I’m out for my three week vacation.
Ordinarily, I would be jumping for joy. Well, first, I’d be sleeping in, rolling out of bed at my leisure, having some coffee, watching some reality re-runs, and then I’d be jumping for joy.
But . . . with everything that happened in Connecticut on Friday, I almost feel . . . bereft at not going back to school today. That’s the only word that’s coming to mind.
I then wondered if I had the right word so I looked it up, just to be on the safe side.
Bereft: deprived of something; lacking something needed or expected
That about sums it up.
But I’m constantly reminding myself that it’s not about me. It’s not.
However, I take solace in the fact that, if you’re reading this, then you are most likely a teacher, or you actually know the real me, in which case, you know why I can’t stop thinking about those twenty first graders and six adults.
Rather than try to explain it, talk about it, say something more eloquently than another, or impart some words of wisdom of which I have none, I’m just going to do what I try to do best on here.
I do so with the understanding that you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I’m not trying to minimize Friday or act as if nothing has happened. I am sad. I am praying almost constantly for God’s comfort upon those families. And all of us. And for every teacher and child that went to school today, and for every parent that had to let their child walk through the doors without them.
I’m just going to do what I try to do best on here.
Over Thanksgiving break, I wrote out our Christmas cards. Last year, I took a picture of Sydney and had photo cards made. She looked really, really, really cute. Dog-Of-The-Year-Cute.
I didn’t think I should do another photo card of our dog this year. I thought people might think I’m a little over the top when it comes to my fur baby. Is it so wrong to take your dog to Rome with you on your 10th wedding anniversary? That’s what I thought.
Instead, I bought some cards from Target. Just to be on the safe side.
And then, I sat on the couch and wrote meaningful messages inside each one.
Okay, not so much meaningful as much as quick and easy.
I pretty much wrote a variation of, “Wishing you all the best this season and in 2013.” And then I signed it, “Love, Hubby and Kristin”. Although, I actually wrote the hubby’s name because he has an actual name, but I’m just not saying it on the blog. I have no idea why. It has nothing to do with the fact that he tells me every now and again not to talk about him on my blog. He prefers his life to be private.
Obviously, opposites attract, right? (And nobody tell him I’ve put a few pics of us on here, either . . . )
So, anywho, I stuffed all the envelopes, stuck on the address labels with the cute font, and licked them all shut. For real. I washed each one down with a sip of wine. I felt that was warranted. Plus, if you ever watched Seinfeld, you know George’s fiance died that way so I felt that the alcohol might kill any poison on the envelope. I’m careful like that. It had to be done.
Well . . . I couldn’t put the cards in the mail because I had no stamps.
And, people, there’s no way I’m going to the post office for any reason. NOT HAPPENING. I’m lazy. Now, if the post office also sold candy or chips or wine or dog treats or coffee creamer or clipart, I’d think about it.
The next few times at the grocery store, I forgot to ask for stamps at the check-out because even though they were on the list, who ever remembers to ask for them at the check-out? Especially when they have candy and tabloid magazines there to distract you?
I finally remembered them a few days ago and finally got my cards sent out.
Crossed it off the list. DONE.
One of my non-teaching friends texted me.
This was her text: We just got your Christmas card . . . Thx “Mrs. Oldham”.
I was about to reply, “You’re welcome” when I tilted my head. Squinted my eyes. Re-read her text.
Wait just a cotton pickin’ second . . .
Waaaait . . .
Slow motion in action . . . mouth opened wide . . . big gasp . . . intake of air . . .
I texted back: Please tell me I did not sign it Love, Mrs. Oldham!!!! PLEASE!!!
She replied: LOL. You did. It gave me a chuckle.
Yep. That’d be me. A teacher through and through.
What are the chances that the rest of my cards are signed the same way????
Thank you for your life as normal post! As a K teacher in CT, I really needed that today, because my school is anything but life as normal today, no matter now much we pretend.
OMG, I'm so glad that I just typed up my simple photo card and sent it to Walmart now. Too funny!
Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
You're so funny, "Mrs. Oldham"!
First Grade Blue Skies
This made me smile on a not so bright day π I've totally done the same…
Mr. First Grade
Hahaha, that is so funny that you signed your cards that way!
Thanks also for the sensitive words about the tragedy in CT. My school was in session today and it was a very emotional day for the teachers to see their little ones. Thankfully, most of the students knew very little of the situation, so we were able to carry on in a relatively normal fashion.
It's times like these when I am most thankful for God's peace, strength, and comfort.
Thanks for the chuckle, really needed that today.
A great post. Thanks for everything you do to help teachers around the world share a laugh or two. As we all cry together, it feels great to laugh together, too.
I can't begin to tell you how much I truly love your humor and beautiful way of expressing what we all must feel as teachers.. Thank you my friend.
LOL! That's definitely something I would do! π
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Thanks for the humor…much appreciated at this time!
I think this is great. I needed a laugh. Been a rough few days. And, I joke you not, I said the exact same thing to my hubs about George's wife on Seinfeld when I was liking our envelopes the other night! π enjoy your break Kristin!
I completely understand how you felt. We had school today and I could hardly wait to hug every one of my kids, past and present. When I got to school there was a security guard. We had an extra administrator inside. All I could think about as I looked at my room was that there is no place to hide. Chances are, I will never need to hide my kids. But I bet Ms. Soto never thought she'd have to either. π
This cracked me up at lunch time today, and the Seinfeld reference was an added bonus!
I hope your first day of break was nice and relaxing. π
Marvelous Multiagers!
Thank you for a great laugh during this trying time. I love it that you signed your Christmas card as a teacher. Haha
I was very happy to get to school & give hugs to all my firsties and just look at them. It didn't bother me that they were bouncing off the walls with Christmas excitement.
Have a relaxing week off- enjoy!
Stop it! I'm reading your blog at 4:15 in the morning because apparently, who needs to sleep on the day of the class Christmas party. I'm trying not to giggle and wake up my husband. That sounds like something I'd do! If, you know, I actually got around to sending out cards. π