Hi friends! Thank you so much to all of my peeps for helping me out with this giveaway stuff AND supporting me in my Big Brother obsession by agreeing with me that Brachel, Brenchel, Rachen, WHOEVER are horrible! And, by the way, in case you didn’t know, “ain’t nothing coming between me and my man!” Ha ha!
BIG NEWS! I am having my first giveaway! Woot Woot! Woop Woop! Hoop Hoop! Hooray! I am thrilled that so many of you have decided to follow me and this teeny tiny blog that is mostly about teaching with a little bit of Reality TV thrown in. I feel like I should really talk about some of the books I am reading (might make me sound smart!) . . . but then I just get off topic because now I’m thinking about The Help and how I can’t wait for the movie to come out! If you have not read it, go and get it! Or put it on your Kindle or whatever – it is awesome. And don’t even get me started on The Hunger Games! See? I should really just concentrate on one thing at a time.
But this kind of goes together because my Giveaway is a $20 GIFT CARD TO BARNES AND NOBLE!
I wanted it to be for “A Blogger” or “A Teacher” but this was the closest I could get. So you can either go get The Help or The Hunger Games OR . . . go get some new books for your classroom! I have my eye on a couple . . . Fran at Kindergarten Crayons talked about the Knuffle series (which I love but I only have one) and a new one (to me, anyway) called Adventure Annie. I also need to get this book by Leo Leoni:
It shows the kiddos how letters make words which then make sentences, etc. I NEED this book!
So here is how you can enter. I’m going to make this real simple because it IS my first rodeo.
1. Leave me a comment and tell me that you are following me. And if you’re not following me, then follow me and leave a comment to tell me that you are now following me. 🙂
2. Leave me a comment that you put my blog or button on your sidebar.
3. Leave me a comment that you blogged about my giveaway.
That’s three chances to enter and you really don’t have to do very much, right? I mean, if you’re already here, you’re probably doing number one already. So that’s already a great chance. You’re good to go!
You have until midnight on Sunday, July 31st (my momma’s birthday!) Pacific Standard time to enter. I will announce the winner on Monday, August 1. Please read the fine print below.
**Must be 18 or over to enter.
**Must be a teacher to enter.
**Must be on summer vacation to enter.
JUST KIDDING!!! But I did want to put a little note that the winner and I will discuss how they want the gift card delivered. We can exchange the little numbers on the back of the card or I can send it to you through insured mail. You’ll know why I’m a little freaked out if you read my previous post.
I am following your blog 🙂
ngừng đối kháng, một ít lực công kích đã rơi ra bên ngoài.
Hai canh giờ sau, uy lực của võ kiếp vẫn không hề giảm bớt, ngược lại còn mạnh hơn, khí thế như bài sơn đảo hải.
Mà không gian lúc này đã bao vây toàn bộ lấy Nhạc Thành và Nhạc Thiên lão tổ, cả hai toát ra một đấu khí phòng ngự bao vây lẫn nhau.
Băng trụ trong dongtam
game mu
cho thue phong tro
nhac san cuc manh
tổng đài tư vấn luật
văn phòng luật
tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật
thành lập công ty
chém gió
trung tâm ngoại ngữnháy mắt bắn về phía phòng ngự đấu khí, chỉ nghe từng thanh âm ầm ầm vang lên, dưới sự bố trí của đấu khí phòng ngự, trong nháy mắt đã xuất hiện rất nhiều cái khe, khói trắng cuồn cuộn.
– Ầm ầm.
Phong bạo điên cuồng rít vào, băng trụ như tên bắn, hoành tảo thiên quân đánh vào vòng tròn đấu khí phòng ngự.
I follow your blog… and by the way, I love it! 🙂
Oops, forgot to tell you that I have your button on my blog and….
I am over 18 (although that is hard to admit!)
I am a teacher
and I am definitely on summer Vaca….. So I am eligible to enter! 🙂
I follow your blog! 🙂
I added your button to my blog roll! 🙂
Check it out here:
I blogged about your giveaway! 🙂
Check it out here:
I am a new follower! 🙂 I LOVE your owls!!
I added your blog to my Sqworl Roll and my blog feed.
Third Grade Bookworm
I follow your blog.
Swimming into Second
I added your button to my blog.
Swimming into Second
I follow your blog!!
