I made it.
PJ and I are reunited. My feet are up. They’re a little tired after being in a classroom all day long. With books. And backpacks. And actual little human beings.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my group. Oh my word. Can you say SWEET?
I can. SUH-WEET!
I have three sets of twins. And I am a twin. How interesting.
Two sets are together in my class. So I practically have quadruplets except that they’re not all related. The other set is split between my partner and me. And I. And me.
I don’t care about grammar that much at this point.
Anyways, one set of twins is to die for. I can’t explain it. They call each other Bro Bro and they are attached at the hip. They are identical and I can’t figure out who is who. I love watching their relationship. They are also related to somebody famous and I’m dying to tell you guys, but I can’t. DRAT. I am in love with these twins. They suggested they spend the night in the classroom so that they wouldn’t be late tomorrow. I suggested they just come home with me.
So they’re on the other end of my couch in their pjs. It’s a slumber party over here.
Anywho, I’m really happy. 🙂
In previous years, I have felt really sad right about lunch time on the first day of school. I take my new group into the lunch room and mass chaos ensues. No one knows what they’re doing and they don’t understand that I’m leaving them in there. “Where are you going, teacher?” “Teacher, don’t you eat with us?” “Teacher, can you open this?”
I can barely get out alive.
Meanwhile, I see my old kids. And there they go, just looking like Lunch Experts and Mr. and Mrs. Independent. THAT’S when I want to cry. And I may accidentally say, “I’ve heard your second grade teacher is a monster. I’ve got room in my class. How about you come back?”
I didn’t feel that way today. We went into the lunch room, my kids sat down, and they started to eat. The end.
I stood around for a bit . . . extended myself . . . “Need help?” The answer was no. Over and over. So I left. After I stalked some of my old kids and told them I heard their teacher was a monster . . .
The worst part about today was the weather. We only got our morning recess. Poor kids. I don’t see it changing this week, either.
Some of you have left comments that you want to see pics of my room (especially my seating arrangement for 30 kids). I didn’t post any because I basically have the exact same room as last year. Down to the pencils. But, I’ll take you on a tour again. As long as I can sit down and just point.
View from the door
We’re going to have some writing up here. Fingers crossed, anyway.
Carpet area. That’s our class bear in my chair. He comes in handy
for kids who might be crying, homesick, hurt, etc. I wash him A LOT
because he takes care of illnesses, too.
Calendar and another bulletin board – we’ll have some art up there.
Cubbies and stuff.
Another bulletin board. It will have art and writing.
That table is no longer there. I switched it with my semi-circle table
to make room for Miss Ladybug.
I no longer have TODD, the overhead. Now I have Miss Ladybug.
I love her.
This is our supply area. Kids can get crayons, pencils,
band-aids, etc. They drop their Sight Word list in that basket.
The rectangular table is over here now and it’s our Writing Center.
You are also looking at my illegal curtains. I have to spray them with
flame retardant stuff. Soon. Or I could go to jail. Because I’m not taking the
curtains down. Even though that would be easier. But it wouldn’t be as cute,
now would it?
My desk and other stuff. See my bag in the chair? It always
gets to sit there. I never do. That’s our sink and door. That
door leads to the OUTSIDE. As in, the HEAT. Or the rain, whatever
the case may be. Most days, it leads to beautiful weather.
Library with burned out ceiling light
View of my desk
I don’t know this view very well.
Okay, this is embarassing. But I have to show you.
I got a straw dispenser for my pencils!!!!
And then I ran out of time to scrapbook it.
So I got sticker letters. That are kind of ugly.
I want a Silhouette or a Cameo or a Cricut so I can change those letters.
But I don’t have one. So I apologize sincerely for the ugly black font.
I truly hope you don’t have to wash out your eyes with soap.
Updated Library Labels
Inspired by Kristen from Ladybug’s Teacher Files
Close up view
Updated Math Center Labels
Close up view
There you go.
Nothing special.
I forgot to take a couple of pics of some new Pinterest inspired projects so I’ll try to remember later.
As for now, the twins are telling me that they’re tired. So I need to zip up their sleeping bags. Plus, Big Brother is about to call my name.
PS Did everyone see Tony’s tank top on the Bachelor Pad?? It looked like Ryan’s from the Bachelorette!!! Not to mention, Shane from Big Brother was wearing a PINK ONE!!! What is going on??????????????????? Is this a trend or are they raiding girl’s closets?
