Happy Wednesday! I am super happy because the Hubster is coming home today. I also get my hair done. Happy-happy-joy-joy!
This is the last giveaway I have for you from Learning Resources. It’s the Luna Interactive Projection Camera. This was HUGE for me, seeing as how I just got rid of TODD (Terribly Old Decrepit Dinosaur, aka, The Overhead) only a couple of months ago.
I have seen lots of bloggers reviewing this and I think we are all in agreement. This tool is awesome. I feel so lucky that I was able to receive this piece of technology from Learning Resources. Now, I have TWO pieces of technology in my classroom. The Luna and our class telephone.
So! This camera can be used for so many things! I mainly used it for projecting worksheets (Yes, WORKSHEETS. Big sigh.) or activities that we were doing throughout the day. But I also used it with math manipulatives. When we were reviewing how to count money, (Well, some of us were. Others were picking their noses.) this camera came in so handy. I could count different combinations of coins right in front of them so that everyone could see, and they were able to count along with their own plastic coins! I also used it for our Pioneer Art and Writing Scrapbooks when we would sequence the scope of the art projects (I think that sounds very fancy, and like I went to an Art Academy or something. No one tell the Curriculum Cops. Shhh.). Secretly, my favorite use for it was to show off student work. It really stepped up the game in my classroom because the kids were dying to have their work on the big screen. I mean, who wouldn’t? Don’t think I didn’t try to project my face up there.
The Luna also takes pictures of documents and will save them for you on your desktop so you can use them later! How cool is that for review?
It is also a video camera, but I haven’t used that feature yet. I am looking forward to having fun with that next year.
To find out even more about Learning Resources, you can check out their Facebook page {HERE} and Pinterest {HERE}.
I can’t say enough good things about it. TODD is none too thrilled.
If you haven’t won a Luna in any of the other giveaways, here’s your chance! {CONTEST IS CLOSED}
1. Leave me a comment. How’s your summer going?
2. Follow Learning Resources on YouTube.
That’s it! I’m making it easy on you since it’s SUMMER!!!! 🙂
I will announce the lucky winner on Saturday, June 16. Thanks for playing along!
I see people blogging about these all the time too and it looks fabulous! I am in Australia…so we are not on vacation yet (mega sad face). I am about to go on a short holiday soon though then straight back into it. I'm only half way through my school year!!! I'm very jealous of you!
I already follow Learning Resources on YouTube too! Hope you're enjoying your break!
Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists
My summer just started but I was excited to sleep in and Internet surf! Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win!
My summer is going well! I love making to-do lists of easy things like… brush my teeth! Walk my dog! Best kinds of to-do lists. 🙂
Marvelous Multiagers!
And I follow LR on YouTube! Woo!!!
Marvelous Multiagers!
My summer is going great! I am exploring a lot of ideas that I want to try in my classroom next year! You have a wonderful blog!
I have spent my summer reading. Love it! I have even cooked a meal or two!
I follow LR on YouTube. 🙂
My summer is going great…but a bit too fast! I'm procrastinating making my needed doctors/dentist appointments because I like sleeping in and going to the pool much better. I'm getting ready to follow LR now…..thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog =)
The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog
How fun! My summer is going well. I love being home with my kids and helping them continue to learn over the summer. Come by and visit my new blog.
I am a follower on LR on YouTube.
I've been on summer break for two weeks, but I teach in the summer with a Upward Bound so I haven't really been on break. Three more weeks and I'll be on break.
I follow Learning Resources on YouTube!
My summer is going well! I am taking classes, trying to finish my 6th year and transitioning from 1st grade to 2nd grade. I am looping with my kiddos and I am THRILLED! Thanks to all of this and my blogstalking and Pinterest addiction, my brain is still in school mode and I am finding it difficult to get my summer brain in gear. 🙂
Ummm…was I supposed to mention that I am now following LR on YouTube?
This looks great! My summer hasn't started yet… I am looking forward to it!!
Summer is great. Just trying to get ready for next year. Thanks for the contest.
I will be following learning resources on Youtube now.
I need one of these SO badly! Summer is amazing, getting ready for my first cruise in a few weeks! Eek!
