For a minute there, I felt like I had lost my blogging mojo.
Granted, it’s only been two days since I last blogged, but still.
I was worried.
We had a bit of a rough weekend. My husband’s friend/coworker/mentor lost his battle with a rare form of leukemia and we attended the memorial service on Saturday. It was a really great service and we saw some friends we hadn’t seen in a very long time. But it was still a memorial service. Which means it was sad.
Fortunately, my hubby was able to help him cross some things off of his bucket list in the months leading up to this so that was really good. But it’s still just very sad.
Hug your loved ones. Tell them you love them.
We’re happy to know we will see our friend again one day in Heaven.
But, even still, I feel like I’ve been down in the dumps because of it and it’s time to get up. Get moving.
And I need a little bit of happy right now.
Let’s have a giveaway, shall we!?
Leave me a *happy* comment with your email address and I’ll pick 3 winners to choose anything you want from my store. I’ll announce the winners on Wednesday!
Don’t forget! Tonight, The Men Tell All!!! Woohoo!
I'm sure that you will be happy for me…and I'm happy for you that you understand how wonderful my meal was a few days ago…Ted's Cafe Escondido… Admit it! It brought back happy memories & a smile!!! ๐
So sorry to hear about your loss. I am so glad you are believers. We just got a new puppy named Rollie. He is such a joy. He runs so fast he flips over and does a somersault. He is our pride and joy right now. ๐ I also have raised 3 boys to adulthood as of this year! Wahoo!
Happy, Happy, Happy! I was (and still am) so Happy that I met you in Vegas! P.S. Can't wait for the Men Tell All….I just hope they don't spend too much time on the one who passed away.
Whenever I feel sad I try to remember things that have made me laugh. And if that doesn't work I blast the "happy"song and dance with my boys!
Sorry for your loss…even expected losses are painful.
Always look to the sunny side of things. I watch my cats with their strange antics and visit with my grand kids. they make my day. A baby's smile is all that it takes.
So sorry for your loss. A good friend is worth more than money.
So sorry about your loss ๐ STUPID cancer! A happy here: Our home was flooded in April, forcing a complete reconstruction–today the flooring installation began, and we ordered kitchen cabinets = the end is actually in sight, and we'll be home well before the holidays!!! THAT is VERY happy news!! You're a long way from losing your mojo! ๐
We had a very happy weekend celebrating my nephew's graduation this weekend. My sister and her husband adopted him when he was 5. He had been taken away from his bio-mom and he has severe special needs. They have done so much for him over the years, and he has come such a long way!
His senior year of high school, he started the year by being selected homecoming king with his "girlfriend" from his class, a sweet girl with Down's Syndrome.
Then he was able to make the varsity bowling team (he had been JV his first 3 years). He was so proud of his letter jacket!! He even was presented a small bowling scholarship for his efforts this year (they didn't know he would be continuing on in the post high school special ed program in the district.)
He also got an academic letter.
It was amazing to see what an awesome senior year experience EVERY kid can have, no matter what challenges they face.
Oops, forgot my email:
I was finally able to leave my pitbull puppy Eddie out of his crate this weekend! We made it a whole three hours without any accidents or ripped apart couches/flip flip/insert any of my favorite things! We were thrilled!
So sorry for your loss, but I know I am always relieved to know when I have another angel on my team!
Sorry about your loss ๐ Whenever I need a pick me up I watch my favorite Disney (yes, Disney) movie and drink some cherry wine! Riding my bike is another way for me to be at peace and get outdoors during this beautiful summer weather!
My happy thing is that I have started my blog and am well on my way to joining the blogging world! I e-mailed you for advice… thanks :0)
So sorry for your loss, but know that you bring happiness to MANY teachers from all over the place ๐ Thanks for all you do!
aconnolly1216 at gmail dot com
Happy to be getting ready for next school year. For some reason I just know that this is going to be an amazing year. But, one more vacation to go then back in full school mode. Prayers for peace!!!
Email: Oops!!!!
