It’s true. I don’t use a clip chart as a behavior system.
Are you still reading or did you click out already?
I know. I’m such a rebel. So is Jen over at The Teacher’s Cauldron. She recently talked about her behavior system which is not a clip chart either. She inspired me to be brave. Thanks, Jen.
I did use a clip chart at one time. Back in the dark ages before I think it was even cool to do so. Call me a pioneer, if you will. Even then, I was a rebel because everyone else was using those “Turn Your Card” systems.
I don’t know. I don’t think I used my clip chart the way they’re used now. With the “top of the chart” and “add a jewel” options. I think I just said, “Move your clip.”
And then I moved to a different school and met Christina of Mrs. Winter’s Bliss, and Susan, two of my teaching heroes. And they did “Gold Tags”.
And that was that. I fell in love. I copied the system as soon as I could and have never wanted to do anything else. Neither have my teammates, as a matter of fact.
Here it is.
Laminate yellow construction paper and cut them into the size you like. Mine are 5×1. Or 1×5. What do I know? You could go crazy and do 1×6.
Get some library pockets. This year, I got fancy pockets and I’m just going to use a regular old address label with their name to stick on the front.
Now, pass out gold tags for good behavior. All good choices. Give one to those kind students who pick up the supplies that fall out of someone’s pencil box because they have no idea where their body is in space and constantly elbow it off the desk. Pass out gold tags to kids who transition quickly. Or who walk in line nicely. Anything and everything. Surprise the whole class when they’re not listening to you so engaged in a lesson that they are too engrossed to look up by showering the one student that is listening with ten gold tags in one fell swoop! That, my friends, gets them. Then, instead of a class of hooligans, I have a brigade of soldiers standing at attention. The kids will fill up their gold tag pockets.
On the flip side, you can take away gold tags if you have to. But I would rather GIVE gold tags to a quiet student than take a gold tag from an unruly one. Although, honestly, if I do have to take away a gold tag, it speaks volumes to the whole class.
The best advice I can give for this is set the rules. Discuss the rules. Ask the class to vote on how many gold tags should be given for this or that, or if/how many should be taken away for this or that.
For example, last year, it was voted that if one line was quieter than the other, that whole line should earn one gold tag. It was also voted that if you’re sent back to your seat during a lesson on the carpet, you would owe TWO gold tags. Automatically. No questions asked. My class decided that. Not me. Apparently, I am so fascinating that the very idea that someone would talk or fool around on the carpet while I was in the director’s chair doing what I do was so incomprehensible that two gold tags were necessary! Gasp. TWO GOLD TAGS. Obviously, they didn’t vote on any more than two being taken away at one time.
So what are all these gold tags for?
FUN FRIDAY! Otherwise known as a twenty to thirty minute prep period chance for students to extend their learning, and work on social skills on Friday afternoons.
Here’s my Fun Friday chart.
Before we begin, the kids count their gold tags. I teach them to do it in tally marks. It’s a MATH SKILL. But they don’t know it.
They write their name and the number of gold tags they earned on a “certificate”. Kids love certificates!
I call one table at a time to turn in their gold tags (to the basket) and give me their certificate. I’ll fill it out later and stick it in their homework folder that goes home the following week. I start putting the certificates in order of who-has-the-most to who-has-the-least. It’s okay if kids have the exact same number. It’s not an issue. They’re tied. I’ll still call them up to the chart one at a time. They’re fine.
When we’re ready, everyone comes to the carpet. The person with the most gold tags gets to choose their Fun Friday center first. That student will take a clothespin from the center of their choice, clip it on, and off they’ll go. And it continues. If there are no more clothespins for the center, then too bad, too sad. Pick something else.
Meanwhile, the kids on the carpet are dwindling and everyone is playing and you have about three kids left on the carpet waiting for their turn. This is a perfect time to do a little, “So, um . . . what happened this week?” And then the culprit usually shrugs and says, “I don’t know.” To which I say, “Well, I noticed that every time I called the class to the carpet, you were always the last one. And so you kept missing out on chances to earn gold tags. What should we do next week?” Or I might say, “Remember how you were using unkind words with your friends this week? How could we work on that next week?”
Anywho, the kids all play while I try to gather materials and get stuff going for the next week. The students can put clips back and choose different ones if they want to. Or they can stay in that center the whole time. I don’t care as long as they leave me alone work on their independent skills.
Kids totally understand the concept of earning and losing gold tags for their behavior. Not to mention, they become extremely competitive. It becomes less about Fun Friday and more about “How many gold tags can I earn?” I love to hear kids say, “I broke my own record!” Not only did they do that, but they behaved VERY WELL for me! Win win. I LOVE it.
The centers on my Fun Friday chart have been staples for years. Some I bought and others just happen to be around the classroom. Once you have them, you have them. Mine have been “free” forever.
That’s it in a nutshell.
Yes, I’ve had kids steal gold tags. Yep. The horror.
It’s pretty obvious when it happens because it’s usually a student that is . . . um, how do you say . . . er . . . behaviorally challenged and you can only recall giving him those two on that Tuesday when he actually told the truth to a question that you asked him (even if that question was “Did you really just break all of your crayons in half?”). So said student should only have two gold tags and now he has a whopping 48 or whatever. Well, sad to say, but said student doesn’t get Fun Friday when that happens. They get to write a letter to their parents. Or me. Or both. Or whatever you want that kid to do. Send them to kindergarten to sit at a back table, or fifth grade to copy a page out of a dictionary (That only happened once and the dictionary idea was not mine!! I swear. But, man, did it work.).
I also had a repeat offender one year, (can you say klepto he thought everything should be shared?) and so I made his gold tags blue. Yep. His were blue. I just made some tags in blue and those were for him. After a few weeks of that, he was ready to try the gold color again and then all was well.
Some of my teammates also have red tags for the bathroom. Each kid gets 2 or 3, and they can use the red tags to go to the restroom during class time. Once they’re out, then they have to use their gold tags. (I don’t use this method because when I was in first grade, I wet my pants ALL THE TIME, and I have let this earlier life trauma influence the way I allow my kids to use the restroom during class time. But that’s another story for another day. Suffice it to say that my kids are almost always in the bathroom, and never in class so I’m usually napping.)
