you just say "one on one time" with the puppy???
There's nothing wrong with you! When you feel ready, get another dog. There's no right time or wrong time to do it. I've lost two dogs, one I had for 15 years and the other for 8 years. Although I was terribly sad, it wasn't very long before I got another pup. Good luck!
Connie Anderson:)
I just read something that said, "Apparently there's a football game going on at the Beyonce concert on Sunday." ๐
Still so sad for you about Sydney. Loss is just so difficult.
You will know when you are ready and you will always, always miss Sydney.
Hoping you had a chance to enter my huge giveaway that ends tonight!
Growing Firsties is giving away Erin Condren & lots more!!
I lost my Lily the same day the Hurricane hit NJ. I made a promise to myself no puppy until the summer…when I am off. Well needless to say I love my little girl Maisy, who came into our home in early December. She is a little bundle of joy and energy!
I could never replace Lily… and my heart still hurts when I think of my teeny tiny dog girl. But my heart had spot for Maisy and she makes me smile!
I lasted 3 days….3! It was around this time 6 years ago that I lost my precious yellow lab, Bailey. I was devasted! I mean I had to call off work…devastated because I could not stop crying. My friends made me go to their superbowl party & someone dares to mention how his mother's yellow lab just passed away & they bought her a new puppy….my ears peeked up. These breeders & they had a website. They lived on a dairy farm 4 hours away. I called them in the middle of the superbowl & demanded to know where they lived. I called off work the next day & drove to the dairy farm. I told the guy I don't want to see ANY yellow labs because I would NEVER get another yellow…because Bailey was so perfect. Anyway, forgot to call before I came. Knocked on the door…he was shocked…he apologized for what I was about to walk into….a room full of yellow labs. This big ole boy comes running into my arms…that was it. We didn't buy one we bought 2…one yellow & one black…Bentley & Diesel. Diesel went to my neice & Bentley is one of 3. I still have an 8×10 portrait of Bailey in their bedroom to watch over them as they sleep in their own queen size bed…lol. He will never be forgotten. Bentley was the medicine I needed….he kept my mind busy & off of Bailey. I highly recommend adding two puppies to the household. Thinking of you…..Mel D
Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations
Nothing is wrong with you, when my chubby cat junior died I couldn't watch the Garfield movie for two years because even though he was a cartoon his mannerisms were the same. You are sad and have a right to be, we are a animal children only household also. It is okay to be sad but I promise at some time in the future you will recall your precious dogs and laugh through the tears. Then you will smile and laugh without the tears. Don't rush your grief, let it flow away naturally.
As for getting a new puppy go with your gut. I needed a new cat before I felt better again.
Hugs and prayers, thinking of you.
I think you are perfectly normal! I think you should get a puppy! Maybe Sydney would want you to have one!
I have to agree with Mel. Everyone grieves differently. When I lost my Foofers, I was a straight up mess for 6, yes 6, months. Everything was different. I can total relate to crying at taking the garbage out. She went with me everywhere- to get the mail, take out trash, and even stores. My whole routine was a mess. I wouldn't listen to everyone about getting another dog. After 6 months of crying and just flat out depressed, I finally started looking. I brought Cooper home 1 year to the day Foofers died. Best medicine ever. He will never replace her, but he filled the void and companionship I was missing. We recently lost another dog, and a wise person said to me…"You are not replacing her. You are honoring her memory by sharing your love with another dog." Go, run as fast as you can (well, not run but you know what I mean) and start looking. Even if it is just to the Humane Society and spend some time with other dogs.
Ms.Smarty Pants
Kristen… I still miss the dog I had growing up! Right after I got married my husband and I moved in with my parents for a few months and we lost her then… its been 24 years! I miss her and remember everything about her. This past summer my kids had to go through their first loss of a pet. Our Brandi was 15 1/2 and the best rescue dog ever. She was polite, sweet and always just wanted to be near you. I'm crying even as I write this because we all still miss her and get teary when we realize she's not here. We already had three other "puppies" when we lost Brandi and although it doesnt make us miss her ANY less, they keep us occupied, give us cuddles, and in general make life happier in the house. Get a new puppy!!! Or rescue dog, or whatever makes your heart feel good again. Doesnt mean you are trying to replace Sydney or Foster… just means you need to give another pet all the love you have stored in your heart!! Sydney and Foster will be happy that you are happy!
