So the other day, Kerry, (my twin if you didn’t know, but I think everyone knows) told me that I hadn’t been blogging enough for her liking.
Kerry! I said. I am busy! Hello?! I come home and I have to play with Murphie and grade papers and watch Reality TV and pay attention to Steve and and and and and . . .
But then, I had to agree with her. Kerry tends to be right a lot.
I haven’t been blogging enough.
But that’s mostly because of everything I just said and because I have nothing curriculum-wise to share with you other than the fact that I am struggling with End of the Year Syndrome and my poor kids have come down with it pretty hard, too.
We have 15 and 1/2 days left.
And that is all.
Today, we started telling time to the hour.
Did you know the hour hand is the short hand? And that you have to look at the hour hand first? And that my kids will never forget that their first grade teacher who happened to be short said to look at the hour hand first which happens to be short?
Sometimes, all of my words pay off.
We have also learned all of the words to all of the songs for our Nanny Goats Play. You can read all about it {HERE}.
I love this play.
I love watching my kids practice this play.
I love my kids working together as a team to put on this play.
This play is good for all of us and it’s all we want to do all day long. Seriously.
All day long, it’s . . .
Except for the fact that we’re in the middle of District Assessments in Language Arts including a Writing Performance Task about elephants and tusks (not horns, please everyone pray that no one writes down elephants have horns as one of their facts tomorrow, I might blow a gasket because three boys kept saying horns and the class kept yelling TUSKS, TUSKS, TUSKS!) and trunks and herds and so on and so forth, and we are learning how to tell time, and occasionally we are studying ocean animals, and sometimes we actually get to centers.
I know! It’s like a full day of learning, practically!
So we can’t practice the play all day, goshdarnit.
But at the end of the day today, we had some mini try-outs because a few kids wanted to be the trolls, and the trolls take turns singing a mini-solo, and that can be a big deal for a little six and seven year old, and you can’t just hope and pray it will all work out. You have to know ahead of time, otherwise your play doesn’t turn out that professional, and you, the teacher, has to step in as the troll because the show must go on, and that little kid is just standing there on stage not doing anything while the rest of the cast looks on horrified and/or giggling with all the parents and some staff members watching.
Live and learn is what I always say.
Give me the microphone is something else I always say.
Isn’t it interesting when you think little Miss-or-Mister-So-and-So will be amazing and then they get up in front of the class to audition and start crying because everyone is looking at them and it’s too much pressure and so they change their mind? And then you think the other Miss-or-Mister-So-and-So will just be mediocre, but they blow all of your socks off and spontaneous applause literally erupts from the class?
It happens almost every year.
It’s just magical, I tell you!
I ended my day playing with Murphie in the backyard and treating myself to a bag of these:
The more you blog, the more I laugh!! With you of course – much needed laughs since my countdown is 9.5 days!!
We start elephants tomorrow!!! 😉 #help
Neither you nor Lauren are allowed to talk to me in June…just saying 😛
Haha you crack me up! And my rule is that if you can hold the bag (or whatever) with one hand, it's only a serving 🙂
A great post! End of year syndrome is huge in my class right now and we go until the end of June! Yikes. Thanks for the giggles.
I just finished ambitiously planning my centers for the rest of the school year. I realized that I don't need to make more stuff like I thought. In fact, I have WAY MORE STUFF than I'll ever get to! I couldn't fit it all in, and I'm sure I forgot about something that will take my classroom time. I need to just "smell the soup"! I learned that from you.
Laughter and Consistency
Always love your posts. I am interested in your extended version of the Nanny Goats Play. I have already ordered a copy and have spoken to a K teacher about doing this for next year with my Special Needs class. She is all excited about it. I actually went into school yesterday and what was staring me in the face?…The Three Billy Goat's Gruff…meant to be I tell ya! lol
Hoping you are gearing up for Talk About It Tuesday! They are grasping…