Happy Saturday! I am off to a birthday party . . . and I’m hoping to eat lots of cake and ice cream. That’s my goal, anyway. If a pinata shows up, it will be a bonus.
Before I go, I want to show off my new laminator!
Yes. I’m a fancy pants and have my very own laminator. When I told my friend at school, she about fell over. I said it was common to have your own laminator in the blogging world, but she is not from our world so she had no clue. I told her I was behind the times.
Kinda like when my family didn’t have a remote control for the TV and everyone else did. And when we finally did get a remote control, it actually had a long cord that you attached to the VCR and it would only reach so far.
But, people, those days are over.
Because I was contacted by mybinding.com and they said they would send me a laminator.
After I came to, I checked my porch every day for a week straight. Sometimes, two or three times a day. You never know. The UPS man could come when I was in the bathroom. Or watching the housewives which makes me become so involved that I forget I’m living in the here and now, and NOT on some couch in New York or New Jersey rehashing everything.
Anywho, it finally arrived.
A personal laminator is a life saver!! Enjoy your new toy! {and your cake and ice cream!!}
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Congratulations on your new laminator!! I guess you know when you've hit it big in the blogland…companies contact YOU to give you things to try out. AWESOME!!!!
Connie Anderson:)
I just got my scotch laminator a few months ago and love it! (especially since our school limits lamination every month)
WOW. I knew you were a special blogger. But a special blogger WITH A LAMINATOR?! Your awesomeness overwhelms me!
My favorite thing about a home laminator (besides the ability to laminate AND watch TV) is that is impossible for it to somehow laminate itself back onto the enormous roll while including the dangling metallic clip-ons–including scissors–that people have used to prevent it from doing exactly that!
We'll have to let the company know you did an outstanding job marketing their product. Everyone will want one now! And I think they should use a picture of your cute numbers in the laminator as a graphic on the laminator box!
Between the cake walk post and the birthday cake mention, I am now craving chocolate cake. And that is never a bad thing…
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
I bought one a month ago too and also love it! Like Sarah (above) our school has put a limit on what we can use.
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
Congrats on you new laminator! I bought a laminator just a few weeks ago. Like Sarah and Barbara (above) our school has also put a limit on what we can laminate. I like using my laminator more because the items are more durable. Enjoy your birthday party with cake and ice cream!
Yay, for a personal laminator! I would love to get one, but I know my hubby would totally make fun of me for having one. The one at school also takes forever to heat up and as it did this summer suck things back into the roll, so we had to dismantle the entire thing.
Woohoo, that is exciting and um I'm pretty jealous. We just ran out of lamination sheets at school and I made really sad faces at the poor secretary but there was nothing she could do. Anyways, have fun with your at home lamination parties!!!
Cute post. I bought a laminator at costco a couple years ago and it's been the best thing ever. We actually don't have a laminator at school and instead have to go to the district office to laminate anything. Since I live in the opposite direction, it's not so easy. I end up not laminating much, which is probably a good thing, at least for the environment, that is.
What i have learned
Super jealous, glad for you. I could use some cake, so I guess I am a little jealous of that too. Have fun, I really enjoy your posts.
Fancy pants – Do they have those at Target?
Laminator – jealous!
Cake – Yum!
Consider yourself "boo'd"! 🙂
Funky First Grade Fun
I found your blog because Mrs. Carver at 3 Hoots for Little Learners AND Kimberly at Funky First Grade Fun boo'd you. I'm now your newest follower. Come on over and join the party by booing 3 of your favorite blogs. 🙂 (Don't forget to leave them treats, but no tricks!)
2nd Grade Pad
I'm super jealous too! I would kill for a plate of cake and ice cream right now 🙂 Love super thick laminating sheets too.
You must have the same school laminator I do… it is like a grumpy old man. Only likes to work for certain ppl too. One of the newbies in my building tried to use it on their own and ruined a ton of the laminating plastic because they forgot the clips on the end of their items. I felt so so sorry for them! Not the best way to start at a new building!
I love my laminator from My Binding! It is so awesome!
Sara 🙂
Smiling In Second Grade
My school laminator drives.me.bananas.
Everything peels apart or crinkles up…and after spending so much time creating and printing, I hold a grudge against our machine because it has no mercy for all my hard work.
The Learning Tree
That's awesome! I wish I had one so that I could laminate quickly- our silly laminator takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R., too. Boo!
Have fun with it!
First with Franklin
I bought a Scotch laminator a couple years back and it was so worth it. Though I did get a couple odd looks about it.
I love how thick the laminating sheets are. I also love that I can laminate while watching TV… or better yet, I just get my fiance to do it for me. Haha. So much better than the thin, slow lamination at school.
Alicia @ Today's Objective
Everyone at my school is super jealous of my personal laminator too. They too, do not understand how many people actually have one! I love mine! 🙂
It's really amazing how useful these things are! My wife runs a preschool and daycare at our house. She's very crafty as well, so I think she could work wonders with a roll laminator like this. It seems like it would be a handy investment and it would allow her to create more learning activities for the kids, which would hopefully attract more people to the preschool. http://www.poppbinding.com/all-product-offerings/category/laminating-equipment