I {almost} can’t talk.
Nine parent conferences about did me in on a Monday.
But I survived. I said lots of the same things over and over and over again.
Here are some highlights:
I love your child.
He is doing amazing!
Your child is above grade level!
He makes me laugh.
I love that your child compliments me.
Ditto for his identical twin.
It would all be fine, and a reason to celebrate now that I’m home, except that tomorrow I have fourteen conferences.
Uh huh.
Today was just the warm up.
In the meantime, I’m joining the 3AM Teacher’s Linky Party. Check it out!
Michelle is having her blogiversary and wants us to share a memory about our first year of blogging.
So . . .
It’s hard to pick just one. You know me. I’m nothing if not thorough.
Here are a few (several, many, every.single.one) of my favorite memories.
Kimberly at Funky First Grade Fun introduced me to the bloggy world (because I emailed her and basically begged her to because I thought she seemed so nice, and would do it) and I was so excited that she went through with it and actually did it! (I have an eye for sweet people who will do things for you against their will. Let me know if you’re ever in need of the same in the future and I’ll hook you up.)
Hadar at Miss Kindergarten found me all on her own. On day one . . . and the rest is history. Now we don’t go a day without texting. She keeps me sane in this virtual world where I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing.
Can you tell I have no clue what I’m doing?
People started saying that they liked my writing. This made my heart tingle because I have always wanted to be a writer.
You started leaving comments on my posts. Like, GOBS of them. I LOVE comments!
I finally told my Halloween story and I wasn’t arrested.
Two bloggy meet ups. No spinach in my teeth. Delicious french fries and cheesecake, in that order. Oh, and bloggers.
Bloggy friends. Sweet, amazing, helpful, wonderful, think-about-them and pray-for-them bloggy friends.
Linky parties. Currentlys.
Talk About It Tuesdays!!!! ๐
Emails from sweet followers that say the nicest-things-ever.
Companies giving me FREE STUFF!!!!!
Companies giving YOU FREE STUFF!!!!
Blogging, in general. Just the fact that I can get on here and tell stories. Like this one or this one.
People still read my blog even though half the time I don’t talk about teaching.
For example, you don’t care if I talk about my mammogram or a silly dress debacle.
Beginning to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers and people don’t hate me for it. Instead, they buy my stuff and thank me for making it (aside from the one or two comments I’ve received stating that I have an error which makes me feel like I’m going to throw up and/or have diarrhea, and then I re-think why I started selling in the first place because I feel like I’m in way over my head, and I want to quit, but I don’t quit because I’m kind of addicted and I have a problem).
I feel like I should mention all of the great curriculum, ideas, activities, etc. that I’ve come across.
So, yeah, there’s that, too. But I almost forgot to say it so I feel like I might just be saying it to sound good. Does it sound good?
And, well . . . on that note, there’s my First Year Bliss of Blogging.
If you can’t tell, it’s been truly blissful. ๐
Be sure to link up with the 3AM Teacher . . . It’s good memories! (Also, I would appreciate it if someone else could go completely overboard and not follow the directions, as well.)
Rikki says
I love your posts! I always enjoy reading them. Thank you for speaking the truth. I feel the same way about TPT. I'm scared to post products because I'm so afraid others won't like them or maybe I made a mistake even though I've looked over it a million times.
The Hive
diditeach says
Your Halloween post hooked me and love each post ever since !
Jill says
I just read the Halloween post,oh my it was great. Don't worry, I never complain about the tpt stuff, if there's an error, I just use whiteout. I don't want to complain because I don't want anyone to stop making stuff, then I would have to make stuff like in the dark ages when I started teaching.
Miss Kindergarten says
I can honestly say that you starting to blog has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. We were meant to be brought together! So thank you!!!
sopatty says
So glad I found you! ๐ Your Halloween story has become epic amongst my kinder-first team! I get angst over errors in my "stuff" too, then I find them in the books the district buys at ten to 100 times the cost of what I charge, and I feel better!:-) Congrats on your year!
