Oh, the plans I had for blog posts this week.
I laugh at those plans.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
I laugh at myself for my Can Do Attitude.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
School started. New first graders showed up. The bell rang.
And then it hit me.
I have new first graders. Who came from half day kindergarten. Who have to stay all day.
And there are TWENTY-NINE OF THEM (it was supposed to be thirty, but one didn’t show up) and I am but a wee little teacher who actually thinks she can blog and join linky parties and take pictures for a classroom reveal post IN THE SAME WEEK THAT THIS IS ALL TAKING PLACE.
Like I said.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
So here I am because Kerry, my twin, called me saying she needed an update even though we talked Sunday night, Monday night, last night, and this morning.
This is not the linky party I wanted to join. This is also not my Classroom Reveal, which isn’t much so don’t go getting excited. I think I should call it the Classroom That Is Squished With Desks And Bulletin Boards And Backpacks Taking Up All The Space And Chairs Pushed Out So That I Trip On Them And Look At All Of The Scraps Of Paper That Are Always On The Carpet Photographs instead of my Classroom Reveal.
Here is an update:
I started school on Monday. We didn’t do anything except talk about rules, and walk back and forth from the playground in a way that was so far removed from two straight lines that I can’t even think what to call it. A cloud? A mess? A crowd? A paint splatter?
On Tuesday we worked on making two straight lines and getting in our number order. Although they don’t know they have numbers yet. So they had no clue what I was doing, but I promised that when they finally did it right, I would fall over.
I had to fall over two times.
In a skirt.
Luckily, I am short and so the skirt was long and so it was entirely appropriate.
Today, we tried to dive into curriculum.
Tried being the key word.
Is it still a mini lesson if it lasts for six minutes, but four of those minutes involved saying I can’t read a story right now, put that back, you can’t bring that with you to the carpet, turn around, please keep your hands to yourself, can you wait to go to the bathroom, no, it’s not recess time yet, don’t put your gold tag in your mouth, and please sit like a first grader?
We did get to Miss Kindergarten’s Play-doh Sight Word Mats – we played with the play-doh first (just free exploration) and then I taught them how to make snakes to fill in the sight words and they worked so quietly on their mats. It was heaven. Now they will know exactly what to do when they go to that center in small groups. Whenever that is. December?
We also worked on Stencil Writing, too. The kids loved it and oohed and aahed.
We also made it through two math lessons.
Really. We did.
The kids are absolutely adorable, eager to please, excited about everything . . . it should be very easy to get them into a routine. It’s just going to take practice.
Like every other year.
Tomorrow is my Back to School Night. Which is called Parent Information Night. Otherwise known as PIN. Which means I give two back-to-back presentations in my classroom in front of the parents telling them all about first grade and what to expect and I talk reallyreallyreally fast and can’t wait for it to be over.
So now I need to go prep for that.
And that’s what they call . . . The First Week of School In The Life Of A Blogger That Still Makes Time For The Housewives And Big Brother.
Good luck with your first week friend!! XOXO
29 kids!!!! You deserve a MEDAL. Sounds like you have a bunch of sweet peas. Didn't you have a crazy back to school night story last year or the year before? I hope it all goes well for you tomorrow!!!! xoxo
Sounds like my week so far – but I have 4th graders… and tomorrow is our Parent Night too, and you just reminded me that I have yet to finish my powerpoint presentation… Thanks!
I love how you are so REAL in all your posts!!!! Praying for you tomorrow, not like you need it! Those are some lucky ducky kids and parents!!!
Hahaha at paint splatter!!
HA It makes me happy that you talk too fast on Parent Night too. I always felt like I forgot to breathe, and so it was like, "Hello, parents thank you for joining us I'm excited to be your child's teacher this year in fourth grade we have so many exciting things planned to help prepare your child for his future GASP!" Which is so totally embarrassing.
Buzzing with Ms. B
First week of school and 3 nights of Big Brother is almost too much to ask of a person! Thanks for reminding me what lies ahead for me three weeks from now. Except with beginning Kindergarteners. Oh my.
You can do it!!
Jill ๐
ABCs and Polkadots
Thanks for taking an exhausting week and turning it into a fun post! I'm so glad I teach 3rd grade! They come with some rules and self-control under their belts. Because of you, I will never again complain about having 23 third graders. Blessings! Tomorrow is Friday! Hooray!
This sounds like a first week for sure! Get lots of rest at night and fuel yourself like a caffeine junkie!!! All the luck with your little sweeties ๐
Teaching with Hope
This makes me tired just reading it! I really hate those first days of talking so much–but love when we get those routines down. I'm expecting my 16 second graders next week…was in first before and cannot even imagine 29 of them! Yikes!
Love reading your post, hope your face is not as red as mine at PIN…they will love you…they will let out a big sigh as they leave that their kids have a great teacher who loves them!! Xoxoxo
it is absolutely CRAZY yo have that many kids!!! I have 17… so you literally have almost twice as me! and i htink I might go crazy the first week. haha!
Love reading your posts. It is always reassuring to know other classrooms are as imperfect as mine!! Good luck with your presentations!!
I have never liked those back-to-back presentations. Sometimes I give a hint that the first one might be better… and then hope no one shows up for the second round. ๐ I hope you can enjoy a restful weekend… with naps and TV and snacks.
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
I call those lines "Kinder Soup." (I teach K–that might be a bit offensive in first grade!) I tell the kids they better hurry up and get in line or I might eat them because I'm super hungry! On second thought–that might freak them out in August… But in February they laugh and laugh!