I’m linking up with Blog Hoppin!
I hope I can come up with 10 fun things about myself that you don’t already know. It might be hard not to repeat myself from past posts in which I divulge every.single.thing about myself. I’m an open book, don’t ya know.
1. I’m not that great of a housekeeper. Which is why I have Anna. But even with Anna, I’m just not a good cleaner. AT ALL. My mom can’t believe it because she is a fastidious cleaner of all surfaces and spring cleans every inch of her house as if Miss Hannigan told her to make it shine like the top of the Chrysler Building!
Not me. I basically do this: laundry, wipe kitchen counters, load the dishwasher, unload the dishwasher, and take out the trash. I am horrible at making my bed, too. I pretty much only make my bed on Saturdays when I change the sheets or on the Fridays Anna comes.
My mom is most likely shaking her head at this very moment. She might have shuddered and not known why.
2. If my hair is in a ponytail, you can be sure I didn’t wash it, and it is dirty, and it is shellacked with hairspray so you probably shouldn’t touch it.
My friends at school always want to know how it’s so smooth. It’s called HAIRSPRAY and I am not afraid to use it, people.
3. When I get home, I can’t sit down until I’ve made the coffee and my lunch for the next day, as well as figured out what the heck I’m gonna wear. If I don’t get that out of the way, watching my shows is not enjoyable because I’m thinking about how tired I am and that I have to go make the coffee and my lunch and iron. And you KNOW I want to enjoy my shows.
4. I am addicted to Blistex. For reals.
Nothing else takes the place of Blistex. Plain Blistex. Don’t give me the medicine kind or the color kind or any of that stuff. I need the green tube. I have one EVERYWHERE. I keep one in the coffee table by the couch so I can just reach in and grab it. I have one in every purse and bag I own. I have two at school. One in the car.
I feel like I might die without it. Hold on. I need to go reapply.
Okay. I’m back. I really did go reapply.
5. I am also addicted to Ice Breakers Breath Mints in Wintergreen or Spearmint, but I prefer Spearmint. Although that flavor is harder to find so I have to buy a lot when I find them.
I am deathly afraid of having bad breath. (But not dirty hair. Hmmm. Go figure,) I have mints everywhere, too. Just not in the coffee table because if I’m sitting on the couch, I am usually eating or drinking wine and a mint is not necessary.
6. I have short nails. I don’t bite them. (I have a different problem which I guess I can talk about in number 7.) They’re just short. They’re not that strong for whatever reason. Most likely because I don’t drink milk and think it’s disgusting. That’s probably also why I’m short. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that my dad is 5’5″ and my mom is 5’4″. I’m sure it’s only due to the lack of calcium in my life.
Anywho, my nails are not strong and so they break or whatever. Because they’re short, I have to have nail polish on them. I just do. It’s just way it is. I go through phases of nail polish colors. Currently (like for the last five months or so), I am obsessed with, and only wearing, Sally Hansen’s Commander in Chic.
I just love it. Yes, I do. Even though I know pastels and blues and other colors are “in”, I don’t care. I’m a rebel. I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again.
7. Okay, so I don’t bite my nails. Nope. Instead, I picked up a habit in college that has not gone away even though I have tried and tried and tried to stop.
I pick the skin on my fingers. Not the cuticles or where you might get a hangnail. No. Not me. Instead, I start with the skin underneath the nail and pull back. I usually pick at it until it gets down to the first knuckle. Other times, I do the reverse and start at the first knuckle and pull the skin off and work up to the nail. I will do this until a) I have a “clean” section and it’s all the way smooth or b) I am bleeding and it hurts.
I am a sicko. I know. This is only done on the BACK of the finger. Not the front. And it is mainly my thumbs that are my victims, but my pointer fingers and middle fingers can be attacked, too, especially if I have nothing new going on with my thumbs (meaning I’ve picked them clean and I am in need of something to pick).
My whole family tells me to stop it already. My hubby threatens to not hold my hand.
And I keep doing it.
I know. SICKO!
8. I’ll talk to anybody about anything anytime. Pull up a chair! Let’s talk! Unless it’s during The Bachelorette or The Housewives or Big Brother. Then we’ll have to pause the show. Or we can talk, but then we need to rewind.
9. I love to laugh. I love to make others laugh. Laughter is fun. When I laugh super super super hard, no sound comes out. I think I’ve said this one before. But it’s true. And because no sound is coming out, I feel the need to slap my knee or the wall or the person who made me laugh that hard.
I also crack myself up. A lot.
10. I pee more than anyone else I know. It drives me crazy! I always have to go! I am your girl if you need to know where any restroom is anywhere in the world. Practically.
I am jealous of people who can hold it and sleep through the night.
I will also go anywhere. I’m not ashamed. If I have to go, I’ll go. Even if it’s gross. And nasty. Even if it’s at the dog beach and someone let their dog poop on the floor. EVEN THEN.
But I have to go! I just have to! I cannot help it.
Well, there you go. Now I need to pee.
And that’s my ten.
