Remember my whole Dress Debacle last spring? If not, you can read about it in order {HERE}, {HERE}, {HERE} and {HERE}. I told you it was a debacle.
I’m currently having a Fun Friday Chart Makeover Crisis. As you already know, I am sick and tired of the clips.
You’ve heard me say it over and over. Sick and tired. I confiscated three clips from two different girls’ heads of hair today because that’s how sick and tired I am of clips. Give me those, I said. Now.
You also know how I tried to use magnets.
But the student numbers didn’t exactly magnetically attract to the magnets which defies all sorts of science to me, but there you have it. My class got to have a free for all Fun Friday last week which some enjoyed immensely while others felt as if it was the biggest injustice since the last time recess was canceled due to that wayward leaf blowing too dangerously near a child’s precious eyeball.
(No, that’s not true. Scoff. That would never happen.)
SO THEN I decided to use velcro.
Hubby thought I could stick the velcro dots on top of the existing magnets and not re-make the chart.
He has not come to terms with my illness of All-Things-Must-Be-Cute.
I re-made the poster on the weekend. I made the poster (minus the velcro) because one must laminate the poster with the labels on it so that one has durability and never has to make it again. Clearly, two times is enough.
I laminated it at school on Tuesday.
FirstGradeBlueSkies (Jennifer) says
I cannot believe you threw it away!! You should have taped it from the back! (if that makes sense, it would not have shown!!)
First Grade Blue SKies says
I couldn't use tape. I just couldn't. I tell you, it's an illness!!
Cynthia says
Awww! Darn the rush-to-recess-pickup! I wish I had no idea why you would do that to your poster, but of course I understand. I have the "It must be cute AND coordinated with all other things in the room!" disease, as well. I guess third time's the charm, right? You can do it!
The Brown-Bag Teacher says
Oh no! I am so sorry, Kristin, but I completely understand. It would be in the trash for me, too. No way around it. Good luck! Maybe the fourth chart is the charm???
The Brown-Bag Teacher
Jane says
OH NO! I have so been there friend. Totally understand – and it looks like that poster made a harsh entry into the trash bin. I'm sure the next one will be just right!
๐ Jane
Learning in the Little Apple
diditeach says
It would be interesting to see just how many teachers do suffer from some form of OCD….I would totally have thrown that out……I feel your pain. When I am on a quest and I need things to be pretty and work….look out !!!!
Shenovia Moore says
Try it one more time!
Natalie says
Don't feel bad…..I totally would have done the same thing! I think I had to make our clipchart 3 different times before I got it right. Its an illness, I tell ya…
Teachery Tidbits
Minnesota Girl says
Oh no! It was sooooo adorable too. I'm surprised your "lil darlins" didn't dig in the trash like my firsties do to get the "cute thing" that they just HAD to have. Good luck! says
I had to wait and throw it away after school for just that reason!!
Miss Kindergarten says
Laurel Frazier says
Jay Pea says
Oooohhh punkin!! That so looks like a temper tantrum of a teacher obsessed……and it looks soooo dang familiar! I just don't know how you are able to STOP and take a picture!! LOL!!…….my fave comment so far? Miss kindergarten made me laugh!
Mrs Cupcake says
I can't help but giggle because you are me! I would have done the EXACT same thing!!! No matter how time consuming it is to make another poster. :sigh!:
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Arisbeth Rossi says
hahahaha! i would have also done just that! ๐ it definitely is a sickness!
emmecj says
I so completely understand! I have been there, done that and yes I will do it again. lol
angie says
I feel your pain. I have an assistant that slaps papers on boards willy-nilly, is sloppy with arts -crafts, I am ready to put her in the trashcan. lol says
That cracks me up!! Ha ha!
Amy says
I am right there with ya!
Stephanie says
Not insane in my book. At least not for this one ๐
โค -Stephanie
Falling Into First
goofytortuga says
Good luck on the next one! When we had aides, I let one of them put papers on a board, it was not very neat. Didn't let her put up papers anymore. I think every teacher has a little OCD in them or they wouldn't be teachers. I am still trying to learn to let it go, it will be ok.
Brenda G. says
I can totally feel your pain! I want my crafty things to be perfect!
Coast to Coast Kinder RandA says
Sounds about accurate although I am very hung up on "rush to pick up from recess…." I am so very jealous due to the fact that I enjoy having recess duty exactly 3 times the entire year! The other 177 days I dread and despise it!!! Oh wait this is about you an your poster not my hatred of recess! Good luck with the next one or one after that…..
Traci - Dragonflies in First says
Angelia says
I don't blame you! I like things cute and perfect, too!
Extra Special Teaching
Becky says
Oh no! That is so frustrating! I totally would have done the same thing though. I am OCD about things being cute and perfect, even to the point of using a ruler and a T-Square to make sure things are level.
I am sorry you have to remake it again!
Compassionate Teacher
Reagan Tunstall says
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…Cracking up!
Love you and I am sorry your poster did not make the "cut"
Unknown says
๐ I am so sorry..I understand completely..maybe we could get a group rate when we have our heads examined!!
KinderKapers says
How I hate days like that! (it happens to me all the time, but you have a much better attitude)
Amanda Bryant says
I am giggling about this one! I have done this before! Yikes! Makes you sick, doesn't it? Love this post! Makes me feel like maybe I am not the only crazy one! Lol!
