Happy Sunday!
I have 7 1/2 more school days. Tomorrow is my last Monday of the school year because Memorial Day is coming in handy next week and will curb any Sunday Night Blues.
I spent most of yesterday working on report cards and my slideshow.
I can’t see straight right now, but that’s okay. Also, just for the record, I sneezed again and my left contact got lost up in my eye again. For the love of Pete, I said.
I am now wearing my old contacts and my eyes feel much more comfortable. I don’t know whether the problem of not being able to see straight is due to the old prescription or how much I was on the computer yesterday . . .
In the meantime, I need to talk to you about the last Common Core training I went to.
It was actually at our school site and I was told I was going to be a “Model Leader”. This is because only K-1 transitioned this year in our district and I had already attended three whole day trainings. Apparently, that’s all you need to be a Model Leader. I sure hope this isn’t what medical school is like. Good job, buddy! You’ve got three surgical situations under your belt — now go open your own practice! You’re a Model Doctor!
I sat with our third grade team and my partner had to sit at a different table because she was a Model Leader, too. They needed Model Leaders at different tables. This upset us greatly. Especially because it didn’t seem to matter to anyone that we were more interested in the snacks and the extra long lunchtimes at our trainings, rather than the actual trainings themselves.
In any case, I found out that I am, in fact, a smoother. A smoothie, if you will. My third grade buddy wrote the following on a napkin and passed it to me (as if we were in high school): “Next blog post: I’m a Smoothie”
Yes. I am.
I want to lie and tell you that I am the best teacher ever and already implement all kinds of Common Core practices in my classroom, but I can’t. I must be honest with you. You know that by now.
I want to lie and tell you that I ate a salad with dressing on the side for dinner last night while the hubby took Murphie to her “special agility” training. But I didn’t. Instead, I had Ruffles potato chips and Ranch dip. Then when that didn’t fill me up, I had two Dove chocolates. And when that didn’t cut it, I had some cherries.
That’s the truth. So I will not lie now.
I try to implement Common Core practices as much as possible. But one area that really throws me is allowing my students to THINK FOR THEMSELVES. Gasp.
I’m so guilty of doing all the thinking. And pretty much most of the talking.
Our trainers called teachers like me “Smoothers”. We like to smooth rough roads for our kids. Give them hints when it’s time to infer or predict or add or subtract or sneeze or tie a shoe or write or whatever.
At times, I feel like I need to teach kindergarten because I am really attracted to those standards that say, “With Prompting and Support”.
I like that!
The first grade standards don’t say that, though. And while I DO allow think time and partner work and brainstorming sessions and all of that good stuff . . . I smooth the road a bit for those learners that may be struggling . . .
Hmmmm. That is my job, though, right?
My name is Kristin and I’m a Smoothie.
Are you?
Or are you more of a Chunky Peanut Butter type?
I think I'm a smoothie too. But I teach 2nd in a CA title 1 school with many ELLs, special needs kiddos, transient families, etc. The new writing standards do indicate teacher support, though. Yay?
I'm a smoothie too. π
Call me a smoothie! I am not ashamed they are 6 and 7 years old.
I used to follow your blog from my teaching blog but that fell by the wayside when it was Common Core everything and no more fun at school this year, so I'm here from my personal blog. I have to say, I teach fifth grade and one of my favorite things is that they are so independent! π Though, I tend to smooth when they aren't producing what they should be. "Just like that except more like this" π
Last year when I taught K, that was my favorite part of the standards, "with prompting and support". yup. And I carried my "smoothie-ness with me to 1st grade. Everybody needs a little prompting and support.
I'm Definitely a smoothie! Glad I'm not the only one π
Well, I must be a smoothie too then. . . I hate that "Wait Time" I could wait until Kingdom Come and they still wouldn't give me an answer. So I give them a nudge, a hint, a piece of info that just might help them get over the hump. I'm a second grade teacher and I must be really bad! I know when they transition to the third grade in another building, those teachers take our babies and make them become more grown up. They don't love them and nurture and snuggle them the way we do. For shame! But I suppose that is truly what they need by third grade!
Smoothie all the way !!
I'm a smoothie and I teach fourth! I also teach at a Title 1 and Title 3 with lots of ELL's and transient families.
Plus, I love smoothies. Yummm.
You crack me up! I must be a Rocky Road…
I could probably work at the Smoothie King!! I hate to see my little ones struggling, even though I know the struggle leads to understanding! π
Smoothie for sure!!!
Yea, I'm a smoothie. It is very hard to let them to think for themselves sometimes.. I teach first and they really do need support sometimes. Is that bad? I think not! lol
My instinct tends to be a smoothie too!
But, I am learning to let go…{I also teach K & love the "With prompting & support" lines in CCSS}! A book that helped me in math, with the "student-led discussion" & "discourse" piece was – Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn by: Suzanne H. Chapin. It has transformed my math block.
