Oh, the joy of having a three day weekend in front of me. THE JOY. I tried to sleep in this morning, but it didn’t happen. I don’t get it. I had the black out shades, the eye mask, the sound machine, the wine the night before, the chamomile tea . . . and I woke up early. Wide eyed and bushy tailed. Although I don’t have a tail. Baby got back, and all that, but no tail.
I’m working on my parent volunteer schedule this morning and that’s about it. Then I’m footloose and fancy free! (Footloose is in my top five fave movies, if you didn’t know. I think you know because I tell you everything, but I thought I’d remind you. The original, of course. Where two boys out in the middle of nowhere play chicken with TRACTORS, not school buses. I mean, really.)
Do you get lots of parent volunteers?
I do.
Gobs of them.
Swarms of them.
Millions of them.
They’re everywhere.
I firmly believe that they come out of the woodwork in the beginning under the pretense of SPYING on ME. “Does she yell?” they wonder. “Does she smile?” they wonder. “Does she take naps?” they wonder.
And then once they figure out that I’m actually teaching curriculum and stuff, and that I don’t yell (unless a story or Junie B. calls for it), and that I do smile, and that napping only occasionally happens, they begin to have other pressing matters that take them away from the classroom. Lunching. Shopping. Reading. Wearing Pajamas. The gym. You know. Activities usually referred to as my longings for summer vacation. Well, not The Gym and more so My Bed, but you get the idea.
One of my friends just sent me an email that she doesn’t know what to do with all of her mommies. She’s new to first grade and is a bit overwhelmed by all the mommies. Especially the ones who move BEHAVIOR CLIPS when she was at a training and had a sub.
Uh huh.
So, I gave her a few of my ideas that seem to work the best for me.
For example, no Monday volunteers. Ever.
Hello??? It’s Monday. Enough said.
Second, no afternoon volunteers. Our team sort of, kind of, lovingly refers to our kids as gremlins in the afternoon. The rascally sort of gremlins that you’re not supposed to feed after midnight, but if you do, look out. That’s what we’re referring to. Something happens. This phenomenon could be because our kinder program is still half day at my school so our first graders are not used to the long afternoon. Or it could be because their teachers have just come down from the high of summer vacation and they’re not used to the long afternoon. Either way, something happens and a parent volunteer does not need to see it, that’s for sure.
I have a lot of opportunities for parents to volunteer even though they’re not allowed in on Mondays or any afternoon. Truly.
I have Parent Readers Tuesdays through Thursdays. I usually have one each day, but this year I have enough volunteers that I have two scheduled for each day. If you run into a serious problem, you could then rotate the volunteers on a monthly schedule.
These parents listen to kids read. I know. Genius.
And because I’m usually singing, dancing, and working on my stand-up routine, I have them sit outside the door so they’re not distracted. Keep that in mind. OUTSIDE THE DOOR.
I also have one Acclerated Reader mom Tuesdays through Thursdays. They help kids log onto the computer, find their test, etc. That’s obviously an INSIDE job.
And then I have a Friday homework helper and a Library helper. And miscellaneous jobs to do at home . . . blah, blah, blah.
Initially, this year, I had way too many sign ups for AR. And not enough for Parent Readers. So I sent out an email asking for some parents to jump from one ship to another.
Yes, yes, yes, sure, no problem, whatever you need, I’m at your disposal were most of the responses.
Except for one.
That one said she wanted to be IN THE CLASSROOM (not banished to right-outside-the-door to help struggling readers – no.) so that she could WATCH HER SON.
Okay. That’s a new one.
At least she didn’t say she wanted to watch ME.
I have to give it up to her for her honesty.
So do you have lots of parent volunteers?? How do you handle them?
PS Big Brother fans — I do think Dan is a genius, but I’m so sad that Britney is gone. I love that chick. She cracks me up!!!! I don’t know who I’m rooting for now.
You are so lucky to have volunteers! It's gotten so hard at our school to get classroom volunteers with all the 2 working parent families. I've had some really terrific moms, 1 DAD volunteer, and 1 grandma/retired teacher through the years and I miss that. I've been lucky not the have anyone I felt wasn't there to be really helpful.
First Grade Found Me
I have my first parent volunteer! She wants to volunteer so bad, its adorable. Too bad she has to wait until the end of September to go to our parent volunteer meeting to be let into my doors. I could sure use her NOW!
Your ideas of how she can help were definitely helpful. When they sit outside of the door is it like an air conditioned hallway? Should I make sure sit outside in the Florida heat? Hmm… she might not want to come back!
And I totally agree about Big Brother.. Dan is a total genius and too bad Ian has lost his mind, he was one of my favs.
T is for Teaching
Love your post! So funny! ๐ That's awesome that you have LOADS of parent volunteers! Hope I can get that lucky!!
Just Diving In
Not a fan of the parent volunteer. It actually ends up being more work for me. And since my very own parent does all my grunt work, I don't need help in that area. Also, they don't always adhere to my version of the Vegas motto: What happens in Room 4 stays in Room 4. But your post gave me some good ideas. I will give those a try! I especially like the parent reader. Cuz it can be a torturous listening to those struggling readers – zzzzzz. lol!
Coloring Outside The Lines
My parent volunteers vary from year to year. I actually need to work on my volunteer calendar as well this weekend. I agree with you I very rarely have any volunteers on Monday or in the afternoon. Also we have specials in the afternoon so I don't need the parents hanging out with me during my planning time lol. The kids do turn into gremlins in the afternoon. I have parents make copies and listen to them read, but I try to keep them out of the room as well haha. I swear some I feel like are trying to "spy" on me. There are some parents who need to be out of the room because their child can't handle their parent in the room with them. I do feel like I have to prep and give explicit instructions with my volunteers. Oh well they are helpful though.