Happy weekend camping with my family. Revisting a place my husband has camped since childhood. Reliving old memories and making new ones as well.
Seeing your blog posts makes me happy! You have a way of making me smile every time! You're such an inspiration! ๐
Sorry to hear of your husband's/your loss! I always enjoy reading your blog posts. I feel like you're having a personal conversation with me! Weird, huh?! Ahh, the famous life of bloggers! Hope you have a good rest of the week!
I am so happy to be headed to Colorado on Wednesday to see my best friend!
When I need a pick me up I love to watch a kids show. Always makes me happy. Watching one right now :).
I am teaching summer school right now and one of my students left me a secret note saying "I love you." Made my heart smile.
Happy to be with my family each and everyday!
I am happy to report that I have made my first batch of blackberry jam, blueberry jam, and dill pickles. I have never done any of this before, but the hubby and I went to pick the berries ourselves and them we made jam. I am sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss! Well, the happy news I can share is that on Saturday my husband and I are surprising our 9-year old son with a new puppy. He's wanted a puppy FOREVER and he's getting one. Except, he doesn't know it yet. He just thinks he's going with me to a craft show on Saturday. But he doesn't know that by craft show, I mean he's getting a new puppy!!! She's a black lab. I can't figure out a name. For some reason, Pickles is stuck in my head. Pickles the Puppy! I can't wait!!!
Email: ๐
May peace be with you and your husband during this difficult time.
I am happy that this season of the Bacherlorette is almost over.
We can be put out of our misery…..although I could easily change the channel… I must confess I can not! Lol
So sorry for your loss. ๐ Something happy for me (and you!) is that today my mom was in my classroom and saw something blue/teal and green together and said, "Oh my gosh. That is my favorite color combo ever for a classroom" and I immediately had to find a picture of your room to show to her!! ๐
I'm sorry for your hard time. I'm happy that my husband and I just got back from a great vacation!
I am so happy with the cast of Big Brother this year!
I am happy that my baby girl will be born in two months! ๐
How about a joke? Why are pirates called pirates? Cause they arrrrrrrr. Or what do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta!
It has been a spring and summer full of loss for my family. First my father in April, then my sister's 13-year-old dog last week, and now a dear family friend has entered Hospice and has about a week left. Today had been pretty much of a "crying day," until I picked my old hound dogs up from the kennel where they'd been over the weekend since I was traveling. Their delight in seeing me and heavy heads on my feet as I type this brought back the "happy." Your advice of hugging your loved ones and telling them how you feel is wise and welcome.
Forgot my email! I am the second comment.
So Sorry.. I am happy that I moved to a classroom about three times as big as mine last year. The other teachers called my last classroom the closet.
Hugs always make me feel better! So here is a big ((((hug)))) for you!
I am so happy to have both my boys home and eating dinner with us! Since the oldest went away to college, family time is rare! It's the little things!! ?
This seems to be the summer for unexpected losses.
Visit my Facebook page for my latest "happy". I can't seem to copy and paste the photo here! Linda Doerr Piccola It's a little girl jumping in a puddle with the words "Get your happy on". Gotta help cheer you up!!
A happy moment that happened this weekend is my 9 month old daughter can finally crawl!!!! Now I have to really baby proof the house.
So sorry to hear about your loss! Happy thought for the day…The smiles of my 2 girls…6 and 10…When I say yes to the never ending question…can we have ice cream????
I love your blog! It is always funny, entertaining, and as a newer teacher I love reading your tips and ideas for the classroom! I'm also excited to try out your readers theathers sets this upcoming school year! (I finally put them together! Yay!) Sorry for your loss, may peace and strength be with you. May you enjoy your days of summer before school starts!
Life is short so seize the day! We were affected by the MH17 flight that was shot down by a missile a few days ago. So many lives lost, and it was eerie because our flight flew through the Ukraine airspace when we traveled from Europe to Asia a few weeks ago with our three kids.
Here's something happy….it's still SUMMER!
PS so sorry for your loss ๐
Dealing with loss is tough but how great is it of your husband to make those amazing bucket list memories with him? That takes a very special person, you should be a proud wife ๐
– Brooke
I'm happy to be spending them summer with my one year old!
