PEOPLE! I am so tired. I went to Sea World with my family yesterday (as in mom, dad, older sister, twin sister, two nieces, and two nephews. That’s 9 people in case you were counting) and we stayed all the livelong day. Super fun but with the drive home and everything (everything being watching Big Brother because I am ADDICTED), I did not get into my bed until almost 1 in the morning. All of you night owls can stop rolling your eyes at me. I am a sleeper – I really like it. It’s one of my favorite things to do. I’d put it in the top five. π Now here comes my whiny voice — and then I had to wake up at 6:45 this morning to go to school and keep working on my classroom. I know!!! Yikes!! They kicked us out at 3:00 so now I have a date with my Macbook and printer because we got our class lists! I can start writing names! Like Karma! Yes, I have a Karma – I love it!!!! But back to what I was originally saying – I am TIRED. Do you ever feel the way I’m feeling, AS IN, how in the world will I teach a WHOLE day with students IN THE ROOM?? I can barely make it from 7:00 to 3:00. Yes, you read that right. I got up at 6:45 and was in my classroom at 7:00. It’s okay – I took a quick body shower. Ponytail. No makeup. I did exchange my pjs for some clothes of some kind. Don’t worry. It wasn’t all that bad.
One of the first things I’m going to do tonight is figure out when these kiddos have their birthdays. I like to be prepared – no last minute running around the classroom trying to sharpen a birthday pencil and find a card somewhere. I actually have a birthday file in my desk drawer (hanging files with other stuff, too – super organized. you gotta see it – I am proud of it) Anyways, I have a Birthday Bag based around Cordouroy. I have books, the stuffed animal, and a Birthday Journal Binder. The kids get to take it home on their birthday and for those holiday or summer birthdays, we celebrate it at a different time. No biggie. On the day of their birthday, I put the bag on their desk along with a birthday pencil, card, and sticker. Lastly, we sing the best birthday song called . . . BIRTHDAYS. I know, what are the chances? It’s by Jack Hartmann and I looked on Itunes to see if you could download it as a single but I don’t see it. However, you can get the cd on his website. It’s called Math All Around Me and you can check it out HERE. The whole cd is GREAT. The reason I love the Birthdays song is because ALL the kids get to participate. And the beat is really good – try not to nod your head, I dare you! π Anyways, here’s a quick example of how the lyrics go: “Birthdays, birthdays, they’re such fun. Stand up when I say the month your birthday comes. January, stand up. January, sit down.” And so on. But there’s a little break at the half way point. My kids go crazy for this song. I ONLY play it on a student’s birthday so they really look forward to it. (Thank you, Susan, for introducing this to me!!) Anyways, over the years, I have somehow started playing the song two times in a row. The first time we play it, the kids just stand up like he tells us to. The second time around, they do a little dance of some sort. It’s hilarious. I’ve videotaped classes doing this before and included it on my end of year slideshow. π
Anyhoo – here’s a pic of the Birthday Bag and the contents:
Not sure what everyone out there in Blog Land does for birthdays – speaking of, I used to have a Clifford Birthday Bag with all the goodies but then a couple of our Kinder teachers started having a Clifford Birthday Bag so I had to do some refiguring! You could do this with any little character. So I thought I’d save myself the trouble of putting these documents on google docs in case you’d rather use June B. or Quack. It’s whatever you like. But if you’d like this stuff, just leave me a comment and I’ll either email it to you or put it on google docs.
(Just uploaded the birthday files to google docs. The birthday card is not in a PDF format so that you can change my name to yours. OBVIOUSLY. π Just click on the pics and it will take you where you need to go.)
Okay, I need to buckle down. First, walk the dog. Second, take out my contacts that are preventing me from napping properly. Third, buckle down.
I have to stay up for Big Brother tonight!!!! I will DIE if Jordan goes home. WAAAA! It better be Brendan. I am NERVOUS! And really, I should be ashamed to admit this, but I am a true reality TV junkie and guess what premieres tonight????? If you’re like me, then you already know!!! Yep – The Jersey Shore. In ITALY! I can’t wait!
I'm always down the shore… one of my best friends lives a town away from Seaside Heights. We call it Sleaze-side, not many Jerseyans go there! And not to burst your bubble, but a lot of friends have met and taken pics with them, a lot of it is an act! π
Miss B, Busy Bee
Lol… those are the only schools where I don't know anyone! Ha! Love the birthday bag idea! I think I might have to create something like this! Did you say you had one for Clifford??! You know what would be fun, is Curious George!!
I am the same way. I love love love sleep! I also love love love your birthday bag idea. I am so stealing it! Thanks!
I LOVE this idea!! I just saw stuffed Elephant, Piggie, and Pigeon at Barnes and Nobel. This would be perfect! Thanks for sharing ^_^
LOVE the idea of having them do a dance the second time. So funny!
My hubby and I are ADDICTED to Big Brother too!
I love your birthday bag idea! I would love a copy!
BIG BROTHER!!!! I love BB! I am totally obsessed! Right now I'm watching After Dark that I recorded from last night. I had a little cry when Kalia got her HOH room.
Sea World sounds like a blast! I have 3 more weeks to play and get ready for school! AHHHH!
I'd love a copy of your birthday bag goodies, too. Thanks for sharing.
π Shelly
Ahh Sea World… I can easily drive to Sea World as well- Fun Day!! What a busy day though!
I have a post on my blog for birthdays. I also like to prepare things and have it ready to go. I finished my little bday bags in June for this year π
Primary Connections
Love the birthday post! So cute! Thanks for following my blog! π
Crayons and Curls
Love the birthday bag idea! Super cute! Thanks for following my blog-super excited to have you. π
I'll be honest and admit it- I'm a reality junkie. MTV, VH1, TLC, E! and Bravo are my best friends. I was all over the Jersey Shore premiere….Shameful I know. **hiding head in hands**