It’s Sunday.
I don’t understand. It was just Friday night and I had the whole weekend in front of me.
And tomorrow is Monday and it is not a holiday.
Excuse me? What is the meaning of this?
Shake head.
Sit up straight.
Get on with it.
Okay, so yesterday I was working on my presentation for the Southern California Kinder Conference and getting distracted by Teen Mom and Facebook and Blogs and Pinterest and neighbors and all other manner of Things More Fun Than Work when I became obsessed, I mean, obsessed with getting my desktop organized in a way I had seen months ago but didn’t know how to do.
The hubby said, “Don’t get sidetracked by that right now.”
I said, “I have to do this. It is taking over my life and I will not rest, I shall not rest, until I figure this out.”
Well . . . I couldn’t figure it out and then we had a birthday dinner for a friend and then I had to rest because I just love sleep and have ranked it in my Top Five Favorite Things To Do Of All Time.
And then this morning, while on an early morning walk with Murphie before church, it hit me.
And I raced home, raced meaning I huffed and puffed and wondered how in the world I could get the walk home not to include a hill or the sun in my eyes or any kind of pain, and when I finally made it home, I sat down at my computer and guess what?
I figured it out.
And I am so proud of myself, if I do say so myself. And I say so. I am proud of myself.
Just look:
The Tutu Teacher
Beautiful! I recently tried to clean up my desktop, but it's just plain chevron with a monogram at the bottom…I absolutely LOVE the frame idea! Thanks for posting this, Kristin!!! I shall give it a try:)
Love, love, love- and I don't have a MAC, but you will be happy to know that I was able to open it up on my pc 🙂
I am just going to admire your desktop from afar, and "pin" this post to refer to over spring break when I have time to try the steps and hopefully not cry over one…..because technology usually makes me cry! From one pink chevron fan to another, thank you for sharing!
This is great! Thanks. Do you by chance remember where you got those frames from that you are using on your desktop? I really like them. I know I have seen them before, but couldn't remember where…..maybe Print Candee?
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
Yes! Print Candee!! They were free! 🙂
Would you share your keynote file for those of us who just need to tweak the labels?
Sure!! 🙂
Hey hey hey!! I know I'm super late on this but I've been using your original (which I looove) and now I'm wanting just the template so I can tweak the labels as well. Anyway, just thought I'd ask!
MOORE Fun In First
I was able to use it on my mac! Thank you so much!!!
I am so glad I found another project to help me procrastinate!!! I can't wait to get started on my own desktop organizer… and then someday get back to my TPT product.
Must do this. Jayne
Smart Kids
I went to your Five for Friday post, but somehow ended up here, and I am so glad. I will probably be doing this right now, even though I have 10 things left to do before bed, already. I must do this now. Thanks so much for sharing! My desktop is in a sad, sad, state. Have a great week!
Always Adapting
Oh my! It's going to be a late night now because I HAVE to try this! 🙂
Ha ha ha! I have so much to do, but I had to do also 🙂
First Grade Dual
Ha! I did it! Well, it took a while but thanks for sharing! What is the font you used?
KG Eyes Wide Open!! LOVE IT!! 🙂 You can download it on TpT. FOR FREE!!! (But if you're going to use it in a product, you need to buy a license for it)
I love it! I love it! I will be doing this to my work Mac and my home Mac.
Another excuse to create!
Right now I have a folder that say "junk" and houses God knows what!!
p.s- Your posts are hilarious. I love how you manage to fit wine in almost every one!!
Happy Monday
Love, love, love this!! Pink is my signature color!! So I'm totally on board! Thanks for sharing!!
A Tall Drink of Water