Happy thoughts to you!
Tonight at VBS my 4yr old volunteered and prayed all by himself!
I hope you and your husband as well as his late coworker's family find the peace you need at this time.
My happy (and very anxious/excited/overwhelmed) comment is that I'm starting my very first teaching job this year and my first day on contract is next Tuesday! I've almost got my room ready and I'm ready to meet my resource kiddos ๐
I am so sorry for your loss. What a very difficult time for his family and friends. We are heading to Colorado tomorrow. My son was selected to play on the 12 year old All Star baseball team. They won state a week ago and now they move on to play in the Midwest Regional Tournament. Go SPIAA!
Forgot my e-mail!
My happy is that my daughter just got her first teaching job, teaching 7th grade Language Arts. On the days she subbed in a first grade classroom (which is the grade I teach) I came home to wine and gelato! She appreciates those of us that herd cats- and I could never do middle school! Hope you are smiling and getting lots of virtual hugs!
Tonight my 4 yr old volunteered and prayed for snack all by himself!
Your blog makes me happy! Your writing style is spot on and I look forward to each new post.
I'm really sorry for your loss.
I recently discovered your blog and immediately fell in love with your morning work!! I downloaded your freebie and tired it out with my little tutor class. It was such a huge hit! I definitely want to use them with my class this fall!!! Thank you.
Sorry to hear of your loss. May the many happy memories of your friend help ease your sorrow. My happy is that it was a sunny day here in the Northeast and I was able to have my toes in the sand with a good book (one that you recommended- The Kitchen House)!
~ Amy
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm happy today because it is my birthday! Also, I am excited to be getting ready to head back to school.
That's amazing that your husband was able to help with the bucket list! He will treasure those memories.
HAPPY – I am watching Men Tell All right now!!!! This time NEXT WEEK we will know who wins! Yipppeeee!!
My Carolina Classroom
oh and :)))
Happy Moment- I"m due in 4 weeks with my 3rd baby! My other kids are 9 and 7! We're all pretty excited. Happy I get to stay home for 6 weeks before I go back to work.
I'm so happy that I can finally get into my new classroom/school tomorrow! I am excited and anxious to get to started, and SO happy to be heading back to first!
So sorry for your loss ๐
I am happy because I was able to potty train my two year old before our mini-vacation down the shore (where there is an awesome pool that does NOT allow swim diapers). We had an awesome vacation – with no accidents. And I am free from buying diapers!!
I am making my first ever pinata! It is slimy, messy fun! We are going easy… Dinosaur egg! My six year old son will love it!
I love spending the summer with my hubs and daughter.
Christin Shiftingteacherk2@
Shifting Teacher K-2
I'm very sorry for your loss. It must have meant lot for your husband to help him cross items off of his bucket list.
Today, I am grateful/thankful/ my positives are that I am halfway through reading "crash course" and it is giving me the encouragement for this next year, I am very happy to be teaching grade 1 and snuck into my classroom today and it felt good to be back in it, and for the progress on the new house that my husband and I have purchased.
Sending happy thoughts your way
Cancer stinks in the biggest way! Happy is that you will have this RIDICULOUS bachelor "men tell all" to blog about tomorrow on "Talk about it Tuesday!" So much to laugh at on this show.
My boys (two sons) and I just got back from our family vacation. As a single mom, and a TEACHER no less:), it sometimes makes me sad that I can't afford an expensive vacay like DisneyWorld, but we had an absolute blast in Branson, MO with my family! We went to amusement parks, museums, and played lots and lots of mini-golf. My youngest son told me, "This is the best vacation ever!" That's when I remembered I'm very blessed to be able to take them on vacation at all. No matter where we are, we have a great time just being us:) Sorry to hear about your loss, but it is good to know through Christ death is not the end! Have a great week, Kristin!
I get so excited when I see a post from you… You have such a way with word and most the time you leave me laughing.