I had a parent volunteer one time for an hour one day. I had no idea what to do with him because I had never had a parent volunteer before. I can see where, organized correctly, they could be great. However, I'm not real sad that we don't have parent volunteers knocking down our doors.
Couldn't agree more with you about BB. Dan's plan was pure genius, but I loved Brittany ๐
I know exactly what you mean about parent volunteers! Can you say emotionally exhausting??! I'm always wondering what they're thinking, are they judging, do they approve . . . not an effective way for me to teach, ha! I do the outside the door method, too, but I always feel kinda bad! I wonder if there's a way to make it a little more welcoming out there for them. Not come-in-and-join-the-party welcoming, though, haha!
I don't have parent volunteers at all, but we have a local church that sends out volunteers once a week and most year it turns out okay {once we train them} but it can be a bumpy road until they feel comfortable. It does create more work for me because our volunteers aren't allowed to do anything other than work with kiddos…which is fine and dandy…but my laminating pills up,lol.
The Learning Tree
I was just pilfering through my volunteer sheets from the first week of school, and I have beaucoup helpers at home this year. Hello, parents, this is my good friend laminating… have fun cutting it out! ๐
Carried Away in Kindergarten
I have willing parents, but I don't know what to do with them, so technically I don't use parent volunteers yet. Sad?
Miss A's Kindergarten
I would love to have parent volunteers or even a parent volunteer. I'm at a low income school and in my parents favor, most of them are working.
I get so entranced with your posts I can't tear my eyes away so I read that little bit about Big Brother when I am oh about 4 episodes behind. I better get on that right now.
As for your volunteers, I love your suggestions! Especially the one about no afternoons to see the gremlins awaken.
Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks
Dan is a SUPER genius! My jaw was on the floor for two days because of that guy!
No Mondays or afternoon volunteers for us either! Are you SURE we aren't at the same school?
I like my volunteers to work with my kids on SRA (reading/comprehension activities). Back in the days of 20 kids, they helped more with center rotations – but those rotations have become pull-out now. We now how a program we call VIP on campus which is my all-time favorite volunteer thing. Very Important Parents volunteer to help prep and copy materials. THIS IS SUCH A HUGE LIFE SAVER!! They help anyone with anything. No assigned classrooms or anything like that. We drop the work with directions in a tub, and voila… it shows up in our teacher mailbox all ready to go! So awesome!
Ohhh…parent volunteers. I am trying to embrace them. I really am. But it's hard dang it. Thanks for the ideas!
I always get lots of parent volunteers each year- they too kind of thin out as the year goes on & I'm usually left with one or two fantastic ones who will do anything! I don't want volunteers on Monday or Tuesday & definitely no afternoons (except my computer/library days). I had loads of parents sign up to do outside work for me- yippee!!!!
We have gobs of parent volunteers too! In fact we have so many that the PTA gives the job of volunteer coordinator to one mom for each class. I tell her when I need people and for what. Then she comes back with either a sign-up genius (online sign-up-amazing!!!!) or a calendar. Then I just wait for them to show up. It is great because I don't have to deal with the "She got to come twice and I have only come once. It's not fair." Comments (yes, the parents, not the children).
I hate to admit this but I am blessed with parent volunteers and a volunteer coordinator that actually sets up the calendar. All I do is print and send home. A few years back I had a parent who would come for parent reader and in her loud South American accent greet each child. "good morning Max…" and so on. Meanwhile I am trying to teach guided reading. Gotta love it. P.S. My co- workers and I are still in shock that you are unable to send a supply list. We are all trying your golden tickets this year too. Can't wait for Fun Friday!
First–wow I'm jealous of all your volunteers. I'm lucky to get one good one a year. LOL
Second–totally agree about BB. I was sad to see Brit go and whoa Nelly…Dan turned that around like an expert!!!!!!!!! Seriously. Greatest move ever.
Third–just posted about my new behavior plan on my blog and explained how I got the general idea from your gold tag idea! So glad I stumbled upon that post!!! I think it's going to be great for me this year!!!
Debbie ๐
K is for Kinderrific
I haven't a CLUE what it's like to have volunteers…I'm kinda jealous…but I've also heard that it's annoying to have them??? lol…
When my youngest son (who is now graduating from college… I'm really old!) was in 2nd grade I volunteered to help with reading tutoring. The wise teacher assigned me "the bad boys group". There were five of them- yes FIVE! (Oh and did I mention, my son was in the group.) Guess she figured that turn-about was fair play. Well twice a week I was banished to the tutoring room with five boys who were really a handful. I am sure she took a huge sigh of relief when I trailed out of the classroom with the little rascals behind me. She actually got to work with the other children in the class minus the shenanigans of the "bad boys". Lesson here: Use those volunteers to make your day easier (:
Granny Goes to School
Hilarious! I'm right there with ya! I've learned to be creative with my overly involved parents, too. And never on Mondays!
Heather at TeachItToday!
I have been working on my volunteer schedule this weekend, too. I totally agree with the afternoon gremlins. Dan is a genius but I will miss Brit, too. She was funny.
Finally in First
I'm lucky to get one volunteer a year. My school didn't make AYP this year, but the school across the town that is nearly perfect on state tests every year has a zillion parents who want to volunteer.