Hi all! I’m linking up with Blog Hoppin for Teacher Week
And TODAY is Meet the Teacher. Love it! I get to talk about myself! ๐ I will not be too long winded. Hmmmm. Okay, I will try not to be too long winded! ๐ That’s a pic of the hubs and me. We were in South Carolina (which I fell IN LOVE with) at his little sister’s wedding. Fun times!
Tell us a little something about you..
Obviously, I am a teacher. But in other news, I am the writer of this teeny tiny blog and it has recently taken over my life. I am obsessed with writing, posting, and reading blogs. My hubby is cooking dinner right now (this is what he does. I am so lucky. I know it. We are going to have fajitas. I will do the dishes, though) and here I am, even though I have a bag full of school stuff to do. Oh well. I will look at that while I watch The Bachelor Pad. That’s one other thing about me. I am addicted to Reality TV. Even the trashy kind. I can’t help it. It makes me happy to watch other people’s drama. Call me crazy.
How long have you been teaching?
My husband and I hear this ALL the time, "Why don't you have children?" or "You would make such a good mother." They don't know that!
I'm great with my class but awful at home. The cats rule the roost! I'm the enabler. My husband is the disciplinarian.
I've never felt that itch either. In fact, pregnancy scares and totally grosses me out!!
I'm glad you're condition is being taken care of now. How did you find out that you had it?
thanks for sharing your story about your condition… I got those questions too… very AWKWARD!!!! hubs and I did have fertility issues and eventually adopted so if you take the next step you have a BLOGGY BFF that you can talk to!!!!
ugh! I know the difference between your and you're. I hate it when I comment incorrectly. I blame extreme exhaustion!!
I could have written that myself about wanting kids, seriously! Well, except for the heart condition – which thankfully seems to be under control for you. It still amazes me how many people just come out and ask why I don't have kids or when I'm going to. Kind of personal, right? Especially from someone I don't know well. My hubs and I are happy as clams, married for 12 years and both teachers. Honestly, I'm just not sure I would have the energy for my own after teaching all day!
Sunny Days In Second Grade
Thank you for sharing with us! Even though you are teeny tiny you have a huge positive attitude. Thank you so much. Reading your blog tonight is exactly what I needed to get through the day!
Friend, thanks for making me laugh tonight. I love your insight on God's plan for you…you are so strong! Hope you enjoy Bachelor Pad…can't wait!
Love reading your blog, I seriously wait for it to show up for me to read. Bachelor Pad tonight- big drama as always (watching as I read).
Is it weird your post made me tear up? Not because I felt bad for you, but because seeing such a clear example of God's vision has that kind of effect on me! Thanks for sharing!
Queen of the First Grade Jungle
Kristin – you said you have an iPod full just for your class. Can you share with me some things you have on there? I'm new to primary and I used to have a lot of musical things I'd used in intermediate but my littles are so…little this year I need some new play lists! Thanks so much! – Liz
Is it awkward that I am commenting on this 6 month old post? I don't care!
I remember reading this when you first wrote it and feeling sort of relieved because I don't really know if I want kids! I don't have any reason besides that the idea of pregnancy sort of weirds me out. Plus I love spending 7 hours of my day with little kids but I kind of need the other 17 hours to recharge my batteries! I can't imagine having a family at home after school. Yikes!!
So those are my thoughts, a little belated. ๐ ๐
Marvelous Multiagers!