Happy Saturday!
Yesterday was crazy. It was a loooong day and started out with some kind of Fun Fitness thing on our playground before school. I didn’t know what it was about. We used to have something similar, but it didn’t work out well because the kids needed persmission slips and special bracelets in order to do a jumping jack on our blacktop before school. I completely understood the necessity behind this. I mean, when kids are on our playground during recess and they run full force into the tetherball poles or fall down in order to imbed asphalt into their shins, knees, and palms, it’s a free for all. It’s recess. Anything goes. But to have a professional fitness expert lead the kids in fitness exercises? No way. Not without a permission slip and the dreaded rubber bracelet that they can’t find and they just had it, and now let’s cry about it. It was kind of a nightmare.
So when this kind of came up yesterday, I was a little surprised. I remember permission slips coming in but I didn’t put two and two together. It didn’t work last time. Some kid actually exercised with the professional fitness expert and he didn’t have a permission slip. Stop the presses. Block the heart rates from pumping. Go put on some weight. Fitness? CANCELLED.
But we did have some sort of fitness program happening yesterday. On the same day that we were mandated to have our Valentine’s parties. Yes, mandated. Don’t ask. Just go with it. So it was a great way to start the day. The kids were really hyper crazy out of their minds excited for the day ahead. Especially because all of their endorphins were firing. And I was the one getting hit. Pow! Pow! Pow!
Here’s how our day went:
We took a spelling test.
And then we had fun.
The end.
The party was great. I love my room parents because they pretty much take care of everything and then I just get to walk around and take pictures of everything happening.
My own personal mother made heart shaped sugar cookies for the kids to decorate. I am not a sugar cookie fan but I have heard from several different sources that my mom’s sugar cookies could win awards. If they gave awards for such a thing. I decorate them at Christmas time (she makes A MILLION and we have to decorate them) but I don’t really eat them. I would prefer if it sugar cookies had chocolate chips in them.
Anyways, a tiny little glitch in our perfect centers happened. We didn’t have enough knives for the frosting of the cookies. So the kids had to share. And they could NOT lick the knives, obviously. (and just in case you’re wondering, I’m talking about plastic knives. Let’s be clear.) We had to watch them like hawks. Or like doctors who know about contagious diseases.
One of my little guys said, “Really? We can’t lick the knives?” with his knife poised near his mouth.
The parent said, “No. But you can eat your cookie.” Would Reagan call this Dream Squashing?
He said, “Well, back in my day, we got to lick the knives.”
Back in his day. Well, back in my day, a kid got his finger cut off in the bathroom door. So let’s not put a knife in our mouth, buster.
One of our second grade teachers had a Valentine pancake breakfast. I believe that she did it for the sole purpose of making me look bad. Because now my room parents want to know when we can have a pancake breakfast. And folks, we have strict rules about three parties, and three parties only. Let’s count: Winter, Valentine’s and End of the Year. That’s it. And with the Cops wandering around everywhere, I don’t know how I’m going to accomplish this. The room parents said it would be great to do it in the spring. Say, around St. Patrick’s Day. In other words, just a month away. Any ideas on how I can get away with this?
I now have to talk to my second grade teacher friend and give her lots and lots of thanks. I mean, what an inspiration she is. π Seriously, though, she is fantastic and I took pictures of her adorable room. She gave me permission (or did she actually tell me to “PUT THIS ON YOUR BLOG”?) to post these pics. She has a bee themed classroom, FYI.
In the past like up until this year, we had parties at Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's day, and an Easter egg hunt. This year we were told we could only have a party at Christmas and then one at the end of the school year. We've always been told when we can have this party. Like what day and what time. There were some really unhappy parents about the no party rules. Mainly because we had some pretty big parties up until now. Like the kids dressed in their costumes and we paraded around town for Halloween. So Tuesday we're still exchanging Valentine's and I'm bringing Jello hearts but we are not having a party. No nope having a party.