Look at puppies and if you see one that is yours who you know you'll love then you get that one. Each dog is different and special so having another one so soon isn't replacing a lost love but sharing your love with another. My husband had a hard time when our cat left and couldn't go in the shelter without getting upset but then one day the neighbor came over and handed me one of their puppies that didn't sell and insisted we take him. We love Fred and he loves my husband. You just never know.
I've lost 4 dogs now in my married life (several in my childhood) and every time has been dreadful. We've always had 2 dogs at a time though so there was still a furry person around. Five years ago I lost both my dogs within a month of each other – both to tumors and both relatively young. Kenobi was only 5 years old and Vader 9. I'd NEVER not had a dog and I couldn't bear it. I missed them both terribly but felt disloyal thinking about puppies. After 3 months of being dog-less a friend called to tell me about a litter of Boxer puppies that had just been born – we went over, saw this fat roly poly puppy called Bear and that was it. She can't take Kenobi's place but she has her own and she is very very special. Get a puppy – he or she will have his/her own place in your heart ๐
Oh sweetie … nothing is wrong with you! Losing Sydney is bringing back the memories of losing Foster so you are now grieving for two lost dogs – that is double the normal grief. Plus Syndey helped you make it through Foster's death and she isn't there to help you now. Those dogs were like your children, right? The pain is real. But so are your memories. You are ready to get a new dog as soon as you think you are ready. That sounds twisted, but it is true. There is no "prefect" timeline. See how you react to Knuckles. If you love playing with him and cuddling with him, then you may be ready. But first maybe you will want to "nest" – get ready for your new baby. Buy a few new things; get the place ready. Plus talk a lot with your husband about the type of dog and age of dog. Then go look. If it is too early, then you will want to leave the shelter / pet store immediately. If you are ready and you find your new baby, then you will know. You won't want to leave without him.
Love to you,
There is nothing wrong with you! I think you will just know when the right one comes along.
There is nothing wrong with you. I think there is something wrong with people that don't treat their puppies like people and love 'em up and miss them terribly when they're gone. Those people scare me. You don't scare me. ๐ It gets easier with time but the pain never, ever goes away…but that's OK. I don't think it's supposed to. I didn't last long at all after I lost my first fur baby to lymphoma at 2 1/2. There were times that I questioned my decision about getting another puppy so soon but then I look at him…and I know he's supposed to be mine! I am partial to boxers. I feel like I know you because I read your blog every day and I think you would also be partial to a boxer. They are hilarious and so so lovable…and such stinkers. Check out my blog and you might find one or two (or 327) pictures of my baby…maybe I can persuade you to rescue a boxer who needs a home?? Hugs to you and your hubby. I know how hard the "quiet" sound is. Ejoy the rest of your weekend.
What Happens in First Grade
Hugs! I have 2 dogs and I love them, but I still miss my first 2 for sure. My daughter is in 4H Dogmasters club and I mentor another girl in the club. We have monthly meetings and weekly dog school. (my dog didn't pass canine good citizen yet!) Anyways, we just did a tour at our local Humane society and it was hard not to come home with 1 more! As much as I'm jealous of some beautiful (&smart) pure breds of friends – rescue dog are something special. Even my old neurotic springer spaniel who has had several homes before us, lives the spoiled life now in her "forever home" aka suckrs R us and its all good. We didn't even go looking for either of our current 2. The situations just arose where they needed a home and they found us. Good luck with your new puppy ๐ It's a little easier to train in summer though.
Hi Kristin. I feel so sad for you and in case you weren't already sure from other people's comments – there is nothing wrong with you. I lost my dog Ginny Sept. 16th, 2005, she was the best dog ever. I had this huge lump in my throat for weeks. My brother, all grown up and practicing law had to leave work that day, he just couldn't function cause she was all he could think about. I waited a bit and then, that December I got Ellie. And it was perfect timing for me. I needed to love another dog and I knew it was right. You'll know when it's right, just go with your gut cause if you're anything like me, you just need some paws to smell.
