Happy Happy Happy Saturday!!!!
I’m so happy it’s Saturday, I can’t even tell you!
Monday was our first day back after our three week vacation AND IT RAINED ALL THE DAY LONG.
I knew it was going to be hard on all of us so I got a wild hair up my you-know-what, and bought a bunch of stuff for a little coffee bar. I brought coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate K cups, along with yummy creamers, whip cream, and cinnamon and chocolate sprinkles.
Let me just tell you — it totally helped.
Knowing I could go up at the first rainy day inside recess and get a cup of hot coffee was seriously motivating.
Everything was gone by early Wednesday.
The only thing left are a few hot tea K cups.
We are savages.
We learned about Martin Luther King, Jr all week long. I love teaching about MLK, Jr and my students learned a ton! We used a lot (A LOT!!) of stuff from Lyndsey Kuster’s Martin’s Big Dream pack and Let Freedom Ring pack and I highly recommend both! We also watched a couple of videos, too.
I’m also super proud to say that for the first time IN A VERY LONG TIME, I was prepared and we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr BEFORE the Monday holiday. Usually, I get back from break and I’m like wait, what? How is it already January 15? and then I teach it AFTER the Monday holiday in a here’s why we were off yesterday type of way.
We also did the egg activity that is a freebie on One Sharp Bunch’s website. However, at this time, her website is under construction and it’s not available. I’m sorry!! I’ve seen other freebies, though, and here’s one for you, if you need it.
You know how I said it rained ALL THE DAY LONG ON MONDAY?
Except for Friday.
And I think we got a recess or two on Wednesday.
But the rest of the week, we were INDOORS.
Just kidding! I have an amazing class and they handled it like champs. We did some GoNoodle, we had a snowball fight with our doubles, we read Junie B., we played with shoes (more on that later), we wrote on our whiteboards, and we watched The Magic School Bus on Discovery Education because every once in awhile, I JUST NEED A MOMENT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
By the way, very soon, as in WHO KNOWS WHEN BECAUSE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN OVER THE SUMMER, we are getting ceiling mounted projectors and smart boards.
I’m thinking maybe by 2018.
Or 2020.
But soon!!!!
We made Stephanie’s Sentence Buddy!! This is a freebie in her store!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this project!!
We usually do it a lot sooner, but, hey! If ceiling mounted projectors and smart boards can take awhile, well, so can I!
We have been working on subject and predicate, which is why we boxed up the entire subject and predicate, as opposed to just the noun and the verb.
I’m just putting that out there in case you wanted to comment on that.
Feel free to comment.
I love comments!
But I promise you that I know what I’m doing.
And that I’m a full time teacher in the classroom and I’m not ruining students’ lives.
At least, I’m pretty sure about that second part.
Click {HERE} or on the picture to see how these shoes work!
I put this on Instagram, because hello?
These shoes are like the old Simon game or the new Bop It game.
And this guy got these shoes for his birthday and his shoes are a game.
And he was really good about not playing with them when we were on the carpet or at our seats, but for every indoor recess, the kids would sit around him and play his shoes.
Sometimes, he would have a line.
I can’t make this stuff up.
And yes, I may have stood in line.
I mean, I had to.
I couldn’t help myself.
Paula says
Snowball fight with doubles?? Gotta ask how do you play??
kristinoldham@yahoo.com says
I passed out paper to each student and they wrote one doubles fact (up to 10+10). They did NOT write the answer. Then we had a snowball fight while music was playing. When I stopped the music, they had to pick up a snowball, find a partner, and read and solve the doubles fact. Then we played again and again! Some of my kids would say “I already had this fact!” and I would say “Do you know the answer?” And they would say “Well, yeah, I figured it out last time.” and I said, “That, my friend, is how we’re memorizing our doubles facts!” The kids loved it!! 🙂 I also have to say several ganged up on me! Ha!
Cherie says
I want those shoes…and the coffee station!
Bonnie says
We had inside recess all week too because it was-30 C with the windchill. The air hurt my face but at least there were no mosquitoes ?
kristinoldham@yahoo.com says
-30??!!! I cannot even imagine!!