I put your blog button on my blog!
I already follow your blog!!
I am a follower and love your blog:-)
I'm a follower!
I follow you and even watched an episode of Big Brother because of you. (Oh, yeah, R is BAD!)
An Open Door
You are on my blog roll.
An Open Door
I already follow your "teeny tiny" blog! :o)
I follow you via email. Love getting your updates daily. Also love the "Alphabet Tree" use it every year with my kiddos!
I follow your blog. I love the BB talk!!! Go J's!!!
I follow your blog!!
~Kristen C.
I blogged about your giveaway on my new blog!
~Kristen C.
I added your button to the sidebar on my new (very new) blog!
~Kristen C.
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog! I'm a reality TV junkie too…and I hate Brenchel!
Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens
My blog is wearing your button!
Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens
I follow your blog.
Freedom in First
I blogged about your giveaway!
Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens
Your blog is now on my blog roll.
Freedom in First
I am now a follower of your blog!
I am a follower 🙂
THanks for the giveaway!
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
I follow your cutie patootie blog!
Faithful in First
I posted your button on my blog!
Faithful in First
I follow you Teeny Tiny blog! [=
Marcy @http://busybeesandcupcakes.blogspot.com
I blogged about your give away.
Your on my blog roll!
Marcy @http://busybeesandcupcakes.blogspot.com
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Faithful in First
I don't have my own blog yet so I can't (honestly) say that I did #2 or #3, but I can follow 🙂 And so I am
I'm following your blog. 🙂
You're being followed 😀
Just now reading The Help – hope to get it done before my movie date with a friend. If not, I'll certainly finish it!
Your button is on my side bar.
I blogged about your super giveaway. BTW is am over 18, a teacher, and only on summer vacay for one more week.
I am following your blog! I am a teacher in NC!
I follow! And love it!
I follow your cute little blog!
You are on my blogroll!!
I am a follower!
What happens in kindergarten… lasts a lifetime
You are in my blogroll!
What happens in kindergarten… lasts a lifetime
I'm a new follower. Love your blog!!!
I've added you to my blog roll and added your button!
I am a new follower. I added your blog to my Google Reader.
I follow your blog!
I am a follower of your blog!
Ms. Jackson's in First
I have your blog on my sidebar! 🙂
Ms. Jackson's in First
I follow your blog!
I follow you and your blog is on my sidebar! I love your blog and by the way I love Big Brother too:)
I follow your blog!
I just blogged about your giveaway:)
I'm already one of your followers!
I follow your blog.
Hi there! I am a follower. Enjoy the way you write.
Robin (Bigbird)
I added your button to my sidebar.
It's me again! Your button is on my blog and your blog updates. Hope you come over to visit me as well.
Robin (Bigbird)
Guess who? I have left a post telling about your giveaway! Check it out. Thanks again.
Robin (Bigbird)
Opps. I forgot to leave the link for the post I left. So sorry. Here's the link:
Now, it's official!
Robin (Bigbird)
I'm a follower.
Yearn to Learn Blog
I am a follower of yor blog! I love it!
Woohoo! I follow your blog…and my growing wish list on B&N could definitely use a gift card! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I follow your blog 🙂
Hi Kristen,
Of course, I follow your fantastic blog!
Funky First Grade Fun
I'm a follower!
Queen of the First Grade Jungle
I added you to my blogroll!
Queen of the First Grade Jungle
I now follow your blog. Tamara
Love your blog and am now a follower!
Delightful blog:) I have to check out that book! I follow your blog.
First Grade Garden
Happy Birthday to your Mom! July 31 is my birthday too! =)
I follow your blog!
Crayons and Curls
I'm a new follower to your blog. Will you follow me? http://www.misssumnersclass.blogspot.com
Your button is on my blog!!
I blogged about your giveaway!!
I follow you!
You blog is on my sidebar!
I follow your blog!
Once Upon A Teaching Blog
I blogged about your giveaway!
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog
Your blog is on my sidebar!
Your button is on my blog.
I'm a new follower to your site :o)
I follow your blog! 🙂
Your blog is on my blog roll! 🙂
I follow your blog! . . . and I also follow Jeff and Jordan!:)
I follow your blog! =)
First Grade Blue SKies
You're on my blog roll! =)
First Grade Blue SKies
I blogged about your giveaway!
