Today’s Teacher Week Topic is “Three for Thursday”.
Here goes!!!
1. Favorite Fonts – I love fonts! I mainly use DJ Inkers but now that I’m addicted to blogging, I have been checking out new ones. Here are some of my fave DJ ones . . . click on them to see the source so you can get them, too! (Only if you want . . . no pressure!)
I use those A LOT. DJ Bizzy is super fun to use really, really, really big . . . with different colors for each letter. I used it for my Mom’s Happy Birthday sign in July. ๐
2. Favorite blog . . . where is the “s” to make that plural???? This is almost impossible for me. I read so many blogs and have so many favorites! This is just plain mean. Why, I oughta . . . ๐
I have to say that recently I have been stalking Farley over at Oh ‘Boy Fourth Grade. I know, I know – I teach first. What on earth could I find over there? UM, just about EVERYTHING that was ever cute in this world! That girl is so creative and she already knows this, but I am obssesed with her name. Farley is her last name but everyone just calls her Farley. I love it! I don’t know why I love it but I just do! I always have name envy. ๐ My poor husband – it’s not his fault he got this last name but OLDHAM? Not only is it HAM (which I love to eat at Thanksgiving and Easter but that’s about it) but it’s OLD ham? Oh no. No no no no no. So I often find myself gazing longingly at other last names . . . like my twin’s married name. Rose. I mean, have you ever? Mrs. Rose. I could handle kids saying that all day. Really. Or my first teaching partner’s last name. Wolfe. Mrs. Wolfe. Yes! She had paw prints leading up to her door and a sign that said “Welcome to the Wolfe’s Den.” YES YES YES! What can I do with Oldham? OLD HAM? Eventually, it’s going to stink really, really, really bad. SIGH. (okay, okay, it’s not that bad. We pronounce it Old-um. Which, if you say it really fast, comes out Ol- Dumb.) Double SIGH.
So . . . FARLEY, FARLEY, FARLEY! Here’s her blog. Go visit! Besides being creative and so darn cute, she is FUNNY! I love the way she writes. I GET her. ๐
3. Favorite online resource — free educational clipart!!!! I love their clocks and money. FABULOUS! Look at this sample of a worksheet I created for a telling time review:
And look at this sample of a worksheet I created for counting money!
Click on it to go visit. Don’t worry. If you aren’t from Florida, it doesn’t matter. I’m clear on the other side of the country, and they just let me get whatever I want. Now, I don’t want anyone to be disappointed. This is not CUTE clipart. It’s educational. So far, I have only used the Math clipart. You are not going to find cute DJ stuff or Thistlegirl stuff or anything like that. But I was so happy when I found the clocks and the money! ๐ I hope someone can use it!
Well, I will see you tomorrow for the last day of Teacher Week! Don’t forget to link up with I’m a Blog Hopper!!!
you crack me up… I think I have declared you as my BFF…bloggy friend for eva!!!! and and have you thought of green eggs and ham??? jus say-n!!! thanks so much for the shout out!!! I was so proud I read it to my hubby…Mr. Farley!!! ๐
YOU are one of my favorite bloggers! I love reading what you write, looking at all your cute pictures, and all the great things you share. Thanks Oldham ๐
Plus, I'm a little bit obsessed with owls right now so I love staring at your blog design!