I love Ellie so much, but Ginny was the kind of dog you never stop thinking about. She's my password for everything, my brother's too.
You'll know when you are ready for a puppy and it would never be disloyal to Sydney for you to get one. I had to get another dog because I just could not stand coming home to an empty house. I cried all the time.
It took me 11 years to be ready for another inside pup. I can still cry over that first dog, Charley. My husband surprised me with him the second Christmas we were married. We had two kids when he died, but he was like our child too. We got an outside dog a few months later, but I haven't attached to her the same. This Christmas our three children begged for a puppy. We got a cocker spaniel, like Charley was, but black and a female. We were smitten the second we saw her. The whole family has her spoiled rotten! I see my sweet Charley when I look in her face. It makes me miss him but it also makes me happy.
A teacher friend who is single with no children lost her dog she'd had for 9 years a couple of weeks ago, and got a new puppy of a diiferent breed just a few days later. She said it helped her grief.
Everyone is different, but you will know when the time is right.
Not one thing is wrong with you. Losing your dog is losing a family member. Sydney was your baby girl! It is so hard! I waited 'til summer when we got our pup after losing our wonderful boxer, Rocky after nearly 14 years. Puppies are lot of work and I couldn't bear to leave him by himself all day – so summertime worked out best. ๐
P.S. I can help you with your numbering comments while keeping the reply thread thingy. ๐ Just let me know.
There is nothing wrong with you, sure need to grieve and remember. My all-animal-loving sister and her husband lost there 12 year old lab/who was my nephew and a granddog as well. Our 85 yr old mother said "you will know when the time is right for a new dog. Bear will send one to you. She works for the Humane Society in Grove, OK and walks, pets, socializes dogs there for her fun and therapy. Sure enough, a 2yr old yellow lab named Molly came to visit and now has a 'forever home' as they say. She learned to open the bathroom door, right when you are about to sit down hee hee, JUST LIKE BEAR did. Smile. Sydney is trying to decide who and when to send somepuppy to love.
First I must say I love your blog! Second- I agree with all the others- nothing is wrong with you! This May will mark 3 years since saying good-bye to my Cinnamon. She was 19 years old and I miss her every day! I'm still not ready to get another doggie. I think it's different for everyone. Losing her was so hard. My family got her when I was 13 and had her into my 30's. I would go to my parents house every morning to see her and feed her breakfast before going off to my 2nd graders (who always asked why I was covered in fur ๐ I said all that to say this- it will get better but as I'm sure you know you'll never stop missing her! Praying for you and your husband to know when it's right to get a new doggie:)
I almost asked you today if you were thinking of puppies yet, and then I stopped myself… I thought "{Self} what's wrong with you! Don't ask her that!" But I think it is never too soon to do what works for you. If a puppy works for you and you are happy doing it, then do it! You will always long for Sydney and Foster. Their memories will always bring joy and twinge of wishing for them to be back. They are your best friends, and in their absence, they would want you to have more best friends. The best thing about a puppy is that they can make you laugh until you cry, and if you happen to cry a sad tear, they tend to lick them right off your face. I send you love!
Nothings wrong with you other than you lost a beloved friend. And no one can say what is too soon or just right but you. If someone judges you on wanting a puppy already, shame on them! You can never replace Sydney (or Foster) but the more love you give the more you get. If it feels right, then do it.
As everyone is telling you – nothing wrong at all. You're a dog person. I moved into a house as a single mom of two kids with incredibly hectic schedules and we added a dog within the first year. It just didn't seem like a completed home without her!
And so now I will be moving your morning work pack over to my cart because it looks just perfect for some of my second grade kiddos (resource room).
My e-mail is sara.e.giovanangelo@gmail.com. Thanks for the morning work!
You are having appropriate feelings. I was about to write n.o.r.m.a.l but I don't like that word so pretend I didn't spell it. Losing a dog is e-mo-shun-oll. Go to your animal shelter and look. If you want a puppy, get a puppy and then just recall the times Sydney did whatever you are about to teach the puppy. You could get an older young dog. Some shelters, like the one I volunteer for, have foster parents for dogs that have been socialized into a family and could give you info into the dog's behavior. You can do this.