I start the week off by giving my kids two gold tags every Monday. Just for showing up. Because I know it’s hard and they’re lucky I came. And that I’m not wearing my pajamas.
And there you have it. My behavior system. Which isn’t a clip chart.
Now. I doubt you want this system because you’re a die hard clip chart-er. I get it. I understand. Except that I’m a die hard gold tagger.
If you want to get started, this pack is completely editable and you can customize it to meet your classroom needs:
Did you put down the rotten tomato?
Please do.
P.S. Raise your hand if you think Wil from Big Brother has the same hair style as me. And did he purposefully drop the second “l” in his name? Is this a new thing? Jef. Wil. Clif. Bil. Tod. I don’t get it. I think I’m going to buy a consonant and add an “n” to my name.
Nobody is going to throw rotten tomatoes at you!! 🙂 I say, whatever works in your classroom-go for it! I have used the same behavior system since my first year of teaching, which was a mark system. It had absolutely NO positive rewards built into the system, which I always struggled with. (This was one of those things that the whole grade level implemented, so I did too..) I am actually trying a clip chart system this year for the first time (like the one you tossed 🙂 )..with the moving the clips up. We'll see how it goes! Hopefully it's not a complete wash. But I'm not going to lie…
You made me want to throw it away with this blog post.
I'm your newest follower!
Bwwwwwahahahahaha! I love that you just made that kid's cards blue. Problem solved. Good golly, woman, you are good! Thanks for the great read today (as always).
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
You crack me up!! This system sounds great and I really really love the Friday Fun management! I bought about 500 clothespins the other day and tried explaining to the Target guy that I was a teacher and they were invaluable- this is another perfect example of why 🙂
3rd Grade Thoughts
This sounds really neat!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 And you totally crack me up!!
I love your Gold Tag system, I use a clip chart, but I'm thinking about switching it up this year.
✪ Miss W
Miss W Teaches
I really like the gold tag system! I do use the clip chart, but I'm always up for change! Thanks for the idea!
Blessings of Teaching
I absolutely love the Fun Friday chart. Now my Fun Friday will be more organized. Thanks for sharing.
I am all set to do a clip chart system this year…but you are seriously making me reconsider. I love that the idea of this system is purely positive, and all based on the student's choices! But do you still have parents who question you/get upset about why THEIR precious little student didn't get very many gold tags? I can totally see that happening in my room…
The hair definitely looks better on you than the dude! Love the gold tag idea and how smart are you switching the klepto's to blue. Genius!
2B Honey Bunch
Honey Bunch Blog Design
The Best Endings
After 15 years of teaching 4th and 5th, I'm moving to 1st this year. I can not stand the colored clip charts that all of our k-3 teachers use. I've been pinteresting for weeks to find something else! Thrilled and excited for this idea! Thanks!
Your posts always make me literally laugh out loud! I love your wit! I also love that you love the beast that is The Bachelorette and you seem to also be a fan of Big Brother which are also 2 of my all time faves! I've been watching Big Brother since BEFORE Jannell was on it the FIRST time LOL
I enjoyed reading about your tickets. We give yellow tickets for making good choices and blue tickets for not so good choices. I check the behavior on the ticket then it goes home to be signed by a parent and returned the next day. Those who get a yellow ticket during the week get a prize on Friday. If they get a blue ticket, they walk some laps at recess to think about making better choices.
Walking laps totally benefited my son. He was allowed to run if he wanted to get them done quickly. Now he's one of the fastest runners in the state. I think unruly kids are usually the ones with lots of extra energy. Win-win.
I just bought my tomatoes this morning, so they are extremely fresh. I wouldn't throw them at you anyway, since I love your system! I use to use something along the same lines as this, but I only had 15 students. Last year, I would have died with 36 students… I am moving to the clip chart this year, call it research. I have a tried and true system, but I can't have an opinion on something if I have never tried it. So I will try it and get back to everyone in June. Is it June yet?
How did it go?
I don't do a clip chart, either. We have a school wide PBIS-ish system that we all have to use. I love your idea, but I don't think I would be allowed to do it since we're all supposed to be doing the same thing. Love your blog!
First with Franklin
PBIS in my district is nothing but a set of rules. My motto is "Catch them being good." One girl made a complete turn around when she earned a sticker and didn't lose it when she made a bad choice in a few minutes. She was shocked! And it worked wonders!
PBIS in my district is nothing but a set of rules. My motto is "Catch them being good." One girl made a complete turn around when she earned a sticker and didn't lose it when she made a bad choice in a few minutes. She was shocked! And it worked wonders!
I would never throw rotten tomatoes at you! I love your system and really think it would work well for me. I've had the "turn your card" system. I tried other things but they were too time consuming. I don't like the pulling cards much because it seems so negative. I really like how yours would be motivating rather than punishing. Thanks for the freebies to go along with.
First Grade Found Me
3rd Grade Sprinkles
I loved your title. Lol. And I love your gold tags! 🙂 and yes, Wil stole some girl's hairdo… Maybe it was yours! 😉
I love this! I detest clip charts or color pockets, blah blah blah. I am terrible about keeping up with points tallies… but this is positive. I feel much better about that. I also have "Learning" centers (formally known as play centers – can't say that anymore) I usually rotate their next spot, but earning it would be much better! The gears are turning.. Thanks for the inspiration! Love your blog
I love your system. I use the clip chart but it is not my favorite. I always forget to have students move up so it's not really serving it's purpose anyway. This seems much easier. Thanks for sharing!
Swimming into Second
Well, you made me laugh, as usual. And you also might've persuaded me to ditch the clip-chart I love so much!
Thanks…I think…
Across the Hall in 2nd
Laughing out loud!!!
