Day 2 down.
It was another scorcher, but seeing as how you haven’t come here to talk about the weather, I’ll just say that at the end of the day I was Mrs. Stinky Stink. I told everyone to steer clear of me. Don’t get too close, I said.
I do have air conditioning in the classroom. I would run it all day long except for the fact that these little children in my room complain that it’s too cold, I’m cold, can you turn it off? Sometimes, I say yes. Other times, I just pretend to turn it up. Most of the time, I tell them I like to sleep in a freezing cold room.
At the end of the day, I walked my kids all the way to the back gate (you can see a map HERE) and then I was stopped by a parent. Not even one of my parents. Just a parent. Ten or fifteen minutes later, I slid back to my classroom in a puddle of sweat.
But the kids – oh, so sweet. Such troopers. Most of the whining came from me.
Alright. Let’s talk pencils.
Even though my straw/pencil dispenser isn’t the cutest thing on the planet, several of you have asked where I got mine.
FIRST, this is a pinterest inspired find.
The original pin can be traced back to {THIS} Etsy shop. By the way, THAT particular straw dispenser is sold.
SECOND, Amy at The Resource(ful) Room did an entire post on her pencil dispenser. Check it out {HERE}. It is MUCH cuter than mine. She happened to read my pencil post and left me a comment which led me, in turn, to stalk her. She helped me tremendously and gave me the Amazon link where she found her straw dispenser.
There’s a slight problem. When I used Amy’s link, I was able to get my straw dispenser for about $25. When I clicked on it today, it was about $43. If you’re a fancy pants and you’ve got lots of money to spend, and you just want this in your Chief Executive Officer Office or Attorney at Law Office, click {HERE}.
However, if you’re a teacher and get paid what I do, plus get paid nothing for Furlough Days, here are some other links in the $25-$30 range.
Thanks for showing us the different options for straw dispenser. I am flat you know what broke right now, so cheaper is better!
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Thanks for sharing about the dispensers! Your day sounds like fun – minus the heat of course!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
You are so funny….love your sarcasm…because you say what I'm thinking! I love the pencil/straw dispenser!
As for Big Brother…umm seriously Mike Boogey is a big jerk! I loved Janelle's comments to him tonight!
A is for Apple B is for Blog
Love you. That's all.
I really want one..but I don't think that two little students will justify me spending that much 🙂 Maybe when I go back into the classroom!
Thanks for the follow up! As usual, you make my night with your funny posts 🙂
❤ -Stephanie
Falling Into First
When my kids say they are too cold because the back door is open onto the weed patch… courtyard… I tell them that when it is cold, I'm nicer. Even more nice than usual. Which is pretty amazing. So nice that I may even give the kids teacher plan time… Student Educational Explore Time… So get a sweater. Aren’t they lucky? I thought so.
Corinna 😉
Teaching Fabulous Firsties!
Your posts make me laugh out loud (literally, not just lol). Just thought you might want to know! 🙂 Happy Friday!!!
That's hilarious! I like to say that same thing about everything costing "$100.00" in my room!!! White lies are ok, right?
Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
Mrs. Wheeler TpT
Thanks for the tips on the pencil thingies, I want one. By the way, yours looked fine. We don't have air, but the kids don't come for two more weeks so hopefully. . . However we will get about a bazillion emails from safety, I sit in an conditioned office, man about not propping any outside doors open, so the first few weeks our rooms are in the 80's, I understand about the stinky part lol.
The pencil dispensers are such a great idea! I haven't seen those yet.
It is SO hot where we are..I cannot even stand to walk outside. Once school room will be freezing. I cannot handle it! Haha I'm ready for fall!
Sensational Seconds
Thank you for the great info! Such a great idea! I used your link for amazon and I ran into another listing that already has a labeled/decorated pencil dispenser. They do not have any ratings and I was wondering if any of you have purchased. See it here :
I also saw they have the push to dispense metal dispensers too…
Thank you for your help!