I get my stitches out today! Most have dissolved, but there are a couple hanging around. At least, I hope that’s what’s going on. Otherwise, the periodontist is going to see a popcorn kernel and I think I’m going to get in trouble. Do you also think he’ll notice the wine that I drank through a straw?
Hometown Dates! Here we go!
We start the episode with Emily going over the menu. I mean, over each guy that’s left. We have Chris, Jef, Arie (she said he had a bad boy edge–WHAT!? Why? Because he wears skinny jeans?) and Sean. Saving the best for last, perhaps?
Mostly, I was just bored with that part, and wanted to fast forward, but I’m here for you all. That’s me–a giver. That is, until I started selling on TpT and then . . . not-so-much.
Have we talked about how nice Emily’s house is????
Number One: Chris in Chicago. I love Chicago. The hubs and I went there one time to see the Dodgers play the Cubs, and I wanted to live in the neighborhoods by Wrigley Field and work in a bar at night. Actually, it’s a bah since people really can’t say their “r’s” in Chicago.
Um, DID Emily tell Chris’s dad that she was falling in love with him?????? I think her exact words were “yes” in response to a question about “is there love?” Yes. Of course. Love is all around. From me to you. From Emily to Ricki. Between a table and chair. I don’t know. I’m a little worried Dad may have led Chris astray . . .
Number Two–Jef
Utah. I have only driven through the state. No personal stories for you.
Emily and Jef shoot guns. And Jef shows off. Emily thinks he’s hot while he’s shooting. (Because I am old, I thought he looked like a boy playing a video game. Not exactly hot on my end.) Emily is a good shot. No surprise there — we all know she’s a hood rat. By the way, I still don’t know what that means, but I imagine it’s scary. Rats are scary. Especially in a hood. Like a hooded sweatshirt??? Goosebumps scary.
Jef has lots of siblings. Does anyone else think his family is rich???
Jef wrote and read a letter to Emily. It was missing something. I think it would have been better with puppets.
Number Three – Arie
Arizona. Well, I’ve been there! My grandparents live there. The last time I was there was for my grandma’s 90th birthday. And the best part was driving with my family in a suburban and laughing over a country song called Teddy Bear. It’s supposed to be a sad song, but the way I talked about it made everyone in my family crack up. We died laughing. We still laugh about it. One day, I should write a post about that song. Then I won’t be the only one in stitches.
Emily is brave. No freaking way would I have gotten in that race car. Nope. I would have told Arie no. And ABC no. And then I would have told Chris Harrison to get in that car. No.
Boys with guns, boys with cars—what is this?
European parents.
Dutch. I do not understand.
Arie took a minute to translate. A long minute. Too long.
Arie’s mom is kind of sexy. Wow. Don’t get me wrong. My mom is sexy, too. But let’s all remember that my mom just broke her femur a couple of months ago. I’m telling you, if it wasn’t for that cane, my mom would be even sexier.
Number Four–Sean
Texas. I think we all know how I feel about Texas. And two big dogs. And a lake. And the breeze. And flowers. And a Texan accent. And a dimple. And big muscles.
{I would like to interject here and say the next time I go on a picnic, I just want to walk away when I’m all finished, and let the camera guys clean it all up}
When Emily met Sean’s family, I thought YES. YES.
And then DUN DUN DUN.
Sean lives at home and his room is a mess and he wishes his MOM had picked up a little.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Please let this be a joke!!!!
It was. It was a joke. I didn’t laugh. If I were Emily, I would have punched him in his huge big biceps. Or taken off his shirt and slapped him with it.
Oh, you guys—-I’m in love with Sean’s dad. I can’t help it.
Sean always runs after Emily. I love it.
Rose Ceremony:
Bon Voyage, Chris. Or however you say goodbye in Polish.
Poor guy.
Except he’s a big baby. Literally. As Ryan said, he’s only 25.
Ya big baby.
I’m very much looking forward to next week. Who do you predict will be in the final two???????? Who’s your pick??????
I'm lovin' your Talk about it Tuesdays!! I am a HUGE Sean fan… mostly because he is damn gorgeous and I could look at him all day! And even though Jef and his Pompadour-ish hair is sooo not my type, I think they have a great connection.
I pick Sean & Jef for the top 2 and I think she picks Jef… even though I'd like her to pick Sean!
T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)
Sean is my favorite…although I might have more of a crush on his family! Also being a Dodger fan and living in Chicago would be scary! And on that note…what is happening to the Dodgers?
Chickadee Jubilee
Oh ya, Jef's family has money. No doubt.
I don't know what she sees in Arie. It must be something they aren't showing on TV because I don't get it. Plus, one of my best friends that I have known since I was 7 is Danish and she would NEVER let the family speak Danish while I just sat there. How RUDE!
I'd be happy if she ended up with Jef or Sean. They're both lovable.
Excuse me!! I live in Chicago and I say my Rs just fine!!! ๐
I totally knew Chris was going home, and he was being a jerk, buuuuut I still felt bad for him at the end. Not that I wanted him to stay but he tried his best and whatever. I guess that is just the teacher in me. ๐
Marvelous Multiagers!