I don't use a clip chart either, I don't think I could keep up with all the ups and downs. I flip cards… but I do love this gold tag system of yours!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
I love this idea! I'm not allowed to use clip charts or card pulling because "Kids go home and tell their parents which of their friends is 'always' on red." How can I use this system and not have that type of "drama?" I love this idea and I think it would be fantastic! Thank you so much for the inspiration and the giggles 🙂
Miss A's Kindergarten
No matter what, your blog makes me laugh out loud…do you get tired of hearing that ??? If I was a blogger I would make an award/button/thingy and give you a humour award, LOVE reading you, every time. I hear you about the clip chart, I have a different system that worked very well this year. I find every group is a little bit different and respond differently to rewards etc.
I don't use a clip cold chart either but I absolutely love this gold tag idea. I'm really looking forward to trying this in September. Thanks for the freebies!
Miss F
Hi Kristin(n :),
This sounds like a great system, but a couple of questions come to mind: How do you get the kids to NOT expect/demand a gold tag for every little good thing they do? Do you have to teach on this? Also, what kind of time does it take to keep this up all day every day? Does it just become automatic, or do you try to remember who to reward at the end of the day? Just wondering how to manage keeping it going without spending much precious time in the process! Thanks for any further light you can shed on the way it runs.
Thanks so much for the levity you always provide – your blog is FUN!!
Guess what, I do something very similar. I have library pockets on a cabinet the kids can't reach (can't steal 🙂 I have what we call eagle bucks. They earn one a day for a happy face (I have a cookie sheet with three line on it(top is a green happy face, middle yellow frown, and bottom red sad face) I use magnets with their names or numbers on them and take this everywhere. If they get a yellow or red no eagle buck. They get the earn their way back to the top too. I also give out extra bucks for things that I deem good (helping someone, cleaning when not asked etc). I also take away bucks for bad behavior. I used these bucks for the treasure box every 4-6 weeks and extra recess. I do give the s. with the most smiley faces free choice fun friday centers. But I do love how organized your fridays are. I may try to add your fun fridays with the bucks and tally them. Can I edit the gold tags to Eagle bucks?
Awesome post and good to know I'm not the only one 🙂
I have used the "card" system, but they moved a magnet with their name on it instead of flipping a card. I usually just quit using it around Christmas, because the kids don't really need it anymore except for a few stinkers. I really like your gold tag idea! Thanks for the idea and the weekly reports.
Tales from a Schoolyard
This is a lot like my system. I use craft sticks in cups. I tried the clip chart and went back to my old system. I like that I can give and take away. I tell the kids it is like when adults speed and break the rules, they have to pay a fine too. I like your idea with the gold cards. Thanks for sharing.
I love this! I was just getting ready to print out my clipchart (it would have been the first time using it) but I think I am reconsidering!! This system sounds awesome! I love that it focuses on the positive like the clip chart! Here are my questions: do you do treasure box with this? (I'm a kindergarten teacher, so I kind of feel like I HAVE to do treasure box.. you know?) And 2) Do you send home anything daily to let the parents know how their childs day went?
I have always been anti-clip chart. It seems like public ridicule, and how does that make a kid feel good about him/herself? We use PBIS, too, but I like your strips.
I was all serious thinking about your post and then read the last paragraph, and laughed out loud! I think Willlllll has great hair.
Learning in the Little Apple
First off, I just NEED to say that I LOVE your blog. I think you are just hilarious, and I love your sarcasm…and your reviews of the Bachelorette! I always look forward to those :o)
I started using the clip chart last year in a class of 23 kindergartners. The most I had ever had before that was 18, so this class was HUGE for our district. I think the clip chart worked quite well even with a large class and 1/3 of the class being "behaviorally challenged." I've just started (last week) doing some research on whole brain teaching, so I am already contemplating a new behavior system or if I should use the clip chart in conjunction with WBT stuff.
I really like your system. Seems easy enough, you have the parent communication piece, and it's pretty cut and dry for the kiddos. I'm going to keep it in mind. :o) No tomatoes will be thrown from me–I hate the smell of tomatoes on your hands after you pick them anyway. Gross.
Thanks for sharing!
Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper
You have just SAVED my life! I have been stressing for weeks about what type of positive behavior system that I could implement that would be meaningful and easy to keep up with. This system integrates soooo many positives! I was not looking forward to going back to the "clips" in my new school and now I have a whole new plan to put in action! Thank you!!!
Laughing With Lane
Love it!!! Thanks for sharing!
I SOOOOOOO love this discipline plan idea. Easy peasy and oh so effective! We took a year-long conscious discipline training last school year and although I don't use a clip chart for behavior(don't really have too many behaviors to deal with once you start using CD) I was really wanting to do a little more to reward their constant positive behavior. This plan is PERFECT for that. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. Can't wait to get started!!!!!
I haven't used a clip system in YEARS either! My system is kind of like yours, except I use pennies. My students can gain or lose pennies also. At the end of the week, they can use their money to buy items from the class store. I was thinking about something like a Fun Friday or something, but haven't because I always feel so much pressure to get everything done!
What do you send home each day to parents?
What a great idea!! I have always used the stoplight system. When I started teaching kindergarten all day instead of half day I didn't find it worked as well since they were in school longer. I have been debating doing the clip chart, but don't think I would keep up with clipping up as much as I would need to. I think have to add the gold ticket/Fun Friday to my plans for this fall.
Kari 🙂
I teach threes and do something close. I use tickets. I love to say I have a ticket for everyone who makes my room beautiful. I also use the whole game of "oh my, you bit your friend? You must pay them in tickets for your bad choice." works better than anything else. Tickets are used on Friday to buy prizes. All threes can be bought.
I love this idea! I use the clip-chart but I'm not sold on it, it is just not motivating enough! I also love the your Fun Friday activities are not just running around on the playground. (They do this in third grade at my school) . . . . I am seriously considering changing up my system! Thanks for the great idea! 🙂
Second Grade Math Maniac
AWESOME POST! I love how your caption spelled your name with two Ns. And Wil wouldn't be half bad looking with a different 'do.
I used the clip chart (the flexible up down version where you get a sticker on your clip if you make it to the top, then you get a new color of clip when you have 5 stickers). It worked GREAT last year, especially because I sent home a vistaprint postcard when a kid was "off the charts". I'd write out what they did so great, and even sent the kid to the principal's office to have her sign it, because Lord knows she only sees the stinkers in her office all day long. She'd beam at them, and then undermine my whole "I don't give prizes" plan by sending the little sweetheart off with a new pencil or bookmark or something. Oh well!