I'm loving summer! And I would love, love to win this giveaway which ends on the day I'm getting married!! 🙂 (Wedding present, perhaps?) 😉
Sugar and Spice
I'm now following Learning Resources on YouTube. 🙂
Sugar and Spice
Summer is great! This camera looks amazing!I am now following Learning Resources on youtube 🙂
My summer is going great! Pretty noneventful so far which is always a good thing. 🙂
Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives
Nope…haven't won one of these things yet but I sure would like to! I follow LR on You Tube! 🙂
Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives
Hey girl! This is a fantastic giveaway!! You rock!! I've been on Summer Break since the Friday before Memorial Weekend and so far I've spent most of it planning my July WEDDING!!! Whoo hoo!! Love ya!
Teaching First
My summer vacation starts tomorrow at 12:00!!!
I followed LR on YouTube! Would be over-the-moon excited to win one of these!!!
Teaching First
My summer is going well. I am teaching 17 coming kindergarten summer school for 19 days and it is going better than I thought. I would LOVE to win!
Heather Shelton
Been having a great summer. Went to the beach, chilling out on the couch, reading books..trying my best to relax!
Kinder Kraziness
I am following Learning Resources on YouTube!
I follow LR on YouTube. I've been trying my best to win one..maybe this time??!!
Kinder Kraziness
My summer just started. Flying home next week to visit family in TN. I would love to win the Luna Interactive Projection Camera.
Suzzanne Horton
As for my summer,2 words: summer school. I would so love a Luna! (imagine this in a whiny 1st grade voice) I never get picked…! So I would really love a Luna especially since my projector is so horrible it's like an eye test (how does this look?, is it better now?, now?) I threatened to throw it away & one of my firsties asked "What if a hobo gets it?" I told him he wouldn't be able to teach the other hobos very well. Fingers crossed…
Summer is fabulous!! I've been blog stalking and getting some rest. Also watching my team in the finals!! Thunder up!!!
And I follow on you tube!
I am teaching summer school! It is a nice break as we have an hour and half for art! I have more supplies than I will ever use in 6 weeks. =)
Ms.Smarty Pants
I follow LR on youtube!
Ms.Smarty Pants
My summer is going well – just wish the weather would figure itself out – one day it's sunny, humid and 995+ degrees, the next it's rainy, overcast and 73 degrees! I'm switching from shorts and tees to sweatshirts and jeans on a daily basis!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In kindergarten
I'm having my Blogaversary Giveaway! Come by and check it out 🙂
Summer is going well. We're just getting our daughter registered into lots of summer activities.
I think the Luna would be something my husband, who is a math teacher, would love to have in his classroom. Thanks! 🙂
I follow LR on youtube now too!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats in Kindergarten
That looks amazing! I could see my Kindergarten kiddos having a blast with it. 🙂
My summer is going ok, just ok. I wrote about it on my blog, so if you want the whole truth you can read it there :). It has to do with summer sliding and I don't mean the playground. Anyhoo, I hope I win because I have entered every Luna giveaway and nada!
I follow Learning Resources on Youtube.
Summer has been fab thus far . . . we are on BIG Day 2! I follow LR on YouTube now. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I am feeling lucky. This is what I always seem to say on the way to Reno . . . but, really . . . I am feelin' lucky 🙂
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
My summer is alrighty… just sleeping in and contemplating doing things I've seen on Pinterest. (Note that I'm only contemplating…)
Carried Away in Kindergarten
PS: I follow LR on Youtube!
Summer is HOT!!! I am already ready for the cool weather especially since we live no where near the beach:)
1. Summer is AMAZING! So much more time for trashy reality TV and time with PJ!
2. I follow Learning Resources on Facebook!
– Jen
1. I've been moving from one school to another and attending meetings. Can't wait for my vacation to really start!
2. I follow Learning Resources on Facebook!
Love Summer! Visiting with family, reading, resting, home projects, getting ideas for school projects, blogging, & the beach (very spoiled I live less than 10 minutes from the beach!)I follow Learning Resources on Youtube and Facebook. Would be thrilled to win! 🙂
My Kindergarten Kids
I am having a very productive summer, which right now is just what I needed…when I am tired of getting things done, I can go to the beach! Thanks for the giveaway. It would make my summer PERFECT!!
My summer has been great. I've been able to get crafty. Great giveaway.
Summer is great!! I've spent way too much time on Pinterest already! Wuld love to win a cool new Luna for next year.
My summer hasn't started yet… BOO!
Looking forward to sleeping in. My school opens one hour earlier next year. Going to have to build up the sleep bank for next school year! UGH!