Whew thank goodness I have a laidback principal. Your blog is too funny. π
Oh and I loooooooooove my document camera. It's fabulous.
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
We aren't told how many parties we are allowed to have (at least I don't think we are). We aren't told what days to have our parties either. But, we CAN'T have homemade treats….it has to be store bought or made at school.
The First Grade Dream
We only get 2 parties!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!
Sometimes they tell us the day to have it on, sometimes not. What happend to "back in the day" when teachers could do whatever they wanted? I mean, come on, we made ice cream when I was in first grade. Now we can only write about making ice cream. LAME!
I loved this post. Every bit of it!!!!!!!!!
P.S. is your school the last school on earth to get any technology? PLEASE tell me you aren't using an overhead projector? I. WOULD. DIE.
Hi Kristin!
If there are no holidays in the world, there are no parties…
However, one of my students wrote a letter to the Pal begging for an opportunity to exchange Valentines cards.
And she said YES. I bet as I type, those kids are at home trying to figure out how to use some tape or a glue stick to attach cupcakes to those little envelopes…
Enjoy your weekend!
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
We only get 3 days and we vote on the 3 days. We are not "allowed" to eat any candy, sweets, or fun food unless it is on those 3 days…no math pills!! I have ZERO parent helpers. One of the times 1 actually showed up she ate the majority of the cookies and cupcakes!
Will you move to Texas if I tell you we ALL have document cameras, Smartboards, projectors, 2 laptop carts with 50 laptops (as a campus), and a Science Lab??!!??? Oh, and several teachers have and we are getting more of those clickers where you answer questions.
You always make me laugh! I did think of the finger incident! =)
Heather's Heart
No, no one has a limit on parties or are told about which day to have it on. Usually the teachers get together to discuss a day. But none of the schools I sub for have a limit.
Poor you π
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Yes that was a total dream squash! π Ok we don't have curriculum or PE cops, but we DO have party cops. We only get 3 parties. (like you) Christmas, Valentines, and End of Year.
Fingers crossed you get the last day of school. We can NOT eat anything in our room if not store bought and from our list of acceptable foods. broccoli anyone?
love ya!!! Thanks for the shout out! holla!
Oh yeah, and it all has to be store bought. No home cooking!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Boy, those cops spoil all your fun!!
We can party-it-up whenever for whatever reason.. no rules :o) And let me tell you.. we like to party in my room!
And.. we could probably lick a knife and no one would care :o) :o)
But, i have to draw the line somewhere!
Hope you have had a great Saturday!!
Oh my dear….you need to come to sunny Florida…we have ELMOs (I think thats the same as a document camera) each has a laptop, wireless mouse and keyboard, projector and I have an ipad, ipod, digital camera, Safari headset, logitech camera….think that's it…no smartboards for our school yet:( I'm on a technology cadre so I have a few more benefits than others:)
You crack me up with the knifes and losing body parts. Your friends party looked too cute. We are allowed a Christmas party, small Vday, ….I don't know about others….
AND you don't like birds:,((((( So you'll never, ever, ever come visit me because I have birds:( Tears and more tears!! You don't have to see them:))
4th Grade Frolics
I cannot stop laughing right now!! Ok, I'm calming down so I can type. Those last pictures cracked me up.
We aren't quite there yet with the parties but getting pretty close. A couple have had defined dates/times, but others haven't. I'm in a bit of a panic because I didn't have my valentine's one last Friday and I'm wondering if we were supposed to!! Oh well, what can I do?
I'm so glad you'll be getting some new technology, you lucky girl!
Kristen π
Girl. I don't know how you do it. You live in a land of too many rules for me!!!
I would maybe suggest Easter pancakes. That gives you more time than a month. But chances are you have rules about Easter & rules about celebrating things in too close of a proximity to spring break. Just guessing.