Amanda Bryant
A Traveled Teacher
Rachel Lindle says
Awww…I can TOTALLY relate, yet I think my fellow co-workers, my bf and family… must think I've lost my mind when I totally redo something, because I am so OCD about it…I feel your pain!
Ramon Abajo says
I do not know if I am the only guy here, but for my standards everything looks fantastic! Where is the trashcan? Please do not touch it….
Fonts 4 Teachers
Fonts 4 Teachers in TPT
Melissa says
Honestly, I would have thrown it away too! It's just my supreme OCD and need for cuteness!
Maybe I'm just pyscho? Does that mean you're crazy too??
Amanda says
HAHAHA! OMG, I am in hysterics. (My husband's looking at me oddly and says, "Are you reading that blog again?") I TOTALLY get it, Kristin. Of course, I've nevernevernever done anything like that, no, never. Nope.
But I'm going to be out all next week and I finished my lesson plans today — and they're 27 pages long . . . and color coded . . . and all the materials are organized in color coded folders . . .
What OCD?!
๐ Amanda
Mrs. Egley says
So I guess since you are brave and are able to tell the whole blogging world about your desire to have everything perfect and cute then I do can fess up. I can't tell you how many times I have tossed a project. I feel so guilty when I do – I always afraid the paper or laminating police will come and get me. Sometimes I am so ashamed that I bring it home and toss it! So we are all a little crazy!!!! Your stories always crack me up. Good luck with the next chart – I am sure it will be amazing – by the way – I love the green!!
Kristy says
The bad new is, you have definitely lost your ever loving mind. The good news is that when you find your mind, mine is probably right there alongside yours! I am totally with you on the cuteness thing. I mean we live in our classrooms 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 hours a day! I has to be cute! And color coordinated of course. Maybe you could have just relaminated the poster? I've done that before. But then there's that LITTLE tell-tale line . . .
~christina says
Oh my goodness, i'd throw it away too….you know what struck my OCD mind the other day? I was so irritated by my student who was writing ever soooooo slllowwwlllyyy then erasing to make the letters perfect as i was editing with them, i was about to shout out, aww come on already it's just a damn a then i looked up at my bulletin board that took an hour to get "just right"….shut me up real quick! Off to watch Vanderpump girl….Hi Kerry! ๐
Kerry says
Hi Christina! ๐
Jill H says
Here are a few ideas for plan G & H, I have a chart for "learning Centers" (because you wouldn't find us playing around here). I made it "cute-ish" on a long strip of poster board. Instead of laminating, I clear contact paper that sucker flat onto one of my large (only) cabinet door. THEN I have velcro dots next each one for the choices. I print their photos (head shot about 1 in), 5ml laminate and then velcro dot it. Mine stay on and we just rotate, you get what you get -deal with it, but you could have a extra strip of velcro for the "holding area" for the students. My other favorite chart is behaviorish. I have circle magnets with their numbers. Then I have regular paper red, yellow, green with Great job, blah, blah,… consequence. Again I used clear contact paper over it on the side of my file cabinet. I like the contact paper because it is STUCK to the surface. No problem with velcro or magnets pulling on the poster. Another option might be those oil pans. I've seen a lot of people using those- I haven't tried that though. Good Luck.
Carrie Dawley says
I love when space in a classroom isn't wasted! Using the side of the filing cabinet for a magnet board = genius!! (I currently use mine for sentence building tiles.)
Floating Through First Grade
Kim says
I am so glad you share things like this….things we can't admit at school for fear of extreme punishment! ๐ I have thrown double sided papers away because the printing didn't turn out just right. SHHH! Don't tell! I do recycle if it's printed on one side….most of the time!
Carrie Dawley says
I, too, suffer from this "disease"… Even worse – when it's not even my fault that it's messed up!! For example, in my previous building, we had to turn things in to be laminated. (Because, no, my Masters degree and extensive trainings for my career choice are not enough to qualify me to push a little button to make the laminator go… or the copy machine for that matter. But that's a different story. Lol) I turned in a few posters at the start of the year… When I got them back, the laminate wasn't flat, there were creases all over the posters, and they were ruined. Just ruined! At my current building, we are *gasp* allowed to use the copier AND the laminator all by ourselves!! (Lol) But the laminator is old and doesn't always get hot enough when I'm ready to laminate… So I end up with bubbles. ๐ Not always, but it sure does stink when I worked so hard to make a cute {insert whatever needs laminating here} and it's ruined.
Good luck making your next one.
When you get some time, head on over to my blog. I've got a giveaway going on right now for a set of reading strategies posters.
Floating Through First Grade
stephf54 says
O.M.G! You did not throw that away just because of the slit!? I mean I would have been bummed but remade, glued, and laminated…oh no way! I'd get out the packing tape! Too funny.
Katie Knight says
Ohhhh no Kristin! Oh it's painful! Have you thought of making labels or cards that you can laminate and lay out on a table and the kids just turn over the card for the center they want to go to. Then there are no clips, magnets, or velcro? This would not work well if kids change centers a lot during Fun Friday… Fun Friday is not sounding very fun so far… :0( Sorry pal!
Jennifer says
Fun Friday has now become Un-Fun Friday. Isn't Fun Friday a pain? it is meant to give the kids, and us teachers, a little break from the everyday and it turns into a bigger hassle. Hopefully you will get a working poster soon.
Darling Little Learners