Where did you find the straw dispenser? I have been looking for one…and have been unsuccessful 🙁
So glad you had a great first day – here's to a super duper great school year. I love your classroom…very tidy….teeny tidy teacher, perhaps?!?!?
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
SO glad that your kids are so SWEET and that they didn't need you at lunch. I just LOVE reading your stuff. Oh, and there will be SEVERAL teachers giving out Starburst in TX for Open House after I led them to your post at my blog workshop last week!!
Happy hugs,
The Corner On Character
Happy to hear you had a great first day…I have a feeling my pj's are going to be missing me Friday! I need to know about this flame retardant spray…where do I get this?? I need some or else the super mean fire marshal might make me take down my curtains and I just can't!
Mrs. Plant's Press
Glad you had a good first day! Never bring the kids home (I'm just sayin'). They expect you to feed them and stuff! I like that you started on a Wednesday-that way it is closer to the weekend. Good luck tomorrow!
Your room looks awesome…and the writing center…WOW! Your kids are very, very lucky. A great beginning to your year!
Christine Quimby
I hope my first day is as much of a success as your was!
Glad you had a good first day! Im behind on Big Brother this season!
Congrats on a good group…and I still can't believe you have 30 kiddos! I just got my class list: I have 19. I'm sorry…really
Synonym Rolls & Antonym Moments
I'm so happy to hear you have a great class!!! I hope that happens for me too. I did have half of them last year in first grade so we'll see… 🙂
Your room looks so nice and neat!! Please come help me!
Marvelous Multiagers!
Where do I get a pink tank top? Speaking from the male perspective, the neon is in, especially pink. Really, I need a pink tank top like now!
Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten
You HAVE to give a hint of who the twins are related to!!! I cannot believe you're in school already. And your pencil dispenser is cute & doesn't need stuff all over it–less is more!
Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten
I'm so happy for you–your group sounds lovely!! Those Bro Bro boys must be adorable!!! I really enjoyed seeing your classroom tour because you have the most beautiful curtains! I love that picture, with the little lamp. I even just got distracted in writing to you because I had to scroll back up the page to look at it again! Thanks for the sweet words…your library and math centers look awesome and so organized! (can you imagine saying that last sentence to a non-teaching person??). Congrats on a gorgeous room and sweet class Kristin!
I found the fire retardant spray at Joanne's Fabric…I do all of my bulletin boards in fabric as well as have curtains, so I have to use it.
Ahhhh…Where oh where did you find the straw dispenser? I have searched everywhere…ebay amazon etc…All they have are the metal ones and I want one like yours?! Let me know!!
Glad you survived your first day. 30 kids…insane! We are still in the 20's for the time being. Who knows what next year will bring. The heat was unbearable today as I picked up my daughter…I get to do that for 3 days before we have our first day. And, guess what? My daughters teacher is Mrs. Oldham and she can't be much taller than you are with blond hair. It's strange…and only 25 miles away! Enjoy your short week…we start Monday!
I can't believe you are already started! We don't start until after Labor Day (stupid D.C. tourism rule) which means I will be super jealous around mid-June when I am waiting for the year to end and you are sipping on a fruity drink in your PJs 😛
❤ Karen
Flamingo Fabulous in Second Grade
I love the straw dispenser for the pencils! I NEED one!!! Please share where you got it 🙂 Twins are so cute – I always wanted a set of my own. When I was student teaching we had a set of quads in the room – they were adorable! Glad you had a good first day!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
Glad you have a great class…and had a great first day! And 30? Yeesh! I can't be the only one but I actually think those stinkers are your straw dispenser are cute! Simple, cute and to the point. (no pun intended) Like others asked, where did you get your straw dispenser?
~ Mizz J
Apple Blossoms
I love having twins. One year I had 3 sets in my classroom. Loved your class pictures. You should come link up to my giveaway/linky.
Cute classroom! Glad our first day went great. I found a straw dispenser advertised
I laughed through this whole post. Then I felt anxiety that you have already started back and it will soon be my turn. There is so much to do!!!
Love your room!
Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas
I was feeling sad that I have to go back to work tomorrow until I read you had kids already!!!! I have riveting meetings to keep me from getting my room ready until kids come Wed! SO glad you have a sweet group and I am dying to know who the twins are related to!
Finally in First
We are so glad you survived Day 1! Still finding it so wrong that you are starting back in the squelching heat of summer-bless those lil peanuts for surviving life after lunch! Best of luck for Day 2 and make sure you feed those twins a hearty breakfast in the morning.
~Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade
Omg! I'm glad I'm not alone about Shanes tank! Um, I think he's raiding Brits closet for sure! Lol!
Omg! I'm glad I'm not alone about Shanes tank! Um, I think he's raiding Brits closet for sure! Lol!
I have had a set of twins in my room every year since i started teaching. It's usually because the mom's never want to see them split up, and our kinder teacher never wants to split them up, and she know's I don't mind taking them. So of course, this year I have a pair of twins too 🙂 Also, you need to share how your experience with the pencil dispenser goes! I have seen it on Pinterest and would love to hear how it works before I go on a relentless hunt for one.
❤ -Stephanie
Falling Into First
Oh, I loved your first day post. I also love your room. It looks so big, but I bet it doesn't with 30 little bodies in it. I had three twins one year. I had one of each set and a co-worker had the other one of each set. It was fun. Last year and the previous year I split only one set of twins. Not nearly as much fun. Make sure those little ones you took home brush their teeth tonight!
Thank you for sharing.
Whoa do I feel for you this week with this heat… and the earthquakes. 😀
I love your room. The curtains are perfect!
The 30 kiddos in your room are blessed to have you as their teacher. They have a great and fun place to learn too. Your room looks wonderful. =)
I hope your class stays sweet…sometimes the little stinkers hide their true colors…but you still gotta love em! =)
Heather's Heart
You have an amazing classroom! I am so glad you got a good group of kids! The curtains really bring a great feeling into the room–almost a calming feeling. Awesome!
Sounds like you had a great first day! Our kids don't start back until the 22nd, so I'm still savoring a little bit of break. However, don't be jealous because I'm jealous you get to leave your kids at lunch…and on day one nonetheless!
Living A Wonderful Life
I'm glad you have such a sweet class! Thanks for sharing your room. I need to figure out how to fit 31 Kinders in my room this year. I need to stop whining about having such a big class. After years of class size numbers going down, they seem to be going up again. I haven't had over 30 since the first year I taught (1978…I'm old, I know). Now I see many with large classes again. 🙁
Terri Izatt
I love that you have two (and a half) sets of twins! I'm surprised they are in the same class. Is that by parents choice, or by chance? I have siblings in my class, since I teach a combined grade class.
I'm glad your first day went well. Where did you find that dispenser?? I've been looking since you posted about it before!
Thanks for sharing- once again I laughed out loud several times! Your room looks huge- I love it! My room is certainly not made for 30 students- I did it two years ago & we were all on top of each other. Have a great rest of your first week! We start 8/20.
I can't believe you are back in school! Yay that your kiddos are cuties! Hope mine will be too! Your room is fantastic!
Kerri B
I totally love the little chairs in your library and the straw dispenser… should be pinned ALL OVER THE INTERNET!!! LOVE that!!! So different. So Creative!
The room looks so neat and organized….way to go! I can't wait to hear stories about the twins sets you have this year. I like the pencil dispenser, it's fine. Sometimes less is more you know. I still have until Labor Day so I am liking all you gals that go back before me so I can get ideas.
Keep the stories coming!
Cialini Chat
I want a straw dispenser now!!!!! Love it!
That's so funny!
I just posted about wanting a cameo myself! I'm just not sure I'd use it to justify the price. But I have a bad habit of getting things I want anyway. How selfish!
One Berry Blog
My daughter' s brother in law flew home this weekend to Phoenix with Arie. I have a cute pic of him from a cell on Facebook.
WOW, your back already! I would love to see a copy of your school calendar! So happy that your first day went well! I want your curtains!!! SMILES and stop by anytime!
I love your curtains! So "homey".
Are you serious that the twins came home with you?! I've wanted some of my kids (only a select few) to come home with me but I've always been afraid to ask. You know, somebody might call Child Proctection on me or jump to some other absurd conclusion that I'm some sort of pedafile. We've got rules/laws in our parish where we can't even be friends on Facebook with ANY student if we are a teacher – even if we know those kids from church or helped raise them. There are some of us who break that rule but you didn't hear that from me. So I've never had the nerve to ask if a kid can come home with me. And your room is huge! I wouldn't take the curtains down either – the risk of jail is worth it!
Just to clarify, when I said "even the kids we 'helped raise' – I didn't mean our actual own kids. Just those we know really, really well, you know like since they were in their mother's belly kind of thing.
I am your new reader. Love your blog ♡♥ You're classroom looks so cozzy and beautiful. I love your window's curtain ^__^ And your straw dispenser is a WINNER!!!
♡♥ Lucky