God bless you at this time! You bring so much joy to others with your blogging and your fabulous products! Enjoy playing with Murphie! Watch a funny movie. Read a good book that will make you laugh. My favorite "belly laugh" books are Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. I am glad that I have 3 more weeks of vacation before I report back to school!
When I need a laugh a read your blog – seriously! I love your sense of humor and how you tell your stories…and I always feel like I can relate! I need to become a blogger just so I can go to the super-fun looking meet-ups! -Kaylen
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm happy to read your posts. They always make me laugh. Your writing has incredible voice!
I'll be praying for your friend and your family.
The fireflies are out and the marshmallows are roasting by the fire for s'mores!
Thinking of you and the family.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss! Rest easy knowing that he is in Heaven with his Father. My husband and I just got back from a trip to Disney World, where we pretended we were kids the entire time! ๐
My happy comment is that I (and hopefully you) haven't had to listen to a room full of first graders sing Let It Go from Frozen for a WHOLE MONTH! That's a happy comment, right?? Jresteven@gmail
I'm happy because I was able to meet my mom for a quick lunch out today. Totally unplanned, but our schedules worked out! Even better… mom treated! ๐ Loss of someone you love is hard. I was so glad to read that he knew Jesus and will be in heaven.
My son and I played with Pokemon and ate hibachi shrimp tonight and now we're cuddled up watching, Rio 2. Life is so good and so happy! ๐
Learning With Mrs. Leeby
My son asked me why I get summer vacation and daddy doesn't. I said because I'm a teacher…to which he replied that he wants to be a teacher too! :).
My teenagers both have summer jobs and I can finally have a relaxing summer without having to entertain them! LOL ๐
My happy comment is that I just got back today from a great vacation with my husband. I'm currently watching The Men Tell All and thinking about what you will write tomorrow. Did you hear Marquel say, "At the end of the day…" Hehehe ๐
Thank you for all you do to brighten our days! You have a way of lightening the load that teaching can sometimes heap on our shoulders.
I am a classic blog stalker, I read many and comment rarely. I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You have shared great ideas that I have incorporated into my own classroom, but beyond that I appreciate your humor. To write with humor is difficult and you do it well. I always look forward to reading your blog, so today your blog is my happy thought. You've even made me curious enough to watch The Bachelor a few times.
P.S. I hope the farmer guy is the new bachelor.
My husband and I are expecting our first child! To top it all off, my due date is my birthday!
My happy comment: I'm headed on vacation {sans technology} tomorrow! Beachin' it up in Sano Ofre! I'm praying for your fam! Thanks for the fun giveaway to brighten all our days!
Most of the summer my son has been watching Minecraft videos on Youtube (Stampy Longnose anyone?) and playing Minecraft. Today, I actually got him to go to the LIBRARY and he checked out 3 books. As we went to the hardware store to get paint, he asked, get this, "Can I take this book in with me to read while you get stuff?" Yes, he did!! He had his nose in that book from the time he picked it up in the library until he finished it after we got home. Happy times!!!! sorry I forgot
"Choose Joy!" ?โค๏ธ
I got my first teaching job and I start as an 8th grade English teacher this year! I am so excited to finally get into my own classroom and I've been having a ton of fun buying school supplies and decorations for my first classroom (even if my bank account hates it!)
So sorry for your loss. It really makes you appreciate all the good in your own life. One of the things that makes me happy is reading your blog posts! Whackadoodles like us need to stick together!!!!
Thank you for this wonderful reminder to hug our loved ones. My happiness- enjoying my summer vacation with my 3 loves (my 2 boys and hubby).
My happy comment is a compliment to you! I just love your blog and you have inspired me to create my own! ! So I am slowly working on that and I know it's because you make blogging so fun that I want to give it a go ! ! ๐
So fingers crossed for me, and prayers with you and your husband. Many happy and positive thoughts your way! !
Sorry to hear about your loss! This past weekend we celebrated my daughter's Baptism. Although she cried for the whole service (it was nap time) it was a beautiful day with family and friends!
