Happy Sunday! We went to church last night so I have the whole day in front of me. And even though I have to work on report cards and parent conference notes, I am procrastinating as usual. I think I have said that I need to work on report cards and parent conference notes on the last five blog posts or something. Report cards are not due until Friday so I imagine I will be starting them around . . . well, maybe . . . most likely . . . Wednesday. Or Thursday. Definitely Friday morning.
I keep forgetting to talk about Adventure to Fitness. Thanks to one of my bloggy friends, Reagan, over at Tunstall’s Teaching Tidbits, I am now THE NUMBER ONE FAN of Adventure to Fitness. I might have whined complained cried discussed the issue of slightly hot weather preventing us from having recess in this post {HERE}. And Reagan was kind enough to offer a solution. But then my state wasn’t listed on the site and I had to whine complain cry email them and call them and stalk them about ten times a day. (I also bugged my principal to make a few phone calls, too) And the customer service there is PHENOMENAL. Or, as I was typing that word, the way that I want it to sound as it is sounding in my head is FUH-NOM-EH-NULL!! James Taylor (the executive director, not the singer of You’ve Got a Friend!) emailed me and answered the phone and basically was just there for me. Got to love that! And he was on it. And now my state is on there! And my school and all of the other public elementary schools in my entire state. (You’re welcome! Just kidding. Apparently, 40 other teachers in California were bugging him, too)
So . . . if you don’t know what this is, here it is. Go check it out!
Log on, go to the Teacher Guide and then create your account. Once you’ve created your account, you’re in! And even though my school is way behind technologically, we do have our computer (yes, singular) hooked up to the TV (yes, TV) in our room. Each week, there is a new 30 minute adventure for the kids to do. It rained on Wednesday this week so we went on a Medieval Madness adventure. I had to pause it after 15 minutes and then we resumed at last recess. The kids went crazy for it. They just do whatever Mr. Mark tells them to do. No equipment necessary. They have archived episodes, as well. The teacher can participate or not – it’s up to you. I participated with them for the first 15 minutes but at last recess, I chose to sit on my butt and take a nap plan effective and engaging lessons for the next day.
ALSO, James Taylor (still the executive director and not the singer) emailed me to personally thank me for getting the word out. Who does that? I thought that was so above and beyond. Oh, and did I mention that this is a FREE program and it is funded for the next five years? I have a different outlook on inside recess now. Phew. I can do this. And maybe I’m hoping it will rain this week so that I can start those pesky report cards jump and run in place with my kids!!!!
Let me know what you think!!! I’m off to blog stalk! ๐
ooo, I am definitely going to check this out, thanks so much for sharing! And thanks for entering the giveaway!! ๐
Can't wait to check it out! It's been hotter than anything in Texas and we've had days where we can't go out and now, THANKFULLY, it's supposed to rain for a couple of day! Glad to have an indoor recess solution!
Rowdy in First Grade
Thanks for sharing!! I'm hoping to try this tomorrow, on what is sure to be a rainy, inside recess day.
OOh, will check it out. I teach in CA, too, and these rainy days usually make me go mad! I love love your blog! I have been stalking it…I mean reading it for about a month now! Thanks for sharing! I think our schools are somewhat similar. I have a chalkboard and am lucky to have 2 computers! LOL! I cna dream about smart boards or even LCD projectors! Hahaha! Thanks for writing your blog!!
Amy in Central CA
I checked it out and totally love the site!!! Thanks for pressuring the owner ๐ I'm looking forward to the next rainy day!
I love this site! I just started using it last year for all of our rainy days where we couldn't do recess. I think it is a wonderful site that really gets the kids moving. I think I posted about it earlier this year but I'm so glad you posted about it again. It is defiantly worth the buzz! Glad your kids are enjoying some physical fun!
I so look forward to your posts cuz you are sooooooo funny!!! I have not seen this, we have something we do for inside recess but I forgot what it's called….our report cards are due tomorrow!!! Yep, ruined my day..lol
4th Grade Frolics
Once my own "adventure to fitness" – boys are in bed I'll have to check it out. While you're blog stalking…maybe you'll want to check out my new blog…I'm green, but I'm trying!
Such a great program! I feel your pain on the TV…I left a school where I had a promethean board, slate, document camera, laptop, lots of computers, etc. to a room where I have a hu-mon-gous TV on a cart and 1 computer!! It's the pits ๐
Thank you! I was bummed California wasn't on there and now it is!!!!
Hey Girlie,
Thanks for stopping by my blog…you asked if there is a way to follow me. Good question…don't you just click on "follow" at the top? Is it not there? Hmmmmmm….am I doing something wrong?!?
First of all…YOU CRACK ME UP GIRL!!!!
Secondly…I'm so looking into this!!!!!!
I just signed up!
How wonderful!
Thanks for sharing this site will all of us!
Thanks for bringing this to my attention again. I had checked it out earlier in the year, but it wasn't working for me. I'll head over and check it out again!
So how do you hook your computer up to your tv???
ok, I just rambled on like an idiot about my dogs on my blog after your comment! Did I miss yours? I did a pet linky party last winter, do you think we should do something again??
sorry, that wasn't clear, did I miss your pets here on your blog? I would love to see it or them! ๐
Oh Kristin, I have tears in my eyes over Foster, I am truly sorry. What a beautiful dog he was…you can tell he was so happy and so loved. I'm sorry. Sydney is just gorgeous too–I just love German Shepherds! And what you said is so true about the girls. They are definitely in charge! I will let you know if I start a pet party again and thanks for sharing your pets, it's so nice to talk to someone who is as nuts about dogs too ๐
You just crack me up… wonderful post.
I can't wait to use this in my classroom. You're right, it's either too hot here in Cali…or raining… and the kiddies cannot go out in the rain here or they will melt! ๐
I am really looking forward to using this.
Traci @ Dragonflies in First
I just saw this post! I got so excited to see it because I love the program! It's like the I-phone of physical activity for kids, isn't it? (minus the hefty bill).
I know what you mean about the customer support there. They're really sweet and if you call them, they answer every question. They really helped me understand the features. When speaking with one of them, they told me about the teacher guides next to the episodes. Have you all seen that? They align to state standards. How in the world??? That feature really helps the kids get the academics. They're retaining so much info!
I love ATF (I feel so savvy using the acronym now ha). Thanks for posting! I'm so glad there are other teachers as enthusiastic as my teachers over here in Florida!!! Spread the word everyone! Being a health nut myself, I really think kids need to learn from us what healthy habits are- meaning being physically active as often as possible. So I have the kiddos up with Mr. Marc 3 times a week. They're focusing better during class now which is great for me!
Speaking of, break over! Back to class! ๐