Creating & Teaching
We are allowed one Christmas Party a year…that's it. Now, we do special snack at different times of the year, but no guests or anything =(
First Grade Blue Skies
We can only have 2 parties a year. Yes, that is right- a holiday party and an end of the year party. For Valentine's Day we are going on a field trip to see the Pinkalious play and then we will pass out valentines at the end of the day. They had to make a valentine box as their family project for this month. So we don't really get to celebrate that much and my room mom is crazy about wanting to celebrate. The best thing you could do for St. Patty's day is have everyone wear green and tell you room mom she can help you be a mischievous leprechaun who gives out gold chocolate coins at the end of the day. Good luck!
I guess I should count my blessings that we have as many parties as we want as long as we can "wrap" some literacy around it. I can't believe your school has all of these rules!! You poor thing!! Surprised that you can do St. Patty's day at all.
Why don't you read Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie DePaola – he had an Irish grandmother, too, so I think that works two ways! You can also read Jamie O'Rourke and the Giant Potato, another Tomie dePaola book, and then your pancakes will be connected to an author study! KA-CHA CONNECTIONS!!
Also, I love her room because my room is bees, too.
And my animals aren't near as clever as yours.
Buzzing with Ms. B
HAHA! π I love that your Valentine's Day party was mandated on Friday, what's that about?!?! Ours is Tuesday and it will be a loooong week after that. Hope you relax this weekend and enjoy your free time! π
Lisa π
Made In The Shade In Second Grade
For future parties with icing you can use popsicle sticks as knives. My Kindergarteners do great with them!!
"Back in my day"…. hahahhahahahahahhahaha
Our district had a 2 year limited PE grant a few years back. We got to share a PE teacher with another school. It was the BEST thing ever! But it's gone now. We do a running club (by permission slip only) after school. Then our running teach does the little OC kids marathon.
Our first grade team does an ice cream sundae party during the last hour of the day on Valentines. That sums up our valentine celebration. That's what I'll be doing Tuesday afternoon… because, well, THAT is Valentine's Day. (Is your principal confused?)
We are limited to 2 parties a year. But we can pick… fall/Thanksgiving or winter (definitely not Christmas), Valentines or spring (definitely NOT an Easter party). Our Kinder group breaks these rules all the time and just keep it to themselves. As they should. I think our curriculum cops have too much to do – so hopefully they are not policing parties. I don't mind being limited in parties. Not enough parent help means I would have to do it… and, that's not really my thing. HOWEVER – we've never been told which day we can have a party. I'm thinking your principal needs a few more important things to do with her time. Just sayin'.
OMGOOOOODDDNESSSS How on earth do you manage without a document camera? I think ya need to demand it.
β€ Dragonflies in First β€
That picture at the end is fabulous. I assumed the dog had gotten stuck up high and the other animals were just using teamwork to save him.
We have Halloween, Winter, Valentine's parties, and sometimes End of the Year (I'm new to this school- not sure how it rolls). Our parents generally get invited to the party, which is new and weird to me. But the room moms plan the whole thing, so I guess it makes up for it!
You could do a Read Across America celebration with red and white cupcakes looking like Dr. Seuss… or Green Eggs and Ham breakfast…?
Tie the March party to a book or an author study. I think a Dr. Seuss extravaganza would be fabulous.
Our Valentine party is this Tuesday, following a morning roller-skating field trip for the entire school. I have made it EXTREMELY clear to my room parents that we are 1)returning to school for lunch, 2)completing our Bible and Reading lessons, 3)waiting until 2pm to start the party. If it all goes down like it did at Christmas–when we actually had a 17 day break after the craziness–I will call in sick on Wednesday. Mentally ill, you know?
We have parties Christmas (but it's Winter Holiday) Valentine's, & Easter (Spring Party). Our parties are always on the day of or as close to it as possible. They start promptly @ 2:45 until school is out at 3:20. So we're throwing cupcakes, treats etc. and basically saying "swallow, no time for chewing." LOL!