From your blog I can tell you are a woman of faith–turn to Him and let Him lift you up—focus on all the good thing in your life and remember good times–and watch a funny movie—there is truth in the phrase " laughter is the best medicine."
I am so very sorry to hear about your friend. I lost my dad this year in February. It was an extremely difficult year, and continues to be hard without him. But one of the places I go to make me feel better is you! Your blog never fails to make me smile and laugh out loud. You truly have a gift of writing, my friend (I know we haven't met, but I feel like we are friends!). So thank you. You have inspired me more than you know. And your reader's theaters have made a tremendous difference in my class. My first graders love them, and so do I. Thank you for being my happy place.
Having read through some of the comments before mine I can see how many people you have touched and inspired with your blog. I would just like to add that you are one of my happy places, I get so excited every time you post knowing that it is guaranteed to make me smile as I read it!
Butterflying Through Teaching
I am happy to start my school year with your sight word fluency pack I just bought!!! It will be a great and easy way to differentiate with my learners! Yea!! Still have my eye on other great stuff in your store!
YouTube Ortiz Teachers and see how we dance to the happy song! It is the best spirit lifter!
May I present–for your happy-making, humanity-validating enjoyment–Anderson Pooper:
Because a wiener dog race (complete with costumed bugler) isn't amazing enough, they had to throw in a wheelchair-bound champ named Anderson Pooper. I mean, COME ON.
I am happy that you will see him again and laugh with him! Happy that life doesn't end in death but continues on to bigger and better things. It is hard for us that have to wait and I am sorry that your pain is so fresh. You are an inspiration to me and many teachers and no doubt to your friend that passed away. Hugs!
Oh, email…
My "happy" is knowing I get to go to the beach for a 2nd time this summer but with both our boys this trip! As your kids get older it's difficult to coordinate schedules…summer school, work, activities…so it makes you appreciate it more when it falls into place. They're 22 and 16 so I know the days are limited for the four of us to go on trips together.
Learning at the Teacher Table
POO CHICHI- I'm happy to finally learn what my 2 year old's new word means. He has been saying POO CHICHI very randomly the past couple of weeks. (At what seems like random times too!) Any idea?? ๐ Now granted it has been over 85 degrees in our house all summer long (no AC) but for fun when we visit Costco, I've been taking him in that big walk in refrigerator/freezer. Well, yesterday at the grocery store he sees the freezer case and says POO CHICHI………. BRR, Chilly! My happiness is my sweet little boy and how he amazes me with new things every day. As a teacher who is "trained" to read phonetic spelling, I think it has helped me understand the phonetic ramblings of my 2 year old! *Hugs to you and your husband and definitely Murphie too!*
๐ Stephanie,
So happy to be home after SDE conference in Vegas while my daughter danced in Nationals, and then off to celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. Got to do a lot of hugging there! (Face) Hugs to you!!
Was just playing outside with my three little ones and tried to teach them how to do a cartwheel…..whew, now if that isn't a happy {and hilarious} comment then shiver me timbers….I haven't done a cartwheel since highschool and I'm 42 so you can imagine the pain I felt in my wrist, thigh and hip…..epsom salts bath…here I come…. ๐
Happy – seeing my brother after 4 whole years apart.
Happy – having my daughter tell me to give her the birthday spanks right away and we just ended up tickling and playing and being silly.
Happy – when my 11 year old told me good morning (we are in the midst of hormones and ANY acknowledgment from her leaves me with a feeling of euphoria)
Happy – how crazy happy our dog was to see us come home at 2:00 in the morning.
What a blessed and happy day.
So sorry for your loss. My happy this week came from getting together with some of my mom's friends on her birthday. Mom passed away last year and this was the first birthday without her. It was so nice to visit with her friends and laugh, cry and remember. xo
My happy….after spending last year teaching math and science to middle schoolers…I am going home…KINDERGARTEN! It just doesn't get any happier than that!
Happy to be spending the summer with my 3 year old son and expecting another child this coming year!