Patty So
Traci says
Your posts make me smile, and giggle, and laugh… and snort. I feel very fortunate to have stumbled upon your blog a year ago. It was like finding a long lost friend that shares the same outlook, woes and thrills. ๐
Good luck with those conferences tomorrow.
Michelle says
The Halloween post is my favorite. I laughed until I cried, and Brandy and I have been followers ever since! ๐ Thanks for blogging!
CarolP says
I'm very glad you blog & wish I would have found you when you first started! You make me laugh & I enjoy reading whatever you write- whether it's teaching or just life. ๐
Melissa says
The Halloween post is how I found you, and I'm SO glad I did! You're so much fun to follow!
Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late
Kindergarten Squared says
I think I have my first crush since elementary school! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. The "run for your lives" tree painting post had me hooked. Just got through reading the Halloween post…and oh..my…gosh…thank goodness I didn't have a drink cause it woulda been coming out of my nose!!! Hysterical!!!!
Kristy says
Although nobody at my school blogs, we're all (well, the primary staff that I eat lunch with anyway!) in love with your blog! There are days I feel like you're inside my head when you talk about kids and the things they do, and curriculum (and curriculum cops!). Keep up the entertainment (and great educational ideas & stuff on TpT)!
Dawn says
I discovered bloggers last year. They give me so much inspiration. I just love that yours gives me laughter, too. I recently started my own blog and trying to sell things I make on TPT. I wonder if I've gotten myself in over my head. AFTER posting an item on TPT, I found a mistake. Someone had already bought it, but I went back and fixed it anyway. Teachers are not perfect. We are allowed to make mistakes!! Happy first year blogging!
Adventures in First with Mrs. Key
Diana says
Your blog NEVER gets old! I like how you don't always talk about 'school stuff.' I hear enough of that all day long.
Conferences must be half way over now, so that must feel good. BTW, my friend and I are dying to know more about those twins and who they are related to. Can't you somehow, someway sneak a clue into your blogs. Something like this.
So today my lesson in Math went so well. Brad was the star student when he counted and sorted his Pitts. See how that works?
awagoner says
Love your blog! Can't wait to read each time you update! I have shared it with my coworkers. Keep it up-it is a way of escape and adds humor to my day. Thanks!
Mrs. Anderson says
You blog posts always put a smile on my face:)
Connie Anderson:)
Mrs. Leeby says
Bwahaha! I feel the same way about TpT! I am officially obsessed with you and am also linked up with the 3AM Teacher!
Proud New Follower,
Learning With Mrs. Leeby
Teaching Fabulous Firsties! says
All of the ways you make me happy just cannot be put into one little comment. After my conferences are done, I'm going to officially send you an email and profess my bloggy love for you. ๐
Teaching Fabulous Firsties!
Teaching Fabulous Firsties! says
OK, after reading your Halloween post, I saw this and thought of you. *snickering* ๐
KinderKapers says
I LOVE reading your blog! I love how many of your experiences are just like mine! It is so fun to see teachers from around the world(country…you know what I mean) who experience the same thing. It makes me feel so not alone.
I LOVE that you were the first one to ever comment on my new blog! I ran around the house screaming and jumping up and down (it's a good thing I was alone at the time). I cannot express how much it means to me that someone I consider so cool would even notice me (maybe I should join the linky party…even though I have only been blogging for 3 months).
My next goal is for you to think I am good enough that you will want to follow me (a shameless beg). I ran around the house (again) the day that Hadar started following me! The bloggy world is so very friendly. Kristin…you make it easy for people to feel they know you and are your friend. Your writing style just says you are a friend to everyone, so personal, so real, so full of your voice (there I used one of those words we are trying to get our students to understand). Love you!
Rachelle says
Your Halloween post was epic. I even read it to my friends when I went to Vegas last summer!!!!1
KinderKapers says
You made my day!! I am now feeling a Teeny Tiny bit guilty. Thank you! I am jumping up and down…no need for coffee this morning.
Shannon Piles says
Love your Halloween story (Reagan read it to me this afternoon) and I about peed my pants. My first year I practically fainted when I realized fifth graders still lose teeth ( can't stand the sight of blood – whip here). Good to know someone else feels the same way when posting on TpT.