Happy Saturday!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know if you can tell from this picture or not, but Murphie is feeling A LOT better! We had just come in from playing out back, which is one of her favorite things to do besides going to the park. This girl would rather play ball than go on a walk any day.
She would probably be feeling 100% better except for the fact that Steve just read the directions on her prescription bottles on Thursday, and I was supposed to have been giving her two pills in the morning and two pills at night and . . . well . . . shoot . . . I was just giving her one in the morning and one at night. And it’s technically my fault because I took over the whole I’ll hide the pills and I can do this and just let me do it situation.
Anyways, I’d only been giving her half the dose. Oops.
BUT . . . at least she has been taking her pills. The vet told us to hide them in the wet dog food that she had prescribed (she said to make a meatball out of it) and it works LIKE A CHARM.
Look how sweet our bus drivers are!!
Our school celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week back in March so this was kind of a nice surprise.
Also, our principal and assistant principal put out donuts another day this week.
I did not need a donut.
But I cut one in half and ate it. Just half of it.
And then I promptly ate the other half.
During our PTT this week, we had our Let’s Make Classes For Next Year Party.
Our principal set out snacks at each table and we had water and soda and whatever else, too.
I’m telling you — my principal was made for me.
I hate this party, though. It’s stressful and bittersweet. I have a hard time letting go of my kids . . . just putting their little paper down in a pile and knowing that they won’t be mine much longer is HARD.
Oh, I kid!
But it is stressful just due to the whole there are too many boys in this class, can you trade me a high achieving girl with excellent behavior? And oh, these two can’t be in the same class together, let’s move this kiddo over there and move this one here and wait, these two are twins and the mom wants them separated, now who do we switch for that one? And wait a second, this class has way too many parent volunteers, we need to move this mom over here because she is a great room mom and and and and and . . .
Maybe it’s just my team. Because we were the last ones in the multi-purpose room when it was all said and done. Everyone else left at 3:30 (when we’re allowed to) and my team (there are only three of us so I don’t know if you’d exactly call that a team but we are great together, if I do say so myself) just kept trading cards and agonizing and stressing . . . until about 4:15.
At one point, our assistant principal came back to check on us and when she left, SHE TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS.
It was an accident, but still.
I finally got this set laminated and I brought them out this week. They feature Murphie and Milo again, and they have been a hit! The only problem now is that this is all my class wants to do. And there has been a bit of arguing about we want to do that play, give us that play, you did it yesterday, it’s our turn now, that’s the funniest one, that’s not fair! amongst the children.
It’s a nice problem to have, actually, except that I have to play referee sometimes and who has time for that so most of the time I say be a problem solver or I’ll put the plays away and then it magically works itself out.
The other thing that’s been happening is that my kids are writing their own plays!!
Most of them are about me. This is not giving me a big head, trust me. Several of the plays involve explaining who I am to upcoming stranger kinder kids and say something along the lines of she is funny and short and teaches us good math.
I’m beginning to work on my End of the Year slideshow. It’s going to be my project for the day while I do laundry and put on a clean pair of pjs.
I have a love/hate relationship with my End of the Year slideshows. I get weepy and nostalgic for my class, and the fact that the year is almost over, but I obsess over the video and the pictures and the music and the transitions . . . I drive myself absolutely crazy. And I know there’s an easy way to do this in iMovie where you just drop in the album and let iMovie make it for you but I can’t do it that way. So thanks anyway.
I always like my version better.
So there you have it. I’m still a LooneyTune Whackadoodle just in case you were wondering.
Shannon Porter says
Kristin, I LOVE your posts! You make me laugh like no other teacher. This is my 16th year–oh how I wish I could be a fourth member on your team! Your group sounds wonderful! (My school is so small, I am the only first grade teacher. It does have its perks (like only 10 children this year), but I sometimes wish I had someone to bounce ideas off of or to say, do it this way, dummy, it's easier!!)
Stephanie Billings says
DONUTS! Whenever we would get donuts I'd be lucky enough to grab more than one! ๐ They're my true weakness. I can skip a cupcake easily on a kiddo's birthday, but when they bring in donuts (which they know is my favorite) I can't resist! YUM!
Fishing for Education Blog
Lisa says
My team is the EXACT same way about class lists…we agonize over every single kid. Is it a 1st grade thing? Everyone else seems to do it in a flash!
Mark says
Class lists! Horrible when someone is giving or receiving "that kid" and you hate to make a friend's life miserable for a year. More pleasant note-I saw several fun reader's theater plays at http://monthbymonth.scholastic.com/plays—poems.html that are great for first graders.
Meredith-Teaching with a Twist says
What song do you use for your sideshow? I like using a tear jerker. Parents will automatically LOVE you, even if your weren't their favorite person before!!!
Teaching with a Twist