Hooray for the weekend!!!
If you’re not watching The Bachelor, you may just want to go ahead and skip to number two.
I’m watching The Bachelor. In increments.
I’ve been getting on the treadmill every morning (yay me!) and, for some reason, I click on Teen Mom or The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or Atlanta or Topeka or Stars Hollow or Vanderpump Rules or Leah Remini’s Scientology or Sister Wives before I click on The Bachelor.
What do you think that means?!
Does it mean I’m growing up???
Because, obviously, those other shows are way more mature than The Bachelor which is why I’m coming to the conclusion that I may, in fact, be growing up. Steve won’t watch any of those shows with me (except for Gilmore Girls) so he is way behind me in maturity levels. I think I read a study on how women mature faster than men, and I think this is a clear indication that that study was right.
So anyway, I finally start watching The Bachelor around Thursday, and it seems really long. ????
And there’s this girl named Corinne on there that makes me think she is NOT real, she is not a real person, she is either a plant (as in ABC planted her there (not the houseplant or outside plant) or she is a ROBOT.
A robot in touch with her . . . er . . . um . . . *exy side.
But I’d like to ground her.
Send her to her room.
Make her get a job.
And make her do her own laundry and make her own bed and CUT HER OWN FREAKING CUCUMBERS.
Even I can cut a cucumber.
And Nick? Well.
I can’t figure this guy out.
Does he want a one-night-stand or does he want a wife?
Because I sure can’t tell.
We are working hard on our long vowels! A couple of my small groups needed extra practice and they BEG for Miss Kindergarten’s Read and Reveal cards. One of THE best things about these cards is how easy they are to incorporate into SST goals. For example, I can write a SMART goal, such as So and So will be able to blend and read CVCe words with at least 80% accuracy when given ten word cards by Such and Such Date . . . and I look smart. 😉
And we practice, and work on that goal, and then I pull out ten random CVCe cards and assess that little kiddo and I have RESULTS.
I’m telling you . . .
This little guy in the picture was rocking his CVCe words!!
This kiddo was still working. He is not bald.
We had a great day completing Lyndsey Kuster’s Catching Snowflakes craft! It’s FREE in her store and it is one of my favorites!! Everyone who stops by my room LOVES it. There is just no way to get over the cuteness. I hung them up right away and they just make me SO happy.
We had written about winter earlier in the week and I thought about pairing these with their writing, but then I didn’t.
Because art for art’s sake is JUST TOTALLY FINE!!
I hate that I have to convince myself of this almost every time but, seriously, I do. And we don’t have specials so my kids don’t get art so this is JUST FINE.
That’s usually my internal dialogue.
I have issues.
We already know this.
I started to write this HUGE LONG DIATRIBE about rainy days in California, and then I decided it needed to be its own post. So come back tomorrow for that. I might even write a short novel. A novella. I might title it HOW I SURVIVE RAINY DAYS AS A TEACHER IN CALIFORNIA or something catchy like that.
I’m just dropping this picture right here as a bit of foreshadowing or to build suspense or to wet your whistle. Whatever you like. I mean, I just used the word diatribe so there you go.
Drop mic.
I am this.close to finishing up the Listen and Learn Primer Sight Words pack!! YEEHAW!
I’m going to offer up one of these as a freebie so you can see/hear how I lead these lessons. Basically, I act like an idiot.
Suffice it to say, the kids have to LISTEN and color the letters of each sight word according to my directions, we count the letters, we chant the letters, we say the letters and read the words in baby voices, cowboy voices, robot voices, mad voices, etc! Sometimes we circle the specific word in the group, sometimes we box it up, sometimes we underline it . . . I keep the kids on their toes! 🙂 Last, we read and write the words in the context of a sentence.
I think it’s fun so surely the kids will!
Be on the lookout! Or follow my store so you can get an email notifying you when it’s posted.
And now that the commercial is over . . .
I hope you all have the best weekend!
Happy Saturday!
What we wouldn’t give for good outside days. We didn’t have rain, we were in for five days due to below zero temperatures Then it snowed and was wet but they went out anyway and guess what? They took off their coats and said it was hot, it was 23 degrees.
Hahahahaha!!! I would freeze to death in 23 degree weather. I love it!!! That made me laugh so hard!
What did you mean when you said you have no specials?
We don’t have specials. I only even know about specials from all of the blogs I follow. I stay with my kids in computer lab, I teach PE, I teach art, I teach music, etc. NO SPECIALS. 🙁
Me too!! I really wish we had specials!!!
That is crazy! When do you have planning time and how long? So the first grade teachers who are complaining they have over 20 students (18 is the cap) and have to miss their 45 min. Planning time (Specials) for an assembly are sissies? 🙂
No specials? When do you get prep time?
Also, why do the word cards have paperclips on them? 🙂
Click on the picture or the link to Miss Kindergarten’s store on TpT. It reveals the picture so they can “check” to see if they read the word correctly.
Oh my gosh you and I share the same brain! I just bought that same read and reveal pack and had a parent get it all set up. I haven’t had my firsties try it yet but I know they are going to love it. Plus, I was laughing because I just started my unit on penguins, same as you! 🙂 I miss you, I hope we can catch up again sometime soon!