I did not put these clips on a chart. I was feeling "pinspired" so I decoupaged a yardstick with 5 different sections of colored scrapbook paper to designate the hierarchy. I hot glued magnets to the back and attached it to the side of the whiteboard at my command center.
But your gold tags are brilliant. I like that they reinforce math (tally marks). I like that they help organize fun Friday (I also do fun Friday for ALL THE SAME REASONS YOU DO).
I say do what's best for you. I really do like the gold tags program. I think it's great to reward all of the positive behaviors, even the little ones. And LOL about the blue tags. That is freakin' hilarious! 🙂
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Okay, I'm dying!!! This post took me through a whirl of emotions!! First of all, I was upset that you didn't use the clip chart! And then I was happy that you shared what you do use! And then I nodded my head in agreement when you explained "it hurts me more than it hurts you". I always tell my students that it's so sad when I have to take something away…maybe I should start saying tho thad? And then I laughed HYSTERICALLY when you told us about your wetting your pants incident! I'm sorry!! But it was so freakin' funny!!! And lastly, I completely agree that "Wil" has stolen your hair style! You're famous!!! In conclusion, I want to try gold tags! Is it sick that I am now sad that I only have one week of summer school left? NNOOO!! I did not just say that!
I love this post. I thought about starting a clip chart this year, but this makes me rethink that idea! Once you have your collection of golden tickets and your class-made set of rules, it would be so easy to keep up with! Thanks for the great idea!
First Grade Garden
I do n't do a a clip chart either, I do something similar to yours, so no rotten tomatoes from me.
Love this! I am trying to get rid of my store this year….kids earned coop cash and mostly bought candy which irritated the moms! So this might just be the best transition for me…..thanks for sharing! I love the home communication piece!
You are so funny! I wonder if this would work in Kinder. What do you think? Um, yes I think Wil stole your hair. LOL! Great post.
<>< Crystal
Not a fan of the clip chart either. I use "move your tile" which is another form of change your card… but they can move up and down…only 3 things though – so not clip chart style. I like your gold tag idea. Where do they keep their little envelope holding the tags? In their desks? On a board?
Love the idea! I've tried many things, but this is simple and doable. Thanks for the giggle. You are going to force me to start watching Bachelor & Bachelorette next season because of your hilarious posts. Love it!
You do make me laugh …I don't use a "clip chart" either, so no rotten tomatoes from me either. Thanks for the complete explanation on your system. I use a Behavior Chart that encourages positive behavior, but also has a place for "not so positive" behavior. All your posts make me literally laugh out loud as someone else said … it's nice to know that someone else thinks like I do and I'm not alone in my first grade "world!"
Hilarious!!! And I think I might need to do this!!!
Am I the only one that wants to break out in the willy wonka song "I've got a golden ticket!"??? 🙂 and that picture of wil almost made me pee a little! Hahahaha! Good system btw! 😉
Love this!! Thanks for sharing!! I just crack up reading this. You are so funny….I wish you taught with me at my lil school! We would have a sarcastic blast together;)
I like this a lot! Very positive for those "behaviorally challenged" as you said! Thanks for making me laugh!
Mrs. T
Teaching Mrs.T
Hey kristin
That is a neat system…I ave been doing a modified clip chart since before it was cool too. ;0)
U crack me up…wil. Lobe BB
I am not a 'clip charter' either, I actually use a system similar to yours, only they are called blue sticks, but very similar and I LOVE it and my whole team does it so no matter if they are in my room or another K room they can earn blue sticks and bring them back to put in their pocket. I love it! It works, and I don't clip chart… thanks for making me feel like I am not alone!!!
Very smart and entertaining! 🙂
The Science Penguin
I'm a new follower. Your posts are so entertaining! I like your ticket idea a lot. I have had many behaviour management systems (coloured cards, Kindermann Kash, tickets with a draw for a prize)but they have all cost money. I like that your system has a report back to parents and it doesn't cost me money! I might be trying this come September.
I don't use the clip chat either. I teach 4th and 5th grade so all I have to do is threaten no nation ball (dodge ball) and this usually shapes them up. I have used the color card system, but it was too much work. I have thought about the clip chart when they became popular. I love the idea of the gold ticket. It is positive and I love that. I sometimes need to focus a lot more on that.
Thank you for your post and sharing your ideas! I love to read you blog!!!
I love everything about your system- the Fun Friday board is wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
What a fabulous system! I love the "Gold Ticket"
Great idea- I might just give it a try next year (I'm busy making a pirate clip chart for this). Yours sounds like an easy system to manage (and I'm ALL for that!).
I like how you are keeping it simple! Great idea! I too am not using the clip chart or the flip a card system. Love how you gave the student blue cards – very clever!
Funny post! We love the gold tags!!! One thing to add, you have to have a spot in your purse for the gold tags you smuggle home in your pockets and need a place to put them before they end up tiny shreds of paper in the washing machine! LOL miss you already!
Am I the only person who thinks the most brilliant part of this plan is the counting using the golden strips as tally marks? Brilliant! I loved what I was using in 3rd grade…but couldn't make it work for Kinders. I need something and last year clip chart was it…loved moving up, but moving down didn't have quite the effect I was hoping for. Need a way to better communicate with parents. Your weekly reports look easy to keep up with. I need easy. Thanks for sharing!!
Terri Izatt
Add me to your No Clip Club. I don't like clip systems because I think they're demeaning to kids. I think *positive* reinforcement and natural consequences are the way to go. Great idea! Kathryn (Kindergarten Kindergarten)
I read this post this morning and thought about getting rid of my clip chart. I did have to smile to myself when I already found this pinned on Pinterest. Don't be surprised if your followers increase tenfold Kristen, lol.
Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face! LOVE your posts! I'm thinkin' I'm going to try your gold tag system!
Love it! I don't use the clips either!
Heidi Butkus
I like this idea. I don't use clips either, but this would be a nice reward for those good kids (and the rotten ones to improve too) I think I'll try somethinh like this but make rainbow colored tags because I do a "Rainbow Friend" thing in my room:) Thanks!