Other than my dental implant and my root canal surgery tomorrow, my summer's going great! Love your blog!
My summer has been busy so far…but hoping to settle down and relax a little!
I also followed Learning Resources on YouTube.
Other than my dental implant and my root canal surgery tomorrow, my summer's going great! Love your blog!
Ready for summer school to end so I can sleep in!!! I followed LR on Youtube.
My summer just started today! It felt great to sleep in!
I follow Learning Resources on youtube!
My summer is going super. I have been scouring the internet for ideas on classroom organization and thinking of changing the "look" of my classroom. I have also been working with the state on the common core curriculum and chasing 4 kids around.
My summer is going fast! I am teaching summer school. I would love to have one of these to use in my classroom next year. I am a follower on youtube.
Well, today was my last workday-even though I will be at school a couple times this summer. So far, so good!
I am following LR on YouTube!
Summer break!? I teach in a year round school…my break will not come until August. But I suppose I can't complain…I get breaks throughout the year! Leaving hearing about all your summer adventures and your talk about it Tuesdays!
Great summer break! Getting ready to start swim lessons with my sweet daughter who is 18 months! She's keeping me on my toes during the break and I am loving it!!
Kristen Clardy
I now subscribe to learning resources on YouTube!
Kristen Clardy
Summer is flying by so quickly but I am enjoying every money with the little one! Plus I'm finding tons of new ideas on pinterest.
susaaan at gmail dot com
I am following Learning Resources on YouTube.
Fabulous summer so far… This is day one of break! Subscribing to LR on YouTube. Thanks for the laughs!
I have enjoyed my time with my husband and son. I have also had a chance to be crafty.
Thanks for the chance to win! Summer is going great…Today show each morning with a couple cups of coffee, blog stalking, pool time, reading (just started The Witness by Nora Roberts today…so good!) Enjoy your evening with your Hubby!
My summer doesn't start until Friday but I plan to invite your friend PJ over for the day.
I follow on utube now.
Kimberley moran
I would just love to have this for my classroom…the projector is ok but like you said, being able to share student's work would be f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s!!
Summer is full of organizing, taking a reading class, and as much sun as possible!
This sounds so fascinating! I would love to get rid of MY TODD!
This sounds so fascinating! I would love to get rid of MY TODD!
I'm so excited! Summer is going well just very busy with moving and workshops!
I'm in school until the 19th, so summer has to wait just a few more days…Yay!
My summer is going great! I'm spending a lot of time doing absolutely nothing!! 🙂
Am a LR YouTube follower already!
Loving summer so far! Our Baltimore weather is unusually fabulous so far.
I am in Day 3 of summer and loving it!!! I'm currently doing what I feel like which includes sleeping in, blogging, reading, eating junk, going to the gym, and basking in the sun.
Rambling About Reading
I am now also a follower of Learning Resources on You Tube. That was interesting…I have never followed anyone through You Tube.
Rambling About Reading
I follow Learning Resources on YouTube! 🙂
Loving my summer and blog stalking!
I enrolled my baby in OSU today (GO POKES) and am spending my summer trying soak up as much time as I possibly can with her. I followed LR on utube.
First Grade @ Klinger Cafe
My summer is going well. I am working a summer job and working on some curriculum committees to keep me busy!
I follow Learning Resources on YouTube!
Not on summer break yet, 2 more days!
Subscribed to learning resources on youtube!
Adventures in Room 5
it's not summer here yet 🙁 3.more.days.(!!!!)
Summer is going great!!!! Love sleeping in…and I'm a follower of lr now!
I just found your blog; you are hilarious and I love reading about your teaching adventures! 🙂
We are still in school until Friday (!) so I am still looking forward to my "official" start to summer!
great techy tool! thanks for sharing!
One thing I use my document camera for is when we study magnets…I mean, how fun is it to practice repelling and attracting (while doing the jaws theme at the same time…hah hah!).
Summer is in full swing. I am tutoring several mornings each week and about to take an online class to learn how to use my new Smart board more effectively.
My summer is going great (other than the crafting addiction I have going on right now).
Oh-poor TODD. Maybe he needs a date with Luna to make him happy. I suggest an helicopter ride.
Fun in Room 4B
I follow LR on Youtube
My summer has been amazing so far! I am looking forward to catching up on all the many things that I don't normally get to do and to spend time with my amazing sons!