One great thing this year the day after Valentune's Day is a 1/2 day for kids. Teacher planning in afternoon. I plan on doing some fun activities, hypering them up & sending them home!
I love the summary of your day! That's terrific that you got a relaxed day since it sounds like you have to sneak them in. I can't believe you have to have and end of the year party a week early. That's ridiculous! I'm feeling lucky that my principal doesn't keep track of anything (it's a curse too, though). As far as breakfast, some of our teachers do a green eggs and ham breakfast. Could that be a good enough excuse to get away with cooking?
Good luck.
ο£Ώ Chrissy
First Grade Found Me
We are not told, but we all agree on when is the best day to have it, especially if the holiday falls on the weekend. We have Halloween and Valentine's parties. For both of these our building (of only 6 classrooms in our k-2 building) decides to have a breakfast party. The kids vote (it's the democratic way!) on what they'd like to eat. On the day of the party, we don't have to wait all day for the party to start. It starts first thing in the morning. After we are done eating we then do some party things, but usually that's all done by an hour into the day. We continue with holdiay activities that go with academic stuff, but we don't have the curriculum cops that you have checking to see WHAT we are doing. We just know what to do. We don't ask any parents to bring ANY treats of ANY kind in. . . but some how, magically they always appear. And in droves! Imagine how many we would get IF we asked them to bring stuff in!
We also celebrate 100's day with a rotation in the afternoon. We will rotate to each classroom for about 20 minutes and do something 100ish in each room. We make sure that each room has something different to do. This has been very successful and makes for a quick afternoon. I still love to read your events and you always make me giggle.
We are having our party ON Valentine's day! Why do they care when you have your party? Our handbook says 3 parties, but no one has ever monitored this. I am surprised she could make pancakes. We have a state law that says all food has to be store bought and individually packaged. (AZ) Every teacher in our district has had a document camera for the past 10 years. I am shocked that you are just getting one. It was the best thing we've ever gotten! You will wonder how you ever lived without it!
PS. These events are what kids remember about elementary school. Geez!
We are only allowed two parties a year, but we celebrate everyting in kindergarten! A
co-worker of mine always has a Peter Rabbit pancake breakfast around Easter. I think she takes one pancake and cuts it to make the ears and bow tie. She is the only one that does it, maybe she's trying to make the rest of us look bad! LOL
I had a teacher friend who would read Laura Numeroff's books to her class and then give them the same treat. Ex: They'd eat cookies after reading "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." or a muffin after reading "If You Give a Moose a Muffin."…..
Do you see where I am going with this???
Not sure on the theme but HM has the story "If You Give a Pig a Pancake."… A pancake…wink…wink. After reading the selection, you can end the week by having pancakes. Have a writing piece attached to the "activity" and your admin police will think it's a great idea.
It won't be a party based on a holiday… it's actually becomes a celebration f reading and of literature and who could say no to that.
AND… if you are feeling extra brave…invite your principal to come into class that day and read to the little kiddos… If You Give a Cat a Cupcake…because that is a great story too.
Seriously, girl!! Where do you work, in the land of rain clouds and squashed dreams?? 3 parties a YEAR?? The HORROR!!! In my district, we could have a party every week if we wanted. In fact, one of my boys brought cupcakes on Friday for his HALF birthday. I kid you not. This was not cleared with me before hand. But when his sweet grandma showed up with the cupcakes, what could I do?? I DID, however, put the kabash on him wearing my birthday necklace. NO BIRTHDAY NECKLACES FOR HALF BIRTHDAYS!
P.S. Your room is adorable.
P.P.S. You are WAY cooler than that over-achieving 2nd grade teacher.