What’s something unique about you? Are you a sicko? Do you pee a lot? Do you have dirty hair?
Andrea says
I pick at the skin around my fingers too. Just the thumb and first two fingers ~ I leave the ring finger and pinky alone. If there is a rough spot I have to pick and sometimes they bleed. I've done it since I was a kid. Even though I can get them almost cleared up, if I am stressed I do it subconsciously.
And I love Dr. Pepper chaptstick. No other, just that.
Mrs. Landry says
When my hair was long I did the pony tail trick too. The hair spray masked the dirtiness and made it smell decent. It worked. Now my hair is short. Now I must wash it regularly. But easy to to style. ๐
Mrs. Landry's Land of Learning
Katie Tripp says
When I laugh, I also laugh silently. Once, I was spending the night at a friend's house. We were getting ready to go to sleep on the pull out sofa, and her brother and his best friend were being a pain. They decided that they would fold the bed in. I started laughing really hard, and stopped making noise and they thought they killed me, which made me laugh even more. I ended up marrying her brother's best friend ๐ Also, I am a nail biter, can hold my pee longer than anyone I know, and can count on one hand the number of times I have woken up to pee, even while pregnant.
Donna says
I am also addicted to Blistex but I like the kind I the white tube. I have to have it on me AT ALL TIMES!! Remember when Survivor first started they used to be able to bring one thing they couldn't live without? My hubby always said mine would be my Blistex! I could seriously do a commercial for them.
I also play with my fingernail area… I pick the skin under it, scrape the underside of the nail with tweezers etc… bad bad bad habit. Quite often makes my fingertips very very sore!
I never ever DONT wash my hair! I don't care if its 3am… I cant go to sleep if I haven't washed my hair that day!! I envy those women who can go two/three days without washing!
One last thing… I am the absolute worst house cleaner… and I cant afford my own Anna… can you send her over to me please?
Julie Stowe says
I'm still cringing at the thought of picking the skin off your fingers…doesn't it hurt!!!
You crack me up and I loved reading about YOU. As for me…way to boring to even write about.
Julie ๐
Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage
CarolP says
Thanks- I learned some new things (even after reading your blog forever). You make me laugh so hard. I realized when I was reading that we have many similar things we do- no wonder I find you so hilarious. LOL
Amy J says
Your fun facts were FUN! You make me giggle every single time I read your posts. Thanks for sharing your joy and sense of humor with us…even if you are a sicko!! ๐
What Happens in First Grade
Ms Ed.ju.kayt says
Found your blog doing a bit of blog hopping. I have only done a little bit of blogging and keen to take it further …. so it was lovely to find your blog today. Am an Aussie teacher and open to feedback and any helpful ideas ๐
Kerri Buckner says
I don't make any noise when I laugh really hard either! I also can tell you where in bathroom is in the Southeastern part of the US. I think I must have the smallest bladder ever or I just drink too much. Or both. It is so hard when school gets going!
Carolyn Kisloski says
Oh my gosh I love you! I am addicted to Blistex TOO! Yes- the green one! And it always melts in my car so I replace it a lot or just let it re-firm up… I don't drink milk either-ew. I have a thing with it. AND I pick my skin- but mainly my thumb cuticle- so my thumb nails grow all warpy. I even went to the dr. for it- then realized it was all my doing. duh. Thanks for letting me have this little confession. LOVE your blog! No wonder you crack yourself up!
Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
Autismabc123 says
I too know where every restroom is and have gone into to some pretty yucky ones because the bladder has a mind of its own. My laugh apparently sounds like a chicken clucking (according to my husband) and I crack myself up all the time. I always say "I'm the funniest person I know!" No skin peeling for me! Yuck!
Once again your post has made me laugh and made my day.
KinderKapers says
I confess to picking at my feet and my toenails. It is somehow comforting to know that someone I admire so much as nervous habits. Good thing we are all human. Thanks for reminding me of that.
My mother has a mantra I live by (especially when traveling)…Never pass up an opportunity to pee. Small bladders run in my family.
Terri Izatt
Ms. Chae Charges In! says
Ok, I am addicted to Blistex, the green one, I buy it in bulk. I have one in my nightstand, in my car, in my purse, at school in three different places, in the bathroom, everywhere. I am lost without it. I don't peel the skin, you're a sicko! haha! I do the ponytail thing, but don't have time to mask it, I just accept that I look dirty and move on.
Ms. Chae Charges In
Erin Blecki says
bahahah I did learn things that I did not know! Guilty of the dirty hair pony tail too. Decide to take a shower in the morning instead of at night…hear that alarm go off earlier? No thanks, hair in a pony tail it is!
goofytortuga says
I wish I made no noise when I laugh. I snort!
Blistex is the best!!!!
Unknown says
I need to get myself an Anna. Do you change your sheets every Saturday?!? I'm impressed. You and the finger stories are crackin' me up.
Funky First Grade Fun
Denise says
IRON??? Oh, the horror! Have you never heard of Downey Wrinkle Releaser??? I haven't plugged in my iron since I discovered this magic in a bottle.