I really like all three guys, not sure who my favorite is. I live in AZ and I didn't even realize until last night's episode that Arie's dad is two time Indy winner Arie Luyendyk! Where have I been? Duh, they have the same first name, they are both race car drivers and they live in Scottsdale AZ. That was crazy how they were speaking Dutch in front of Emily and she didn't know what they were saying. I felt bad for her!
Love your recap. I think Jef will win.
I love Sean, I hope she falls for him!!! I don't like Jef I think he is too much of a dork!!!! Sean is just delicious!!! I loved the pranks…did u see the ending credits where his dad pulled out Sean's favorite dinner…armadillo? Loved the look on her face! Hope you are enjoying your days ๐
OK I"m pretty sure we can eliminate Arie, can't explain why (at least not in English) just a feeling. So it comes down to Jef and Sean. It's totally 50/50 for me now, she could go either way and have a great life. But, have you noticed that Jef includes Ricki in their conversations often. He bought her that puppet in Croatia, he said he really wants to be a Dad to her. For me that is gonna be the clincher for Emily. Honestly though I think she is in love with both of them.
In love with 2 guys at the same time – this IS a problem. It could be fun though although not for the poor guy she doesn't pick.
Best line in the whole show last night – When Chris said "I'm more of a man than any of those guys in there." Really big baby? do you really think that highly of yourself.
OK I'm done. I feel better.
Love your posts!
I was totally rooting for Jef until last night, and then Sean's hometown pretty much sealed my love fore him. Now I'm on team Sean.
3rd Grade Sprinkles
Apparently I'm the only one here, but I love Arie. Really. I totally get it. the other guys pale in comparison for me.
She loves it when a guy runs after her, so I think Arie and Sean.
โฐ Kimberley โฐ
First in Maine
I think Sean and Emily make the best couple, but for some reason, I think she really likes Arie too. My guess is Jef goes home after next week even though I think he's so lovable!
I still think Arie is the best looking one, but I think she may go for Jef. He seems the most into Emily's whole life and it was cute when they were talking about their future laying on the floor in last weeks episode. I have to watch my DVR for this week's episode. I only cought the end. Bye Bye Chris….no love loss there.
Cialini Chat
Arie. Sean is too good to be true.Jeff is too young. Arie. It has to be Arie.
First Grade @ Storybook Cafe
I pick Jef and Sean. I'm not an Arie fan at all! Loved your recap as always, especially the part about Emily being a hood rat! ๐
I think it will be Arie and Sean. I don't like Jeff. His pompadour hair drives me nuts. He's too young. Arie is her man…Mark my words… That's who she'll end up with.
Second In Line
I love that you have a recap of the Bachlorette! I pick Arie, but I also like Sean so..either one.
Tough pick- she will go totally opposite of what people think she wants- I like Sean the most- we might have to do some deep digging on the internet to see who she is secretly seeing…
Can't wait for Monday night.
Yay! I could FINALLY read your post. I watched Bachelorette last night…or this morning… at 3 am… just because I was so bothered that I had yet to read your post.
My heart dropped to my toes when Sean said he lived at home… then showed her his "room". But then I was happy… Funny Guy, Funny Family. yes and yes.
Arie does not scream "bad boy" to me either. I don't get it. I like him – but I wouldn't call him a bad boy.
I LOVE Sean and his family and his muscles… mostly the muscles. I see what she sees in Arie, but I don't think she'll pick him. Jef kinda reminds me of that guy from "The Breakfeast Club" and "Sixteen Candle" who plays the nerd in love with Molly Ringwald. That said, I think he's totally cute and has such a sweet, romantic side to him. But then again, I'm a sucker for a nerd. If only there was a way to combine Jef's personality and Sean's muscles… hmmmmm.
Sean and Jef are mine! I mean my picks for Emily. Jef is so fun but I am afraid he will not hang around forever. Sean seems more solid. I totally thought Sean lived at home. I was terrified. I was scared of all the stuffed animals. I thought the cookie fetish was out of control. I was freaked out and almost didn't recover. It was weird not funny.
you're hilarious. I look forward to your TAIT posts more than anything! I pick Sean, but then again I am never right. Probably bc I pick the relationship that would last and they pick whatever won't work out in the end. hahaa ๐ Chat again Tuesday!
Always A Lesson
LOVE SEAN! He could NOT be cuter…or more muscular! Not sure about Arie…I did not dig his fam AT ALL. Think final two will be Sean and Jef…Sean will win {if I was the Bachelorette!}
Kelli ๐
Castles and Crayons
All the stuff I read (which I shouldn't) on the internet says Arie and Jef! Sad face!! I am totally team Sean except that I really wonder where he DOES live…? I think she thinks she needs tall dark and racecar driver. But I think she needs muscly blond hottie. Jef is too small. The end.
I love these post because they make this show even better…you always crack me up. =)
I think we would have to have a Come to Jesus talk about things we don't joke about…baked armadillo??!!!???? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! That was scary even for this Texas gal!
Heather's Heart