I follow LR on you tube
Summer is awesome so far. Already visited Disney World! This tool would be great for my classroom next year. I know I am getting a little guy with vision problems
I am still in school until next week:( Looking forward to summer!
I follow LR on youtube.
Loving my summer…painting, washing windows and spoilin my boys!
My summer is going great! Preparing things for my first classroom:)
My summer is going great! I am already planning for next year. It's going way to fast. I follow your blog.
I follow Learning Resources on You tube.
I also follow L.R on youtube.
My summer is great. I started on my masters this summer so.. homework homework homework for me.
MY summer is going great! Nothing exciting – but that can be a good thing!
Sarah :o)
Almost on vacation! Looking forward to open ended days. The Luna looks great. I follow Learning Resources on youtube. My team and I love your blog, especially the cross outs.
I follow learning resources on you tube :o)
I follow your blog and I am having a great, busy summer.
I am following Learning Resources on You Tube.
I am having a great summer! Both of my kids are home from college and are employed for the summer!
I am following Learning Resources on youtube.
I love, love, love, LOVE your blog! For many many reasons…my most current being this giveaway (I have been obedient: I am now following Learning Resources on YouTube!)
Your Bachelorette recaps and commentary keep me in stitches! (I love book words & phrases like that!) And since I watch the show with my sister, I insist on reading her your blog…out loud…word for word, underline, caps, scratched out words, I read it all. It'd probably be easier if she'd just read it herself, but it's become a tradition now.
I must admit, I love Jef! I think he's adorable and sweet and not in the cocky way some of the others are. He just seems genuine. Other than that, I can't decide who I want her to end up with. NOT RYAN! That's a given…at least for the viewers.
Anyway, my summer is going well. I left the day after school let out for a 2 week vacation in Europe!! I returned Saturday night and jumped straight into my online graduate school classes, so it's been pretty busy so far because if I'm not doing school work, I'm pinning teacher things on Pinterest!
Enjoy your summer!
p.s.–I love Dave Ramsey too!
I am still in school teaching until Thursday, June 29th. After that I hope to have a wonderful summer, but I have to change schools and grades, so you know where my head will be!
I am enjoying the summer with my family. I have been organizing my literacy and math centers, so I am very excited to start the new school year.
Summer has not come yet, still in school until the 22nd. I am hoping by then the weather has started to feel like summer.
I am a new mommy, so I have been enjoying spending all day with my little girl!! Came to Tampa for a few weeks for a Family Reunion and visiting with my parents! When I return home, I am going to relax by the beach…with the baby!
I am having a fun and relaxing summer!
I'm newly engaged, so my summer is being used to soak up all the great times with family and friends during this moment in life!
Come late July I'll move back into teacher mode 🙂
Summer is AWESOME!! I am anxious to get back in my room to start the organization and decorating process!
Summer hasn't officially started for me. Our last teacher day is this Friday. I am looking forward to some mini-trips and going to Las Vegas with the hubs on a business trip!
I follow Learning Resources on YouTube.
My summer has been eh so far. I've been sick with a sinus infection and beginning of bronchitis. But, I finally dragged myself to the doctor and now feel a lot better. Hope to be 100% by the 24th because I leave for Costa Rica for 9 days!!
Oh and I followed Learning Resources on YouTube. 🙂
3 weeks of summer and I've been doing way too much blog stalking, still haven't finished my major classroom cleaning and packing it up for the summer. I'm reading Daily 5 and filling my head with lots of plans for next year changes. Looking forward to a cruise in a few weeks. And of course giggling over your blog.
I also follow Learning Resources on YouTube.
The more I hear how people are using these, the more excited I am about the possibility of getting one. And free would definately be in my school budget!
I have been on summer break for less than 48 hours. I have been organizing for next school year and planning for summer school! I did manage to fit in some beach time and a pedicure:-)
Sunshine, Sand and Scissors
First of all, thanks for the awesome giveaway! My summer has been wonderful so far! I've been doing lots of fun things with my daughters, getting some much needed chores done around the house, and anticipating the beach next month for some "real" relaxation!
I'm also following LR on youtube 🙂
I follow Learning Resources.
As for my summer, 2 weeks before school was out I was informed I'd have to leave my first graders behind and go back to self-contained Autism K-2 because my skills were needed back there. (I taught that for 6 years and got tired). IMAGINE! So I've been cleaning, boxing, and organizing "stuff" to transport to a new campus. I'm tho thad but know for some reason God wants me back in that area. If He brings me to it He'll bring me thru it!