Aww Kristin I'm so sorry I didn't know about Sydney.There is nothing wrong with you. Get a puppy ASAP everyone needs someone to love, and you have LOTS of love to give. It doesn't mean you don't love her any more, you just have more love to give.
Thinking of you.
First Grade @ Storybook Cafe
I cried like that when our cat Oliver died. I missed him so much! I told him many times that he was my heart and without him I really felt like a piece of my heart was missing. It's been a few years and sometimes I still cry because I miss him, but he just meant that much. I do hope this starts to get a little easier soon. I felt guilty too when I thought of getting another cat. But getting a puppy might really help. It helped us when we got our kitties. I'm so sorry you lost Sydney.
Oh, I'm so sorry for the grief that you are having to endure. But you sound like you are a family who needs a dog to be complete. You will never forget Sydney. A new puppy will carve a new place in your heart not take Sydney's place.
Please consider getting a rescue. I was devastated when I lost my golden girl, Sarah, a few years ago. I got online to a golden retriever rescue group and read the stories of how they ended up abandoned. One story had me BAWLING and I requested her and got her. I feel like I hit the lottery that day because she is such a blessing in my life.
Plus she came already potty trained, knew all the basic commands, and had already been through the chew everything up stage!
((hugs)) to you!
Strive to Sparkle
Hi! I am your newest follower! LOVE your blog!!
-Holly Phinney
From someone who went through losing 2 loved golden retrievers within 2 years, I say as a dog people, we couldn't imagine our life without a dog, actually we always have 2 dogs, at least. You never forget the loves of your life because each of them have a special place in your heart but a new love fills the void, particularly if you are "dog people".
Oh my favorite blogging friend, I am so very heartbroken to hear that you lost Sydney! I lost my 16 year old baby…er…dog over the summer and it was tough. We got a puppy a few months before Lucy died. I thought it would make it easier. It didn't. Getting another dog is such a personal decision but I can tell you from my experience that you should not do it during the school year. Wait til summer when you have time to train and clean up A LOT of poop. That's just my suggestion. BTW, ALL MEN PLAY THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE AND TICK OFF THEIR WIVES! I knew that would cheer you up! One foot in front of the other. Thanks for keeping me laughing!
Kristin- there's nothing wrong with you. You are grieving & I think what you're feeling is normal. When I lost my 13 year old golden retriever a couple years back, I got on the internet and searched days for a rescue golden who I could take in to help me with the hurt I was feeling inside. I didn't end up getting one (I knew for myself it was my grief that was pushing me, not that I should get another dog). I think you'll make the right decision whatever you decide. Carol PS- I agree with the above poster- it might be easier to wait till summer unless your husband is going to be around a lot to take care of it right now.
Kristin, nothing's wrong with you. It's been 15 years since my hubby and I lost our beloved dog and we still mourn – and still fondly talk about her. We haven't replaced her yet but perhaps someday…So, don't worry: It's absolutely okay to mourn your loved Sydney. Love you girl, Lisa
I am very sad for you and Sydney. Dogs are truly members of our family. After our beagle, Max, died in July 2011, while crying every day, I immediately started looking for another beagle (I needed the unconditional love from a pup in my crazy teacher and mom life). Nothing worked out for us in terms of litters that were ready in our time frame. Christmas 2012, a friend posted a picture on facebook of a litter of abandoned puppies and there staring at us was the newest member of our family, Apollo, a german shepherd, rottweiler cross – never in a million years would I have guessed that would our next dog. When the time is right, everything falls in to place. But I would recommend waiting until the summer so that house training is easier. I had to rush home every lunchtime for 4 months until Apollo could last the day alone. Our hearts are huge and have such great capacity to love, especially to share that love with a dog. Max's pictures are all over the house and Apollo has made it easier to talk about Max without crying every time. Hugs and best wishes.
You get a new pet when the time is right for you. When my cat was hit by a car, the right time was a couple years later. When our 14 month old pup had a seizure in the driveway, the right time was within a month. When we lost Chloe, it felt exactly like you describe – the house was empty. The couch was lonely. We brought Sadie home almost exactly a month later, and it helped us. I still miss Chloe, but Sadie is an entirely different pup, and she got us through the worst parts of getting used to life without Chloe.