I am glad to know I’m in good company over the fact that I can’t believe it’s time for the July Currently.
OMT. Oh My Thor.
Where is my summer vacation going? And what in the world will I tell people when they ask what I did during the summer????????
Let’s see . . . I went to TX. And I ate lunch. And snacks. And I blogged. And read blogs. And I read books. And that’s about it. Because the rest of the time, I was asleep.
Is that okay?????? Is that acceptable, do you think?
Well, in any case, whether or not you think my summer vacation is story worthy, I am linking up with Farley. Here goes.
I have been with my hubby since I was nineteen. I have no clue what it’s like to date as an adult, but if this new show is any indication, I am really glad I don’t have to find out.
My sleeping schedule is beginning to resemble a vampire’s. I wasn’t worried a couple of weeks ago, but it’s starting to get a little ridiculous. All I’m thinking is how am I going to get back on a schedule when school starts . . . seeing as how I don’t really wake up until the kids would be going to last recess or even packing up to go home . . . I don’t think it’s going to work.
I am going to start something on my To Do List. I am. I am. I am.
Stop looking at me like that.
Okay. I’m going to TRY.
Obviously, I am having difficulty getting a tan due to the whole vampire lifestyle.
People. I listed my first product on TpT. And it wasn’t for free. Shocker, I know. I feel a little guilty about it. So much so that I can’t stop checking my stats. I am driving myself absolutely batty. Batty because it goes with vampires. I would have said crazy, but I’m not crazy.
I love to read “Kiss Me, I’m Perfect” by Robert Munsch.
Oh AWKWARD doesn't even begin to describe it girl! Talk about having to kiss a lot of frogs…
P.S. I'm the linky behind yours. Go be a rule follower. =)
Emily @ Second Grade Sillinessย
I can't imagine being married since 19. Well done! My students ask me all the time, why I am not married:-) I tell them I am waiting for Josh Groban or any Dodger player. But really, it may be due to being so shy….or needing a life outside of school:-)
Chickadee Jubilee
I didn't know you were on TPT. I'm going to check out your store now. My sleep schedule is way off and I feel the need for a nap on most days. I think it's totally okay since we exhaust ourselves during the school year.
Swimming into Second
I felt guilty when I posted my first item for sale on TPT too. I don't know why… I keep checking my stats too in anticipation lol. ๐
Learning Is Something to Treasure
OMG- my best girlfriends and I went to Corpus Christie for the weekend and went out dancing and as soon as we got into the car we all were so thankful we weren't in the dating scene! Gotta check out your product!
Rowdy in First Grade
I think your vacation is totally acceptable. It has to be because mine is starting to follow a similar track!!
You left the state you live in…so that definitely counts as doing something over the summer! I may have to drive a while just to say I spent some time in another state. NOT! I have to disagree about the book though…I'm pretty certain it was written about me.
That's what summer vacations are for – to adopt a new lifestyle! ๐ Speaking of, I'm definitely feeling a Twilight marathon is in order…
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
You're funny with your vampire life style!!! I got too much sun today going golfing (I watched) with my son today…ooops! As soon as you do something on your to do list you have to link up!!! Please oh pretty please:)))
4th Grade Frolics
I haven't read that book yet – but I love Robert Munsch because he wrote "Thomas's Snowsuit" and "Moira's Birthday" and those are two of my kids' names! If he would just write something about a Joshua and a Robert I would be set lol!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
My sleeping schedule is pretty vampirish, too!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
You are currently loving what I am currently loving… and I think that is OK… It's what summer is all about!
I have never read that Robert Munsch book. I thought I had read them all. Happy to be wrong. Sounds great.
Tans are overrated ๐
โคDragonflies in First โค
I love reading your posts and cracking up and then having my husband look at me strangely! ๐ good luck with your TpT sales! ?
Ok those ?? Are supposed to be a four leaf clover but I guess the image isn't able to copy ๐
thanks so much for linking up BFF… I was super guilty when I posted on TpT and I still feel guilty a little when I post now… weird huh? and you have had a perfectly normal teacher summer… late nights late wake up with a few travels in between
and last I am so glad you like the Rule of Three
I think it is spreading some love around ๐
I still check my TpT stats like it's going out of style. You'll become obsessed! ๐ Good luck with that.
And…. I'm just like you when it comes to sleep! I'm up wayyyy late and I sleep in wayyyy late!
So glad I'm not the only one suffering EFTS (Exausted From Teaching Syndrome) every time I sit for longer than 5 min. I'm asleep. I go to bed in the wee hours and get up late. Ain't it great not having to follow a schedule?!?!??
You are currently doing what I am!!! Avoiding work, staying up late, and sleeping in…
since everyone is old enough to make his/her own breakfast- I don't have to get out of bed when they do- whoo hoo!
โGo NuTTY with ME!
I wish I could sleep later especially since I am staying up later but that doesn't seem to be happening…maybe because I am not doing much during the day!!! =)
I am off to check out your TpT store.
Heather's Heart
The blog contain some great ideas of life, thanks for sharing, Send gifts to Pakistan from UK.
Your blog is great! I just read that you use the HM series. There is a great website called cherry carl-you can go to google and type that name in and it is the first link that pops up. She has a TON of printables to use as supplements for HM and a lot of other great stuff! She has it broken down into units.
Good luck!