Did your sister get our baseball sized hail last night like we did in D/FW area?
Would LOVE this Luna camera! Here's to hoping I win!
I always look so forward to your posts! Hope you have a great summer!!!
I am following Learing Resources on youtube!
Oh, I would love this. Pick me, pick me! I teach third grade and can think of so many uses for it. Thanks for sharing.
Carolyn @ Third Grade Adventures
I am starting at a new school this next year and would love to have something like this. Loving my time off, hanging out with my mom, sister and meeting up with hubs where he is working.
Just started following Learning Resources on You Tube. Have a wonderful summer!!!!!!
My summer is going wonderful! I so enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am now following Learning Resources on Youtube. Thanks!!
There's nothing better than summer! Rest and relaxation AND time with my wonderful sister. I am now following LR on YouTube. Thanks!
I just love reading your blog! You make me giggle, which makes all parts of me wiggle and jiggle!
I've been out of school for 3 weeks now. It's been lovely. My youngest 2 have still been in school as they attend a year round. THAT has been HEAVENLY! (their last day is tomorrow)
I'm hoping to win as this sounds awesome and I don't think my bank account or teacher salary will allow me to purchase one on my own (though I would have to give it a new name- Luna is the last name of our state super. and teachers here are none-to-thrilled with him!).
I've gotta hop on over to You Tube now to follow Learning Resources.
Hope to hear from you soon! You can contact me at Cr8iveLearning@gmail.com 😉
Summer is going great!! I don't want it to end. I would love this camera for my classroom!
Summer is great. Just need to forget about school and focus on home and family!
It's too busy! But summer is definitely nice.
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
I follow LR on YouTube, too! Thanks for the chance to win.
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
I am ONE day away from summer… PRAISE THE LORD!
Great giveaway!!
This is a great giveaway! I am enjoying my third day of summer!
Glitter and Glue
I LOVE LOVE summer!!! Going to see the Cardinals baseball game tonight-Go Cards!!!
Christie 🙂
First Grade Fever
I also follow LR on You Tube. Got my fingers crossed for the Luna-what an awesome product!!!
Christie 🙂
First Grade Fever
This is a fantastic give away! We have been talking about this tool at our Common Core training this summer. We all want one! My summer has been busy with school/Common Core business so far, but I am looking forward to the next few weeks with no school trainings or students – it is time to lay by the pool!
You are too funny! I would have liked to see you trying to project your face… I didn't realize Learning Resouces had such neat videos on YouTube. Thanks for pointing me in that direction. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can move Luna in and send my Todd a packin!
You have a wonderful site. I have just completed my 38th year of teaching, 33 in Vermont, 5 in Colorado and I love this job because I am always learning. Summer is here – after a Kagan course next week and I find myself on the computer following so many people thru pinterest. So nice to have the time to look!
This summer has been going too fast. Not enough lounging around time and too much running around time.
I love, love, love your blog! When you got your Luna, you passed me up on classroom technology. I've still just got the good 'ol classroom telephone. My summer is going by waaaaaaaay too fast, but it's so nice to have a break. I hope I win!
Boy, I sure would love to win this! Summer is also starting to pass rather quickly here in OH, but I'm enjoying spending all my time with my 19-month-old son!
The Luna is on my classroom wish list!
My summer's going okay so far. I like LearningResources on YouTube!
I follow you and Learning Resources on Pinterest and You Tube.
I am enjoying my summer break. I love reading your blog. It is very funny and entertaining! I would love to add a Luna to my smartboard. It would make it so much easier to show the kids what I am doing! Thanks for all you do.
Marianne Pielow maripielow@hotmail.com
I follow you and Learning Resources on Pinterest and Youtube. =)
I teach in the wonderful state of AZ. I am taking on a new teaching assignment next year, so most of my "summer" has been swallowed up by trainings and other professional development opportunities. I am hoping to escape for a week with my loved ones without phone/computer. I hope you are enjoying the summer!
I would LOVE to have Luna in my classroom. I don't have any kind of interactive tech like this. It sure would help my ELLs. Thanks for the giveaway!
I plan on spending lots of time with my own little ones–today was filled with fun at Busch Gardens!
Hi Kristin –
I'm just hangin' out at our lake house near Branson, MO. Ahhhhhhh!