I'll have 34 next year in first so I know the feeling of making it easy!!
34 in First?!? Where? This is awful…taught first for 12 years and my largest class was 23 my first year in first.
I love, love, love this idea. Who wouldn't love a gold tag. I can't wait to try this. I teach kindergarten and I know they will eat this up. Thank you so very much.
I LOVE this idea! I have done something similar where they earn (or lose) tickets…then they could trade their tickets in for something (they had a few different options to choose from). I wanted to try to do "Fun Friday" this year so this is PERFECT! Thanks for the great idea!
Crazy Daze in First Grade
Excellent! Similar program for Prek called The Bucket Filler. My district paid Big BUCKs for this program. Thanks for the entertaining read!
holy comments, batman!! lol
wow – thanks for bringing me in with you on this whole "clip chart" thingy…lol..funny thing is, a lot my school does it – I chose not to – our principal even bought everyone a chart for their room, but mine is sitting collecting!!
I WISH we had time for fun friday, but we just don't 🙁 SUPER sad face!!
I LOVE this idea. I have used the colored card system (hated it) and currently use the clip system (not a big fan of it either). I really think this is the answer. I've got LOADS of pretty little library pockets just waiting to be used. THANKS so much!
I love love love your system and going to do it this year. Thanks for sharing …. I've always hate…um, not liked…. flipping cards, and then doing clips… I always felt like I was taking too much time making everyone notice the kid who wasn't following the rules……..have a great year.
I knew there was another reason why I love you so much…I don't clip or flip. =)
Heather's Heart
LOVE THIS!!! I am so doing it!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
I love the positive aspect of your system and I totally LOVE what one commenter said about "paying" a ticket/tag to the student whom they had hurt/offended – perfect solution! One question, is it hard to keep up w/this all day? I'm wondering if I'd carry these yellow tags around all day or put them where the kids could get one when I asked them to. Suggestions?
I won't throw tomatoes at you! I do the clip chart, but was thinking there was a different way. I love this! And best thing no treasure chest/box. I don't have one of those either.
Apples and Papers
Your post cracked me up. I do love my clip chart system but would never force it on anyone else. That's the beauty of independent classrooms…we do what works best for us, not someone else. Even though I don't have time in my schedule (not regulated by me) for Fun Friday we do have literacy center time every day & I adore your clothespin system. No more "Can another person be here???" ringing in my ears!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Another Kristin,
I found my way here via Pinterest. And, I'm soooo glad I did. I've be agonizing over what management system I wanted to use this year and I think this just may be it! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and your printables!
We use a behavior wheel using cops. This was put in place so every class had the same system and helped out our specials teachers. I threw mine away this week before even reading our post. I have looked at class dojo and have tried it but I really like your system and thinking it will go well with my beginning of year GO for the GOLD theme. My other first grade teacher uses banana bucks and it seems to work very well for her. I love your log. Do you ever sleep? Lol
You are hilarious! I'm glad you are a deviant and glad I found this post! I was all set to make a clip chart, use cops, or a few other options I have seen. Rewarding students with candy I am against, I'm a health nut. Giving them something bought weekly is also not something I am into. I'm a bit old school and think rewarding kids with materialistic things throughout the year is a sugar coated way of saying they are being bribed. I do get rewarding students for their efforts, we all need a boost now and then and kids even more. Using your system is a great way to get around constantly buying them something. I really like how it works over a weeks time and how the students were involved in making decisions. I'm sure I can get the specialist teachers on board with this too. This will be a wonderful activity for the first day or two of school!
Thank you for the easily laid out answer to my dilemma!
You are hilarious! I don't use a clip chart, but I do use the card pulling system… I love the gold tag system! It's so positive, and the "Fun Friday" is perfect for my schedule! I think I will try this this year! Thanks for the idea!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm going to try it instead of the clip chart this year. I love focusing on the positive behaviors and this is an excellent way to do it!
Kristin, I love your blog! I am adding it to the list of those I follow! I am new to blogging and still trying to get the hang of it all. Someone had stopped by my blog and given me the Lovely Blog Award and along with it I had to search out and find 15 other lovely blogs to give it to. I looked around to find blogs I thought were interesting and yours caught my eye! So I am awarding you with the Lovely Blog Award.
Should you choose to accept this award you will need to…
1. Follow the person who gave you the award…
2. Link back to the person that gave you the award…
3. Pass to 15 new bloggers and then let them know they have received the award…
Now, who will you choose to bestow this Lovely award? Make a list and check it twice 😉
and remember 'Stay Wild About School!'
Kristin, I am a new follower of your blog and I have loved every article! Your writing style is awesome. I have never used a clip chart or color code system. I have always used a system similar to the one that you have described, except I passed out little stars which the students kept in star catchers (ziplocs). I love the gold tag system and I especially love the report that can be sent home each week. Thanks for sharing!
I was reading this again and thought.. having them watch the original Willy Wonka would be good with this! Another thing would be to make golden tickets and wrap with a granola bar, maybe I'll give in and use actual chocolate. There are a lot of candy wrappers you can find for free online. So re wrapping the bar with a golden ticket inside would be easy. Something to do around times when I really need them to be on their best behavior, think assemblies, performances, whatever. Maybe doing it once a month and having a little certificate to hang up on the wall with their picture as a golden ticket winner and a small prize. Then send the certificate home once another child has found a golden ticket. Another idea would be to do it weekly and the winner always had first choice of their Friday activity.
Obviously you really got my mind going on this one!
Thanks again, Michelle
I just found your blog and love it! I do something almost the same as you (called "Gold Star") in addition to having a card system (mandated by our school-wide behavior policy). But I LOVE the reward/ consistency side of the earning something for good behavior on a weekly basis! I'm your newest follower!
Im dying! As always you crack me up. Thank you for putting a smile on my face!
I loved reading about your gold tickets. I especially like the Friday fun day. Not sure how to fit that in my schedule. Our district is using word study and I'm usually giving 4 different spelling tests on Fridays. Sorry to say this but, I am a clipcharter. I just love the idea that you can at any point turn your day around. It sounds like your gold tickets system does the same thing.
