Hello there!
I’m linking up with Shay over at Mix and Match Family to bring you What’s Up Wednesday!
1. What We’re Eating This Week:
Well . . . nothing healthy, that’s for sure. When I’m on summer vacation, any kind of normalcy goes out the window and we don’t do our usual make a weekly menu/grocery shop on Sundays/stick to to the menu for the first half of the week and fall off the bandwagon the second half of the week.
Personally, I’ve been eating a lot of Chick Fil A and cereal.
2. What I’m Reminiscing About:
This one is hard for me because I have no clue. So then I start thinking of things that make me happy and now I’m reminiscing about summertime as a kid, Disneyland with my family, that yummy dinner Steve made last weekend, and last night’s sleep.
3. What I’m Loving:
I had breakfast with my mom this morning! Loved the bagel, the latte, and the conversation! I also randomly ran into Hadar there so it was a stellar morning!
I did not love the pigeons that kept flying near us and walking by our feet under the table.
At one point, one flew so close to me I could swear it whispered, I just want one sesame seed from your bagel, just give me one, surely you can spare one little sesame? and we had to go. The look on my mom’s face when that pigeon flew by my head made me shriek a little. I mean, my hair blew. As if it was windy. But it was a pigeon.
4. What We’ve Been Up To:
I’ve been working on school stuff and Steve has been working in the garage. Really. That’s been our life. And we drink wine while we do it.
5. What I’m Dreading:
Setting the alarm a week from tomorrow for our first staff meeting. It actually makes me feel a little ill . . . seriously.
6. What I’m Working On:
I’m working on all things school. Planning. Prepping. Creating. Making. Laminating. Cutting. And getting other people to do these things for me.
I have five more Welcome post cards to write and then I will have finished my stack of 32.
7. What I’m Excited About:
See #11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. What I’m Watching/Reading:
Let’s just say how happy I am that Kaitlyn chose Shawn and not Nick.
But I feel like I need to run my body through the car wash after watching this season. Either that, or watch Bachelor in Paradise.
Steve and I are watching Big Brother. We are addicted.
And I’m reading The Luckiest Girl Alive which is taking me forever so I don’t recommend it because I’m obviously able to put it down. And I only like to recommend books that you can’t put down.
9. What I’m Listening To:
Currently, I’m listening to Teen Mom in the background.
Yes, I have issues. We have been over this.
And, as far as music goes . . . the Taylor Swift station on Pandora. I love it all. ALL.
I really do believe I am a teenage girl.
10. What I’m Wearing:
Earlier I had on white jeans, a Loft top, and Toms. But that’s just because I had breakfast with my mom.
When I got home at noon, I promptly put my pjs back on. It’s a thing.
11. What I’m Doing This Weekend:
Steve and I are meeting my twin, Kerry, and her husband, Robert, in NEW YORK CITY!!!
We have a ton planned and tickets to all kinds of things, plus a show . . . it’s going to be a busy whirlwind of a weekend, but I can’t wait! WOOHOO!
12. What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month:
Um . . . feeling comfortable with the class that I haven’t even met yet and feeling like the first day was a distant memory and I’m already in a routine and everything is just normal and fine and not this anxious feeling of who will be in my class and what will it be like and I am so nervous I could pee.
13. What Else Is New:
Not a whole heck of a lot. I’m doing laundry and packing today.
What’s Up Wednesday with you?
Lovin us some Big Brother (guilty pleasure and such trash!). Have a great time with your twin in NYC!
~Christy & Tammy
I love your idea of sending welcome back postcards! Do you use a template for this or something special? I'm a first year teacher…so looking for any ideas I can and think that would be super cute!
OMG I have TEEN MOM on TOOOOO!!!!!!! Haha! Have an awesome time in New York! That sounds amazing!!! 🙂 -Sandy
Soaring Through Second
Have so much fun!! Give Kerry a hug for me!! 🙂
Well, I'm reading this post on Thursday. So, for me it's "What's Up Thursday". My sister has a time share in Rhode Island, so the kids and I are heading there to spend a beach day with her, my niece, and my great-niece! I haven't hung out with my sister for awhile, so I'm looking forward to it! And even though we're 6 weeks into the summer, it's our first beach day. Crazy! Have a great time in NYC.
Laughter and Consistency