Busy in Kindergarten!
I added your button to my blog!
Busy in Kindergarten!
I follow your blog!
Busy in Kindergarten!
I follow your blog. Thanks for the great giveaway!!
I follow your blog.
I added your button to my blog.
I am a new follower, and super excited to be so! Love your blog (and BB!). 🙂
I posted your contest on my blog
Literacy Coaching Services
This is Great! I am a follower and your button and giveaway are on my blog 😀
Mrs. Ayala’s Kinder FUN
I just linked you to my facebook as well! Do you have a facebook?
I love your blog and I am following it. You have such wonderful ideas. I put your page on my facebook page. Happy Birthday to your Mom!
I follow your bloggy! 🙂
I'm a new follower!
i am a new follower!!! by the way i LOVE the Help and want to read Hunger Games 🙂
i have your button on my blog ( even though my blog is private! )
i blogged about this awesome giveaway!
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog!
Angela Just Love Teaching!
Your blog is on my blog roll on my sidebar!
Angela Just Love Teaching!
I am a new follower and I love your blog! So adorable! :o)
jennkeys @ gmail . com
Your blog is now on my blog list thingy on my sidebar! :o)
jennkeys @ gmail . com
I follow your blog
Your button is on my blog
I follow your blog!
I added your button to my blog!
I follow your cute blog!
I have your blog on my blog roll.
I {heart} your blog and I'm definitely a follower. I had to give some love and blab about your blog b/c I've got tons for friends who would love it!
-ms. tinez
I am a new follower (and I am addicted to Big Brother too)! Great blog!!!!
Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies @
I follow your blog. 🙂
I follow your blog!
I am following your blog. 🙂 And I'm also a first year teacher that will be teaching 2nd grade in August. I'd love to be the winner of your first giveaway! 🙂
I am following your blog! 🙂
I am following your blog. 🙂 And I'm also a first year teacher that will be teaching 2nd grade in August. I'd love to be the winner of your first giveaway! 🙂
I grabbed your super cute button!
Mrs. Krull
Of Primary Importance
I'm a new follower.
I follow your little sassy blog! Come on over and join my giveaway!
Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher
I am new follower and I love your blog title!!
-Ms. Thomas
The First Grade Jungle
I put your button on my amazing blogs list!!
-Ms. Thomas
The First Grade Jungle
I am a follower of your blog!
Mrs. Baker
I am a new follower to your blog.
I blogged about your giveway!
Check it out here:
I am a new follower!
Thanks for the giveaway! I am a follower 🙂
This was easy! I'm already a follower!
I have your button on my blog!
Teachin' First
I am following you, and loving the ideas I am getting from you! Thanks! MamaTerri12@gmail.com
I follow your blog.
Of course I follow your blog … I am desperate for another Mall School update. 😉
A Day in the Life of a 2nd Grade Teacher
You are on my blog roll AND your super cute button is on my sidebar! 🙂
A Day in the Life of a 2nd Grade Teacher
I am going to blog about your giveaway right this second. Gotta help a fellow BB fan out…
((Danielle actually lives by me and I've seen her twice at the grocery store but have been too nervous to say hi))
A Day in the Life of a 2nd Grade Teacher
I blogged about your giveaway!
I am a new follower!
Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog
I'm adding your button as we speak!
Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog
I watch Big Brother too! And I follow your blog.
I am a new follower and I LOVE The Alphabet Tree!
Flamingo Fabulous in Second Grade
I put your button on my blog.
Flamingo Fabulous in Second Grade
I blogged about your giveaway. I'm having my first giveaway too!
I now follow your adorable blog!
I follow your blog!
Miss B, Busy Bee
You're on my blogroll! Miss B, Busy Bee
I posted about your giveaway here!
I am following your blog now! (and so glad I am!)
I follow your blog!
Mary Pitner Pitner's Potpourri http://www.pitnerm.blogspot.com
I'm following! Love BB – gooooo Jeff and Jordan!!
I am a new follower!
I have been following your blog for awhile now! 🙂
I am a new follower!
I'm a fairly new follower and love reading your blog. : )
I follow your blog!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten
You're on my blogroll!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten
I blogged about your giveaway!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten
I follow your blog!
I have your your purplie delicious button on my blog! 🙂
I am a follower!
I am a new follower!!!