I have tried just about every behavior management system and I have a hard time keeping track. I am going to try out a clip chart this year and made one to use, but can't say I will stick with it after the first month or so. I have concerns about the number of distractions as kids move up and down. I'll have to see…
Whatever works for you is what is best for sure! We have a similar ticket program for PBS ( school-wide). The Principal brings around a cart once a month and the kids trade them for prizes or privileges coupons!It's a lot to manage with both going on at once! I like the library pocket idea to keep them in! Thanks for sharing!
Creative Lesson Cafe
Love this! If someone would just give me my own classroom now, please! Totally using this. You rock! Hate the card system. Hate the clip chart. Thanks for the laughs as well!
I like this idea! If I can can adapt my Fun Friday (which I was also thinking of doing) to my special needs grade eight class, I might very well try it. Thanks so much for sharing!!
You have just inspired me to use this as a supplemental to my clip chart…which I only use the bottom portion of due to a school wide behavior system thingy. I think I am going to lose the incentive charts with stickers and all that other junk and simply do this. I already use free center Friday so this will be perfect!!I have a gut feeling I wont even really need my clip chart by the end of the year. You rock and thank you for sharing. I can't wait to make my pockets and gold tags. Thank you again!
-Lindsey Desormeaux
Kindergarten Teacher
Okay, I just found your blog via pinterest! I busted out laughing and literally spit out my coffee when I read the part about how your kids are always in the bathroom and your napping. So funny…anywho great system and I am looking forward to trying this out. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
This is pretty cool!
I don't use a clip chart either! So I am on your side. 🙂 Last year a co-worker gave me the idea to start a band system. I buy a few hundred little hair bands at the grocery store, the ones that come in all sorts of fun colors. Every day the kids come in and grab 5 bands from the basket and wear them on their wrist. If a student breaks a rule, they lose a band. They can earn it back if the behavior is corrected. So we still have a visual but without the chart. The students love this and really want to still have all of their 5 bands at the end of the day! Playing with the bands results in losing one so that gets nipped in the bud pretty quickly when school starts. What I like best about it is that everywhere they go other teachers and staff can see how they are doing and I tell the special area teachers they can take a band if they need to even when the students aren't with me.
I do Fun Friday as well so I am thinking to use your system as well for how students select their Fun Friday center or activity. Thanks for sharing!
Sorry, I meant to say that I buy the bands at the dollar store. 🙂
This is my first week of school. I tried this system and it has worked out great! Thanks so much for sharing! You made the start of my year great!
I am not a "clipper" either. My system is more like yours, but with plastic coins. I like your idea of the kid with highest coins gets to pick the Friday activity. My kids use their coins to "purchase" a monthly school movie. I need something to keep them motivated for the other 3 weeks and Fun Friday clips might just be the answer. Thanks.
I love your gold tag behavior system! I'm in a high school setting so I would def have to tweak it (they don't have centers) but I could still have Fun Friday and they could have different things they could choose from. Thanks for the idea! I am always looking for a great behavior system for my high schoolers!
-The Wonderful World of Special Education
Hey Kristin!
Great system and blog to follow!:) Curious where the kids keep their Lil pocket of tickets..? Do they keep them a their desks or do you have a chart somewhere in the classroom that they get up and put them in and vice versa take them out..??
Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE this idea! Am going to try to use it in my class. Our kindergarten team uses a "Good Citizen" behavior management system – so for at least this year I will have to try and combine the two. But sounds so much more effective!
What do you use to label those clips? I'm using labels but they just fall off!! Yours are super cute.
I gave you a shout out on my blog because I started using the golden tickets/tags. I started calling them goldent tickets, which I shouldn't have done because everytime I say the words "golden ticket" Gene Wilder sings his song in my head, "I've got a golden ticket…" 🙂 Thanks for your great idea!
One Berry Blog
That's amazing!! {That's why I had to use all caps…hehe!} Seriously, I love this idea. I am also not a huge fan of the clip chart. You and I can be rebels together! 🙂
Thanks for linking up with us!!
I am not using a clip chart either, but need something! I am digging this idea especially to reward my kiddos who follow the direction the 1st time & to hopefully motivate my kids who need 2,3,4…. reminders to do what was told. I am going to start this as soon as I can find this cute pockets! Or maybe I can spruce up the plan ones I have. Thanks for the great idea!
Oh MAN, you make me laugh ALLLLL the time, and then I tell my husband the stories and he shakes his head. Ok, you may have possibly persuaded me to try something else in the classroom, I like this a lot, Thanks for the great idea.
this is such a good idea! I love the humor in this post too! Thank you. My first year I did a clip chart with the 3 smiley faces (red, yellow, green)- halfway through the year I stopped it. I implemented table points & it worked like a charm. For a more individual management system I used the flipping of cards (orange, green, yellow, red, black) it worked for 2 years! I decided last year I was ready for a change because I wasn't keeping up with it. So now I use frog sticks and 4 little containers (blue, green, yellow, red) and they're on my desk. So far, so good.
In the past I also used behavior punch cards for my little ones who just needed the extra support and when all 20 spaces were filled they got a reward. I haven't tried that this year yet, 27 kids is way to much right now.
There is a teacher on my team that does gator tails for her behavior management and it works wonders. It's almost the exact same as your gold tags. I think I am going to use the "gold tag" theory for incentives for individual students who need a more detailed plan for behavior. Thank you!
I read your post before our Preschool started back. Last year was my first year and it was hard. It seems like most of the year was spent threatening to go put someone on yellow-and I hated it. I read your post, bought gold poster board, had it laminated and cut out "gold tickets". It has worked so well in my class that when asking my kids what I should be for Halloween, the first response I received was, "a gold ticket"! (I think I'm gonna roll with it! lol) I teach three year olds and still have one or two that I have to go to "chill out" areas, but overall, I love, love, LOVE this! Thank you for posting!
I am not a teacher, but am going to try this with my 4 year old at home. We are going to use tickets to earn toys, books, etc. for picking up after himself, obeying, treating his brother kindly, etc. I look forward to seeing how it goes. This post confirmed that it is a great route to try.
