Happy Happy Happy Weekend!
As many of you already know, when you buy items on TpT, you’re encouraged to leave feedback for the items that you purchase. In exchange for leaving feedback, you get points, which you can then use to purchase other items. I leave feedback on all of my purchases in order to get the points, obviously. Free is free, people. I just bought the Moffatt Girls November Journal for Beginning Writers and it is $4. Except I got it for free because I had enough points.
And yes, let’s just all take a moment to bask in the gloriousness of the fact that I bought something for November when it is only October.
I know. Teacher of the Year right here, don’t ya think?
So any who . . .
When you open a store on TpT, and you sell things on TpT, you’re going to get feedback.
Most of the feedback is super nice. But sometimes, it’s not. Sometimes, it’s not even constructive criticism.
Sometimes, it just says no comment.
Literally. I got feedback not too long ago on a product and that’s exactly what the comment said. The comment said no comment, which actually is a comment, but whatever. It made me laugh so there’s that.
Any who . . . I received this comment on my Listen and Learn Activities for Short Vowels the other day and just about died laughing.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I love that kid.
That’s a parking space at my school.
And after fifteen years of begging and pleading and trying and picketing (not really), and striking (not at all), we *finally* got the word STAFF painted on forty parking spaces.
This is because if we have an event at our school, such as Muffins with Mom, or Donuts with Dad, or even just 100 Mile Club which is two days a week, there is NOWHERE TO PARK.
Our Muffins with Mom event was just a few weeks ago (it had nothing to do with Mother’s Day, if you couldn’t tell) and I might as well have parked at my house and walked to school for HOW FAR AWAY I HAD TO PARK. And I had a cart full of stuff.
And I had to WALK UP A HILL.
It’s like when I was a kid and had to walk four miles to school in the snow without a coat (this never happened).
And, by the way, when I finally made it up to the school, the line for the muffins was like a line for Space Mountain at Disneyland. It was OUT OF CONTROL. As far as I know, the muffins were just normal muffins, but you would have thought they were muffins with special powers, or butter, or delicious tasting muffins that had zero calories, and you can eat as much as you want without feeling guilty, or something along those lines. Apparently, they started out by serving whole muffins, then halves, then quarters, then slices, then it was all I hope you enjoy your crumb! Thanks for coming!
So anywho . . . we finally got STAFF parking spaces and I’m so excited about it! However, I am realistic about the fact that at our next big event, parents will park in our spaces. Unless we get a parking attendant.
And I don’t see that happening . . .
That’s Ruby and me.
You know Ruby.
Miss Kindergarten’s baby.
She is so smart, she is in my class now.
I was sitting in my meeting after school one day this week and I got a text that Hadar was in town and could she stop by . . . it was an amazing surprise!!
So Hadar, Ruby, Lauren (A Teachable Teacher), and Hadar’s sister, Erit, came to visit.
They stayed for about an hour and IT MADE MY WHOLE DAY FUN AND SPARKLY. I couldn’t stop smiling.
I put this on Instagram and I’ve had a few comments about how I look good with a baby.
Well, okay, sure, maybe.
But let’s be real. This was for five minutes and then I handed Ruby back because she was getting fussy and needed to eat.
So there you go.
I was out a couple of times this week and the subs only had nice, wonderful, amazing things to say about my class so I told them we could eat in the classroom for lunch and put on some fun music.
Then I had to turn off the fun music because everyone just kept dancing and no one would eat.
Once everyone ate, I turned it back on.
Most of the kids were trying to do the splits.
There was also a lot of hopping going on. Jump Jump Jump, Shout, Shout, Shout, I LOVE THIS SONG! Repeat.
Someone left a note on my desk that said this is the best day ever, it’s like a party! When I went to take a picture of it, it was gone!
But I swear that’s a true story and I’m not making it up.
And I didn’t write it, either. A kid did because they spelled party and day wrong.
I love to compare and contrast! I have no idea why!
I like to have my kids rub their hands together and say compare means the same! Then we move our hands far apart and say (in a really deep voice) contrast means different!
We compared and contrasted my teammate, Laurie, and me. They came up with amazing similarities and differences. Then we compared and contrasted apples and pumpkins and everyone did really well. Click {HERE} to grab a copy!
And that was my week!!
How was yours??
Just finished my coffee and my Saturday morning ritual of reading your blog. Now all is right in my world?
Thank you
Awwww!!! YAY!!!!! 🙂 See you next Saturday!
My husband walked into the room as I was reading this. Of course I was giggling. He said , “It’s her again huh?” I live for your posts. They make me smile some days but most days I’m pretty close to peeing my undies! Then again, a sneeze has somewhat of the same effect!
Today I oooood and awwwd at the compare and contrast . I taught my fifth graders elements of plot and powers of ten this week. Not so cute. So I’m thinking after 20 some years in fifth grade maybe I’m ready to switch it up. Go down to first.
Then I re-read the jumping and dancing and got real with myself.
Like I said. I live for your posts on Saturday (doesn’t say much about my not-so-exciting life). So you keep teaching first. I will keep teaching fifth. And I will live vicariously through your first grade experiences.
Have a great wine-filled weekend and I will be looking forward to hearing from you next Saturday!
You are HILARIOUS! I love it!!!! 🙂 Plot and Powers of Ten . . . it’s over my head! So yes, you stick to fifth, and I’ll stick to first! 🙂
I work with English learners, love the hand motion for compare and contrast. After laughing like crazy, I always learn something from you…then buy your products..and always leave feedback!
You’re so sweet!!! THANK YOU!!!! 🙂
Painting staff on parking spaces is such a great idea! I *may* need to suggest that at my school. Well, beg for it really…