Kerri B
Loved the pictures. I am sure those animals pulled a Corduroy π We get to have parties whenever. Sorry. We are actually doing a whole school celebration for the 100th day-the principal leads the whole school in the hallway in doing 100 exercises…
We could not call a Christmas party that – it had to be a Winter party. So we froze water in gallon milk container jugs and built an big igloo in the hall but the Fire Marshall said that was a "no, no." Huh? Frozen ice won't put out a fire? I had a pathetic tree left by the previous teacher and the kids made decorations for it in art center and I had Christmas lights strung around the room. My principal was pretty cool. If we were studying the letter M and an M&M accidentally landed in a kid's mouth, and the Principal walked in she would smile and say, "Eat the evidence."
Loved every bit of this post. We are only allowed 3 parties too. We always seem to squeeze a Halloween party in there though. Whoops!
It would be great to have room moms that helped with the parties. We basically pass out the cupcakes and juice, eat, open our Valentine's and call it a day.
Fun In First
oh yes it's official go ahead and dress up like a cowgirl (chaps with nothing else) and let the hubs know…!!!!
Back in my day!!!! That cracked me up.
I think in our handbook it says we can have 3 parties… Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. Buuuuut we pretty much do what we want. I had a huge 100th Day party.
Also in the handbook it says that the Christmas party is a more subdued thing, since it's Advent and we are all reflecting on Jesus's birth. However, I'm pretty sure no one told the kids that they were supposed to be subdued on the last day before Christmas break…. haha!
I don't think we have a end of the year party but I do think that there is like a whole-school picnic or something, so maybe that counts? I will have to wait and see!
Marvelous Multiagers!
I don't think we have a rule about how many parties we can have. It really wouldn't matter if we did. Our principal hasn't been in my room all year. I saw the assistant principal a couple times for behavior problems but that is it. The principal is usually M.I.A. We party pretty hard in our first grade hallway. We usually feed them all the sweets they can eat without throwing up(every party there is one or two who don't know their limit)!
As for technology, our entire school has an ELMO and a projector but not first grade!! Not sure why this is but for some reason we are usually treated like second rate citizens. I guess they think we are such great teachers we don't need them!
I used to work at a school with a curriculum cop. There was only one,she made my life H****, whoops, I mean slightly uncomfortable. I got around the party thing by theming the Party, I mean activity as a reading day. Well, they did have to read instructions, write about the activities and look very serious and scholarly. I feel your pain.
I cannot imagine all the regulations! Reading your blog makes me so thankful for my school system and laid-back admin. My only party-related complaint is that we can no longer bring home-made goodies. This really threw me off b/c I did a pancake breakfast for Christmas and cupcake decorating in the spring. I miss those!
Step one to the pancake (un) party stealth mission- find the part of your curriculum that deals with reading and following recipes
Find a just add water pancake mix. Experiment with it at home til you know how much can be mixed in a plastic cup with the appropriate amount of water and perhaps mini chocolate chips (everytbings better with chocolate-almost anything)
Write your rebus recipe showing how much mix-water-chips to use to make a pancake.
Step 2 plan your learning activity (unparty) for dr seuss ' birthday. Make green eggs and ham to accompany you pancake recipe. Mixed of course by your kiddos.
Step 3 if you foresee problems. Have your kiddos write a nice invitation to the school board members or the superintendent to come watch them cook (citing the appropriate objectives)
Good luck
Step one to the pancake (un) party stealth mission- find the part of your curriculum that deals with reading and following recipes
Find a just add water pancake mix. Experiment with it at home til you know how much can be mixed in a plastic cup with the appropriate amount of water and perhaps mini chocolate chips (everytbings better with chocolate-almost anything)
Write your rebus recipe showing how much mix-water-chips to use to make a pancake.
Step 2 plan your learning activity (unparty) for dr seuss ' birthday. Make green eggs and ham to accompany you pancake recipe. Mixed of course by your kiddos.