I really like this idea. I use a clip chart that allows the students to clip up, but it seems like the same students are always clipping up and the same ones are clipping down. I might have to try this.
LOVE this idea! I have been using the dreaded clip chart FORever and I am so sick of it, but it has been the simplest thing to do in my K room and you know sometimes you just want it to be EASY! But this sounds just as simple and so much more POSITIVE!
So glad I found your blog! You are a hoot!
Ha ha ha, love the way to tell it like it really is! I just can't get myself to the the clippies either, I'm a happy/sad facer myself, simple, but I can use a change, thanks for the idea!
First Grade Dual
Thank you so much for sharing your system (for free). I really enjoyed reading your page becasue you are so funny. I have used a ticket system in the past but have not been as sucessful as I would like. I had never thought about connecting my ticket system to free time. I give my kids free/social play but this system is a more fair way for them to chose their station. I also like how visual this system is. Thank you and I can't wait to try this with my class.
I LOVE this idea and your blog! I am your newest follower. Thanks for sharing 🙂
How did I just find this. I literally laughed out loud the whole time and then made my boyfriend listen while I read it to him! So funny!
I may need to use this gold tag system and def become a follower.
I'm not a school teacher, but I do a once a week After School Good News Club (Bible Club) and we have incentives for the kids to follow the rules. I laughed all the way through your explanation. Thank you for your humor. Laughter is good medicine. I like the idea of gold tags. And thank you for all you do to tolerate I mean educate the children in your class.
I really like your gold tag idea. It's too late in the year for me to even consider a new system but i plan to use it next year.
Thank you!
I was poking around pinterest today and came across your blog, specifically THIS entry. It had absolutely nothing to do with my search but I couldn't stop reading.
I am a single mom of two special needs children with 2 very different personalities. I've tried so many things to try to get them to both follow the same set of rules. This is a fantastic idea that I can easily fit into our routine. We can even have a "Super Sunday"
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas, They are great!!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your idea. I was a clip chart girl myself but it becomes so hard to find a place for it in my closet of a classroom. I am already looking forward to start this system,! Thank you so much for sharing!
I am really thinking of implementing this next year. I teach K and I use a clip chart, but they only clip down. And it's always the same ones on red and yellow every day. This is much more positive and easier to keep up with than a sticker chart, I think. Do you send home a daily behavior note? I have a calendar that I mark with a green, yellow, or red dot, and then it has a legend for why they were on yellow or red.
Dude…this is awesome! I wish I'd come across this earlier in the year. I've got a super competitive class, and they would totally love this! Thanks for the awesome ideas!
This is awesome! I just wish I could figure out a way to adapt it for the home life. Not a teacher anymore. Any ideas, anyone?
Love this idea! I use and the system is similar only it's all on the Internet and projects on my board.
Looks like I'm a little late to the party but I LOVE, absolutely LOVE this! I also used a clip chart of sorts before they became a huge sensation but I just couldn't seem to get it to "work" as I wanted. I have been searching for an alternative and I think I just may have found it. Thanks for sharing your ideas! 🙂
I really like this! I plan to try it out this year! I have done the clip chart and had trouble telling students to move up everytime they did good because they would be at the top mid morning and no where else to go but down.Then the average do gooders would recieve the same reward as the awesome helpers.
I LOVE this idea. So much so that I used it last year and it was amazing. Whenever I took my class anywhere I always took a gold ticket, best behavior management ever!!! After a few weeks of swapping their tickets for a free choice center they decided they would rather just keep their tickets (no reward, just see how many they could collect). I've got a good stash of gold tickets already made for this next year. Thanks for making my life easier!!!
Oh, I should also add that the last nine-weeks of school my kids got so careless with their supplies that I started making them pay me with their gold tickets to get their supplies back. I also do the bathroom ticket thing, I hadn't thought about using the gold tickets for that.
I'm back to tell you that this is my all time favorite post of yours! Ever! the end
This really helped me a lot. I read it after the first day of…Yes! first grade! That was a Tuesday, August 13th. We did it on Friday. Well a shortened/condensed version but it was great! Thanks for saving my life. Now I don't need to spend money on prizes. double yeah.
I'm still exploring your prior posts. All are great. It's my 17th year of teaching but only my 2nd time teaching 1st and it's been quite a while. Love your humor.
Robbin AKA Bob Ben
We started school last week, and I used this starting on Day 2. It is already a HUGE success!! My students' parents have responded positively to this system, and I absolutely love that! I was struggling with what to use this year, as every single thing I've tried for the last 4 years hasn't worked and I wasn't comfortable with any of them. This is EXACTLY what I've been trying to find!! I love how it compels me to consciously and consistently look for the best in them all day. That has made me a happier teacher, and all students deserve a happy and positive teacher! THANK YOU so much for sharing. Your idea has helped make our classroom an even better place for my students!!!
Are you still using this system this late in the year? I need to switch up my system and an going to try this with my kids. Do you send anything home to parents about the kid`s day?
I am a clip chart-er 🙂 I must admit I love the clip chart as opposed to the flip the card system. Which I hated. I do like your behavior system though! I think I might incorporate it with my clip chart:) I like how the prize is choosing fun friday activities! I will be making that soon:) Thanks for the ideas!
I also love how you made that boys tickets blue:) Genius!
I have been struggling for the last few weeks with some very defiant scholars! As a school we use the turn your card system. We have to use it but I can probably work around it and use this too. I am wondering… you put the tickets in the envelopes or do you let the students?
I love this idea. Our school uses a chart system. However, just like Jill Metcalf, I believe I could also work around/with it and use this specifically for fun Friday. The chart system is based on points. I plan to use McDonald's french fry containers and gold tags. Thanks for sharing.
I love your post! You got yourself a new follower…which is saying something from me because I have never done this.
Omg so many comments! I am changing my behavior plan in my kinder class and was going to use a clip chart until now. It's similar to what I do but different enough that it went throw my kids off. I do have a couple of questions though…
*what do you do for the negative behaviors? There are always a few darlings who will act out. I know you said you take away tickets but what if they didn't have any?
