And that wraps up Year Seventeen.
I wouldn’t believe it except for the fact that I just got home from a celebratory lunch with some good friends of mine and I might even have had an alcoholic drink known as the skinny margarita. Maybe. I know for sure that I definitely had spinach artichoke dip because you’re supposed to when you’re with good girlfriends who will tell you if you have spinach in your teeth.
But other than that, I wouldn’t believe that I just wrapped up year seventeen in first grade.
Am I crazy?
I think we all know the answer to that.
I am also very blessed, and truly believe the Lord knows what I need. And what I need is a class full of first graders. The End.
Wait. Not The End.
I also need summer break.
Yesterday was Field Day and then our class party. It was a long day. It was also a regular day even though Wednesdays are supposed to be early dismissal days. The last Wednesday of the school year is always a regular day because the Powers-That-Be think it’s funny to torture us.
Just for the record, I am not laughing.
After the party, my class gave me a gift, and then I think it was expected that I give a little speech.
So I did. Except I cried a little.
And, if you know me at all (And you should. You should me know a lot because I pretty much tell you everything.), then you know that crying in front of people is not normal for me. But I did. I cried a little. It was hard to talk over the lump in my throat.
I feel that this year was extremely difficult. Because of Jon. For the Love of Jon.
And I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through this year without this particular group of kids and their parents. There is no way. That’s another way that the Lord gave me exactly what I needed.
So even though this was an extremely emotional and difficult year, it was also my best year. And I feel very connected to these kiddos. And their parents. And what we’ve been through as a family.
And so I am sad. And I am thankful. And I have mixed emotions. So I cried a little.
I’m allowed. I’m a girl.
It’s a benefit. Along with not having to lift heavy furniture. Or take out the trash. Or get the car washed. Or cook.
That’s how it is in my household, anyway.
My class gave me an Amazon gift card and I texted my hubby because it was very generous and thoughtful and way too much. Here is our convo . . . the hubby’s words are white and mine are blue, FYI:
Aren’t we the cutest couple ever? Who thinks so? Raise your hand.
In other news . . . the school secretaries took my classroom keys.
And this bothers me for several reasons.
1) I’m going back to school tomorrow and it’s open all next week, too. Now I have to locate a custodian to open my room for me. That is annoying, if you ask me. Someone ask me and I will tell you it is annoying.
2) If I can have my keys for 180 days, why can’t I have them for a few more?
3) Do they think I’m going to vandalize my room? Because I’m not. In fact, I’m going to put up brand new butcher paper. It will be pretty and smooth and beautiful.
4) Do they think I’m going to steal something from my room and take it home? Because I’m not. In fact, most everything in my room is mine and I purchased it with my own money. Furthermore, I steal things from home to put in my classroom. Such as scotch tape, masking tape, staples, paper clips, a pillow, slippers, the Keurig, and an assortment of snacks.
So anywho . . . we get to go in all next week (I say get because I am a freak who likes to go to work when I don’t have to) and then we will be locked out until the end of July.
How about you?
How many more days of school do you have? And do you get to go in during the summer? Or is your school personnel afraid that you might work too hard over summer break and that’s just crazy talk?
I just wrapped up year NINETEEN last week…. All in first grade. I live in a small town. So I am really going to feel old when I start teaching the kids of former students.
I am wrapping up year 19 in Kindergarten and for the first time EVER this year I had the daughter of a former student. And while I found it extremely COOL as I love both mama and daughter as if they were part of my own family, it DOES make you feel really old…
I still have 11 more days!!!! AGHHHH! π
Sailing into Second
I have 4 more days! Tomorrow and then 3 days with the kids next week! Then I have 2 more workdays. They also take our keys from us which I find kinda pointless since most of us come in over the summer and then have to bother other people.
We finished last Friday- I'm going in tomorrow π I LOL about your key comment. I tape my key to the inside of my file cabinet (the one that doesn't lock) and it stays there ALL year. Then on the last day, I untape it and turn it in. I've never lost a key…I've also never had my door locked π
Literacy Without Worksheets
I am currently watching the bachelorette because you made it sound awesome….