Step 3 if you foresee problems. Have your kiddos write a nice invitation to the school board members or the superintendent to come watch them cook (citing the appropriate objectives)
Good luck
Step one to the pancake (un) party stealth mission- find the part of your curriculum that deals with reading and following recipes
Find a just add water pancake mix. Experiment with it at home til you know how much can be mixed in a plastic cup with the appropriate amount of water and perhaps mini chocolate chips (everytbings better with chocolate-almost anything)
Write your rebus recipe showing how much mix-water-chips to use to make a pancake.
Step 2 plan your learning activity (unparty) for dr seuss ' birthday. Make green eggs and ham to accompany you pancake recipe. Mixed of course by your kiddos.
Step 3 if you foresee problems. Have your kiddos write a nice invitation to the school board members or the superintendent to come watch them cook (citing the appropriate objectives)
Good luck
Step one to the pancake (un) party stealth mission- find the part of your curriculum that deals with reading and following recipes
Find a just add water pancake mix. Experiment with it at home til you know how much can be mixed in a plastic cup with the appropriate amount of water and perhaps mini chocolate chips (everytbings better with chocolate-almost anything)
Write your rebus recipe showing how much mix-water-chips to use to make a pancake.
Step 2 plan your learning activity (unparty) for dr seuss ' birthday. Make green eggs and ham to accompany you pancake recipe. Mixed of course by your kiddos.
Step 3 if you foresee problems. Have your kiddos write a nice invitation to the school board members or the superintendent to come watch them cook (citing the appropriate objectives)
Good luck
No limit on parties! We just got smartboards and document cameras this year in FL. I definitely think you should tie in pancakes with a book.
I can't believe you're told when to have a party!! Well, I can, because I'm always reading everything else you're told.to.do. What a shame. We can party whenever we want. I mean we can have a party whenever we want. That's not to say we work at the perfect school. It's just that we can have parties at said unperfect school.
Good luck with your pancake party!
Make your pancake party a states of matter lesson. Curriculum police can't argue that!
I didn't realize how lucky my school is as far as parties until I read this post and the comments. We party at Halloween with a costume parade, Winter party with pizza and a Spring party hosted by the local Dairy Queen bringing in a soft serve station for sundaes! YUM! We can have any other special days we want too. My principal doesn't care.
You don't ever realize how lucky you are until you hear comments from other teachers. I teach in Canada and there are no limits on how many parties we can have, what we can serve, and what day the parties must be on. Total freedom by the teachers. I always try to have a good mixture of healthy food and a few treats. Everything must be nut free, but can be homemade or store bought.
Kinfe catastrophe = excellent use for the bajillion craft sticks I have coming out of my ears!
I always just use the wooden "Popsicle sticks" for spreading! Cheap, easy, and everyone's got a ton hidden away in their classroom closets!
Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog
3 parties only. Texas law from Food and who knows who. Same as y'all winter, Valentines, end of the year. I hate when people make me look bad. I promptly tell them they owe me a drink at happy hour. Before the winter party my room moms asked if they could deck my room all out. I said, "No. Sorry. That's just more for me to clean up." Too mean?
Rowdy in First Grade
It's up to each school. We can have a party for Halloween (excuse me, Harvest), Winter, Valentine's, and and end of the year barbeque for the whole school. One of the schools I taught in "voted" to only have Valentine's Parties. They were allowed because it was considered a literacy activity to read the Valentines.
You could maybe read if you give a pig a pancake, and then make pancakes. You could also get your students to write about making pancakes.
I teach in Alberta Canada and we are not monitored on parties by no means. I have: Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, Easter and End of the year.
As for technology…. in my classroom I have 4 laptops, 3 desk top computers, a smart board, document camera, 2 Ipads, and 8 Ipods and a docking station. I am feeling very spoiled right now, I totally thought that was the norm until I read your post and comments. Tell those cops to get with the times π Love your blog!
To comment on the pancake thing… One year I read a Nate the Great book with my students- It may have been part of Soar to Success, but I can't remember the exact title- and it had a pancake recipe in the back because Nate the Great's favorite breakfast is pancakes. This was a "great" way to tie a pancake breakfast into my curriculum π