I have two things that I think will make you smile… it's SUMMER!!!! and I do not watch the Bachelor but love reading your recaps. Silly, huh? But true. ๐
Love reading your blog! I have a "Funny Stuff" board on Pinterest that might get a laugh or two – And, if you just want to get lost in Pinterest, feel free to get lost in any of my other 331 boards! Yikes! Don't worry, be happy!
Oops, I forgot to leave my email address –
So sorry for your loss. It's reassuring, though, that you'll see him again one day. ๐ On a happy note…can I just say that your blog is my FAVORITE! I love your 'voice' throughout the blog….it's so genuine and real. And you crack me up!!! I'm going back to the classroom after 8 years, and your ideas are really helping me. Thank you! Keep up the great work….
You're allowed to lose your blogging mojo after a rough time like this! I am so sorry for your loss.
Happy note… how cute/awkward/amazing/weird was that live ultrasound last night? I LOVE Ashley and JP. And… how about that girl in the crowd that asked Chris out?? He deserves someone wonderful. I hope we get an update on that business. Anyway… Lots of smiles and hugs and cheer heading your way!
My happy moment is a result of all the wonderful creatures in my life ๐ We recently brought a new kitten into our home, and while she has gotten along well with our older cat and is ridiculously friendly with humans, she's been very defensive around dogs. Needless to say, I was VERY nervous when I agreed to dogsit for my mom this past week. However, after only ONE day of hissing and temper tantrums (and not just from me ๐ they were practically bffs, sleeping together, eating together… He's a sheltie so he has a TON of fur and her favorite thing to do was crawl under him and hide in the fur! It was really sweet to watch our old dog and our baby getting along together ๐
I hope your puppy brings you some much needed comfort, love and laughter ๐
I'm a junior in college & your blog has inspired me in so many ways when it comes to the classroom. I cannot wait until I start teaching! Thank you so much!
Sorry for your loss. It is so great your husband was able to help him with his bucket list! That is a true friend!
I'm HAPPY because I went to the doctor and was cleared to go back to work in my first grade classroom! I had my final surgeries after breast cancer on June 26…already did chemo and radiation while I taught last year, so breast cancer is BEHIND ME!!!
So sorry for your loss. As for happiness… summer, of course!!! And I get to teach 1st grade next year so I can use all of your goodies! ๐
My Happy is that I just returned from 10 days on a beautiful lake in NH! I have not been able to take a vacation in 6 years. I am ready for the new school year to begin!
I am so sorry for your loss.
God bless you and your friend's family.
You'll be happy to know that you've inspired me to go through 20 years of teaching materials that I stored in tubs, and organize them into binders: thanks for the inspiration!
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!!!?
Have you watched Weird Al's Word Crimes song? That will make you happy! It's hilarious!
My happy is that I've gotten to spend 2 vacations with my teenagers. Other than being on vacation, they pretty much ignore me. So it has been nice to spend time together.
A Rainbow of Teaching
Sorry for your loss, Kristin. But you should know that happiness is what you give to so many people through your blog…your hilarious blog. Through reading other teacher's blogs, it is easy to see that you have touched so many teachers with your fun loving attitude towards life. Keep smiling ๐
New Adventures in Elementary
~Nadya (
I am HAPPY to be teaching first grade for the first time!
You rock!
I have TWO more days of school left! (Year-round school)
My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia at 14, but she didn't respond to treatment (keep reading for the happy part!) so a bone marrow transplant was her only hope. Her little brother was a perfect match (only a 25% chance to have a sibling match) so at 12 years old, he saved his sister'a life. She is now 4 years post transplant and a thriving 19 year old. We are beyond thankful and happy.
Happiness is… fixing your window that wouldn't roll back up for a 2hr trip back home on the freeway. :/ I literally did the happy dance moments after I got home. I googled my window issue and followed some easy fix-it instructions… open the door, turn on engine, shut it hard, and quickly press the button to roll it up. Voila! Ahhh… in my happy place right now.
Happiness is reading your blog … you always make me stop and really listen to what you are saying – your posts may make me laugh out loud or stop and think for a minute – thanks for reminding me today to count my blessings.