Maybe start with one area & then add more as you gain confidence on the "rocky road!"
My name is Roberta and I am a smoother! I am allowed to use prompting and support, because I am a kindergarten teacher, but I think that I may be using it in a codependent kind of way. Help! I think I need a twelve step program! Sign me up! The hardest part of being a smoother is admitting that you have a problem!
I'm definitely a smoothie! I've never heard it put that way before, ha!
Recess and Beyond
My instinct is to be more of a drill sergeant (who drinks smoothies). Ha! I ALWAYS get split up from my favorite friends at our professional development meetings. And…I'm pretty sure they try to put me in groups with at least one person who will tell on me when I say something "too strong" (even though most of the table was thinking it and wasn't brave enough to say it) or accidentally swear under my breath about something that the agenda says we have to waste a whole day on (that could have been accomplished in 10 minutes). Jealous of your 7 1/2 days of school left…
Oh my. I am struggling with this when it comes to math. I want to lead them to the correct explanation and it takes everything I have to be quiet! I'm definitely a smoothie! I also really, really like to drink smoothies, so I guess it's a good match! π
Sugar and Spice
Thanks for a gighlw and yes I'm a smoothie.Oh and my husband sends me off to work most mornings with a fruit smoothie so I just can't help but be a smoothie
Definitely a smoothie…I'll have big issues if I ever move up to 1st. "With prompting and support" is the most comforting phrase in all of kindergarten common core.
Carolina Teacher
I'm definitely a smoother! I teach special ed, and sometimes it's really hard even with TONS of smoothing on my part. I often wonder if I could ever teach general ed, because I'm used to giving so much prompting and support.
Extra Special Teaching
I think I'm a little more chunky with my students π ….but my son is in K this year and his teacher is Smoothie McSmooth! Sometimes my hubby and I WISH that she would let him develop those critical thinking skills a bit more, but we feel so blessed for the way she cares for him so well and wants him to succeed! I'm pretty sure that, as teachers, we need a little bit of both???
I'm a new follower!!
abcs and polkadots
Hi, My name is Wendy….and I'm a smoothie! We should start a "smoothie "support group. WAIT! Didn't I see that on my TEACHING CREDENTIAL?????? I am to guide,scaffold, and support students as needed? Oh, well….Summer vacation will help…So for now… Hi , my name is wendy….and I'm a smoothie! wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com 1stgradefireworks
I must be a smoothie, too. I try to let them think. Don't you love the silence that follows a "thinking question" because they don't know what they think?!!
Adventures in First with Mrs. Key
You are just too much! LOVE Reading your posts… This is my 17th year and I have taught pretty much everything from K4 (currently) – 5th grade and it doesn't matter what age I am definitely a smoothie! I think as teachers you just want soooo badly to see them succeed! It's funny though when it comes to sports I am totally opposite!! I will take anyone down… even my 5 year old, doesn't matter if its CandyLand or Ping-Pong I play for keeps and No Mercy!
Well, we have 12 1/2 days to go… and I am going to need every single one in order to have everything done on time and out of there! I Love my job, I love my Job, I love my job…. I truly do! I just think this time of year I might love Summer a tad bit more!!
I'm actually a chunky peanut butter type! I love making them sweat. Ha. Maybe that's why I teach fourth grade now. π
your post made me smile!
Hi Kristin, I just found your blog on Funky First Grade Fun's blog. I'm your newest follower. I read this post & I already your blog & sense of humor. I was giggling throughout the whole post. I have to go explore the rest of it.
I'm a smoothie, for sure! And that is why I teach K! My daughter is in first, and her teacher is not a smoothie at all. She might not have ever even had a smoothie in her whole entire life. I can't tell you how many times this year I have wanted to post, "I wish you were my daughter's teacher!!" Your kids are lucky to have you!
I'm a smoothie! No doubt about it…sorry First Grade.
Terri Izatt
Don't be ashamed at being a smoothie. Most primary teachers are. I teach first grade, and relying on a 6 or 7 year old to come up with a "higher level" (as my principal calls it) answer or thought to some of the standards is like pulling teeth! By the way, wish I was you! This school year is like the song that never ends. Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, we don't get out until June 28th. UGH! The last possible day of the school year. π
Yep – Smoothie for sure!! But isn't that just scaffolding until they can get it themselves?? Not so sure it's bad to be a smoothie. π
From Mrs. Allenβs Teaching Files
OH I am SO done being a smoothie! It hit me hard last week when one of my real strugglers handed in yet another nonsensical, jibber-jabber answer and just looked at me when I said "are you kidding?" I decided in that instant that I smoothed way too much for him (and maybe some others) and now I want to scream when I have to read one of their responses. I apologize in secret to the 3rd grade teachers but ugh, it's so painful to try to get some of them to THINK! My scaffold will be so different next year. And I still have 13 more days!