Pick me!!!
I am so excited to go to the kindergarten convention in Las Vegas! Isn't it sad that that's the most exciting thing I will do all summer? I would love a Luna! P.S. your finger post is my all time favorite teacher story ever!
My email is amyflund@hotmail.com 🙂
My summer is going great! We're moving into our new house in a week! 🙂
elannbe at gmail dot com
I subscribe to LR via Youtube @elannbe
elannbe at gmail dot com
My summer is going great! Getting ready for next year:). Love your blog!!!
I am following Learning Resources on Youtube!
This would be just perfect for my classroom! What a great giveaway!
My summer so far is going great! We will be doing a lot of swimming and camping! I hope yours is going well too!
I would love this for my room! I am following Learning resources and YOU now. I look forward to reading this every day. My summer is over starting off smoky with the wildfires out here but I'm loving the late wake ups!
Our summer hasn't started yet! We have school unti june 20th. So I'm still working on report cards and trying to figure out what to do the last 3 days of school. I would LOVE to win this document camera. We still use overhead projectors at our school.
– sally
I would love to win this document camera for my second grade classroom! My summer is going great. I leave for vacation (Gatlinburg) Sunday. Time for fun with family and friends!
My email is: llawrence@russia.k12.oh.us
My summer is off to a great start! AVMR training and lots of projects at home. Thanks for your wonderful ideas!
Summer has been great! Still working on packing up my room though because I'm moving grade levels. Taking my sweet time though, summer school is happening in my new room. Having a blast watching my son play baseball (just made the Allstar team, announced last night) and watching my daughter swim (she's made champs times in all of the events she's swam in so far). Nothing but up from here! Would live to win this and get rid of my dinosaur!! Thanks for having this contest.
My summer has been great so far! I especially love Tuesdays for your breakdown of the Bachelorette.
I have been trying to win one of these for so long. I have been a follower of LR on youtube for a while now.
My summer has been 1 week so far and I have trained my offspring to go to bed late and sleep in until 9:30 am! We are happy and I won't think about the consequences of this until August!
I just love summer! I have only been out of school for a week, but it's been so relaxing! I would love to win this! I am a follower of LR on facebook and youtube. Your blog is great!
My summer is going great…I follow you everyday! I love your posts. I just started blogging and have you listed as one of my favorite blogs. I enjoy everything you write.
I would love to win the TODD
Anyway, my summer is going great. I have a lot of changes going on. We just became grandparents and our baby girl has graduated. So I am about to experience an empty nest. Sad and happy at the same time. New beginnings, either way you look at it. It's an adjustment for sure. well, I am crossing my fingers that I win! 🙂
I follow Learning Resources on You Tube.
This is only my second day of "summer". I need another week before I can comment on that.
Summer is amazing!! Yay to summer!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First
I follow LR on YouTube!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First
I am now subscribed to Learning Resources on YouTube (as lsuspirit – Geaux Tigers!). Wow! I just found out last week that I will be a Pre-K3 teacher!! Woo Hoo! I am so excited! I would absolutely love to have this contraption in my new classroom. And others are going, Pre-K3? That's not REAL school! Oh but, yes, it is. This school doesn't play – well, they do but learning is serious business. They do all sorts of things I never would have thought 3 year olds would be doing. But whoever wins it will be the envy of their fellow teachers. (I just hope it's me…! Lol!)
I don't officially have a summer off. I teach full-day kindergarten in a child care center, and run a summer camp for those children who need care all summer because their parents work. I do only have 2 days left of school, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
I follow Learning Resources on Youtube!
My summer is going well. Summer school starts on July 2nd!!!
Summer is wonderful – heading to the beach tomorrow! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Summer has consisted of taking care of three grandkids for a week, and celebrating their departure by planning for summer school next week. Summer? Thanks for offering the luna!!
My gosh! So many comments. I tried to scroll through quickly and my iPad got mad. The screen turned pink for a second. Sorry. Do you really read ALL these comments? Anyway, I just got a printer that is supposed to be compatible with my iPad but I haven't been able to figure it out. Are you able to print?
My summer will start next week – one more day to go!
I'm following Learning Resources on You Tube.
Thank you.
Nadine Snyder
Summer is great…not doing much of anything!
I follow LR on you tube!
My summer hasn't started yet! Kids' last day was yesterday and 2 workdays for me next week. meredith.mitchell@nhcs.net