*do you send anything else home besides the paper on Friday?
Thank you for your awesome post!
You are my most favorite blogger. EVER. I LOVE reading your posts! I laugh and I learn, does it get any better? NOPE!
A Teachable Teacher
I like you have never used the clip system. Though I must confess I was considering using it for the first time in 20 years of teaching now that I will be teaching First grade for the first time. One question: How many clips are they allowed to take for fun Friday…is it connected to their number of gold tags they have?
I've been snooping around your blog because I've become mildly obsessed with teacher bloggers/tpt/instagram. I just completed my first year of teaching and I have devoted my summer break to revamping everything in my kindergarten room. This includes my clip chart, which I did not find to be effective at all. I am VERY excited to try this out! P.S. Your bachelorette updates make me laugh every week!
How do you have your students store their gold tags? At their desks? A pocket chart?
I stole this today and I love it. Thanks for sharing! I hope you still use this system and haven't decided that it doesn't work. Ha!!
Okay, this is probably a silly question, but where do the students clip the center clothespin? Do you have another chart with their names on it? Do you have another photo of that? Thank you so much for this system. I will be using it with my 32 Kinders. 😮 Oh my.
If no one else has answered, they clip it on their clothing.
I'm not a big clip chart person because it has a tendency to get negative really fast and I also have a population where I am likely to get at least one ODD or ED kid each year and they can't stand they really struggle with consequences. I do use "Martian Moves" where a team can earn or lose moves based on behavior and participation which is similar to a clip chart but with no colors and immediate rewards for reaching the end. But even that can be difficult at times. Anyway my point is I think I would like to give this system a shot and thank you for sharing. Your blog is funny and awesome!
I am a clip charter and I just converted the whole school to clip charts! How ever I like this idea and you're my favorite blogger!!! Thanks so much for sharing all that you do!!!!!
I am SO excited about this idea! You gave me exactly what I've been looking for, and I cannot wait to try this!! I love how positive this is. I can't wait to share this with my whole team. PS I would love to track down your article about restroom breaks, maybe if you have ideas on reducing interruptions during daily 5?
I am so glad I found your blog. I love this system and can't wait to make it my own. I wrote about you in my blog tonight!
I heart you – as in really am feeling a sense of excitement about trying this in my classroom! THANK YOU!
I have actually never used a behaviour chart – at all since becoming a teacher. I did flirt with writing names on the board (at the behest of my mentor teacher while I was still in training) but for me it didn't work.
The only thing I have to encourage good choices is a calico animal (it changes each year), the class vote on its name and when I see consistent behaviour I choose a student to write on their name with a fabric marker. Mind you I never let any student write on it in term 1 (in Aus we have the 4 terms) and yes, I have had years where 1-4 students have not gotten to write their name. I had one of those students last year (after a two year break) and he was so proud that he got to write his name this time – his behaviour and attitude were outstanding!
Just my two cents worth – watching for tomatoes! lol
Miss Jenny's Classroom
Miss Jenny's Classroom: Book Reviews
I love this idea and really want to try to use it in my classroom next year! How do you communicate each child's daily behavior to the parents?
How do you communicate each child's daily behavior to the parents? I didn't see your answer posted.
WOW!!! I've been looking for a non-chart, non-pocket/traffic signal colors way of promoting positive behavior. This is A-MAY-ZING! Thank you so much for this great strategy!
You are a genius and I'm totally stealing your behavior idea. I found you on Pinterest while searching for new behavior ideas. I've used the color cards in the past but want something a bit easier and where I don't have to fill a treasure chest every week full of junk toys. I love your idea! Thank you!
I love this idea!
I am moving from a school where we HAD to use a district wide clip chart. And, honestly, I don't think I am consistent enough to use a clip chart again this year at my new school. So, I have been looking for alternate ideas. I think I am going to combine your Fun Friday idea with the use of Class Dojo.
Thanks again!
I love this idea!
I am moving from a school where we HAD to use a district wide clip chart. And, honestly, I don't think I am consistent enough to use a clip chart again this year at my new school. So, I have been looking for alternate ideas. I think I am going to combine your Fun Friday idea with the use of Class Dojo.
Thanks again!
I downloaded your book from TpT but you didn't disclose that the clip art (which is what I really wanted was not included in this packet. I found that very deceptive and disappointed. I want my money back!
I know this is 3 years late, but I decided to throw my clipchart out this summer and found your post. I started this week with "tickets" and it's working so well. I love how positive it is.
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Do you still use this and find that it works? Definitely getting rid of my clip chart and looking for alternatives!!
Yes! Absolutely! I love it and have used it consistently for 15 years. 🙂
I am heading into my 40th year (and last) year of teaching. Your comments, especially the strike outs, are hilarious! You obviously know teaching and kids. Thanks for the laughs.
I just couldn’t stop reading! I was cracking up. You have convinced me to give it a try. I’m excited! Thank you!
I have been using a system like this for years. Only I would mentally remember who did the best all day and pick them in that order. I have a clothespin chart similar to yours with 6 colored circles. I would move the colored circles to different areas of the room each week so the activities to do would change. I like your idea of giving out the gold cards so that the kids are aware of their behavior and how they are doing. It’s also a great math lesson. I was just wondering how many you give out? For instance.. if they all lines up quietly do you give them all a gold tag? Then do they go and put them in their pocket? Does this take a lot of time? I would like to try it but don’t want to feel consumed with giving out tags all day. Oh by the way… you are just too funny. I love reading your blogs!!
Yes, sometimes the whole class earns a gold tag. So I have a little thing on my class whiteboard where I put a tally mark if I owe the whole class a gold tag. When school is over, I pass out the gold tag(s) onto each desk. I hope that helps! Thanks for reading my blog! 🙂
yes thank you!
I have used a clip chart for years and decided to try the golden tickets. Wow, what a difference! I have a ‘Secret Hallway Buddy” who earns one for behaving in the hall, 3 GTs go to the “best picker-upper” at the end of the day (this is completely rigged, but they haven’t figured that out yet…) and teaching tallies has been a breeze!! Thank you so much for explaining this idea! My GTs are popsicle sticks, but it works the same way.