Jenni Taylor
I thought I would share a quote I found that makes me happy and hopefully brings a smile to your face as well
"Dance like the photoโs not being tagged.
Love like youโve never been unfriended.
Sing like nobodyโs following.
Share like you care.
And do it all like it wonโt end up on youtube!"
Best Wishes!
The Chalkboard Garden
I always love and look forward to talk about it Tuesday. Thanks for having fun and sharing with the rest of us.
Your writing always brings a smile to my face! Thank you for always sharing.
I read an article today that made me happy. It was about the kindness of strangers for a little boy named Danny with a brain tumor. For his birthday (July 25th) he wised for mail to open b/c he sometimes get lonely and loves to open mail (I totally remember the excitement of getting mail when I was a kid!). When I read the article this afternoon he had received over a thousand birthday cards/packages! It made me happy to see a picture of Danny with a big smile on his face surrounded by the mail he has received. I am thankful that there are kind people in the world (like your husband & those who sent Danny a card) who show love through kind gestures to those who are facing a serious illness. I am happy that simple acts of kindness can help Danny and his family keep their minds off all he is facing for a little while. It makes me smile to think of the fun he will have opening all the birthday cards he has gotten and will receive ๐
Sorry about your loss. (Hugs). You make a lot of us happy by sharing your hard work and sparing us tons of time and energy! My boys and I always put on the "happy song" and dance til we get tired!
Losing someone is always difficult, I'm sorry for your loss. Happy? I just had arthroscopic surgery on my knee Monday, the wrappings came off today, and I can take a showerrrrr!!!!!!! The first since Sunday and I need one ๐
My hubby and I are celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary next weekend. We are getting away from "life" and going over to Monterrey for a 4 day weekend. This is one of our favorite "get-away" places. I am also happy that Summer Camp is ending and in two weeks I will be back teaching my kindergarten kiddos.
So sorry for your loss. But I am happy that you and your husband were able to be a special part of the last months. And that you have everything in perspective! My "happy" is that we are in the final stages of our adoption journey. Just awaiting the call that will bring our children to us! The waiting is stressful but we are happy to be this far and close to the end!
That is so wonderful that your husband was able to be there for his friend, checking things off his bucket list – we should all have a friend who is so selfless and kind. ๐ That kind of thing brings a warm feeling to my heart. Even though it's a sad, tragic situation, it sounds like there was joy too.
If Farmer Chris becomes the next Bachelor, that will make us all happy, right? We all need little diversions when life gets so big.
First of all, I am so sorry for you and your husbands' loss….and all others who knew and loved him. There are no words to ever comfort someone (at least I haven't found them yet), just time and memories.
How do you transition….. Something that makes me happy? ——Watching the bachelorette with a big ol' bag of popcorn! Sidenote- I totally agree with your Nick 'dislike'. He's a boy. Like, I maybe feel like he didn't have a prior relationship and that this is his first. He's bambi and Josh is the father on Rudolf…. ya know! Anywho, that's what makes me happy these days. Simple entertainment, that doesn't change the world.
Here my email, girl:
Love reading your blog ๐
K&C Love Grade 3
Things that make me happy – Your blog, the Bachelorette, and Big Brother…HA! Thanks for all the inspiration and validation you send my way!
Love your posts on the Bachelorette! Feel the same way about Josh, Chris, and Nick that you do! ๐ I was so happy to see my hubby running around and helping little ones learn how to play baseball on Monday nightโฆwe've been trying to get preggers for a while now so it was awesome to see him get the chance to be a daddy like he wants to be!
We are on summer break! That's my happy comment! Teacher's go back in VA August 25 and students come September 2nd, so there's still a little summer left!
It's been a great summer! I'm teaching Bridge to K and it's so much fun!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Happiness, captured in this moment, is being at the neighborhood pool while a surprising & glorious summer shower is raining down on the squealing kids. One little darlin' just jumped out of the pool because he said he didn't want the rain to get him wet! ๐– Love love you and your blog. Makes me smile every time.
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