Happy Sunday to everyone!
I feel the need to clarify my Knock Knock post. I had some questions. And comments. So therein lies my need to clarify.
1. Our Curriculum Cops consist of the Chief (principal), the Captain (assistant principal), and any number of officers. The officer that came on Friday just happened to be the Assistant Superintendent. Sometimes it’s Curriculum Coordinators, Directors of Curriculum, Teachers on Special Assignment, THE Superintendent, Heads of This, That, and The Other, Presidents of Very Important Jobs, and People So Far Removed From The Teaching Field That They Do Not Understand How A Real Classroom Works. It just all depends on who may be visiting that day.
2. First Grade can count on the Chief coming through every Monday. We haven’t been told, but we believe there is a rotation. I mean, I teach patterns. I get it.
3. The Curriculum Cops may come every few days and then not at all for a whole month. We just never know. THAT, my friends, is the scary part.
4. The Chief and her counterparts are checking to make sure that we are staying faithful to our core curriculum. We get a 30 minute Universal Access time at the beginning of our day. We have total freedom to do what we want during that time. We could even pull a READING GROUP. Really! I know! But let me tell you – that 30 minutes is used for EVERYTHING in my classroom. Sort of like my tutoring money.
Laura says
Wow, I might actually be the first to comment. I swear we must be in the same district. We had a walk through at our school on Thursday. But unlike you, no knock for a warning. Luckily, we were busy learning so I didn't need a knock this time.
Great post, you are so funny.
A Teacher's Treasure says
you crack me up! Enjoy doing nothing for the rest of the day!
Happy Holidays!
❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
A Teacher's Treasure
Ms. Rachel says
you're hilar.
I don't have a curriculum, well not really.
laughinbrunette (Jennifer) says
You are such a nut! (but in a good way!!) lol
First Grade Blue SKies
Reagan Tunstall says
1.you are my only reality tv on days like today when there is nothing left but reruns of toddlers and tiaras. Not that you come at the bottom of the barrel…that came out wrong. You are totally number one blogging reality.
2. We totally have a secret code too but instead I made a game for our christmas party last night and asked my principal if she could just whip out her ipad and use it as my observation. (after she had already had 2 glasses of wine) She laughed and said…sure!!!! But then she forgot…or maybe she was drunk…or maybe she was just being nice. anyway…I tried to get my surprise 45 minute observation done at my christmas party but I failed.
3. Enjoy your small group…We have ours every sunday evening too. 🙂
Doodle Bugs Paper says
you keep me laughing!
Karen says
LOL… I had to read the knock knock post to my 6th grade daughter. She knows me all too well. At the end she looked at me and said " you know mom, you would be like that author (being Kristin)… your parents know everything and I'm not sure you are professional wearing jeans everyday!" We too have the curriculum police. In years past.. not so scary. This year… the THOUGHT makes me weak in the knees. Our district was taken over by the state.. kind of like your tutoring money our district ran out long before they ran out of ideas to spend it on! Only they didn't stop spending!!! So now we deal directly with the state department of education!!
Good luck with the cops… and keep blogging- you make me smile!
Camille says
Kristin, Do you have the Curriculum Cops because your school is in PI (Program Improvement)? My school is not in PI, but my district is. I am wondering if we might turn into a district with Curriculum Cops, just like you. Maybe we could borrow yours, just like Rent-a-Cop. Last time my superintendent came into my room I was handing out worms to my kiddos. She was happy because she loves hands-on learning and so was the new board member because his wife is a science teacher. But that was before PI. Since my district is new to PI we are still learning what it means. Maybe no more worms???? Sigh. I LOVE worms!!!!
An Open Door
Miss P says
I guess the saying is true… If you can't laugh about it, you'll poke your eyes out and drink too much wine. Wait.. that's not it, you know what I mean! I can completely empathize with you because our CC's are usually out for blood. I teach fifth and I can't even imagine how the first grade teachers do it because they have been so particular to say that all four first grade classes should be at the same part of the same lesson, every day. Say what? No time for band aids, puke, or any other mishap that may make its way into your day. Love your blog! Thanks for keeping me laughing!
ps. wicked jealous that this is your last week until break!
Klinger Cafe' says
Geeze I do believe you need to move back to the prairie, where the only thing swooping down the plain (or the hallway) is the wind, and the only things circling like vultures are the hawks!
Deep breath, large glass of wine, and only FIVE more days…
diditeach says
I feel sooooooo lucky when I read your blog and the comments about curriculum cops. I feel pressure certainly but nothing like that….10 more days 'til 2 weeks off. Thankfully we have had our concert, I have done my robust culminating task for our TLCP, now a bit of holiday fun.
I really do admire everyone staying so positive and doing so many wonderful things in their classrooms in spite of the craziness around them.
Kristen says
ooo…I think you're on to something with that laptop-on-a-treadmill thing–I would buy that contraption for sure! Hope you have a lovely week!
Kimberly says
Okay, ONCE I posted about an observation that my Chief did, but that was a post because it NEVER happens. I have only seen her that one time since I started and I've never taught first grade before, only middle school. I could use some support or critique or something. But, I guess I should be careful what I've wished for. I don't want the police. I hate being told what to do, really.
Also, I totally thought they took your art projects and I thought it was completely crazy, but possible.
There was something else, but I need to go to sleep.
1st in Maine
rw17 says
You are a perfect way to end a great day, Teeny Tiny! (that's what I call you)
🙂 Kim
Heidi Butkus says
I'm so glad that our "curriculum cops" don't seem to care what curriculum we are actually using! The first time our superintendent came through, we were making a book that I had made up. He asked about it, and then said, "I like it!" That was the end of that. The teachers at my grade level have also agreed that we don't think our admin seem to know how to recognize a lesson from Saxon from a lesson from something else. Either that or they just trust us! I don't have the nerve to ask!
Heidi Butkus
Kelley Cirrito says
I can't wait for Real Housewives! I am totally addicted! My husband and I have our own separate T.V.'s because of all my reality shows! He can't stand them, but I can't get enough!
Erika says
If I could exercise and blog stalk at the same time I would be a string bean! My hubs would like my laptop to be powered by pedaling. HA!
2B Honey Bunch
Lauren Morse says
One time, when I was preggers, I walked out of the room to make a quick trip to the restroom (it happens when you don't have a break until 10:45 and you're pregnant). As I'm walking down the hall, my principal and Superintendant are also walking down the hall, heading straight for my room. I politely smiled and said hello. Thankfully, my principal directed him to another room. Maybe she was too embarrassed to see one of her teachers abandon a classroom?? Worked out well for me but ever since then I'm afraid to run to the restroom while my kiddos are left unattended.
Grade ONEderful says
Wow! I'm seriously in shock reading this. I had no idea you had "curriculum cops". We're expected to teach the curriculum of course but have tons of freedom and leeway as to when and how. I'm from BC and I'm not sure what's what in the other provinces, but I'm fairly sure they're similar. I have a new respect for my American teacher friends. Your job sounds much harder and way more stressful than mine! I can't imagine dealing with that kind of outside control on top of the usual demands of report cards, interviews, behavior kids, etc. Hats off to all of you!!
Grade ONEderful