So yes, we turn in our keys. I leave my set in my mailbox actually. None of them open any outside doors and that just makes it easier. Our last day with kids is June 26, and our last day without kids is June 26. We do not get to go in EVER after that. We pack up in the mornings before school or after school the week before and basically everything except the essentials is packed before the last day. When the kids leave we whisk those into a corner, turn in our keys, and RUN to the nearest happy hour (well not the nearest because we don't go to bars in the South Bronx, but the nearest happy hour in a safe neighborhood). and I mean we RUN and never look back …. until two weeks before school starts or the occasional (somewhat optional) summer curriculum planning.
The Big Apple Teacher
Congrats on year 17! We still have, oh let me count . . . 20 days left!
I cannot believe they take your keys during summer, I guess that's a great excuse to relax and not think about school too much!
Love to Learn
We keep our keys, thankfully! I live just a few blocks from school, but I am trying to stay away until July or even August! We were out May 16. Enjoy your break!
I am SOOOO jelly!!! And that convo with steve is hilarious!!!!
Five days left in the LAUSD!! We have to hand in our keys but some of us "forget".
Five days left just south of you! We are supposed to turn in our keys so we can't come in and turn on the A/C, but our principal lets us keep our keys. Most people don't go in too often, just a bit here and there. Others are there every. single. day.
Eleven more days, we can use the keys for a week after but then they are suppose to be put into an envelope and turned into the office until next year.
8 more weeks! I always get really jeslous this time of year, but then I remember that every 6 weeks or so I get at least a week off. Swings in roundabouts or whatever that saying is.
Have a great summer!
6 more weeks!! One big play production to get through and then summer! I am so jealous you're done!! Enjoy your time off : )
Tales From a Traveling Teacher
We get to keep our keys….. but almost everyone and their dog is moving around this year and so it will be chaotic here this summer. I am planning a one month sabbatical from here at least the month of June. Then in July several of us are planning to meet and help one another get settled in our new homes and get curriculum ideas sorted out…… and gossip and all that good stuff. I foresee several work days in July for me because I have a whole different year ahead of me that will involve a LOT of prep work and I really REALLY want to get super duper organized before the year starts. We shall see. Today is our LAST DAY!!!!! WoOOHOOOOOOO just handing in several checklists and all this jazzzz Happy Summer to you!
My last day was yesterday, 20 years, yikes and YaY! We have to turn in our keys also, but can go back anytime once our room is cleaned. I totally agree with your key comments though, but once I went in during the weekend, not realizing our classes had motion sensors, school police came, and well, now I just wait until it's closer to the new school year. π
First Grade Dual
Just completed my 30th year and am retiring!!! Looking forward to all the possibilities. We've still got 4 days with kids & Friday is Teacher Workday.
14 days left!!! We have to leave for July also, but I am moving in July, so it's probably good that I don't have to think about my classroom because I'm moving to 2nd and I know I'm going to start obsessing about that. Congrats on year 17. Take a deep breath!
5 more days for me. I am so ready, but I know I'll still cry on the last day. I always do! My kindie-babies give me hugs and I lose it! Every time!
And, I keep my keys over the summer. I try to go into school one morning a week all summer to stay on top of things.
Enjoy your weekend so much! YAY for summer break!!!
ABCs and Polkadots
5 days left with kids here… I'm finishing year 21! Most in kindergarten… They make us turm our keys in, I get soo mad. I did learn last year to hand in my key on the lanyard ring with my Panda stuffed animal, it's too big for her box and she always leaves it on top π yay easy find for when I need to "borrow" it. Love your hubby's text, nice try. Enjoy! jh
I'm raising my hand!! You and your hubby and too cute!
We have 3 days with kiddos and then 2 teacher work days. I'll have to turn my keys in on Friday when I have my checkout appointment to check out my room- but my room will be completely sparse.
Like only student desks and chairs and three computers, sparse.
We have to take everything out of our rooms and we can't go back until 2 weeks before school when pre-service starts- but after 4 years I'm used to it!
Happy summer!!
I absolutely HATE when they take my keys. π We still have 8 1/2 days with kiddos and then an entire WEEK of teacher workdays. All but 2 of those are mandatory. And 2 will be spent in a workshop π